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Chapter 1131 Wisdom, strength and sacrifice!

 "Come on, come on! Give me the fate I deserve!"

Warusk shouted almost madly. Although the heavy hammer in his hand could only be held in front of him, it did not mean that he had no other choice at this time!

A heavy kick!

Volusk's iron boots poked out towards Bulcaisso's abdomen!

There was no sound of breaking through the air, but only the rage that was so hot that it made one's hair curl up!

"I'll give it to you, as long as it's what you want!"

As he spoke, Bulcasso raised his knees and struck the iron boots of the Immortal King with his flesh and blood body!

This time, a violent impact broke out between the two sides, completely separating the two people from the collapse!

"Yes, yes! The Immortal King gives the barbarians everything they need!

This is the meaning of our existence as immortal kings!

The barbarians need the holy mountain, so give them the holy mountain!

The barbarians need opponents, so you leave them with opponents!

The barbarians need to disappear, then you should give me the ending of disappearing!"

The moment Warusk landed, he just casually adjusted his posture and launched the charge again!

The gravel hammer in his hand has withdrawn from the posture of the ancestral hammer, but this time the heavy hammer is wrapped with a hurricane that destroys the world!


Barbarians are not called whirlwinds only when they use a sharp blade to spin!

This kind of slash is not sharp because of the weapon, it is driven by anger or even a hurricane!

When ordinary barbarians use whirlwind, the blade will sweep uncontrollably in all directions around them!

But not for a barbarian like Warusk!

The long years have allowed him to find a way to control the Kamamaita in the rotation, and the whirlwind rushes in the direction of Bulcaisu with anger!

The ground has not been affected, because all power under Warusk's control will not be consumed unnecessarily!

The hurricane is like a tidal wave breaking against the dam called Bulkeso!

"I am not a stone for you to make wishes on!

I am Bulcaisel, your immortal king!"

Burcasso roared angrily and stood the two swords in front of him with the fury in his hands, then closed his hands and smashed them down hard!

Earth-shattering slash!

This move is said to be a chop, but in fact it is more like hitting the ground with a blunt instrument to set off a shock wave to attack!

The shock wave usually spreads in all directions, but in Bulkesso's hands, this blow is the same as the whirlwind used by Volusk!

All shock waves are sent in the direction they need to go!

The ground that suffered such a heavy blow did not produce any unnecessary damage, only the substantial shock wave moved forward unswervingly like a giant python roaming on the ground!

Using a heavy hammer, Warusk swung an unprecedented sharp slash!

And Bulcaisel, who wielded a sharp blade, delivered an unprecedented blunt blow!

This is a bit weird, but it seems to be rendered with a layer of destined color!

The shock wave and the sharp blade of the hurricane collided instantly! A sharp noise was made!

During the collision, this powerful force finally lost control and began to cause damage to the environment!

The ground first cracked under the influence of the shock wave, and then turned into trembling stones!

Immediately afterwards, it was cut into pieces in the hurricane caused by Volusk and turned into powder!

"You don't have to accommodate my power, you don't have to force yourself to use the same power as me!

I have spent my whole life pursuing the absolute violence that ravages all demons. At the end of my existence, let me feel the pain of being ravaged by an unstoppable force!

I respect this!”

Warusk roared and stepped forward, trampling the ground!

A shock wave poured into the chaotic energy field ahead, and then directly detonated the power of whirlwind and earth-shattering slash!

This time there was finally a huge roar!

Being completely caught in the violent shock wave, even a legend like Gruchak could not escape unscathed!

The best choice is to avoid or pull this power!

But Volusk did not stop, but continued to move forward against the sharp wind blades and scattered shock waves!

His heavy armor made a sharp and unpleasant sound like fingernails scratching a glass blackboard, mixed with a roar like a stone hitting an iron plate!

Warusk's gravel hammer was dragged behind him, as if this powerful legend could not catch up with Warusk's forward steps!

"you shut up!"

The anger used to restrain the source of fear in Bulcasso flickered for an instant!

He is furious! It is difficult for a barbarian in a rage to perfectly control his power!


Li Min's voice is even a bit sharp!

She knew exactly what Bulqueso was doing at this time!

While fighting Volusk, Bulcaisel was still restricting the source of fear!

Once this restriction is loosened, the power of the origin of fear will spread over the barbarian's sacred mountain without hesitation!

Warusk is not unable to detect this, but what he knows more clearly is that if he wants Bulcaisel to make the decision to kill him completely without hesitation, he can only do so in such a crisis!

Savages don't need two voices to lead them in different directions!

The barbarians were able to get out of the most difficult time, thanks to the fact that they always followed one voice!

But now there are other voices starting to come from the Holy Mountain!

This voice belongs to Warusk and his first generation ancestors!

Even though all the ancestor spirits choose to believe in Bulkatho from the bottom of their hearts, some people are already willing to listen to them!

Kor was the first ancestral spirit to listen to him!

Then there will definitely be born barbarians who are willing to listen to the first ancestors!

Warusk knew exactly what he was doing!

His plan even goes against the meaning of life itself, and he also believes that his own approach is the solution to the problem.

But regardless of whether Warusk can continue to exist, the monsters he created are still controllable!

As long as they still retain free will!

Leoric was already crazy when he was transformed into Skeletor. It was not Volusk who made Leoric crazy!

And in the final analysis, Leoric is just Volusk’s attempt!

He believes that being transformed into the monster Hyrab and the others can still provide help to the barbarians!

When there is no need for such monsters to exist, Hyrab and the others will also look for ways to end themselves!

Warusk has left these things to the barbarians!

But Volusk cannot guarantee that the method of the first generation ancestor will be as controllable as his plan!

The first ancestors were the original Nephalem, but they were definitely not the ones that best represented the Nephalem!

He needs to disappear by himself, and then the first generation ancestors have to stand in front of Bulcaisuo!

This is sacrifice!

"come on!"

Warusk kept repeating these boring words in his mouth!

There were finally scratches on the heavy armor on his body!

The violent energy shock is about to dissipate and then weaken, so Volusk must continue to force Bulkesso!

Only in the midst of such a fiery battle can Bulkesso be unable to think calmly!

He knew exactly how to drive a barbarian into a frenzy of combat!

That requires a strong opponent and a chaotic enough battlefield!

What’s more needed is a desperate anger!


Burqaso gritted his teeth and shouted Volusk's name fiercely.

The two blazing swords in his hands were raised like bull's horns!

This is the attitude of charging!

Warusk was observing when Bulcaisso defeated Kanuk with a violent collision!

At this time, the way Bulkesso is about to charge is no different from the opportunity at that time!

It’s just that the direction of the knife edge is different!

"Bulkasso! You are very powerful! But are you so powerful that you can pierce my chest with the hilt of your knife in a charge?"

Warusk roared.

The gravel hammer he dragged behind him shone with bursts of scarlet light!


Among the various postures of Berserker's Wrath, the posture that best displays the strength of the barbarian!

It also represents an attitude of absolute rage!

Warusk knew that the atmosphere at this time was still not enough to plunge Burqasso into a selfless battle!

Otherwise Bulcaisel would not have pointed the hilt at him!

“What a spectacular sight!”

The first generation ancestors finally stabilized the violent power on the Holy Mountain!

Then he activated the power accumulated in the Holy Mountain and turned it into a Colosseum-like environment!

This is the stage where two immortal kings fight to the death!

It is also a structure that allows the audience to protect their own safety to the greatest extent!

It's a pity that the spectators above the Colosseum were not enthusiastic about this battle!

Whether it is Helab who is still restraining his anger at this time, or Calga who is able to move freely.

They all just watched everything happening here in silence!

Kol, who was knocked down by Kalju and could not even raise his head, had tears on his face!

He is the barbarian who knows all of Warusk's plans, and he understands that Warusk's plan has finally reached the final part!

In the track called Sacrifice, the sound of wind blades and impact hitting the Warusk armor is the heroic drumbeat!

Volusk's roar is his swan song!

All ancestor spirits know the outcome of this battle, there can be no surprises!

So the audience in this battle was particularly silent!

"The barbarians used such brutal methods..."

"That's determination."

Li Min interrupted Auriel directly.

Even though Li Min is a mage, this does not prevent her from gaining something from this battle!

"Auriel, even if you have tried your best to understand what humans are.

But you can't understand savages after all.

Do you still think it is right to hand your children over to savages?”

Li Min looked at Auriel with very deep eyes, and no emotion could be seen in them.

But Auriel knew that Li Min was in a very bad mood at this time.

There is nothing more tragic than watching greatness choose to sacrifice!

There is nothing more painful than watching all this happen and having the ability to stop it but not being able to!

The story of the barbarians is part of the story of the Nephalem, but this kind of decisive rage and sacrifice can only appear in the barbarians!

Because they are the only ones who will make the final decision with anger and determination!

"I don't know, but I think there is nothing more impressive than such a heroic ending."

Auriel couldn't even remember what she wanted to say when she was interrupted.

For the first time, she truly looked at the story of the Nephalem with an equal eye.

This experience is very novel and very shocking!

"I don't want to know what you are waiting for anymore. At the beginning of this battle, Warusk has already sent you the things he prepared for you.

You didn't avoid it, you should have understood that there was no way to avoid it."

Li Min let out a long breath.

She turned her head so that she could not see the collision that was about to happen in the Colosseum with her peripheral vision!

"The boundary between life and death, in other words, is that Warusk used my identity as an archangel to give the archangels an ending in which they can be killed.

At first I thought it was just Volusk's nonsense.

Even after I learned about his idea, I never thought it was possible."

Auriel's eyes were lowered, making it difficult to understand his thoughts.

"There are three archangels currently in the Burning Hell. What do you think they will do after discovering the changes in themselves?"

Li Min asked slowly.

The sound of her soul-deep question is echoed by the roar of the collision between Volusk and Bulcaisel!

"Barr is not aware of this yet, but I think this may not be hidden for long."

Auriel smiled bitterly.

Isreal, Tyrael and Iprius in the Burning Hell can already be killed at this time.

It's just that Barr didn't know about this yet, but when the three archangels appeared injured and showed weakness due to the injuries.

Barr will definitely notice this!

Baal is receiving supplies from the Burning Hell all the time in the Burning Hell, and even three archangels cannot kill him directly.

Now for Tyrell and the others, the best choice is to leave the prison of Burning Hell!

Even if they need to break the barrier left by Bulcaisel, they must do it!

And this is also part of Warusk’s plan!

The cage was left by Bulcaisso. When the three archangels began to attack the cage, it meant that Bulcaisuo's plan was disrupted again!

It would be even more difficult for Bulcaisel, who was anxious about the changes in the Burning Hell to limit the source of fear in his body and think calmly!

When Auriel spoke, she glanced at the first generation ancestor who was standing next to her and Li Min.

"You know what I'm thinking, so you don't need to judge anything from my face.

You are becoming more and more human, Auriel.

I hope the archangel never needs to see the answer he wants from a nephalem's face."

The first ancestor said sarcastically.

He watched everything that happened in the Colosseum without blinking!

Watching Warusk turn into a rolling gourd during the collision, watching Burkaiso having to take half a step back during the collision!

"This is the first time I've seen Bulcaisel being forced back in battle. It's really shocking."

The first generation ancestors even had the time to comment on the ongoing battle.

"Li Min, add a layer of protection to the Colosseum.

The anger on Bulcaisel's body can no longer be concealed, and this kind of protection is not enough to isolate what is happening here.

Although I have also become a part of Volusk's calculation, I am willing to be a prop.

Sacrifice, is it noble?"

The first generation ancestor showed his true emotions in front of everyone for the first time!

With respect to the immortal king Volusk!

"I am only worried about whether Malthael, who is still able to move freely, will become a disruptor.

After all, he can also feel the changes happening to himself!"

Li Min's tone was a little cold, but when she spoke, she had already set up another layer of barrier to isolate the Colosseum!

This barrier is covered with various powers that she has control over. Perhaps only Lilith, who holds the power of knowledge, can break through the fog and see what is happening.

But Lilith's will has been defeated by Bulcasso before!

Warusk's plans have always been like dancing on a tightrope.

That steel wire could only bear Volusk's weight, which was already its limit.

But in this state, Warusk continued to adjust his dancing posture and completed this grand performance!

No one needs to know how much the actor Warusk paid for my shocking performance.

Just a round of applause for this performance!

Volusk's curtain call performance, among a lot of accidents, created a final performance that the Archangel was no longer unable to solve!

At this moment, the situation of superiority in high-level heaven is completely reversed!

This chapter has been completed!
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