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Chapter 1127 Volusk’s ultimate choice!

 Suddenly there was a fluctuation in the space!

Although it is just a fluctuation, they all know what it means!

Li Min has already started trying, which means there is not much time left before Bulcasso returns!

Warusk and the others also stopped during the battle!

He knew very well that there was no point in continuing to fight in the remaining time, and what he had to do had already been done.

"Damn it, you're finally here."

Hailab fell directly to the ground and cursed in his mouth.

Although Hailabu has not lost consciousness, the anger in his body is almost exhausted.

Even every time he is beaten, he will breed new anger, and every attack will make his anger more intense!

But when faced with Volusk's attack that didn't give him any chance to breathe, all Helab could think of was powerlessness.

It was not that he had never imagined how powerful the former Immortal King was, but when he really faced Warusk at this time, he clearly realized that guesses were always just guesses!

"Warusk, you still didn't kill us after all, so I can't figure out what you want to do!"

Cassius panted and pulled the temporary arm directly from his body.

By the way, blood was scattered all over the floor!

He stared at Warusk in front of him with wide eyes.

If Herab is the guy who suffered the most direct attacks from Volusk, then Cassius is the unlucky guy who suffered the most aftermath of Volusk's attacks!

Cassius with weapons and Cassius with bare hands, the latter is undoubtedly more powerful.

But when faced with such a crushing gap, even Cassius inevitably had the idea of ​​whether he should find a weapon.

What Warusk showed made him feel his own powerlessness, and even at this time his body could feel tired!

This is really rare for Cassius who constantly uses the skill of ignoring pain.

Normally, any negative feelings would not appear on him in this state, but just like this, Cassius felt physically tired.

This short battle has reached his limit!

"I just want you to still have a chance to become stronger. At this time, shouldn't you be very grateful to me?"

Warusk glanced at Cassius coldly, then picked up the hammer and covered him directly on the ground!

That kind of look is a bit impatient, or can we say that we can’t wait for the time?

It’s just that no one cares about this change in Warusk at this time!

At this time when Bulkesso is about to return, any impatient behavior of Volusk is normal.

"Neither birth nor death does not mean there will never be any change. As long as you follow my ideas based on your experiences over the years, you will be able to make further progress.

You all know what strength means to the current Nephalem, why are you so unwilling?"

Warusk said as if he was talking to himself, but at this time his voice no longer had the arrogance and irritability it had before.

On the contrary, he wanted to tell his children sincerely and sincerely that he felt the same way.

It's just that while he was talking, he stepped on Banal, who finally got up, into the ground again!

This added a comical sense of abuse to his words.

"Olongus, I won't make it easy for you.

Although Burquesso probably won’t let me stay, there’s always a chance.”

Warusk threatened Orlongus in the distance like a farewell.

As he spoke, he pointed at Olongus with one free hand.

The deep eye sockets made his eyes hidden by shadows, but everyone could tell that he didn't mean to joke.

At this time, Olongus's legs were trembling!

The expression on Warusk's face when he looked at him was strange enough, even particularly scary!

But this is not the reason why Olongus is trembling. Although he is not incapable of fear, his trembling at this time is due to excessive use of the power of the earth!

The power of Gruchak, the God of the Earth, is not something that can be used casually!

There is still a huge gap between Olongus's physique and Gruchak's, so this power naturally puts a huge burden on him.

At this time, Olongus didn't even hear Volusk's threatening words clearly, and his mind was occupied with just how strong Gruchak's body was.

"Warusk, you don't seem to think that you will definitely disappear?"

Kalqiu put the Wrath of Hidden Peak on the ground and asked with a strange expression.

He more or less felt something unusual, but he couldn't be sure for a while whether this feeling was correct.

Although many barbarians trust their intuition, Kalju is the type who doubts the correctness of his intuition!

Many warriors like to fight with physical experience, but not Kalqiu!

His skills come from his reason, and also from his reaction ability which is much faster than other ancestral spirits!

While Kalju was speaking, he shook his hands that had lost consciousness.

His hand was bruised from multiple head-on collisions with Warusk.

Kalju is good enough. He is one of the few people who can defeat Hailab when using weapons!

But facing the crushing power that Warusk had shown before, Kalju still felt uncomfortable!

Running away is never the best way to fight when facing Volusk!

Because Volusk has never been a slow-moving warrior!

After he asked a craftsman to cast himself a belt that could increase his movement speed, Warusk's speed became even more agile!

This guy is like an armored car with the speed of a supercar on the battlefield. It is meaningless to escape when facing him!

"I will surely disappear, but I will never be forgotten.

I completely failed this time, and I just wanted a witness when I summoned Bulcaisel over there.

But there are a few last things I haven’t had time to do yet.”

Warusk glanced at Kalju casually.

He was very frank, so frank that he had no worries or concealments at all.

At this time, his emotional changes became more obvious, so obvious that even Banal felt something was wrong!

"what are you up to?"

Kal Qiu asked with an ugly expression.

He has seen too many people who had obsessions before they died. Whether they were nephalem or demons, those people would not die obediently!

Warusk's performance at this time is no different from the kind of guy he saw back then!

Although there are some differences in emotions, different beings behave differently before despair!

In that kind of performance, everyone has his or her own characteristics. Analyzing different people's final choices after despair is one of the few joys of Carl Qiu!

But at this time, he was only filled with worry!

He has no confidence to face Warusk who has lost his mind and chosen to go crazy!

Even if they just need to buy time to get back to Bulkesso!

"Auriel, prepare to take refuge."

Bulcaisel's shadow took two steps forward and stood between Warusk and Auriel!

He was bare-handed and didn't show any signs of fighting!

Although the shadow of Bulcaisuo knows some of Warusk's plans, he is also very serious at this time!

"Vorusk wants to make hope completely pure hope, and the only way to do this is to kill Auriel.

But he hesitated, so he summoned me."

The shadow of Bulcaisuo raised his head and looked at Warusk, who was taller than him at this time, and said.

"So, Auriel needs your protection to come to Harrogath?"

Calga's doubts became more and more intense.

He had to turn his attention to the first-generation ancestors beside him, hoping to get an answer from the first-generation ancestors.

"Not only that."

The first generation ancestor slowly stood up, and then looked at Warusk in the distance, his eyes seemed to be full of sorrow.

"Okay, First Generation, come and finish me.

The curtain call of the Immortal King must not be silent!"

Warusk carried his gravel hammer, and his whole body exuded a free and fearless brilliance!

"The protection Auriel seeks comes more from me, although the shadow of Bulcasso over there is also one.

Warusk was tired a long time ago, and after he learned from me that Kanai would not be able to come back, his despair was not much less than that of Madoc at that time."

When the first ancestor spoke, the two swords belonging to him slowly rose up from the ground, and were then held tightly in his hands!

The Wrath of the Waste suit appeared directly from nowhere, and then appeared on his body one by one!

Legendary suit armor, legendary suit weapon.

And the origins of the Barbarian legend!

The original Nephalem!

"So why did Volusk ravage Hyrab and the others like this?"

Andakulgas looked at Helab and the others who had not gotten up yet and said.

"It's like your parents never asked you if you wanted to come to this world when you were born.

Warusk did the same things as your parents, and he didn't ask you if you needed to be like this."

The first generation ancestor looked at Olongus with pity.

Then he looked at Banal with some surprise.

"He used all his immortality on you in his attacks. Olongus's fighting style made it impossible for him to transfer this power.

Fortunately, the barbarians of the Tagus tribe are all idiots, but such idiots are more popular with Volusk.

His power, which could be divided into three parts, was not wasted at all."

The first generation ancestor smiled with a smile on his face.

This is Volusk's true final plan!

He used his own method to forcefully transform Hyrab, Cassius and Banal into immortal beings!

He still uses the power he possesses!

If the three of Hyrab were successfully transformed in the Temple of the Elders, Volusk's power would most likely fall on Kalju, Kalga and Anda Kurgas!

In fact, after he started taking action, he never thought that he could continue to exist.

He is waiting for the return of Bulcaisuo, and he is also waiting for the existence to bid farewell to him on his last journey!

Things are actually not complicated at all.

"What is this! Bah!"

Calga shouted excitedly, but he still couldn't stand up.

"Kole is not a clown, he just hopes that you can share my share of responsibilities with him.

Kalju, didn't you think about this issue when you used Wrath of the Hidden Peak?

Cole is indeed no match for you, but do you really think you can easily use the legendary weapon Wrath of the Hidden Peak without Cole's approval?"

Warusk laughed heartily.

Although his plan to make the Holy Mountain of Arreat reappear in an immortal way has come to nothing.

But Volusk was not too disappointed.

Just like when Madoc chose to self-destruct, he also used his last strength to do something for the barbarians.

Warusk certainly has no less things to do than Maddock

"Although it will take some time for Bulcaisel outside to come over, he can already hear the movement on our side."

Auriel shook her head and said.

"Auriel, you are the one who knows best, right?

No matter what changes happen here, you will know our thoughts immediately.

Then you should know how determined I am to end your existence at this time!"

Warusk looked at Auriel and said.

There is no personal grudge between him and Auriel!

Even among the archangels, only Auriel has gained the slightest favor from Warusk!

After all, when Warusk challenged death, Hope provided him with a lot of help!

Even though that may just be the hope that Auriel gives to everyone without distinction, Warusk will not take this kind of thing for granted!

"I know, and I also know that Bulcaisel's shadow and your first ancestors intend to risk everything to protect me.

I even know that you want new hope to be born again, preferably a child in my belly.

But I want to tell you, that hope may not be called new hope, it is robbing my child of the power of hope."

Auriel said nonchalantly.

These words made Warusk unusually silent.

"I don't want my ending to be anything less than glorious or heroic.

But I have never failed when facing the devil.

I will accept it calmly only when Bulcaisel ends me. Whether it is the old one or the not-so-old one."

Warusk said to Auriel.

Warusk had a gentle smile on his face as he spoke.

This kind of smile is particularly strange when he is in the rage of the berserker, but it does not make people feel any fear.

Warusk seemed to be looking forward to his own end, and also seemed to see the kindness of the grandfather as his descendants grew up.

This weird temperament appeared on his body, giving the destruction caused by the previous battle a somewhat warm flavor.

"You don't actually want me and Iprius' children to come to your holy mountain, do you?

Indeed, this change will make your place a target of public criticism.

You should also know that this matter will definitely be favored by hope."

Auriel was as calm as if she was talking about something that had nothing to do with her.

But no one can think that Oriel really has no idea about this.

"I was hesitant to take action against you, but I think it's the right thing to do.

Faced with my hesitation, I chose to let the phantoms of the first ancestors and Bulkatho stop me!

Whether you succeed or not is up to fate!

Although I have never been welcomed by fate!"

Warusk laughed heartily!

But he also began to develop powerful power!

I will do the summary of last month tomorrow, I really can’t bear it anymore...

This taste made a lot of strange thoughts appear in my mind.

To summarize, I will share it with tomorrow’s update.



This chapter has been completed!
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