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Chapter 1178 Wayne joins the discussion

 Bulcaisel found it very funny that he was afraid of having power on his own.

The fact that he didn't just punch the ground and laugh after hearing Wayne's words was the result of great restraint.

There are not many Nephalem who feel intimidated by their own power and have time to worry about it.

From birth to death, most nephalem are just worried about their lack of strength and that they may not be able to survive when facing demons.

In Bulcaisel's eyes, Wayne is certainly not a weakling.

But it's far from the point where you need to worry about this kind of thing.

Right now, Wayne is probably at the level where he can fight a few moves with the legendary demon. Maybe he can still have a chance to win when he meets a weaker legendary demon.

But nothing more can be done.

And in the years that the Nephalem have gone through, it can be said that countless guys of this strength have died in battle.

This kind of power may not even be able to protect oneself. Worrying about losing control is simply eating too much.

As for the issue of losing control of power, if you lose control because you have power, it can only be said that these powers do not belong to you.

As for the difficulty of controlling one's own will, that is another area.

The concept of power sometimes does not only refer to the destructive power it can exert.

Willpower is meaningless on most battlefields the nephalem encounter.

But it is indeed something that the Nephalem internally compare themselves to.

The willpower of a legendary nephalem is already very strong, let alone a guy like Aidan who can use his own soul and the soul of the demon to kill each other.

Aidan was indeed taken away by Diavolo in the end, but Diavolo only achieved this.

Not even every attempt to seize control of the body is successful.

In that battle in the soul realm, Diavolo was not unscathed!

"I seem to be able to understand Wayne's thinking a little bit.

It's like once your brain gets hot, even the ancestors' spirits on the holy mountain can't stop you from doing what you want to do."

Hailab said with a dry smile.

His words seemed to be teasing Bulkeso, but more importantly they were mocking Wayne.

Herab had no intention of concealing his intentions. He even looked at Wayne with a strange look, which made it clear.

"You're right, don't say it next time.

Many times, no one knows what the right choice is before the results appear.

There is no need to discuss much about whether it is correct or not."

Bulcaisu squinted at Hyrab and said.

Bulkesso was more tolerant of Wayne's problems.

Although Wayne is not an immature young man, he did not have much time to become a Nephalem.

It's a bit too much to ask Wayne to know all the things that are not common sense among the Nephalem.

"Also, you said you planned to comfort me? Is it because of the disappearance of the first ancestor?"

Bulkesso asked about it.

Although this matter is not a big deal, it is still worth asking Bulcasso.

This thing sounds quite fun.

"The fact that the first ancestor turned into a weapon affected almost all barbarians.

Don't say you didn't feel any changes, that's unlikely.


As if remembering something that he had ignored before, Hailab once again looked at Bulkesso with an expression of astonishment.

Although his shocked expression this time was somewhat staged, it was also somewhat sincere.

It's just that there are more elements of performing for Wayne.

"It's the one you said unless he entrusted the authority of anger to me, although I integrated the anger back into the heritage of the barbarians.

But you should know what I have chosen as a medium to contain the power of wrath.”

Bulcasso said casually.

This is not an important thing in his eyes.

This matter must be told to other ancestor spirits after all, and there is no need to hide it.

If you tell Hailab at this time, Bulcaisel will not have to find a special time to tell all the ancestor spirits.

Hailab knew very well that this kind of news should spread, and he happened to have nothing that he had to do.

Hirab had enough time to tell the other ancestor spirits through small talk and the like.

"Is it your name? Or rather the name 'Bulquesso' itself."

Hailab smiled in relief.

He guessed it, it was not difficult to guess.

Getting such an answer was indeed worthy of his smile.

This in itself is something worthy of his laughter. A problem that was worried before has been solved, which is a good thing.

"It's just that this name only belongs to you to the barbarians. Can you guarantee that you will not disappear?"

Hirab asked.

He was not worried about whether Bulcaisel would fail or die.

Rather, he was worried about whether Bulcaisel would give up this name at some point.

For the barbarians, this name no longer only refers to a certain barbarian, but is something similar to the gods of the warrior monks who place their faith on it.

And this thing is still a name, so there must always be someone who can bear this name.

Just like Wu Sen's pantheon of gods, it also requires the existence of Yin Na, the head of the pantheon of gods.

Although once the head of the gods disappears, it does not mean that the gods will disappear, but that is the result that will only happen now.

If it was when the gods were first born, Yin Na would be gone.

Then the existence of all gods is simply untenable...

The nephalem overcame so many difficulties back then, and even thinking about them now, each one of them can be regarded as a miracle.

"The things you worry about are like those archangels, looking at the future is not what you show.

Do you do nothing because you are worried about future troubles?

There is no such reason. We are not eternal archangels, but nephalems who may die at any time.

Although I cannot guarantee that I will be the first Nephalem to die naturally, at least my life will not be short."

Burcasso smiled heartily.

For a Nephalem, being over four hundred years old is considered an old guy.

But that's far from the point where it's already an antique.

There are also many Nephalem who have existed for thousands of years, and the age gap between the first ancestor and Rathma may have exceeded a thousand years.

Anyway, no one has really figured out the end of the Nephalem's lifespan.

"Yes, the stronger the Nephalem are, the deeper the power in their bloodline is.

It's just that extending your life span is nothing to worry about.

But I'm not the only one who has the same worries as me. At least Li Min has considered this issue.

Otherwise, it can’t be explained why she and you are always trying our best to maintain the same level of strength.”

Hailab said quietly.

"You want to say that if things come to a point where one of Li Min and I must die, who will be the one who survives to check and balance?"

Bulcaisel asked rhetorically.

"That's pretty much what it means. Rather than worrying about you losing control, I'm more worried about Li Min losing control of his growth.

You and I both know, or all Nephalem should know, that Li Min is far from the point where his growth rate has begun to slow down.

Who can give a guarantee as to how far a mage can grow over time?"

Hailab's expression was a little strange, and he looked almost provocative.

But he really didn't mean this. It's just that Hailab's expression could easily become like this when he was thinking.

This is probably one of the reasons why he is not popular.

Looking at a face that seems to be provocative, who can calmly face Hailab's problems?

No matter what question was asked by Helab with this expression, it seemed like he was questioning it.

"This is the most boring worry I've ever heard.

Hellab, you must have been around for almost 10,000 years, right?

If I remember correctly, you were at least a barbarian who was active with Volusk.

Then I want to ask you, have you existed for such a long time just to put all your energy on this kind of problem that you don’t know when it will happen?”

Bulcaisel began to feel impatient.

"Admittedly, I'm not sure how long I can maintain my original intention, but at least it won't be too short.

And if it really reaches that level, it’s not sure whether the Holy Mountain of Harrogas still exists.”

Bulqueso spoke a little faster, and his interest in this topic was almost over.

"That's what I'm worried about. Isn't it necessary to worry about the uncertain future?"

Hailab said without flinching.

He knew that if he completely bored Bulcaisel with this topic, he would be very likely to be beaten.

But it doesn't matter, he was already prepared to be beaten when he first came to the Elder's Temple.

The worst he could do was to give back the beating he earned from Olongus, and he wouldn't lose anything.

"Then what definite future are you going to tell me?

When did you become so good at telling jokes? When Madoc was around, he wouldn't say stupid things like a certain future and a certain ending.

Don't say that you can see more of the 'future' than the battle prophet Mardoc.

He was probably the clearest and furthest among the prophets of the savages."

Bulkesso asked.

This time it was Hairab's turn to be speechless.

He really couldn't give a suitable explanation, and he had to admit that Bulqueso was right.

The future itself is uncertain.

Even Inaris can't guarantee that the future he knows will not change.

Even Inaris, who had said that the future was destined, did not dare to say that what he saw was everything.

For the nephalem, worrying about the future is somewhat unnecessary.

"Perhaps everything is going in a good direction now, so I start to worry about things that I never worried about before.

At least now the nephalem do not need to face the threat of demons all the time, at least they can take time to rest from the battle."

Hailab gave a wry smile and then said.

He gave in.

He even reflected on his previous "stupid" worries.

“Isn’t it too late to think about how to solve the problem when the future becomes the present?”

Wayne finally couldn't hold back and spoke.

"I don't like plans, but that doesn't mean I deny the importance of plans and plans.

The future is uncertain, and the plans you have made are not worthless.

What I want to say is, isn’t it unnecessary to worry about the future if you can’t even handle the current things well?”

Bulcaisel was rather happy that Wayne was willing to join the discussion.

There's no way you can feel comfortable with a guy who's staring at you like a wooden stake.

The reason why non-violent non-cooperation can be quite effective is because this guy has no suitable way to solve the problem.

"Now? Now the Nephalem have a guy like you who can suppress the High Heaven and the Burning Hell with violence.

Isn’t this the most appropriate time for us to think about the future?

Or are there any other methods in the higher heavens and burning hells that can solve your problem?"

Wayne asked.

This question made Bulkesso and Hailab stunned for a moment and then burst into laughter!

Laughing very happily.

"Bulkessor can crush the Archangels and Demon Gods at the same time, but can he also defeat the High-level Heaven and the Burning Hell?

You may still not understand the meaning of these two things.

The existence of archangels and demons made us breathless back then, so we were most worried about them at that time.

But that doesn’t mean they are the biggest problem.”

Hailab breathlessly gave Wayne an answer.

"Let's put it this way, when I first came to this world, I had the power to defeat the great devil.

But facing Malthael, who had seized the power of the Great Demon God, he could only barely be evenly matched.

At that time, the Great Demon God only left a scar on the origin of high-level heaven.

No one knows the extent of the injury, but I feel it is probably like a normal person who fell and received some bloodless scratches."

Bulcaisel told Wayne his judgment.

"So everything you did to the Burning Hell before was just to test the strength of this origin?"

Wayne asked, following Bulcasso's train of thought.

"Absolutely, you probably haven't fully used your power for a long time.

On Earth, if there is no intervention from other beings, it won't be a problem for you to smash a mountain.

If you attack with all your strength, directly making everything on the surface dwarf it will only be regarded as the aftermath.

But if you fight in a sanctuary like this, the damage to the environment will not be very great.

Maybe using all your strength can only leave a big hole in the ground?"

Bulcaisel made the comparison.

Although Sanctuary feels a bit like a leftover for High-level Heaven and Burning Hell.

But that’s also a third of the world!

Can the earth be said to be one-third of the world? Obviously it cannot be done!

"In other words, your strength can defeat the Demon God and the Archangel without any effort, but it cannot destroy the High-level Heaven and the Burning Hell itself?"

Wayne changed the question and asked.

"A difficult question to answer, but there is one thing I hope you can understand.

If the power accumulated in the Holy Mountain of Harrogas is detonated, it will be enough to make both the Archangel and the Demon God choose to retreat.

So if the high-level heaven and the burning hell are detonated, how much damage can be done?

You don’t think that the holy mountains created by barbarians and the gods created by monks came out of thin air, right?

The first generation ancestor has already said that he imitated the structure of the higher heaven and created a holy mountain for the barbarians to use as their home.

The Holy Mountain of Harrogath is modeled after the Holy Mountain of Arreat.

You should be able to understand the concept of the high-level heaven being detonated as one-third of the world, right?"

Bulqueso said.

The barbarian's holy mountain can be detonated, so why can't the high-level heaven be detonated?

Maybe it can not only detonate, but also detonate locally.

These things are unknown.

It's like neither angels nor demons simply think that defeating the strongest among the Nephalem means defeating the Nephalem.

Especially Malthael, he has already set an example!

The archangel has only one way to deal with the nephalem, and that is to eliminate the root cause!

Malthael had no intention of leaving any Nephalem behind at that time, even the weakest and untalented Nephalem that had just been born.

Malthael didn't even plan to leave one behind!

So for the nephalem, if you want to truly solve all the troubles, solving all the angels and demons is not the final result!

The ultimate goal should be to completely solve the problems of high-level heaven and burning hell.

Wayne was speechless for a moment.

He should be able to think of this kind of problem, but he didn't have time to think about it during this period.

As Bulcaisel said before, focusing on the future that is too far away is a waste of time.

The question he was thinking about was more about "how to get the devil to leave the earth."

His plan is a little further than this goal, but it only stops at the level of "how to prevent the devil from appearing on the earth again."

"Is the devil the only one?"

Wayne asked a little strangely.

"I don't know, after all, all the demon gods have never been killed in the past.

So none of us know what will happen to the Burning Hell after killing all the demons.

Maybe the Burning Hell will explode directly?"

Bulcaisel said terrible things in an overly relaxed tone.

The consequences of the explosion on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas were already very serious.

Wayne could never imagine the consequences of the Burning Hell explosion.

"I'm starting to get scared."

Wayne said a little weirdly, as if he was talking to himself.

"It means you are still normal." Hailab interjected: "Because I am also scared."

"This is so normal, but unfortunately I don't know if I am scared.

These emotions are all in the sealed part of me, and I don’t know if I’m scared now.”

Bulkesso made a joke that wasn't funny.

At least neither Herab nor Wayne could laugh.

This chapter has been completed!
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