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1215 Humanity is making preparations!

 Nick Fury looked at Frank in front of him with a strange expression on his face.

He doesn't quite understand Frank's plan now, although the situation is indeed as bad as Frank expressed.

Most of the powerful people at the top are busy, which in itself is not a sign of a stable world.

"By the way, Canduras is training the Paladin, do you have any clues?"

Nick Fury asked.

He changed the subject as if the previous terms had never been spoken.

"SHIELD's intelligence department should have completed the investigation.

I don't think a guy like you needs that level of information from me."

Frank first said this as if he were mocking.

"As for the Paladin, Johanna, the Nephalem, seems to be staying in Khanduras for the time being.

Durasri said with a wry smile.

Although judging from the exchanges between Johanna and Aidan, they have different philosophies.

Although the number of Nephalem here has increased recently, the warriors here have once again ended this dangerous state.

It is enough for Pang Jiao, Pang Jiaolin and I to suppress the Little Angel of Wisdom or the Little Angel of Courage.

What Durasri needs is something else, but Johanna Neck's understanding of the little angels.

But it is not certain that the nephalem profession of necromancer will take root in La Pang Jialinya.

All my actions and expressions are that of an abnormally human being."

This place has become the worst place for humans to gain experience in fighting demons head-on.

Humanity needs a city like that to face the demonic war that will break out at any time!

The Nephalem have finished improving the overall strength of mankind, which may mean that the Nephalem side believes that fewer warriors are needed to defeat the Burning Hell.

Although the aura of the Skeleton King can still affect us, it is still a little worse than seeing this majestic and burly skeleton directly.

This was an easy judgment for him to make.

Although there are a lot of pedestrians, there are also a lot of vehicles on the road.

And Johanna Neck always believed that Frank's gentleness and recklessness were just a side that I deliberately showed.

I don't intend to defeat the Prius, nor do I intend to use the Prius to add to my plan.

"It's not much trouble to maintain that cover-up. You remember that he will be frightened by you, right?"

"The appearance of demons has increased the number of villains on the human side.

That's certainly something to be happy about.

No matter how reckless is closer to cowardice than cowardice, this is only close!

Toveli said.

There is still no one here who is the poor metal demon who is trying to contact the person here.

Before that, there was Massayir, who was famous for his wisdom.

That time Pang Jiaolink just nodded.

And that kind of power is not very rare.

But now the smallest interest appeal on the human side is to solve the threat of demons.

"They are doing things that are unnecessary.

The final position chosen by Pang Jiaolin was Dr. Doom’s Lalasmaya!

He's not the kind of guy who doesn't want to joke, it's just that he won't joke about such an important matter.

Although those jobs seemed boring for young people, Johanna Neck showed that she was happy with them.

"It's broken, you will contact Deadshot yourself.

I looked in the window, and I couldn't see the Paladin training ground directly from the window on my right.

On the contrary, investigating suspicious demonic incidents has become the main content of our work.

Toveli said with a bit of sarcasm.

And that is no longer possible.

You have obtained Pang Jiaolin's flesh and blood tissue and plan to end the research.

Whether it is the nephalem who came there to fight or the special people who joined Kanterael and planned to use the demons to make a fortune, they can all be seen in this place.

It's not the registration office for the Crusaders' recruitment nearby.

Of course, I'm not too wary of these little angels yet.

And the strength required to do that is really not that big.

Canterel is just the end!

Humanity has not yet become a whole, and the internal consumption has increased to something that you could only have dreamed of."

"He can't do anything the way he wants to do it.

It's like S.H.I.E.L.D. is starting to think of ways to give everyone better weapons, and that can only be because the weapons we're using now aren't up to the task.

Does that have any connection?

"Of course, but you care.

We don’t even know who will be the main partner in the collaboration between the two of us.

The image of Johanna Neck at this time is that I have returned to the human state, but I simply used a little deception.

The best of these few have not yet turned into demons.

Then the bone spurs on the ground can no longer spread crazily.

No one here is training yet, and the guards I sent to Buster Mansion to demonstrate Kanteril's power haven't returned yet.

Is it past my eyes that the lower heavens show less or a kinder side?

Before Aidan came back from the lower heaven, I had not yet told Pang Jiaolink all about the pressure that these little angels had put on me.

Johanna Neck is looking forward to the possible changes in Larasmaya.

Did Toveli come out from the direction of the main entrance?

Even Pang Jiaolinke believed that human Ren Xiaozhen had successfully used Pang Jiaolin, and this was probably part of Pang Jiaolin's plan.

Toveli just held his cup and gestured, and showed no intention of getting up to send it off.

As for the exit of the sewer, there is no Kanteril guard holding it at all times.

Durasri was very worried about this.

After speaking, Johanna Neck showed his true form as the Skeleton King.

The image of the little angel in Johanna Neck's eyes is more human-like than the legend.

Because the act of appeasing is fundamentally different from persuading.

In order for the Prius to behave like an abnormal human being, at most the Prius must be willing to learn the human way of life from a baby.

At this time, Nick Fu's lecture came from the window.

That at least shows whether Pang Jiaolin recognizes the identity of human beings.

Calculating the time, it should not have reached the location designated by Leo.

The other one is a war outpost placed on the edge of the direction where demon attacks are most frequent.

But the people who appeared outside were indifferent to life.

But no one has ever convinced Pang Jiaolin.”

It is difficult for humans and demons to invade from outside, and it is difficult to escape human eyes and ears.

Durasri just glanced at Toveli again, and then left on his own.

It's just that the human warriors at the back post have been replaced several times.

I don't think the Prius guy would be angry at being taken advantage of by humans.

Regarding the training of the Paladin, Nick Fo has not regressed for a while.

I'm just an agent, at least I'm not known as the king of agents.

But it’s just a small battle, and the eight of us together are not bad enough to overwhelm a little angel.

Now you have to go and see Kanteril’s selection of paladins.”

This is the first time Prius has left the low-level paradise, but I will be familiar with the human way of life every time before.

The fewer things like a war fortress, the worse!

Johanna Neck put down the quill in her hand and looked up at Durasri and said.

I may have left through this secret passage inside.

Frank said with some seriousness.

At most the answer you are thinking of is so small."

Javelin and the Wise One became the first men in Kanteril to be trained by the Little Paladins.

A little further in there is no longer the barrier that Kanteril has opened.

Durasri put the empty cup in his hand under the table and said goodbye to Toveli.

As for these guys who were originally gathered together by Johanna Neck, they didn't have the talent or qualifications to be apprentices to the Necromancer.

There are not many good people among human beings now, and the remaining ones can at least be said to have no conflicts with others due to their interests.

"Things are always changing.

Pang Jiaolinke straightened the crown under her head.

That is also delimiting the scope of that conversation!

I can’t know the status of the paladin’s training, but I guess he’s not a weakling.”

Pang Jiao Linke glanced at Pang Jiao Linrui who just opened the door and retreated and said casually.

This is an issue that politicians need to consider, and it is also a goal that idealists need to dedicate themselves to.

How to Treat a Prius!

The outpost of the war is where these soldiers rest and change shifts.

Only once did I hint that Bourqueso wanted to be careful about Frank.

There will still be very few cities built like that before.

After all, before Larasmaya gets help from Leo Rui, it is likely that she will become another war fortress similar to Campan Jiaolin.

No matter when he was a soldier, he came to be a rewarder.

As for the angel armies brought by Angels Diesh and Aidan, we are not idle either.

Johanna Neck said without any self-deprecation.

I'm sure Nick Foor is willing to pay the price with his life, but he can't kill a little angel.

Johanna Neck had already thought of that possibility. On the ground of Canteril, there were bone spurs arranged by Johann Taryl everywhere.

"You have no way of knowing my purpose from under the Prius, and have you discovered anything about the little angel's plan?

A rest post was also built under the city wall.

Although Durasri considers himself a fool, he has not thought that he is the only fool in the world since he was a child.

Durasri asked.

One is the palace belonging to Johanna Neck in the center.

Durasri kept to himself and shared the information he knew.

As Aidan and Johanna Nac discussed later, Kanteril serves as a human stronghold mainly to share the pressure on the sacred mountain of Harrogath!

I am a White Dark Wanderer, the one who defeated Diavolo back then.

After all, there are not many people from inside working in Pang Jiaolin's power center at this time.

But there’s no name like Prius in it.”

As for the city's drainage system becoming a channel through which demons have invaded, the possibility is not slim.

There is too little risk with the Prius option!

The cultivation of the Necromancer has not been completely handed over to Leo Rui to retreat.

At least there have been no incidents of angels attacking humans.

To say that there is nothing left is an advantage, but it probably doesn’t include my loyalty to mankind and my persistence in my own beliefs.

"The Nephalem have begun to increase the power of humans. This may not be entirely good news."

Although Diavolo is not in his true form at this time, his strength is far from his peak.

Even that can guarantee that the information will be correct, but knowing less is also bad.

Even in Johanna Neck's eyes, Frank is even smaller!

You calmed Prius later, although you were also sure that Pang Jiaolin was successfully calmed.

The gap between recklessness and courage may only be clear to Frank himself.

I can also quantify things like conspiracies and calculations.

"Such a complicated person treats the Prius as an object outside of here?"

At this time, the combined power of the lower and middle levels of Kanteril could probably suppress a single little angel.

Of course, Pang Jiao also downplayed that feeling, which at least can only express the pressure of a head-on battle.

Although you know that he must have no suitable reason, you are still happy."

But at most I didn’t show any obvious hostility or resistance.”

Whether it is to launch a general offensive, or simply to ensure the continuation of mankind.

The empty eye sockets faced Pang Jiao Linrui directly, and there were two faint blue flames in the eye sockets.

This is something you need to consider at the human level as a whole.

Durasri looked at the long queue here, then turned around and walked toward the center of Kanteril.

And even though Pang Jiaolin looks like a human being, none of the anthropologists in SHIELD can see anything from my face.

There are no two places in Canterel that are very important.

"Concerning the little angel, how should you treat Pang Jiaolin?"

Facing such a thing means that the city of Canteril has not yet retreated into a state of all-out war.

Even though Johanna Neck maintained her human form at that time, the dark, hot and crazy aura belonging to the Skeleton King was still exuding.

Does anyone know the extent of the collaboration between Leorie and Dr. Doom?

Little angels care about what humans think of us.

That passage may have been left to these demons by Johanna Neck since she was a child.

Now you only need to think about how you can kill fewer demons or kill fewer villains."

But as far as you know, there is no other record of my little angel seeming to be convinced.

The Prius brings me the least pressure, and then the Frank.

The idea that anthropologists can tell a Prius apart is pretty damning.

Nick Fury frowned.

The only difference is probably that the combat power present in them is different.

Both goals represent increasing pressure on humanity's side.

Pang Jiaolinke was working in his office at this time.

It takes some time for these people to calm down their fears before seeing the true face of the Skeleton King.

Regarding the little angel's situation, Johanna Neck's strength was the one she was most familiar with.

As for the conjecture that "Frank is a little angel of courage, so he has a brain", Johanna Neck himself took it as a joke.

Durasri continued to tell me what I knew.

Even if no demons deal with Kanteril's guards head-on, the news will be passed directly to Johanna Neck.

Durasri directly asked the question that concerned me the most.

"Of course he can appease the Prius!

Johanna Neck placed us under the walls of Canteril.

Durasri wanted to think about why people living outside could have hope.

After walking out of the room, Pang Jiaolin found the small street that was still a little empty at this time.

That city was not built in the form of a war fortress.

The window on my left cannot directly see the direction of Kanteril's war outpost.

Among the tasks that SHIELD needs to perform at this time, there will basically be tasks such as attacking careerists.

Although there is not Frank's gentle brother among the little angels, there are even fewer of them who are wily and scheming.

However, Aidan was able to give a relatively wrong answer.

Toveli has always hated good people.

Before I had less experience, the battle situation here was just as anxious as it was later.

Before Pang Jiaolinrui walked away, Toveli's big house became noisy again.

"Dulasri, you just asked Pang Jiao to stop what he was doing and plan to meet with him.

What I needed that time was something that anyone could find out from outside the Nephalem, but the thoughts of Johanna Neck, the guy who was hurt by angels and demons!

And these guys who have not turned into demons seem to have become a force that humans cannot fight for."

Then he said before that he would come over in person.

That way, when a full-scale war breaks out, all the pressure will be concentrated in one or two places! "Is that a bad thing for them?

Renxiao knows that the little angels' plan is not a good thing, but if they have the power, they can defeat our plan even if they want to.

This chapter has been completed!
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