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1202 Forced to do something Baal

 It is said that the Burning Hell can detect what happened on Tyrael's side.

But the Burning Hell at this time is in a very weak state!

Even though Baal was supplemented by most of Cytorak's power, it was still very inadequate compared to the High Heavens.

Not to mention that what demons need to face in the human world is the hostility of all humans.

Once a demon exceeds a certain limit and appears in the human world, a corresponding Nephalem will appear.

Even Barr felt very powerless at this time.

We cannot allow legendary-level demons to descend on the earth, because there are also a lot of legendary-level Nephalem now!

There's no point in doing that!

It can only provide the Nephalem with sufficient combat experience.

As for demons that are lower than the legendary level, those guys can also corrupt humans.

But the responsibility they can bear is too small.

It can be said that Barr has no confidence in this.

"Diablo, are you still unable to give up your identity as Lilith?"

Barr asked looking at the figure of Lilith in front of him.

"Baal, when I was born as Lilith by Mephisto, you should know what he did to me.

How could I give up this identity before I had my revenge?

Our brother tried to replace my fear with hatred when I was at my weakest.

So I am not grateful to him at all!

Of course, the devil won't be grateful either."

Lilith's tone was particularly strange.

Although she has not recovered much strength at this time, at least she has a clear consciousness!

The origin of fear was passed on by the travelers from that time!

This means that as long as she wants, she can become the fear demon again at any time!

It’s just that she won’t do that for the time being!

"I don't know if you have forgotten! Mephisto's will and soul have been crushed by Bulcasso.

The power of hatred has even been transferred to the barbarian at this time!

It's embarrassing to say this, but we don't have the power to defeat that barbarian."

Baal sat on his stone throne with a cold expression.

"But Bulcasso is not the only one who is the strongest!

Isn't it normal to confuse others?

Li Min is still young, both as a mage and as a Nephalem."

Lilith said casually.

There is no expression on her face!

"Need I remind you that Bulcaisel's former name was Uldyssian!?"

There was a bit of anger in Barr's tone.

He was indeed angry about this!

"What? Didn't Uldyssian cause harm to High Heaven back then?

Don’t forget that when we captured Inaris, we relied on a lot of his power!”

Lilith said mockingly.

Several of Barr's arms were held in front of him, and his attitude could not be seen.

Although this action is more of an expression of rejection.

"Are you going to choose another Nephalem in the human world? I have to question your vision!"

Barr said.

Lilith's approach to choosing Nephalem has always been quite strange.

She always picks the best nephalem!

Whether it's her children or Uldyssian!

Most of the time, Lilith chooses those who can become strong.

But these Nephalem unsurprisingly stood on the opposite side of the Burning Hell at the critical moment!

Barr’s doubts are natural!

"I have no intention of asking you to obey my vision.

At least this time I won't find Li Min.

She is already too powerful and I cannot guide her to act according to my ideas.

It’s impossible even for a moment.”

Lilith said coldly.

The nephalem she had chosen eventually broke her plans.

But before the critical moment came, I still did a lot of things for her.

"So who is your choice?

Who do you plan to give the power of the Nephalem this time?"

Barr asked.

Yes, the Nephalem themselves are not the only ones who can give other people the power of the Nephalem!

Lilith, the mother of all Nephalem, can do the same!

Even Inaris can do it if he wants to!

After Inarius was captured by the Burning Hell due to his failure in the Battle of Original Sin.

It’s not like the demons didn’t try to recreate the existence of the Nephalem!

This process should be humiliating enough for Inarius, the Angel of Destiny.

But the result is obvious!

No matter how hard the Burning Hells tried, they were unable to use any of the Nephalem left in Inaris!

"I need a smart person this time, someone smart enough to think a lot about everything."

Lilith said.

Although she didn't say it clearly, she obviously already had a clear candidate!

"That so-called scientist?

I remember that his soul seems to be incomplete?"

Baal understands the candidate Lilith wants!

Fantastic Mr. Reed!

Arguably the smartest human being in the world!

More importantly, Reed's soul has been corrupted once.

Although he temporarily solved this problem by dividing his soul.

But that doesn't mean his corruption has completely ended!

According to Barr's understanding, as long as Reed's soul is intact, he may immediately become a powerful demon!

"It is precisely because it is incomplete that it can be exploited by us.

It is not difficult to make him a Nephalem, but the moment his soul is repaired, he will become a demon!"

Lilith said decisively.

She was obviously very certain of this outcome!

"Are you going to show up in person to guide him again? Don't forget Bulcasso, or Uldyssian!"

Barr said angrily!

Once Lilith appears in person, she will definitely not be greeted by all the Nephalem who come to pay homage to their mother.

Instead, he was directly surrounded by the powerful Nephalem and killed directly!

The nephalem's attitude towards demons has long been determined!

And this attitude is almost impossible to reverse!

Lilith will never be able to influence Reed in the same way as before!

As long as she takes action, Reed will instantly become a loser!

"Don't forget, not every one of these humans is given blood by the Nephalem!

The demon hunter who came to the Burning Hell before is the best example.

There is actually not much difference between scientists and spellcasters. I only need to use their strong curiosity to achieve my goal."

Lilith said very confidently.

Constantine used the influence of the devil and the gift of hope given by Auriel to become the accidental one who obtained the power of the Nephalem on his own!

More importantly, this kind of accident is not impossible to reproduce!

Reid needs power!

Although he always believed in science, in Lilith's eyes, there was no difference from believing in knowledge!

It just so happens that the power of knowledge is still held by Lilith!

To influence Reed, Lilith only needs to give a little inspiration and some cooperation!

It is not difficult for Lilith to lead a scholar down a wrong path!

Even if she has lost most of her power that can be used in battle at this time!

Reed suddenly thought that there was a way to curb the corruption, and then the demon as the demon god cooperated a little bit when they tried it.

All it takes is a slight restraint of the power of the Burning Hell to get them a wrong answer.

It is difficult for the nephalem to detect this small trick!

Even if you have doubts, you can’t deny it!

After all, in Reed's eyes, he got such a result after going through many experiments!

Although Bulcaisel is definitely not stupid, he is the type who will not talk casually about areas he does not understand!

And Li Min, Li Min will be skeptical, but more likely she will also find a place to try to do this.

It's not difficult for Lilith to hide from the Nephalem!

"Why are you telling me this?"

Barr asked.

He couldn't imagine that there was anything in Lilith's plan that required his cooperation!

No matter how you look at it, Lilith only needs to act on her own to achieve the results she wants!

Communicating your plans with other demon gods is not a normal way of communication between them!

They scheme against each other, hide from each other, and then reach cooperation in the intrigue. This is the normal approach.

"Because I need you to stop Tyrael."

Lilith said.

Tyrael has arrived on Earth!

Although Tyrell doesn't know much about the people in this world, his understanding of demons is too deep.

Tyrael would be embarrassed to lead a human against someone he didn't understand.

But leading humans to fight against demons is something Tyrael is very good at!

"Are you crazy?"

For the first time in this conversation, an expression appeared on Barr's face.

That's fear!

"When did Tyrael do this without the shadow of another archangel behind him?

What you are saying is that you want me to fight against four and a half archangels on my own!"

Barr said a little impatiently.

"But this is the best chance, isn't it?"

Lilith's expression remained unchanged.

"Don't forget that Inaris may come for revenge at any time."

Baal mentioned that Inarius seemed to want to change Lilith's mind.

"That will only be possible after he accumulates enough strength.

Barr, I am not discussing with you, I am informing you."

Lilith said.

From the beginning of her plan, Barr was not qualified to say no!

Since Lilith has revealed all her plans, there must be a way to force Barr to act according to her plans!

"I'll wait and see how you can make me have to help you resist the power of the archangels!"

Barr's tense body suddenly relaxed.

He was trapped in his throne, as if he was planning to destroy it.

"Then just be optimistic, you will definitely take action."

Lilith said nonchalantly.

Rorschach is now standing there with a strange expression.

He had just left the Holy Mountain and was just relaxing aimlessly.

He chose to leave only after Bulkesso left the Holy Mountain. After all, he had already gained a lot.

His goal has been achieved. There is little meaning in continuing to stay on the Holy Mountain, and it may even be a bit boring.

This time on the Holy Mountain, Rorschach's harvest can be said to be very rich.

He first fought against Warusk, although the process was not pleasant at all.

But he learned a lot of fighting methods suitable for barbarians!

After all, the barbarians in the melee at that time were all legends! You need some luck to see such a battle!

Rorschach even faced off with the other ancestor spirits for a while, and then met Bulcaisel.

He is now an unquestionably legendary savage.

The speed at which Rorschach became a legend was naturally more than one step faster than Wayne and the others.

But at this time he was very distressed.

Because he looked at the deep pit in front of him!

In the pit was none other than Tyrael, who had fallen from the higher heaven.

How could Rorschach not know Tyrell?

It can even be said that he is very familiar with this guy!

In the beginning, it was Tyrael who gave him the care of the Archangel of Justice.

Later, Rorschach obtained complete justice authority from Tyrell.

And that hammer of judgment...

Although Rorschach has now returned the power of justice to the higher heaven, he has also found the justice he insists on.

But he can't pretend that what happened in the past doesn't exist.

"what's wrong with you?"

Rorschach looked at Tyrell in the pit and asked.

He had long heard the story of Tyrael's fall from the other ancestral spirits.

Now the story was repeated, and Rorschach was a little unable to react.


Tyrell let out a confused whisper.

I wonder if every time an archangel falls to heaven, he loses his memory.

Anyway, it was no surprise that Tyrell had an accident.

He lost his memory again.

"The story says that you only remembered your identity after you obtained the Glory of the Holy Feather last time.

Damn it, where should I go to find the Glory of the Holy Feather for you now?

Should I go back to the Holy Mountain and ask my ancestors for their opinions?"

Rorschach complained.

He already holds the hammer of judgment in his hand.

Rorschach actually doesn't have much fondness for the archangels, although he doesn't have any bad feelings either.

It's the feeling of simply facing strangers.

Although because both sides have a common enemy, Rorschach does not intend to take advantage of others' danger and directly send Tyrell away.

But he still has the necessary precautions.

Of course, the archangels were a little nervous when they saw Rorschach pulling out the Hammer of Judgment.

They have not forgotten the fact that archangels can be killed now.

Massa Yin'er was actually prepared to show up to protect Tyrell at any time.


There was a sound of breaking the sky!

A long sword that seemed to match Tyrael quickly landed in the direction of Rorschach.

Rorschach looked up.

"I know where the Glory of the Holy Feather is, but are you planning to crucify me?"

Rorschach's tone was not very friendly.

If he didn't take any action, the brilliance of the Holy Feather would hit his head.

Faced with this kind of situation, everyone will get a little angry.

Besides, Rorschach is a legendary savage.

He upholds justice and knows how to take care of others.

But Rorschach is most famous for his stubborn temper!

He lowered his hands and placed the Hammer of Judgment by his side, and then got ready to exert force!

The moment the Glory of the Holy Feather fell into Rorschach's attack range! Luo Xia exerted all his strength and hit the Glory of the Holy Feather directly with the heavy hammer in his hand!

Tyrael's accessories were hit by this power and flew towards an unknown place.

Rorschach had heard too many angles and versions of the story of Tyrael's fall to heaven.

He has his own judgment!

Although the situation faced by the high-level heaven at this time is better than that of the burning hell.

But there is no reason why their argument would lead to Tyrael falling to heaven again!

Perhaps Tyrael really helped the Nephalem a lot last time.

But this time, it looks full of conspiracy!

Rorschach didn't believe that the Archangel could force the most powerful frontal combat force among them to leave the sequence of high-level heaven at this time!

As Rorschach waved the war hammer without hesitation, the archangels in the sky were stunned.

"Massa Yin'er, is this also part of your plan?"

asked because of what's going on with the Prius.

The corners of Massayin'er's mouth twitched.

"Did you aim at a barbarian's head and throw down the Glory of the Holy Feather?"

Masa Yin'er asked rhetorically.

"How is that possible? Didn't you say you have to be careful not to hurt others?

It was Rorschach who happened to be standing in that position.

If I have to say this, it was caused by Tyrell not directly bringing the Glory of the Holy Feather with him when he went down."

In Prius said with a smile.

"This is not a good thing, but at least Rorschach, a barbarian, will not take Tyrael's life when he is at his weakest.

Ordinary demons cannot pose a threat to Tyrael."

Masa Yin'er said as if he was looking for an excuse.

Although this scene was quite different from what he had imagined, at least it wasn't bad...

The Glory of the Holy Feather will return to Tyrael, but there may be some deviations in time.

If we calculate the time, the nephalem and local humans should be here soon.

This is a big deal, and it's normal for someone to come and take a look.

This chapter has been completed!
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