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Chapter 1128 Ridiculous development!

 "Bulkess, come here quickly. I'm ready!"

Warusk shouted in the direction of the strongest spatial fluctuations.

Of course he knew what he was going to encounter at this time, but at this time he showed a strange expectation.

The long years of immersion have long made these Nephalem tired, and Volusk is not the only one who thinks this way.

Most of the barbarians present would actually feel tired to some extent. Even if their bodies had long since died, their mental fatigue still existed.

"Stop shouting, I won't answer you even if I hear your voice outside.

Your shouting is meaningless and has no effect except making us feel more guilty when you pass away."

Bulcaisel's shadow said lightly.

This phantom is somewhat similar to the shadow of the first ancestor who guarded Kanai's Box, with a will and a bit of the character at that time.

Although it can't do much, it can still be useful under certain conditions.

"Auriel, what do you think?"

The first generation ancestor suddenly asked.

Even though he was ready to fight, it was not to the point of being tense.

Although the first generation ancestor personally bid farewell to the final end of the immortal king Volusk, it would not be considered a humiliation, but it would naturally be better if Bulkesso could also be here to witness it.

"Ideas? What ideas can I have?"

Auriel said with a somewhat erratic look in her eyes. The erratic look in her eyes was certainly not something ordinary people would show because of lies.

Maybe she was just thinking about something.

For Auriel, even if all the barbarians on the holy mountain of Harogath died, it would not be as important as the birth of her child.

But Auriel's coming here is definitely not without any purpose, and everyone knows this.

Except for Warusk, none of the barbarians present had much thought about hope.

The Archangel of Hope gives hope to all beings without distinction. Although she is a little selfish, she is not disqualified when it comes to hoping for authority.

"The powerful Volusk seems to be planning to set Hope free and make Auriel disappear completely.

Should I approve your approach?"

Auriel said in a sarcastic tone.

She doesn't really like Warusk, the immortal king, and this has nothing to do with whether Warusk is a barbarian or not.

It's just that Auriel doesn't like Warusk.

"Of course not, for this I have to face the obstruction of the first ancestors and Bulcaisuo.

Don’t you think a life-and-death battle to achieve a grand goal is a grand story?”

Warusk gritted his teeth and said.

"But what you are using now is the power accumulated on the holy mountain. I don't think there is anything grand in what you do.

On the contrary, it makes me feel funny.”

Hailab looked at the changes taking place in his body as he spoke!

He felt the heat radiating from his blood as his heart beat!

This is even a bit strange to Hellab, who has been dead for a long time now.

Even if it has a physical form when it appears as an ancestral spirit, its heart will still beat.

But there is no heat in the blood!

This heat is a sign of life!

"It seems that the life force I gave you at that time was also activated by Warusk."

The first generation ancestor looked at Hailab, with a little relief on his face.

The first-generation ancestors still believed that they had done nothing wrong when they handed over a share of life authority to all the ancestors.

Although all the ancestor spirits rejected the idea of ​​resurrection from the dead at that time, the seeds of vitality were still planted.

It's just that it's only now bearing fruit.

Faced with this change, the first generation ancestors could hardly say that they were not happy.

"Do you think I became a living person?"

Hailab said in a mocking tone.

He is very aware that his body is changing, although the current manifestation is that he has regained life.

But Hailab knew very well that this was not the correct answer!

Life had no intention of staying in his body for long. Even though his blood began to carry heat, this heat quickly gathered in his heart!

The heat is gathering, and this is the amount that can completely burn life!

Water vapor began to rise from Herab's chest, and his skin color began to turn pale!

The blood full of vitality just circulated in his body and rushed to his heart with heat!

Then his heart was completely burned into coke!

"Vorusk, is this how you create an immortal monster?

I saw that when Cole was knocked down, there was blood flowing in the wound, why did I lose all the blood?"

Hailab asked, glaring at Warusk.

This change is not a good thing for him!

After being severely beaten, he directly transformed into one of the monsters.

There isn't even any choice!

No matter who this kind of thing happens to, they will not be happy!

"Kole hasn't completed this transformation yet, but you don't have to worry, I left him a way to transform."

Warusk smiled a little wildly.

"I'm not worried about an idiot's thoughts, but I have to say that you bastard really changed the barbarians!"

Hailab's face became much uglier.

Even the skin became stiff.

"You guys are always able to exceed my expectations, even though I have known about this guy Volusk's methods before.

But it was still a bit unbelievable when I actually saw it.”

Auriel's tone sounded like she was taking pleasure in others' misfortune.

"But you should also admit that apart from this kind of monster's shortcomings when facing Barr, you don't have a good way to deal with us!"

Warusk didn't care about Auriel's sarcasm at all.

What he wants to do is to make the barbarians an object that the archangel cannot destroy.

What he did was largely aimed at what Tyrael did to the barbarians back then!

The biggest enemy of the barbarians never seems to be the devil. Almost every incident that causes heavy losses to the barbarians is caused by the archangels.

Warusk has no particularly long-term plan, but he is extremely determined in finding a way to deal with the Archangel!

He even paid a heavy price for it!

"It sounds like you have prepared something to entertain Barr?"

The first generation ancestor asked curiously.

"I am prepared, and Auriel knows it in her heart.

So I must shut up Auriel here!"

Warusk said very directly.

He determined in his heart that Auriel would take action after knowing his plan, and more likely, she would do anything to prevent this from happening!

Volusk is not willing to take risks!

He doesn't want to see anything come up short!

Warusk's eyes were firm, but Auriel looked at Warusk calmly without making any statement!

"If your plan has been your own idea a long time ago, then Auriel should have countless opportunities to tell others your plan."

The first generation ancestor said with some doubts.

"But until I got to this point, I didn't think Oriel would think she was waiting for me to succeed."

Warusk said somewhat indifferently.

Seeing this, Volusk has been preparing for this kind of thing for too long!

At this stage, he finally had no need to hide it!

"So Bulcasso's imminent return is also part of your plan?"

Hailab said coldly.

"No, I just have a lot of plans.

Hellab, you can still use rage, because even if you become a monster, you are still a barbarian monster!"

Warusk said with a strange smile on his face.

"Are you sure that when I use anger, I won't let my cold body burn up in anger?"

Hailab said coldly.

"Probably not. After all, I have done my best to make anger safe."

The first generation ancestor said helplessly.

"A cold body will not have serious effects. You may just think too much."

Warusk replied.

"You probably don't understand my anger at this time!

Just like what the first generation ancestors said, my anger at this time is filled with the deepest hatred for you!

Your so-called best result did not take into account any of our ideas, it was just your wishful thinking!"

Fury began to flicker on Hailab's body.

"Aha, the barbarians of the Tagus tribe are indeed the ones most vulnerable to the power of anger.

Should I give you some encouragement at this time?"

The expression of the first generation ancestor became more and more weird.

The changes that occurred in Helab even made him temporarily lose the idea of ​​fighting Warusk!

The power of anger is of course powerful. The first ancestors used this power to gain respect and enough living space for the Nephalem.

No one knows the power of anger and authority better than the first generation ancestors!

“Is there anything to celebrate in all this?

What is happening is full of dissatisfaction, what else can I express other than anger?"

Hailab stretched his arms as he spoke, as if intending to let the guys in front of him see the changes in him clearly!

In anger, Hailab's increasingly cold body actually had no warmth at all!

This kind of thing is like a silent mockery to a barbarian who is accustomed to rage and blood flowing!

"Although you have touched the edge of the power of anger, you have not changed your past thoughts.

I passed on the power of anger through my blood, but the power of anger does not have to rely on blood!"

The first ancestor seemed to be in a good mood and even explained a few words.

But his explanation didn't make Hailab happy.

"After becoming this kind of monster, I really have no connection with corruption.

It is indeed a rare opportunity to continue to grow after death!

But how far do you and Warusk want us to grow?

Is it like Burcasso? Or like Leiko? Or is it to the level of Gruchak?

After all these changes, I don’t think I can still proudly call myself a barbarian!”

Hellab's mood is on a dangerous edge.

He did not continue fighting at this time, largely because he had not yet gotten the answer he wanted.

"You don't need to tell yourself whether you are a barbarian or not!

This kind of thing should be decided by the Immortal King!

Until Bulcaisel says you're not a barbarian, you're a barbarian!"

Warusk said with a laugh.

He didn't think that what he was doing would make Bulkesso deny their status as barbarians in Hyrab!

Bulcaisel has never been a narrow-minded guy. Although he is very stubborn, he never judges other people's thoughts based on their current situation!

"I know Bulcaisel will not deny our identity, but this only has to do with our own perception.

I think there is one more thing Bulcaisel has to do after he comes back, and that is how to help us get rid of this situation."

The anger in Hailab's words became more and more intense.

"Now that you are exposed to the authority of anger, I think your best option is to give yourself a reason to calm down."

The first generation ancestor said quietly.

Not even Bulkatho will know more about the power of anger than him! Although Bulkatho is the most powerful barbarian now!

"Losing one's mind in anger rarely happened to barbarians in the past, but I have to tell you that is because I have assumed part of the risk for you.

In fact, of all the forms of authority I have seen, anger remains the most dangerous.

Even death pried alive by Volusk is not as dangerous as anger."

The first generation ancestors were very serious in telling Hairab things to pay attention to about the authority of wrath.

Perhaps it was because he had been looking forward to this day for so long that he talked a little too much.

"First generation ancestor, since you understand the danger of anger, you should know how strong my anger is at this time.

I didn't take action not because I thought this matter could be solved without taking action!

But I think I will lose my mind once I do it!"

Hailab's voice became louder and louder.

Even the body is trembling!

"Okay, I'll solve these problems."

Finally, a small portal was opened.

Although it is not enough for Bulcasso over there to cross over, it is enough for Bulcaisso to communicate without any obstacles.

It’s not that Bulcaisel didn’t try to communicate before, it’s just that his voice couldn’t be conveyed!

For this reason Bulqueso even plans to use some tough measures!

If Li Min hadn't stopped him, Bulcaisuo would have even planned to do this in a way that would damage the power accumulated by the Holy Mountain!

Bulkesso was not angry because of Volusk's grand plan, but because of Bulkesso's arbitrary approach!

There is indeed a big difference between the barbarians in terms of strength!

But who is nobler than whom in terms of personality!?

This is not a question of strength, but a question of personality.

Yes! Volusk is more powerful, and most of the decisions he makes are problem-free!

He can also be stubborn! But Volusk can't even lose the qualification to let Hairab and the others express their own ideas!

The ability to make choices is the most unique thing about a real life!

He did not even leave Hyrab and the others the power to choose death and disappearance!

This approach is completely contrary to Bulqueso’s philosophy!

"The final ending that Volusk is looking forward to will finally unfold in the most magnificent way!

Bulcaisel is not coming back as a witness!"

Auriel said quietly from the side.

She got the result she needed!

She looks forward to everything developing according to what she knows is her heart!

What happened on the sacred mountain of Harrogath has finally come to an end!

I feel like my brain is shaking... I've really been tricked...

Let me postpone the summary a little longer. It may not be posted together with the update, but it will definitely be posted...

This chapter has been completed!
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