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1194 Teaching battle against Sonya

 Bulcaisel appeared in Sonya's domain. Ao

What greeted him was not Sonya's greeting.

Of course, attacks from barbarians can also be considered a way of saying hello.

Sonya is very strong, but Bulkesso is obviously much stronger than Sonya!

This kind of attack is just like saying hello.

Bulkatho staggered to avoid a blow from the Hammer of the Ancestors, and then lightly stamped his feet to calm down the power inspired by the Hammer of the Ancestors.

Only then did Bulkesso have time to look at his surroundings.

The Elder's Temple in the distance, which contained courage and power, fell into his eyes, but Bulcaisuo had a little anger on his face. Ao

"Sanya, I don't think you are someone who would accept help from Imprius."

Bulqueso said.

Inprius did help Sonya out of good intentions, and this incident was indeed expected by Bulcasso from the beginning.

But because what Prius did was actually not suitable to help a barbarian, Sonya in particular was regarded as the hope of the new generation of barbarians!

"Of course I know, but I can't just refuse Prius' help.

Although I don't know how you treat those archangels now, I am sure of one thing!

Because Prius is your friend, I can never embarrass your friend." Ao

Sonya put away the Ancestral Hammer with a wild smile. The giant hammer lost the support of anger and turned into two heavy blades.

Bulcaisel was very familiar with these two weapons. Before he completed the forging of the weapons in his hands, he used this pair of heavy blades to fight most of the time.

"You shouldn't do this. If your domain and courage are intertwined, then you are destined to be understood by the archangels when you face them.

Don’t tell me that you believe in the archangels.”

After Bulcasso said this, he looked at this place more carefully.

Then he laughed.

"As expected, I can't hide it from you. The archangels know a lot about the barbarians. Ao

But in the end it was just superficial."

Sonya waved her hand, and those solemn and magnificent buildings disappeared in an instant!

Only the glory of courage left by the Prius still maintains the shape of the Temple of the Elders.

Sonya still had some options at the time, even though she didn't know how the situation would develop in the future.

But she didn't lose her guard against the archangels!

Because the glory left by the Prius was not entangled with Sonya's anger, but was clearly controlled by Sonya!

As long as Sonya is not forced to the point where she has to use all her strength, the archangels will not know what Sonya did. Ao

this is a good news.

“The trump card is best used when others don’t know it.

There is only one demon god named Baal in the Burning Hell now, but I am worried that the source of fear has escaped."

Bulcaisel gave a very brief account of the current situation in the Burning Hell.

After he received help from his first generation ancestors, the fearful power sealed in his body no longer rioted.

Because the part of his soul that represents fear has been sealed, Bulcaisel can only judge the status of the fear authority that was deprived of him through experience.

Although the strength displayed by the origin of fear is almost the same as the authority possessed by other demon gods. Ao

But that in itself is a bit strange!

Diavolo is the most powerful among the three demon gods. Even if it is just because of Diavolo's power, it should be fed back into the power of fear.

It's just about the same level as the power of hatred, and not worthy of the power Diavolo possesses.

Although Bulcaisel does not have complete evidence yet, he is already wary of Diavolo's possible comeback.

Most of Diavolo's fearful power lies in Bulcaisso's hands!

Even if he is unable to directly mobilize this power because he does not understand fear, Diavolo is definitely weaker than he was before!

As for the authority of knowledge, Bulcasso did not deprive Lilith of her body at that time.

At that time, just blocking the source of fear had already caused Bulcaisel's body to reach a dangerous limit.

If it were now, Bulcaisel would be confident in sealing away the authority of knowledge.

"You don't need to tell me this kind of thing, I'm just here waiting for the final result!

If those who come are demons or archangels, then I will risk everything to try to destroy them.

If news of victory comes, then I can go out and have a look."

Sonya said nonchalantly.

Only at this time did she focus on the two weapons on Bulcasso's waist! Ao

"You changed your weapons? Your legend?"

Sonya asked with interest.

"The legend of the Immortal King, one is called Bulcaisuo, and the other is called Volusk."

Bulcaisel did not tell the story of how he lent the legend of Volusk to death to protect himself.

This matter was also insignificant to Sonya.

"Not yours, but the legend of the Immortal King.

I understand, so you came to me to try to lift the seal on your soul?" Ao

Sonya asked.

"Just a little trial, I won't completely open the seal.

I've faced my fears before, and if I opened the seal, all the fear I'd held for years would explode.

I'm not sure what I looked like at that time, and I even doubt that even Li Min would be unable to respond to the power I showed."

Bulcasso said as if chatting.

"You mean that Li Min can have the same level of power that you had at that time.

But she has to spend time? Ao

So you are afraid that you will lose control and Li Min will be killed by you before he can react?"

There was a bit of dissatisfaction in Sonya's tone.

"No, if I just open a window and take a look, I am confident that there will be no problem.

I'm just worried that Li Min has misjudged my power after taking control of everything.

You know, Li Min chases my level of strength very easily.

But on the other hand, I don’t know how much effort I have to put in and how many times of good luck I have to encounter to achieve balance.”

Bulcasso shook his head.

In fact, Li Min's existence is not only a problem worth worrying about in Burning Hell and High-level Heaven.

The same is true for the Nephalem.

Li Min's talent is too powerful, so powerful that Li Min can continue to become stronger as long as she wants to.

As for the question of how far Li Min's talent can support her, she herself cannot give an answer.

If there really was a chosen one in the original world, it could only be Li Min.

"It makes me feel a little better if you say that.

Dear Bulcaisel, I seem to have become stronger recently, do you have time to teach me as you did in the past?" Ao

Sonya's eyes were full of fighting spirit and sparks of anger.

Bulcaisel could tell that the anger was not anger motivated by fighting.

It was the fire sparked by Sonya's inner anger.

Bulcaisel didn't quite understand why Sonya was angry, but he was very happy to invite this fight.

In the past, Sonya's growth path was mostly based on her unique talents among barbarians.

But Bulqueso's teachings were also one of the reasons why she grew up smoothly.

Bulcaisel is an encyclopedia of ways for barbarians to become stronger. Ao

It's really not as convenient to visit the ancestor spirits one by one and learn their unique fighting techniques as to follow Bulkatho.

It's just that Bulcaisuo doesn't have much time to teach his apprentices bit by bit.

On the contrary, a genius like Sonya, who can initially master it after just reading it once, can learn from Bulkesso.

"I remember that the last time you just finished learning the fighting method of Hailab?

What you should be learning now is the hidden side of Gruchak and Leiko's unique skills, right?"

Bulcasso searched his memory for a while and then said.

The last time I fought Sonya was a long time ago. Ao

At that time, although the place of refuge was just as bad and dangerous, at least it was not to the point where big troubles would appear one after another.

From the time Tyrell fell to the ground and fell unconscious, troublesome things began to happen one after another.

Before that, Bulkesso and the others had already been adventuring all over the world.

"So should you tell me what Gruchak is hiding first?

There is also something about Leiko, and the most important thing is what happened to the bloodline of the barbarians!"

The aura exuding from Sonya became stronger and stronger!

She missed a lot of things while waiting here. Ao

When the first ancestor left everything to Bulcaisuo, Sonya, who was waiting in the field, naturally noticed it.

It's just that she believes in Bulcasso more.

"Gruchak is the creator of the Earth Power suit, and the first ancestors left me some gifts.

There's one more thing I think you should know..."

Bulcasso hesitated slightly when he said this.

"Leiko died in the battle in the most decisive way.

Her suit has lost its legendary glory, and her soul...has not even returned to the embrace of the Holy Mountain." Ao

Bulkesso broke the news.

This is a sad thing for all barbarians.

The fact that legendary sets have faded represents something terrible enough.

While in Sanctuary, even facing the Demon King of Hell would not have such a result.

Countless legendary Nephalem have died at the hands of the Seven Demon Kings, but none of them have lost their legendary power!

"Who is Leiko facing?"

Sonya asked. Ao

When she asked the question, Sonya's anger suddenly exploded out of control for a moment!

It only took a moment for Bulcasso's beard to curl up.

The anger at that moment surpassed Helab and the others, and even faintly surpassed Gruchak and Leiko!

Sonya is a genius among savages!

Her level of power did not surprise Bulcaisel.

At this time, if Sonya were to fight an archangel or a demon head-on, the outcome would be hard to say!

"The Origin of Fear, I don't know whether I should say she is Lilith or Diavolo Ao

But that guy wasn’t feeling well either, she couldn’t even put up a decent resistance when I arrived.”

Bulqueso said.

There is no need to hide this kind of thing.

Once Bulcaisel revealed Leiko's ending, these related matters no longer had the value of being hidden from Sonya.

Sonya is here, although it's not easy to get to this place now.

But those archangels and demons can still do it.

It’s just that they don’t bother to do it! Ao

Anyone who comes here who is not a pure Nephalem will be attacked by Sonya!

The person who finally brought Sonya the news of victory could only be the Nephalem!

Sonya knew exactly what the ending should look like in the eyes of the Nephalem!

If it is a victory, then there will definitely not be an existence other than the Nephalem to deliver the message!

"In addition to what you were worried about before, it seems that I still have a chance to avenge Leiko?"

Sonya bared her teeth. If you hadn't seen the fierce anger on her body, you might have thought she was joking.

"I hope I don't need you to avenge Leiko. Ao

I've done this once before, but maybe not that thoroughly.

But I will put an end to hatred once and for all."

Bulqueso said.

After saying this, he pulled out a two-handed heavy weapon from his backpack.

"Well, Gruchak didn't use the weapon when using all his strength.

But obviously he is at his strongest when holding a weapon.

I guess he might be able to use the tribal blade, so let me demonstrate it to you." Ao

Bulqueso said.

Gruchak has never shown himself fighting with all his strength while taking out his weapons.

But Bulkesso knew Gruchak.

Even though the weapons Bulcaisel takes out are different from the ones Gruchak chooses in the end, the fighting methods can only be the same.

"It's been a long time since we started sparring. I know you have other things to do here.

But let’s wait until our battle is over.

You really dare to think about letting a barbarian lead such a lonely place." Ao

Sonya said sarcastically.

Barbarians are actually not very capable of enduring loneliness.

They like lively scenes.

It doesn't matter whether it's a lively battlefield or a lively banquet.

Barbarians can fight in the wilderness for months, but they always find time to visit where the Nephalem gather.

After all, barbarians are not like monks who can relieve their loneliness with the help of gods.

You can’t just chat with the souls like a witch doctor to relieve your boredom. Ao

"There is no way, you are the best candidate.

And you came back by borrowing Kanai's body and bloodline.

By the way, there is one more thing I forgot to tell you.

Kanai is the half body of the first ancestor.

If you want to calculate seniority based on bloodline, you have already become the one with the highest seniority.

Even higher than Orek?"

When Bulcaisuo spoke, he waved the tribal blade in his hand.

He looked for the feeling of fighting Gruchak.

Because of the differences in size, it still takes some preparation to completely copy Gruchak's fighting style.

When studying, of course, the more like a teacher, the better.

Only after you have mastered it do you need to change these things according to your own situation.

Sonya's talent allowed her to complete this step quickly, but she could not lead Sonya astray in the beginning.

"If I feel right, is that the purest blood in you?

According to what you said, can I call you brother?" Ao

Sonya couldn't help laughing.

It’s just that the two swords in her hands are already in a fighting posture!

Sonya chose to place the two swords at her sides, and then stared at Bulcasso.

I learned this stance from Kahn.

Sonya has completed a transformation that is more suitable for herself. This posture is also Sonya's favorite battle preparation.

Among the barbarians, even Kalju, who loves to use a shield, is not a strong defensive and counterattack type.

He's the same as Tarik, he's just very good at defense. Ao

But they are also violent enough in battle!

This time Sonya will have the upper hand!

This is the process she used to practice with Bulqueso!

Sonya will attack first, and Bulkatho will show the unique defensive style of the ancestor spirits that he imitates.

This helps Sonya establish a preliminary understanding of the battle mode of this ancestral spirit!

After the exchange of offense and defense, Sonya will face less pressure.

Only then will there be enough energy to continue to observe the attack methods displayed by Bulqueso. Ao

This is a learning method that only Sonya can do, and it is somewhat sophisticated and scary.

It's a pity that among the nephalem's talents, there is a Li Min who is completely incomprehensible to others...

No matter how wonderful and gorgeous the Nephalem are compared to Li Min, they all seem to have various shortcomings.

This may also be the shackles that hang over the heads of all Nephalems who are known as geniuses.

A talent that surpasses Li Min?

Even later this kind of thing was recognized as a delusion.

Questions such as whether the next Li Min will be born among the Nephalem are considered impossible by most Nephalem! Ao

That probability is even smaller than the possibility of an archangel being corrupted into a demon.



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