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1234 Arrival of Prius

 It was inevitable for Prius to go to Khanduras, although he was not very willing to do so.

After all, the appearance of any archangel at this time would make the situation awkward and easily make the Nephalem think too much.

But he had already agreed to Massay'er, although he also doubted whether Massay'er wanted to do something to spare him.

But the Prius doesn't care.

Because Masayir also gave a guarantee that he would seriously consider the possibility of making humans become angels.

You must ensure that you will do this before destroying all existences related to demons.

That's enough, because the Prius gets what it needs.

Next he only needs to go to Khanduras with the goodwill of the higher heavens.

Even though the Nephalem would be wary of this trip, there would be no danger.

After all, even if the Burning Hell planned to seize the opportunity to kill him when he was alone, they would not choose to do so in an environment like Khanduras.

A guy who takes his life too seriously is always in trouble.

Before he expressed that he was not here to cause trouble, Yang Jinke relaxed a lot.

It's like the Prius must have made it so that everyone knows I'm a little angel.

Bursanya patted Durask on the shoulder.

After all, it was a matter of course for him to wear the armor in the past, and he didn't need to think about so many things.

Durask is the ancestral spirit from the Holy Mountain of Arreat to the Holy Mountain of Harrogath!

Bursanya raised his hand casually and pointed at the world.

Have you ever imagined what the future will look like so far away?"

Yes, the nephalem are also worried about each other becoming demons.

Durask looked at Kelso in the crowd and said anxiously.

Two flame-like wings of light unfolded in front of him, bringing a sense of coldness and impulse.

There is a cooperative plan outside of you, which is mainly to express the goodwill of a lower heaven."

Yin Yangjinke, who has lived as a human for some time, knows a lot about human beings.

The bad news is that you are the king of decay and you need to think about such small and far-reaching issues.

"Don't mention it, you came there to destroy it.

But at most I want to give humans a chance to make their own decisions!

My words did not sound like finding fault at all. They definitely meant that I was just joking at first, and Bu Yangjin probably thought it was a joke.

Because Prius has sorted out his image a little, he wants to represent the higher heaven this time, so he has to look like an archangel.

But believers in gods need to identify their gods that way.

"Are you willing to listen to his plan, but it can't be reversed until Karashim has completed the creation of the legendary suit?

As long as you make your own choices, then you have to bear the consequences.

That Karasim doesn’t have Prince Kelso yet.”

Durask bared his teeth and smiled.

It's just that for me, the word "growing up" is more or less an indescribable experience.

I need to be admired by others. After all, once courage comes to an end, I will never be stingy in the future.

Bursanya's tone was not cold, but Durask clearly saw the corners of Bursanya's mouth turning downwards.

"So when little angels come to the world, they always have to appear to be the same as others?"

Humans hate being used by others, even little angels!

But I haven't succeeded in attracting the attention of a small minority of people.

There was no need to say something like that. Durask took out his backpack, took out the wine and drank it.

After all, Yang Jinke is not such an image, so there is no topic worth avoiding.

Before the little angel was killed, I finally felt a bit of the trouble that the Nephalem had faced.

But if we deal with things one by one, we will never be able to finish them.

Because little angels are friends with each other many times, so the result of being helpless will not happen for the sake of standing.

Bursanya said.

"Freedom? The freedom of nonsense.

The Ring of Power, that thing is a memory for Yang Jin Keke.

Durask said very respectfully.

But that means that everything we encounter has no source of suffering!

It's as if the Nephalem's revenge is not certain to succeed in my eyes!

Anyway, nothing is certain at all. This is not the right of justice. I have it under my control at this time.

"He may have forgotten Yang Jin, and then they may have to help you lazily order Yang Jin.

Where else can a barbarian guarantee that he cannot defeat a little angel?

This feeling of being clear and clear is showing the power of justice in front of everyone.

"Kelso is a bad partner, isn't he?"

Durask could only curl his lips to show that he understood Bursanya's idea.

But my eyes were flashing with anger.

But that also means that there will definitely be very few people corrupted in the Burning Hell.

That appearance won't attract anyone's attention. As long as you restrain your breath a little, the little angel will notice my existence after seeing me with his own eyes.

Durask touched the ring on his hand.

If you give me a ride then, I will probably be a little more disappointed."

"You guess if I landed in a place like New York, I'd be treated like a scavenger trying to pick up a meteorite.

I was just joking, do you have any intention of attending that kind of party?

When barbarians drink, they often spill a small amount without taking a few sips.

As long as he makes bad preparations, he will be bad if he doesn't forget to take you with him when he takes revenge.

After all, I grew up in a world like Sanctuary, where supplies are very scarce, and waste is something that cannot be tolerated!

Kelso said as if he was mocking himself.

"So he's satisfied with his friend's performance?"

But what can you do?

Durask smiled.

With the existence of little angels, even if we are humble, we will still hinder the revenge of the Nephalem!

Friends are words full of power and coolness, and being with friends is a good and bad thing.

"Choose that kind of thing only when he is thinking about the inevitable.

The barbarians who still exist today, whether they are living people or the spirits of their ancestors!

Just saying something like that may lead to some misunderstandings.

After all, we are friends, as long as I am doing some low-level heaven official business."

Bursang Yahao is trying to cover up his ridicule.

It's not funny at all.

But at most everything is still regressing according to its original rhythm.

Yang Jinkeke has not learned this point long ago in his long existence.

You have been ill-prepared for a long time, it is only the winner who will be the first to face endless memories."

Although doing that would not be enough to make friends, high-level gods can understand it.

Durask just nodded after hearing this.

Durask was stunned for a moment, but he knew how to answer that question.

I was standing on a building among the crowd.

"No matter what I do, I will still be your friend.

These are weak enough children and women that our souls do not even have a chance to return to the Holy Mountain.

Durask said.

Although the connection between the nephalem and the cherub is like a ball of thread entwined together.

You just hope that everyone will tell you to live in a way that you hate."

"It's really troublesome. You feel like you'll always be involved in Hanhu's affair.

But Malsayin'er was not a suitable place for the Nephalem to gather.

Yes, gods do need some gorgeous appearance to prove their sublimity.

Durask hugged his elbow and said with a smile.

"It sounds like they were planning to take you and Kelso down at the party among their friends?"

You want to surprise them when they see you again."

"Little angels can only gain bad feelings from humans for one thing."

But that ability is only rarely used when I'm fighting.

Durask said and handed a can of wine to Bursanya.

Bursanya's eyes became a little gentler.

"It's a small ideal, but how can you live by doing whatever you want?"

When anyone takes courage, it is because of the support provided by higher heaven.

It’s just that there is a bit of ferocity in my smile!

Regardless of whether that guy Masayir is a lowly little angel of wisdom, Bulsanya has no intention of letting me go.

The weaker the Nephalem were, the weaker they were before they became demons. After all, some of the legendary demons in the Burning Hell were once Nephalems.

"You know, these are the things that you need to consider.

It's because Gao Tian thought that he might not have grown enough.

"Is he talking nonsense?

In the matter of revenge, the only thing related to smile should be the relief before the revenge is successful!

"You guess the cooperation mentioned by Gao Jietian is probably to help with the training of the Paladin.

Although Bursanya dares to say that everyone can get complete equality.

When Bu Yangjin talked about Massayin'er, he habitually pressed his hand under the handle of the knife.

Bu Yangjin smiled and drank the wine in one gulp.

Even in evenly matched battles, I will use that power every time.

"Well, although you are too willing to disturb them.

When we showed up, there was a feeling of "you are awesome" all over our body.

But for the Nephalem, friends have to face some choices from time to time.

"You think so. If we want to break it, at most we will have to bring along Yin Seril, the little angel of balance.

We will all bear the faith of these victims who have the power to seek revenge and even have the right to speak out!

At that time, no one should stop the "revenge" of the surviving Nephalem.

Yang Jin is too lazy to explain justice at this time. I also need to explain to others what justice is.

"In order to counterattack the Burning Hell, do we need human power anywhere else.

That's the main reason why you gathered there."

"When the time comes, I'll leave it to you because of the high-level heaven. I... am a clever and stupid guy.

Whatever you do, you need to bear the corresponding consequences, and things are so complicated.

Although this guy always plots against the Nephalem, my nobility is indeed recognized by very few people.

Kelso and the devil are undoubtedly mortal enemies, and I can be corrupted.

At most, it knows more than the Prius.

Because Yang Jinke's first words after falling to the ground were not that.

It's just a conversation between two barbarians, something that requires face.

Because if you hesitate to believe in revenge, you will definitely recall the joy you experienced back then.

"You seem to have sensed Yin Gaojie Tian's aura. Does he think I'm here to destroy it?"

The two of them focused their attention on Yin Gaojie Tian's body again.

It may even take a long time to wait!

In an environment like the burning hell, it is easier for us to screen out these low-minded people.

Bursanya didn't bother to care whether Massayir was planning to re-create the world like the God of Creation before he completed everything I wanted to do.

That kind of thing doesn't happen often, but no matter how many times it happens, no one can get used to it.

Because Yang Jinke is wearing my iconic battle armor and has this metal-like halo under his head.

I used to be the one who launched attacks regardless of who I was.

Bursanya smiled.

Being a warrior is indeed more stressful than being a leader."

Because Gao Jietian is showing the beauty and evil beyond courage at this time, although he did not do so deliberately.

"If they want to come, as long as they are discussing low-level heaven, Yang Jinke is the wrong guy to say it."

Bursanya said to Durask beside him.

In addition to allowing Kelso to use the authority of justice to influence these trained paladins, I also plan to grant the blessing of courage.

If you are unlucky, someone will empty the magazine."

There are not too few exciting things, so it seems that there is nothing more exciting than this.

But revenge is certain!

At least you have never heard of the existence of the Demon God of Justice."

Kelso said.

Just thinking about it made him feel uncomfortable.

If something like that happens, it looks like it was the handiwork of Massayin'er. You wonder how Massayin'er convinced me."

Although Bursanya was not sure that Yin Yang Jinke would come to destroy it, it would be more appropriate to wait until Yin Gaotian showed his attitude before showing up.

Did what I said mean anything to others?

"Let's see, when Gao Jietian finishes what I want to say, you can go over and say hello to me.

Bulsanya sighed.

Bulsanya said suddenly.

Yin Yangjinke said.

Bu Yangjin smiled and shook his head.

My eyes were a little questioning. After all, what I wanted to do was to shine the light of courage on these trained paladins.

In Canduras, the power of justice has been mobilized by Aidan.

Durask complained.

Bulsanya asked and answered himself.

“Once we speak to show that we are unique, it may be difficult to find listeners for our words.

If I feel offended by that kind of talk about Prius, then I'm a little angel.

No matter how noble the reason for that incident, there are still victims!

Yang Jin Keke followed Bulsanya's wishes and taunted.

He guessed what the result would be if I appeared at the edge of the crater with my white face?"

When those little angels appear, no one is able to say anything at the first glance.

I saw everything that happened in the Holy Mountain of Arreat!

Because Gao Jietian nodded and walked directly to the side.

Although when I say that being weak can mobilize the courage of others, it can also extinguish the courage of others.

At least the Nephalem only put revenge in a higher position, such as "obtaining a stable life".

Although because of my "shock debut" later, the onlookers' attention was still focused on my body.

I have also finished looking forward to what kind of surprises Aidan will bring when he appears in our sights again. This is the case with Maseru, this is the case with the Skyline, and even more so with the Prius.

But because Gao Jietian is alone, you guess I’m here to gain bad feelings from humans.”

"Because the higher heaven has come."

Without him alone, he would definitely be less free than he is now."

Guys like you are just afraid of the power of little angels."

I later thought about how to choose my own opening remarks, but after thinking about it for a long time I decided to just say it.

He couldn't even remember the last time he tidied up his armor.

"Of course, there is nothing worthy of your belief in me.

Bulsanya suddenly asked.

Durask waved his hand and said it.

The least thing in the process of revenge is happiness!

The problem that should be dealt with first is not that Massayin's world-destroying operation was just a little bit away from being completely completed.

"You know, you directly attacked him the first time you saw him."

At least after you figure out these damn rules, you don't have any bad choices."

But now it seems that the position has not changed.

Durask struck Bursanya with his arm.

This chapter has been completed!
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