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1267 Handover of Canduras

 The battle on La Tovilia's side has reached a stalemate.

Regardless of whether Wayne's side can defeat Ultron, their side needs to continue to persevere.

After all, Cyborg and Vision work together to ensure that Ultron doesn't escape through the Internet.

Even if SHIELD and Wayne are no longer able to win, they ask Tyrell, the archangel, to take action, or they need help from the Nephalem.

Both Cyborg and Vision need to ensure that Ultron is in an immobile state!

Only by achieving this level can we ensure that Ultron will become a thing of the past this time.

When they came to La Tovilla, they already knew the result.

However, they are not completely isolated and helpless. After all, there is no need to keep their battle secret.

Once there is a crisis that could lead to annihilation, just seek help directly.

Although Wayne and the others didn't want the Nephalem to know the complete picture of their plan before they failed.

"Yes, but what we have to do must have nothing to do with dealing with demons."

The spellcaster put the quill in his hand under the table and raised his head and asked Wayne.

Coupled with the existence of the Skeleton King being defeated by the caster, the city's defense is basically completely in the hands of the spellcaster.

That sentence made Wayne say something was wrong even though he was still angry.

It wasn’t long before the exchange with Masayir began.

The eternal war between the low-level heaven and the burning hell is always the beginning of the nightmare!

"He'd better not do that.

As long as the skeleton still exists, Yoon Chan Junk will represent an endless army of skeletons!

It's enough to just leave like this."

But I think that's unnecessary.

And the fact that Massa Yin'er needs the supplies that humans need is weird in every way.

Because the Little Angel of Courage will be greatly influenced by the Little Angel of Wisdom, we are essentially the same.

The voice of the spell caster Ke suddenly became gentle, and seemed to contain a bit of a smile.

But that approach should definitely be carried out.

At that time, you will hang his portrait under the wall.

A word that is both strange and familiar to the Nephalem!

But once he does that, there will be a back-and-forth between recovery and death.

"You are very coy. Doing that is not a way to bring failure closer to you!"

It’s hard to go from luxury to frugality!

By this time, he will no longer have eternal torment as his constant companion!"

Wayne is a little less safe, and the spellcaster's words are less strange.

When Rumlow and the others left Canduras one by one, Leoric and Wayne just left without noticing.

At most, we must ensure that the most basic survival needs can be provided before Kanleori becomes a besieged city."

"It depends on how desperate he is.

Wayne's eyes were very simple.

What I mean is very clear.

But at this time, under the battlefield of Kanyin Chanjun, there was only a group of mercenaries and angels still fighting outside.

When I am quiet, I often call the current spellcaster "Father", because I know that the current spellcaster is a monster pieced together by my father's madness and the soul of Lakis I.

Even if Hanhu himself has no way of determining whether Bulcasso is real, he can never guarantee that kind of power!

At that moment, a bright light of wisdom stopped flashing in the sky below Leo Orui!

Yin Chan Junke continued.

This is the light of wisdom, and people who are not illuminated by wisdom will grow at a slower rate.

The caster Ke let out a long sigh.

It's the new king Wayne's Ken Leo.

Gruchak roared!

"I wonder if Leo Ori has any lasting value, but you hope that I will last forever."

I know that those who live in Liorui from now on will not be able to adapt to the days before the light of wisdom is extinguished.

Although I am still sure of the reason why Massayiner needs supplies, I have no plans to agree to come up yet.

Wayne asked.

This will keep Leo Orui's supplies here to maintain the status quo!

Wayne looked deeply at the spell caster Ke and said.

After speaking, Wayne slammed the table.

"Of course that's sublime, but it's useless!"

So the battlefield in La Tovilia only looks more dangerous, but in fact everyone's safety is guaranteed.

No one can influence the other's performance.

Wayne didn't have a lot of unfinished work on his hands, so I didn't really care about his affairs.

Spellcaster Ke continued to ask.

Massayir has sought the resources that humanity needs, and that is nothing like the anomaly."

At this time... the icy hot tomb where the Skeleton King slumbers will give the caster true eternal sleep.

But Wayne hasn't been busy with that matter for a while.

That kind of change is too obvious.

Kanleori was built as a war fortress, so accumulating supplies itself was not a very important thing.

Although I don't have a hundred thousand trust in the Nephalem, I will inevitably have some bad curiosity about strange situations.

The caster is not yet ready to sacrifice Kanleori!

Even for the sake of the overall danger to mankind, no one would deliberately step in at that time.

Yin Chan is on the road to mastering the power of justice!

Even as long as the skeleton is not completely destroyed, I can even splice the barely usable skeleton into combat power!

I suppressed my anger weakly and looked at Yin Chan Junke behind me with red eyes.

"Wayne, what does he think these young Nephalem are going to do?"

The lives of a small number of Nephalem do not extend through repeated defeats in battles.

When I finish that journey, righteous authority will shine with Wayne's New Year!

The caster said firmly to Waynes.

The blue flames in my eyes are burning!

"Ha! At the cost of morality?"

I'm still paying close attention to that matter.

"Yin Chan, ask him a question.

Whether it's enough food or weapons and equipment for training.


The collaboration between Leo Ori and Little Angel is officially concluded!

At this time, Kanleori, who has adapted to the light of wisdom, will also be destroyed.

But I can't say the word "forever"!

Even though I wanted to go there, it still wouldn't be possible.

Although Kanli Orui lacks wealth, it still takes time to exchange wealth for materials.

But when that scene happened, everything I insisted on became in ruins!

The spell caster asked very seriously.

Even when the nephalem were powerful enough to defeat the little demons, the nephalem were still working hard to continue.

A small part of the training process of the Paladin is done by Yin Chanjun himself, but the materials required are also a large number.


No one can return to the original "Si Qu" without any impact before feeling their rapid growth!

Of course it is the image of the heroic and wise king he was when he was alive."

"A failure is a bargaining chip!"

Because eternity will never end, but the Nephalem will never end!

But there is no sinister temperament under such a spell caster. Instead, he is like a furnace radiating coldness!

Although the Paladins and Templars who were previously used as combatants are still in training.

However, Leo Orui is still a center. After all, it is the most mature human fortress at present.

This is because the endless army of undead is quite weak!

As long as I still exist, all human beings who have not died will become fighting entities.

It must be said that angels also consume human resources. No matter how weak the productivity is, it is definitely enough!

Yin Chanjun, who was training the Paladins, let out a long sigh, and the holy light beneath his body flashed.

The spell caster Ke Youyou said.

Wayne himself really wanted to find a reason for the lower heavens to have a demand for supplies.

Spellcaster Kes said.

There seemed to be a sparkle in Wayne's eyes. Yin Chanjun would stay in Kanyin, but he would leave before the first batch of paladins completed their training.

The caster knew that maybe the Prius would stay in Canliori for a while.

You also need to set aside enough area within your defense line to grow food.

Although Li Orui is now receiving attention and cooperation from all parties, it means that there is no pressure at all.

No matter how weak the Nephalem are, they will shudder when faced with that word!

Regardless, every moment of your existence is eternal torture!"

It's just the way to the predetermined ending. I want to make the choice myself!

By the way, I would like to remind him that if the harm provided by Masa Yin'er is small enough.

That was the weirdest question in the exchange between me and Masa Yin.

You are not good at manipulating skeleton mage."

The specific content of the cooperation was completely coordinated by Yin Chan, and the caster Ke was not responsible for this.

Spellcaster Ke asked while doing his work.

Even if the nephalem can understand his approach, this is based on our understanding of how terrible demons are.

Doubt you, no little angel can let him sink into that state.

"Wayne, surely he will be willing to abandon his morals when he is at the end of his rope?"

Endlessness is like a curse!

"He is saying that you may be targeted by little angels or demons, and you will be killed again every time you revive?

Or it may be to treat injuries caused during training. The cost of those things is far lower than that of Yin Chanjun at the same time.

What Kanliori represents is the future of mankind, but it is a beacon of surrender! It is a fortress of destruction!

And although the humans in that world understand the cruelty of the devil, they absolutely forgive him."

But what I want to guarantee is that Kanliori, as the fortress of mankind, will always ignite the flames of war when facing the devil!

That kind of thing is really a small thing.

The spell caster Ke suddenly said.

For things in that area, a small number of people need to rely on the world to go to the council.

He's the only one who can still move in the first place in the history of Leo Rei, so he can't do anything he wants to do."

That was a very unusual thing, and it couldn't even be described as weird.

Wayne said with an expression on his face.

Warrior professionals, on the other hand, will need fewer resources during training.

Yin Chan was so angry that she laughed instead!

Even Bulkesso is the same!

Spellcaster gave his reasons.

It is precisely because of my persistence and belief that I was able to gain recognition from the righteous authorities in this not easy manner!

That's a reminder!

Can Leo Orui currently accumulate enough supplies for Yin Chanjun to train a paladin?"

But La Tovilia is just a battlefield.

However, the supplies that Leo Orui had accumulated were far from "sufficient".

But it is also an objective fact that it takes time.

Wayne said.

But the weak support of that barbarian Gruchak will soon leave Kanliori!

Nowadays, in addition to helping Spellcaster deal with Li Orui's affairs every day, I also need to watch the training of the Paladins.

And when the light of wisdom goes out, it’s not what I would call the most exciting situation!

“Using bones as handles, flesh and blood as oil, and souls as torches of fire?

Because at this moment, the little angel of wisdom has already reappeared!

Willia needs some wisdom, because wisdom will make thoughts gradually complicated.

The souls of the dead were awakened by Rathma and turned into these undead spirits that cannot throw out the breath of death!"

The skeleton becomes a warrior of the past upon his awakening.

"Don't say he plans to use human corpses.

Yin Chan wanted to persuade the spell caster to overcome it, but I also knew that my words could not change anything.

That thing is indeed worth wondering.

Yin Chan said with a smile, but this expression was meant to be mocking.

"Kanli Auri will continue, and this will be Yoon Chan Junk's Kanli Auri again.

"Things haven't reached such a wonderful level yet, it's just a delay in preparing for bad things.

The training of warriors as combatants is completely different from that of Johanna.

The juice of the failed fruit splashes, and you can smell the fragrance of the fruit before it falls to the ground.

No matter if these people were once warriors, even spellcasters can't make us warriors!

In Yin Chan's view, that is the crux of the problem.

"You just hate having the best of intentions!

The world of living people has always been a monster of life and death.

In this battlefield of Li Orui, which is more like a trial ground, there have never been more barbarians since then.

But in the eternal war, the Nephalem never had to fight from beginning to end!

He must have completely trampled on human morality and bottom line, so he is standing on the opposite side of human beings.

But the Nephalem have never really been there in the past!

Gruchak, who was drinking in the tavern, put down the half-empty wine glass in his hand and walked out of the tavern's small door angrily.

But he should also understand that at this point, you will not be able to face Barr.

But the angels and Kanleori's own guards alone are enough to form a very mature defense system.

Spellcaster Ke finally said those words.

On behalf of the Low-Level Paradise, Massayin'er made a request for resources in the cooperation with Kanleori.

However, the fact that La Tovilia became a battlefield still attracted Canduras' attention.

Wayne became increasingly speechless.

Rumlow, our departure will not break Leory's defense system.

I also understand that the reason why the Nephalem let both the angels and demons choose to retreat is based on the fact that the Nephalem cannot completely overturn the table.

I am reluctant to discuss the worst and most tragic possibility.

Wayne's tone was a little lighter.

Because I have already made the "best" preparation!

Using this as a bargaining chip, why should you be the one enjoying the fruits of failure?

The most stupid thing for people who are sure that they can sink in convenience is not to stay away from safety as soon as it is over!

Wayne was silent for a while, then nodded.

The people who live in Li Aorui look at the rare light source in the world and feel puzzled.

"By the way, what exactly is Masseyin'er planning to do?"

As long as it is destroyed, human beings will actually increase their combat effectiveness several times.

After all, a small amount of time we are all regressing in the learning of knowledge. Even if we are to experiment with the spells we have mastered, it only requires one scene.

Although those things require me to fight so hard, the trivial things add up to be even more tedious.

"At this point, I'm afraid you will have to become the king of the skeletons.

It’s just that this growth was completed all at once.”

We, Paladins, are Johanna, and we consume almost all of our supplies during basic training!

How can unlimited output supply limited consumption?

The light of Masayir's wisdom finally shines in Kanleori!

Imprius, who was still looking at Leory at this time, raised his head and frowned as he looked at the source of the light.

At this time, no one alive will leave Kanyin Chanjun!

"Yin Chan Junke! Is he crazy? Is Wayne also crazy?"

Yin Chan Junke continued to talk about that matter, but Wayne's face didn't become clear yet.

"Don't be so relaxed. You mean that everything must be at the end of its rope."

Moreover, Kanyin Chanjun’s consumption of supplies will increase day by day as the Paladins and Templars train!

"He is weak enough, even if no one except Baal can finish him.

The flames of war represent the fall of Kanleorion!

But I have to do something to continuously expand human power in a broader field!

Even if Wayne and Caster put a small amount of their energy into the training of Paladins and Templars, we might not know anything about it.

But now, I seem to see under the spellcaster Gram the father who enjoyed the vision of Kanleori's future with his family when I was growing up!

After all, the warrior's bones only need to be moved to become a weak fighting force.

Just thinking about that scene makes me feel horrified.

It's for myself, but just like these heroes who chose to sacrifice in the past, they are just fighting for a chance to continue humanity!

I finally signed my name on the document I had not struggled with for a long time!

"The most important thing he should do is to try to keep Rasma in Kanleori, so that the two of them can form a small army of the dead that can adapt to any situation.

Wayne, it's enough to be prepared for the worst.

This cheerful and smiling King Kan Yin Chan Junxian is always full of hope!

"He knows what he's talking about, doesn't he?"

Rumlow, our departure will still affect Kanleori's range power.

Although Wayne did not suffer any loss during the negotiation, he did not gain any advantage either.

If humans want to truly die, they will definitely let the low-level heaven and the burning hell never see each other again!

Gruchak will stay in Canlioli, because I can accept that kind of change.

Even if he can't control these skeleton armies even in death, the skeletons will never be used up.

Although the productivity of human society is very sufficient, it is also limited.

Gruchak's eyes narrowed, and his whole body was filled with anger!

The spell caster has not yet understood this in his heart!

As long as Cyborg and Vision do not appear in the Nephalem's sight, the full extent of their plan will still not be exposed.

"So at the end of the day, you agree with Yin Chanjun training the Paladins outside.

“Of course it’s enough, but Kanleori still needs to continue building.

After Johanna and the others officially set foot on the battlefield, the resources they needed to consume were actually a tiny amount.

I knew that I couldn't even turn a corpse above the ground into something worthy of Leo Orui's power, certainly if the caster wanted it.

Don’t forget that he is the king of skeletons.”

“It’s still a lake for the time being, but nothing is strange.

Spellcaster Ke continued.

Yin Chan said.

Some of the problems that once troubled us are disappearing little by little with the end of that glory.

I'm going to fight for a day, a week, a month or even year after year!

Although Wayne's mind has not been affected by the authority of justice, what I insist on in my heart is justice!

In the mind of the spell caster, there is no bad feeling towards the angel, and as for the trust, it is even less.

At this point, Kanleori will inevitably become a city where the flames of war will always be extinguished!

Wayne wondered how small the demand for supplies was at this time.

You can’t leave the rest to me!”

In the end, Nephew failed innocently, and Leo Ori, who was so miserable, was destined to die!

I still didn't pay much attention to the changes in my eyes.

When Yin Chan Junke persuaded Wayne to do that, he knew the result.

Does he really think that is something so beautiful, so evil, so sublime?"

This chapter has been completed!
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