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Chapter 1126 Random speculations

"First of all, I have to emphasize that we did not betray our mother!"

The first generation ancestor said very seriously, and it was obvious that he cared about this matter very much.

"I don't quite understand the strange emotions between your family, but there is one thing I really want to know: which one of you is the bad one?"

Calga also asked seriously.

Who is the bad guy?

This kind of question is somewhat black and white.

But savages are not so absolute about things.

When acting, they will not consider the quality of a person. But when discussing issues, they will argue about the rights and wrongs of every stage of a matter.

This kind of argument is of course meaningless, but it can keep them occupied for a long time.

"I probably understand your confusion. If we describe it in a way that you can understand, we are the bad party."

The eyes of the first-generation ancestor were very calm, and he did not seem to have any psychological pressure to tell this answer.

"What did you do?"

Anda Kurgas asked.

"We? We chose free will, or shattered our parents' original plan."

The first generation ancestor said strangely.

"When Inarius and Lilith chose to have a child, their idea was probably to make the Nephalem, who have both angelic and demonic qualities, become a bridge?

Archangels have feelings, and so do demons.

It's just that the relationship between them is more of a like-minded one, and it was born on the premise of aversion to endless war.

It’s hard for me to say that it’s pure love. Maybe it’s a more appropriate description to say it’s a means.”

Auriel explained on the side.

The first generation ancestors who heard her words just spread their hands as if to express their approval.

"It suddenly changed from the issue of the continuation of the world and race to a family ethics script. I don't like this kind of story at all."

Calga said in a stiff tone.

"Of course, I don't like it either.

To put it simply, we don’t want to become a certain symbol, nor do we want to be the only symbol.

Although our parents had a seemingly good original intention, they were not completely without demands.

Like glory or something like that? I don’t understand, but it should be something similar.”

The first generation ancestor said.

When Lilith asked the first-generation Nephalem to massacre their territory, Inarius did not show up to stop them!

At least there was no clear-cut attempt to stop Lilith and the others!

This is already very revealing, especially since Inarius, as the being least likely to be concealed, acquiesces to the actions of Lilith and the Nephalem!

No one would believe that Inaris had no thoughts on this matter.

"So why did Inarius ever stand in front of Uldyssian?

If it was all something he tacitly approved of, what was the value of standing in front of Uldyssian?"

Calga asked.

"I don't know either. You don't think my father is the type who always explains the reasons to his children for whatever he does, right?

In fact, he rarely said anything to us children, and even I would not deny his love for us."

The first ancestor's chatty tone made Calgar a little confused as to how to continue this topic.

"So the shadow of Bulcasso over there should be the character we first saw? Or should it be the will of that time?

So how should we verify whether he is what we suspected?"

Anda Kurgas asked.

He was really a little confused.

"Then you can try calling him by another name."

Calga said casually.

"You mean light..."

Andakulgas' words were interrupted by a fiery and angry look!

"I have the answer."

Andakulgas turned his head and looked at Calga expressionlessly and said.

"Me too, it seems that everything has been determined.

So what does Bulcaisel want to do?"

Calga cleverly avoided the previous topic.

He always had the feeling that he would be beaten if he continued that topic!

Although Bulkesso at that time was not as powerless as it is today.

But at that time, Bulcaisuo could already hit Hyraba violently, so beating him Calga was not a problem.

Even though he didn't think that his role on the battlefield would be worse than that of Hailab.

But in terms of individual combat effectiveness, the number of barbarians on the Holy Mountain who can defeat Hyrab can be counted on one hand!

"I don't know, I'm also confused about what happened today.

Although I am almost used to things like layouts that have been separated for countless years, I don't understand what Bulcaisso, who has just regained his will, made such a judgment based on it.

If I remember correctly, knowing the existence of archangels is not common among barbarians, right?"

The first generation ancestor asked quietly.

"It is indeed not that common. It should be said that most barbarians have never seen a living archangel after dying in battle."

Andakulgas began to think.

"Hey, your brain is about to smoke. You are not suitable to think about these problems."

Calgar interrupted Andakulgas' thinking with a squeeze.

"The question now is, who should we listen to, the Bulcasso outside or the Bulcaisso here?"

Calgar asked the most important question.

Just like the fact that the first ancestor and Kanai are actually the same person, Kanai and the first ancestor do not always agree when doing things.

Now that there are two Bulkesso, who should they listen to?

"You should listen to me outside. He is the Immortal King, and I am just a consciousness of his back then.

Now I will only become more mature. Of course, it doesn’t matter if you say that I am mature and prudent.”

The shadow of Bulcaisel spoke!

Except for a few people who had no time to pay attention during the battle, everyone else didn't know what to say.

"I knew this guy didn't just have a simple fighting instinct."

Andakulgas's face kept twitching.

"Then do you think Volusk knows about this? After all, he summoned this phantom of Bulcasso.

If Volusk didn't do anything in this matter, then there should never have been such a Bulkesso!"

Calga cast suspicious eyes on Warusk, who was ravaging Hyrab and the others.

"He seems to be very busy. He probably doesn't have time to give us an answer. Maybe now he is not only enjoying the joy of fighting and crushing, but also experiencing the joy of intellectual crushing in his heart?"

Andakulgas said with a dull expression.

"So it seems that Volusk was instructed by me to do this, but in fact he was siding with Bulkesso to plot against me?"

The first-generation ancestor's expression became increasingly weird, but he knew who he should get the answers he needed from.

So the first generation ancestor looked towards Auriel.

It's a pity that he didn't see anything, because Auriel directly enveloped himself with a burst of light.

Not to mention looking at eyes and expressions, I can't even look at outlines.

Of course, the first-generation ancestor would not consider this approach as Auriel's acquiescence to his conjecture. In fact, he had never figured out what Auriel was thinking.

"I don't think so. If it was to plot against you, then Burcasso from outside the Holy Mountain would have come in long ago.

At least he should be standing behind you when you show up and start telling your story."

Andakourgas shook his head.

Calga on the side was still looking around, seemingly intending to find Bulcaisuo who had returned.

"I don't represent anyone but myself.

And Kor, I think it would be a good thing for us to have Mount Arreat back!

Even monsters who have returned from everything they once lost can give you some comfort!"

Warusk took the time to say something during the battle.

With more strength, he has gained an absolute upper hand in this battle.

You can even be distracted a little during the battle.

"So the calculations between the three immortal kings are one after another, but in the end they are all to achieve their own goals?"

Calga's expression gradually became horrified.

In the past, he had never thought that the three immortal kings of the barbarians were all such thoughtful types.

This is not barbaric at all...

"Just like if you want to eat a roast chicken while guarding the tribe, do you have to make a bet with the warrior who is out hunting that he can't catch a single bird today?

Then, in order to prove that you are stupid, people will even catch several birds in front of you.

You became a fool in his eyes, but you, a fool, got to eat the roast chicken!"

Andakulgas gave an example that was a bit troublesome, but that Calgar could understand.

Because he really did this back then.

"So the three immortal kings are using each other, and they also know that they are being used by each other. Then why don't they talk about it openly and openly?"

Calga asked strangely.

Is there any difference in the outcome if we all work together and if we are calculated to work together?

"Because among the three immortal kings, there is only one immortal king."

Bulcaisel's shadow slowly spoke.

The first generation ancestors, Volusk and Bulcaisuo, all three of them have the title of Immortal King!

But only one Immortal King can speak at a time!

"Because although our respective goals are not very different in the general direction, there are many differences in details.

If it is openly announced, will you be able to convince Bulquesso?"

The first generation ancestor said slowly.

The result is that they are less likely to convince each other, so it's back to the issue of authority!

Bulcasso is the current Immortal King! So Bulcasso has the final say!

Then the matter between the first generation ancestors and Warusk will be even further away from success!

"Bulkesser shouldn't be the type who doesn't listen to what he says."

Andacourgas said while recalling what happened after he and Bulkaso met.

He had to admit that Bulcaisel was a bit stubborn, but he wasn't the kind who ignored what others said.

"You have a one in 100,000 chance of convincing Diavolo not to kill the Nephalem. What will you do when you see him?"

Calga said with a sneer.

This question doesn't even require thinking about Andakulgas to give an answer.

He will never try to persuade, but will definitely choose to fight with dignity, even if he dies in battle.

"The possibility exists, but the possibility of rejection is greater.

And if we don't tell each other anything, then we still have a chance to achieve our goals.

This will at least prevent each other from knowing where to start when they want to object or even intervene."

The first generation ancestor said leisurely.

"Auriel, you don't have much time.

If this is the Bulquesso you're looking for, you'd better hurry!

Bulcasso outside will be going home soon, and you still underestimate Li Min’s abilities as a mage!"

The first ancestor shouted in the direction of Auriel.

But Auriel still just stood there without taking any action!

"Do you think there is a possibility that the Bulkeso shadow over there was also thinking in his mind when we were talking?

And Auriel knows what he is thinking, and then thinks that there is no need for her to take any further action?"

Kalga said numbly.

He felt that what happened during this period was much more exciting than the entire life he had lived...

I heard a lot of stories from the past, and then moved my mind frequently.

He even intervened in the battle of Warusk in his own way!

Even at this moment, he just wanted to have a good sleep and then see if it was all a dream when he woke up.

The heroic emotions that had arisen because of the battle between Hyrab and the others against Warusk gradually turned into speechlessness.

"Regardless of that, our efforts are not meaningless.

At least one thing I can be sure of is that if Warusk fails to deal with Hyrab and the others in the next time, then Warusk’s disappearance is a foregone conclusion.”

Anda Kurgas said.

There are too many things and my thinking is too confusing.

But this does not mean that the battle on Volusk's side has become a farce!

That's still the same as before!

If Volusk fails, it will disappear, and if Hyrab and the others are completely defeated, the barbarians who can speak out on the Holy Mountain will acquiesce in the resurrection of the Holy Mountain of Arreat.

This is still a life and death battle against time!

This is indeed the last thing Warusk can do!

Let the barbarians present have a unified opinion before Bulcaisel comes back!

This will force Bulqueso to accept the result!

"I think Warusk is doomed.

It was he who created the phantom of Bulcaisel over there. What do you think his position is?

If he really made up his mind to break up with Bulcasso, why would he summon Bulcasso, the ancestral spirit?

Although the effect of directly summoning the first-generation ancestors will be a little worse, it shouldn't be a problem to use it to crush Hyrab and the others, right?"

Calgar offered a different opinion.

But according to what he said, Warusk was with Bulkesso.

But this still doesn’t make sense!

If Volusk is with Bulkesso, then what is his purpose in doing this now?

Is it because these ancestor spirits are too leisurely, so they are looking for something to do?

"Worusk wants to sacrifice? So what can he get in exchange for his sacrifice?"

Andakourgas proposed another possibility.

What if Warusk's disappearance was something he was willing to do?

This seems to make sense, but what can this kind of sacrifice bring to the barbarians?

After Leiko's death in the battle, the barbarians were somewhat short of fighting power.

There are still many legendary demons in the Burning Hell, and the Nephalem's fighting power has never been enough!

"Maybe only he knows this, but if you are right.

Nakol is the only clown in this matter."

Calga looked at Kol who was still unable to move and said.

The legendary weapon Wrath of the Hidden Peak was taken away by Kalju in front of his face, and he could use it much more smoothly than Kol himself.

His limbs were broken by the power of the Storm Shield, and he could only lie on the ground for at least several days.

As a result, the leader I chose had already been on the other side!

This kind of joke even makes people feel a little pitiful for Cole...

"The problem is that the guys over there who were pushed to the ground by Warusk with the blaster have become clowns. What does the suffering they experienced at this time count?"

Calga glanced at Hairab and the others who were still struggling in the battle and said slowly.

As for the true meaning of the matter, we can only know after Bulcasso comes back.

Fortunately, you don’t have to wait too long!

This chapter has been completed!
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