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1256 A fight under restraint

 Hailab was ready, and so was Clark standing in front of him.

Several people around them stepped back slightly, leaving enough space for the two of them.

Although the barrier used by Banal was just an attempt, the range it covered was definitely not too small.

When fighting in this environment, there is no need to worry about causing damage to the outside world.

"Let's prepare a few more small ones on the Holy Mountain for this barrier.

It’s also good for young people to fight.”

Banal asked softly.

"You are simply unnecessary.

If you need a combat trial, then go directly to the secret realm, that is the most convenient.

Although the energy consumption of this barrier can be ignored, there is no need to do unnecessary things."

With that punch, Clark's ray was abruptly interrupted!

Clark's super little brain made me think bad about how to deal with the battle.

The moment Banal aimed his attack at the corner of Clark's eyes, a red light flashed in Clark's eyes!

And like Bulcaisuo and the Eight Ancestors, we hate pointing our weapons at our opponents and charging at them.

"Can the charger suffer a disadvantage when faced with a violent collision?

But Qiu Xingqiao achieved that through his superb fighting skills and Jinghui's resilience.

But suffering such an attack also caused Clark's body to fall to one side!

This is simply a matter of comparing the life of the two parties who is tougher. He will hit his, and you will hit yours.

If I retreat to a war of attrition, Hailab's opponents will definitely suffer the least damage after I die in battle!

The difference in strength between the two is huge, but not to the extent that Banal can cause damage!

What is that underground!?

Bulqueso said.

Directly using the war cry and ending the fight is enough to express the attitude of the barbarian.

By completely making the opponent fall to the ground, there will be fewer attack methods that could not be chosen before.

Before seeing Clark's posture, I realized that the opponent's physical strength would definitely be great.

"Ha ha ha ha!

Cassius just wanted to be able to vent his anger, even if it was because he had to be beaten before...

But does Banal have such weapons?

He didn't even look back, he just focused his attention on the battle between Hellab and Clark.

Hailab shouted at this time.

That was a jump slash with an extremely weird posture!

But unilateral attacks do not satisfy me!

Although it is not enough for the little master among the little fighting masters of Kalju.

Although it may have been in the face of Banal's jump slash, Clark withdrew some strength to face the Sutra's attack.

Banal launched another charge, but this time I adjusted my charging state!

But everyone knows that Qiu Xingqiao just continued to attack in spite of the pain to appear more able to bear it.

Qiu Xingqiao's roar became louder!

Qiu Xingqiao's face was stern, but his fist hit Clark's eye corner regardless!

Clark is finished moving forward!

But did Clark!

So Banal's combat skills are not comprehensive and excellent!

This, it’s like the human world doesn’t have a dentist who can’t help him put his teeth back.”

But at that moment, Qiu Xingqiao jumped up!

Qiu Xingqiao is really only one step away from mastering the power of anger!

Bulqueso said.

But Qiu Xingqiao's battle definitely needs to be described as "outstanding"!

Clark must have aimed the ray at my eyes, so Banal would have to switch to a completely defensive posture.

Under what circumstances will the person who initiates the charge suffer?

Both sides need to regroup and re-examine!

But in Bulkesso's eyes, this obviously has a limit to what it must be!

The Nephalem have nothing bad to say when facing demons.

"Ahem, Banal, you just helped him pick up those teeth.

It was like throwing a shot put and hit Qiu Xingqiao directly on the chin.

Yes, Qiu Xingqiao is still not so gentle.

Cassius reminded.

You can even see some of the outlines of blood vessels!

Banal rushed down with a bit of pride!

Cassius asked without any firmness.

Clark's movements were obviously delayed and hasty!

"You have to deny your experience first. You looked down on him Clark!

Especially Clark, who promised to make Banal's battle enjoyable!

That punch really made my consciousness fly away!

Since Bull Qiu Xing judged that Clark was weaker, Clark could beat Banal violently!

Just for a moment, the smell of meat wafted out!

Balnar's charge is of the same type as the others.

"Work harder Clark!"

When the lower body is twisted to one side, one fist will often be thrown forward.

Yes, my teeth have indeed grown back.

"That's not interesting at all. If you don't even get hurt at all during the battle, it's not going to be interesting."

The barbarians who hate using the power of the small earth and the power of the ancestors are even less disgusted with using the charging posture of Bulkatho.

Whose teeth could those be!?"

Even if Baner's boxing skills are as good as those of Hailab, the gap is still small!

The position of the attack was also shifted under Clark's body.

It must be said that among the ancestral spirits under the holy mountain, who is the best at withstanding attacks.

This is obviously a matter of not using all your strength!

For a moment, I didn’t even find a chance to fight back!

But the seventh attack was just an abnormal muscle contraction.

Bulcaisel said angrily.

Just judging from the state of muscle contraction, Bulqueso was able to make that judgment!

I am now a monster that is alive and dead. Except for attacks similar to breaking good authority, there is no danger that can affect me!"

Although he was not protected by the Conqueror Armor, Banal's attack still had the desired effect!

"Will he tell me what you just said?"

"Barnar, to be honest, Clark is still not ruthless.

Then I just rolled back.

I put away my head and let my shoulders block my back like a shield!

Clark has no experience fighting barbarians in the past!

I know Banal very well, a guy who often uses his recovery ability to drag down his opponents.

Some methods of misleading the opponent's judgment in battle are difficult to work against Clark!

"Really, you have to thank him for his bad intentions!

No matter how you fight in the secret realm, it is more convenient than staying in the duel arena.

And Clark also responded to Banal's expectations at this time!

"Qiu Xingqiao, although Qiu Xingqiao suffered some losses, the battle has not yet begun.

The names of Banal and Hailab must not be included in this list of candidates.

In that posture, I looked as ridiculous as a curled up ball.

"Clark, you have to worry about Banal's danger!

To hit the charging barbarian in the cheek requires superb combat skills!

Pure defense just makes yourself a stronger sandbag.

"You are so chatty, but what he should consider now is that he is holding Qiu Xingqiao's knocked-out teeth in his hand.

Waiting for Clark to respond, Banal immersed himself in charging!

Bulkesso also advised.

But Clark is a devil, and even shouting will make the other party prepare for bad things.

Wait for the location to be hit that will have a smaller impact on the battle!

After all, Kotur is good at wrestling and wrestling.

That gave me a violent concussive attack!

But Qiu Xingqiao has no chance of becoming a loser!

Now, even if I get my head blown off, it won't have any impact.

If you need to fight, then enter the secret realm.

Clark waved his fist again!

"Let go, Clark!

Liver, ribs, solar plexus, palate, bridge of nose!

He came up with this idea somewhat influenced by the novelty of mastering new abilities.

The punch that knocked him away just now must have been very powerful, so when I faced his attack, I probably only used one point of the force that was necessary."

Clark waved his fist just right.

But your recovery speed is very slow, and a few teeth will grow back very slowly!"

It's teeth!

My super vision also caught all of Banal’s movements!

Even Kotur, who is also famous for his strength, can do it!


Instead, he pushed it under his own arm that was used as a shield!

How could I possibly choose a completely defensive posture?

Cassius's laughter suddenly stopped like a duck being strangled by the neck.

Keeping my head high allowed Clark to attack my head from the front!

At the moment of collision, the first attack has not been completed, and the opponent is strung under the weapon, and then with the help of weak core strength, he throws the opponent to the ground!

Which of the two habits is better or worse is just a matter of habit.

The heavy punch hit Qiu Xingqiao's latissimus dorsi, causing Banal's body to shake!

That's a provocation!

Every offensive and defensive exchange by Banal was just right!

Banal's fists are sometimes clear and sometimes heavy!

Although Clark has a huge advantage under the absolute power.

"It's big" and "it can't visually conflict" are two different concepts.

But for a barbarian who uses Leap Slash, my landing point is chosen based on the blessing of anger!

Afterwards, I completely forgot about the bad preparation for a punch to the liver.

Clark's muscles swelled with his first punch!

Cassius looked at Banal and asked.

Clark's familiarity with the savages gave him the upper hand.

My fighting skills are comprehensive without any flaws!

Barnard pulled away a little.

The moment my shoulder hits my opponent, I will punch!

Kalju's combat skills are comprehensive and outstanding!

Of course Qiu Xingqiao did not give up observing his opponent when he charged.

Banal will do that!

Banal finally stopped from rolling, his eyes empty.

"The Token of Shame in Talik's hand cannot be used as a small shield.

Every adjustment of my posture is not accompanied by a deep arrangement!

Bulcaisuo said quietly.

Did Barnard even hear Cassius's harsh provocations?

But Banal's other fist struck again!

Qiu Xingqiao exaggeratedly picked up a few teeth from the ground and yelled at Banal who had not yet gotten up.

Banal roared with anticipation!

There was a little bit of anger under the fist! He hit Clark without any hesitation!

That’s so valuable!

If you want a barbarian to be interrupted from jumping and slashing, you have to break through the blessing of anger!

It seems that Clark's physical strength is beyond Banal's imagination."

That ray is something that cannot be avoided with caution!

Use shoulder collision to break the opponent's balance, and then attack without waving the weapon.

Combination punch!

The low-temperature ray fell under Banal's fist!

And both sides are obviously restraining, so it will naturally turn into a meeting situation. No matter what kind of charging posture, once you can shake the opponent's center of gravity, the result will be different from that of a special person bumping into a solid wall.


Banal was too lazy to continue arguing with Qiu Xingqiao.

If we must make a comparison, Qiu Xingqiao would be unfamiliar with this kind of fighting master who has no fighting method.

Banal hid one of his fists in his abdomen.

His power is indeed beyond your expectations, so you continue!"

I gave Clark the insult he deserved!

As for the possibility of being knocked down by a punch without even hitting the opponent, this is within the scope of Banal's consideration.

It was only then that Cassius noticed that Banal Jinghui had regained consciousness and looked at me with a cruel look.

At this time, Banal has not yet landed!

Bulcaisel said quietly before Banal rushed out.

That punch was almost unreserved!

You have to give it a try to know the result!

Cassius directly found a reason and said.

The skill of Furious Crash is used by almost all barbarians, and even it is used incorrectly.

Clark still controlled the level of the fight to the point of sparring.

He can destroy the existence of Balnar itself, and perhaps he can also stimulate me to take over the power of anger."

Clark's supporting leg swayed for a moment before he regained his balance!

Even if the order of the results and causes is not weird, I still think it is very worthless!

The fist that was thrown out was something that could be taken back so easily!

The barbarian young man from the Bull Tribe charged sideways, but our young man was influenced by Chief Kanuk.

Barnard obviously had reasons to doubt Cassius.

I swung my fist towards Clark's chin!

"I'm sure he's right. This Banal might be punched out of consciousness."

And now I'm looking at him angrily."

Bulcaisu reminded evilly.

Maybe that battle can be achieved!

Clark just smiled grumpily, and I still looked prepared.

But the fight at that stage must also stop for a while.

Young Shao, a barbarian who hates wielding weapons, has also experienced Kanuk's charging stance.

And it shouldn’t be enough for me to hit him.”

Cassius didn't believe it.

Banal held up Clark's eyes and punched Clark in the corner of the eye.

I think since Qiu Xingqiao was determined to hold a grudge, it would be bad for Qiu Xingqiao to be beaten so violently in that battle!

Clark took a step forward under Xiaojia's gaze, and then made a lunge gesture.

At this time, I haven't rushed in front of Clark again!

Of the Nephalem I know, only Gruchak and Bulkatho can't do that.

I almost adjusted my body to a smaller position, facing away from Clark!

Clark's merciless approach brought the battle back to its starting point.

After all, that is a very useless way to approach an opponent.

There's a bad opponent right behind me, so there's no reason for me to keep distracted?

"Charging in a defensive stance, you remember that Tarik is good at that, right?"

The difficulty of Hairab lies there.

Cassius said, "Smash it, smash it."

This is how I express my powerlessness to fight back against such an attack!

"You feel that Banal may suffer a little loss."

If he was facing a demon, he wouldn't say hello.

But if you think about it, Qiu Xingqiao will also charge with a completely defensive stance, that is my fighting habit."

After calming down for a while, I realized that Bulqueso was right.

Banal was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then nodded.

As an attacker, I'm confused as to whether Clark's defense has been defeated!

This is of course a time when charging can shake the opponent's center of gravity.

The other hand was also lying in wait on the abdomen, ready to strike, as it was later.

This chapter has been completed!
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