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1199 Yin Na and Wu Liena

 Uliana, whom the ancestor spirits cared about, was still back, but she did not appear directly in their sight.

Ulena herself is not the kind of Nephalem who likes to be in the public eye.

She was given the title of missing person only after others had not heard about Ulena for many years.

This kind of thing can only happen to Ulena.

Although it is a bit rude to say this, Ulena is indeed a relatively withdrawn type.

Yin Na returned to the main hall.

There are no statues of gods in the main hall of Sky Temple.

There are just a few very delicate metal scented candles placed neatly here.

Yes, that thing is also a legendary weapon commonly used by monks.

That's what is called the main hall incense candle.

Although these things can be used by monks as magic wands, they are only used as incense candles.

"I thought you would at least appear in front of them when you come back."

Yin Na said in a gentle tone.

Although she and Wu Liena were not monks of the same era, as the leader of the gods, Yin Na cherished almost every legendary monk.

After all, it was she who single-handedly created the pantheon of monks, and the Nephalem who became monks after her only became so after meeting the condition of communicating with the pantheon of gods.

Even among a lot of legendary monks, Ulena is the top one.

"What's the need?

My appearance and existence have always been meaningless to the monks.

They will not get more protection because of my existence, nor will they gain any faith because of my past.

For things like faith, it’s better to have some awareness on your own.”

Ulena said very gently.

She was very happy to see the monk's seeds begin to sprout.

But let her provide some other protection or help.

Ulena is not good at this kind of thing.

Although the fighting style she is good at is not completely incapable of cooperating with other Nephalem.

But there are indeed not many Nephalem who can cooperate with her in fighting.

The roar caused by the detonation of the Exploding Palm can't be said to have a slight impact on other people.

Only the monk who always remained calm during the battle could not be affected by these roars.

"What do you think the savages are planning?

Or how likely is it that their plan will come true?"

Yin Na said as she sat directly opposite Uliana.

Although two people can communicate directly through Wanshen, the feeling of face-to-face communication is somewhat different from communicating on the phone.

"I don't care, the death of the demon has absolutely no harm to the Nephalem.

The only possible bad thing is that the Nephalem lack a way to obtain wealth.

Maybe some people will care about this change, but most monks will not."

Ulena said gently.

Of course, warrior monks are not the kind who have no need for material things at all.

But their personal needs are indeed among the fewest.

Although monks don't mind drinking, they are not like those barbarians who always carry strong liquor.

At the beginning, the barbarians probably just hoped that the burning sensation and dizziness contained in the spirit belt could withstand the cold and take away the depression in their hearts.

After all, wine is not necessarily as delicious as fruit juice.

"Aren't you going to choose one of those apprentices to take with you?"

Yin Na asked.

This is what she really wants to ask.

"The way I fight doesn't suit too many people.

In other words, the talent requirements of monks are actually underestimated.

What hard work can guarantee is that they can become stronger steadily, and the speed is really not fast.

But ways to become stronger that can achieve greater improvements in a short period of time, unsurprisingly require more energy and talent."

Ulena shook her head as she spoke.

The fighting method of Exploding Seven Stars has completely different fighting methods when facing enemies of different levels.

Although the Exploding Seven Stars are also called the Elemental Seven Stars, they are ultimately the same thing.

If there are just a large number of demons, then it is enough to constantly shift your position and release the Seven Phase Fist.

But facing a more powerful enemy, there are many details of Uliana's fighting style that need to be mastered.

For example, before releasing the Qixiang Fist, use the Hundred Split Fist to mobilize the internal energy more actively.

Or use Qixiangquan at the right time to avoid enemy attacks.

Uliana's fighting style does not emphasize simple explosive power, but relies more on the rhythm of talent and experience!

To be honest, it is possible for some of the newly promoted monks to master Ulena's fighting style.

As long as you master it enough, you can get her legend from Ulena's hands.

But this is not what Ulena wants to see!

Although the monks do not require each monk to have a different fighting style and development direction.

But it is no surprise that these legendary monks hope that those who come after them can find their own path.

“It takes root, sprouts, and then gradually grows vigorously.

This is certainly a good thing, but the barbarians' plan doesn't seem to take too much time.

Although I don’t know what Bulkesso is anxious about, his urgency is still very obvious.”

Yin Na took out a clay teapot from her backpack and gently placed it in her hand.

Ulena took a look, and then used a little bit of cold air to freeze the moisture in the air into an ice cube of just the right size.

Yin Na gently continued to rummage through her backpack, and then took out a bag of wrapped tea.

Yin Na's requirements for tea are slightly better than Karasim's.

At least Yin Na will carefully collect and save tea leaves when she encounters them.

Instead of just stuffing it into the backpack roughly like Krashim did.

The teapot in Yin Na's hand has begun to slowly heat up.

The tea leaves curled up into small particles were put into the teapot, and then slowly stretched out under the temperature.

"It's nice to be alive, isn't it?"

Ulena said with a peaceful smile on her face.

"The value of life should not be measured. Only by living happily every day can you obtain the most fundamental peace."

Yin Na said as if she was joking.

Ulena didn't care at all whether she was serious or not.

The two of them were just chatting here and drinking a cup of tea.

The process of looking inward for strength not only builds a strong body, but also gradually calms down the heart.

The image shown by the monk's ultimate move, Ling Guangwu, is not entirely bright.

The dark body and the solemn brilliance will intersect.

In fact, the bloodline of the monk itself is the more demonic among the nephalem.

If they want to release spiritual enlightenment, they must activate the power in their own blood!

But just stimulating the power of the bloodline will not release spiritual enlightenment.

Instead, it will become something similar to the Barbarian Berserker's Wrath.

Only when inner peace and physical strength are balanced can one achieve the state of spiritual enlightenment.

And this move is indeed the real core skill for monks.

It's not like Qixiang Fist, a big move that only requires the body to be able to withstand it.

Aura is the state of complete balance between body and mind.

It can even be said that the monks who master the spiritual enlightenment have opened the door to becoming a legend.

Mastering this move may not necessarily make you a legend, but if you fail to master this move, you will definitely miss out on becoming a legend.

"A monk like Kyoshiro is also good. Maybe we can choose a more sedate monk to practice this skill?"

Yin Na asked.

She was asking for Ulena's opinion.

The name Kyoshiro is the name of a glove commonly used by warrior monks.

The full name of the glove is Kyoshiro's Blade.

That monk uses the Golden Bell Break as his main fighting method, which is powerful and majestic.

Among the monks, he is also the one most familiar to ordinary people.

Although the battle scenes in Jinzhong Po cannot be said to be very good-looking.

But the sound from the Golden Bell was not as harsh and sudden as the Exploding Seven Stars used by Wu Lianna.

Instead, it will deliver more of a calm, loud chime.

As long as the bell continues to ring, it means that Kyoshiro is still fighting.

When the bells completely subside, others can often see Kyoshiro's figure.

The sense of security that the monk brought was something that many Nephalem could not achieve.

This has nothing to do with whether he is strong or not, it is just an additional effect brought about by his unique fighting style.

At this time, there are only three legendary monks in the Sky Temple who can teach others their own fighting methods.

Even though Karasim masters many different fighting methods, they are still classified in the field of boxing.

But if the fighting styles of monks are only divided into broad categories, they can be divided into at least four types!

When young people grow up, having someone to guide them is of course the best outcome.

"If you are sure, maybe that Ah Fu is a good candidate.

After all, Jin Zhongpo’s fighting method is indeed safer and is suitable for monks who make judgments from behind.”

After thinking for a while, Ulena finally gave her choice.

"He will probably be happy after hearing the news.

Karasim didn't think highly of his boxing skills and combat awareness.

It is said that he is more suitable for the fighting style of honestly standing still and shaking his fists."

Yin Na smiled.

Although several legendary monks rarely meet, they have always had a lot of communication through the gods.

"This is also a good thing, at least he can study in the Sky Temple for a long time.

And it seems that Wayne has no intention of leaving the Holy Mountain of Harrogath anytime soon.

The two of them really look like father and son."

Wu Liena took the teapot from Yin Na's hand and poured some into her own cup.

As for the cup... for these legends, they can pick up a stone and pull out a cup with their fingers.

"That's their business. Now I'm more concerned about what Bulkesso is planning.

His strength has surpassed ours by a lot, and to be honest, I'm still a little worried."

Yin Na said.

She wasn't very familiar with Bulcasso.

The previous cooperation and help was only because they were all Nephalem.

There are very few nephalem who hold each other back.

"Those things don't need to be considered by us.

Li Min is probably worried about this too, right?

We just need to be calm, no matter if we are facing the devil or something else.

Just do it until you give up."

Ulena smiled.

After saying this, she took out two boxing gloves from her backpack.

The Lion's Claw and the Fist of Az Turrask.

The lion's claw is Ulena's own weapon and her own legend.

Among the monks, besides Yin Na, Wulianna should be the most powerful.

If she had not died that year, it is very likely that she would have surpassed Yin Na herself and reached the level of the original monk.

In addition to the six legendary sets bearing Ulena's name, Ulena also has two additional legendary pieces.

A belt named after Ulena's title "The Missing", a waistband for the missing.

There are also gloves and lion claws that look like a lion's head.

As for the legendary Fist of Az Turask, it was a weapon that came from a prison.

In other words, it is a torture device!

This thing is very cruel, it is extremely lethal and can also cause maximum pain.

"Do you plan to leave your legendary equipment in the Sky Temple?"

Yin Na asked.

"It's just these two pieces.

I still need to use my legendary suit, after all, we can't escape from the frontline battlefield yet.

The Nephalem need our best efforts to protect them as they grow.

But with this pair of gloves, young monks always have one more choice when they grow up.

Anyway, the barbarian blacksmith knows how to forge my legendary suit."

Ulena said with a smile.

"It seems that I have to prepare to leave something behind, but the fighting style suitable for my suit and the fighting style of Karashim are somewhat overlapped."

Yin Na smiled.

Yin Na's most famous fighting method is of course her powerful Phantom Body Art.

But that doesn't mean that Yin Na's boxing skills are any worse.

In fact, quite the opposite!

In terms of boxing skills, Yin Na is even better than Karasim!

Yuanlingquan's fighting method is also one of the more commonly used by monks.

Use the power of the phantom body to maximize the power of your boxing skills!

It's just that in this way of fighting, the phantom is not the initiator of the main attack.

But as a sharer of the huge internal force generated by boxing!

Use the phantom body to share the internal power that can exceed the limits of the body.

The fighting method can be considered very simple and unsophisticated.

You can choose to use the Fist of the Dragon as a weapon to pursue damage.

You can also choose to use Yin Na's magic wand as a weapon, which will have stronger survivability when the damage is reduced.

Even with the same legendary suit, monks can come up with several different fighting methods.

This is the path to becoming stronger that only monks can achieve.

It can even be said that the strength of each of their roads is guaranteed.

"Let the barbarian blacksmiths imitate it first.

We are not Karasim, and we do not have a comrades-in-arms relationship with Bulcaisel to take risks together."

Ulena said with a smile.

It wouldn't be impossible if the two of them asked Bulcasso to forge the weapons himself.

Barbarians are not stingy.

But that would mean the two of them owed a favor.

It would be a relatively small favor to bother Rasuq on the sacred mountain of Harrogath.

Rasuk himself made a living as a blacksmith.

Blacksmithing was his way of life.

Unlike Bulkatho, although he was very happy with forging, as the strongest Nephalem at this time, it was a waste of his time to spend too much time on forging.

Especially when it's just forging some imitation legendary equipment.

This chapter has been completed!
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