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1278 The situation takes a strange turn

 Go back in time a little.

Constantine was facing the door made of a mixture of Adamantium alloy and vibranium that he could not open.

Of course, if he directly used violence to destroy the wall, he would not need to face the test of this gate.

But when he came here, although he had some thoughts of using violence to solve the problem, that was only necessary in the worst situation.

If we start attacking the building directly, the situation will be a little abnormal.

"Mechanic, right? I know you can hear it. If I open this door, can you make a way for me to go up?"

To be honest, I don’t want to fight you at all in this place.”

Constantine said expressionlessly while holding a cigarette in his mouth.

His eyes were a little hollow at this time, and he actually didn't care much about the current situation.

It's just a door. In addition to using violence, he has many ways to open the door.

It's just that these methods are a bit more complicated than asking the people inside to open the door for him.

"Why do you think I will open the door for you?

This is not normal at all. My mission is to keep out all outsiders without permission.

If the person who came was not you, he might not even be able to pass the John Witness test."

The mechanic said, his words sounded a bit competitive.

To be honest, as long as anyone who knows Constantine's name is not friends with him, they will not have much favorable impressions of him.

What this guy has done for humanity is indeed worthy of respect, but the experience of getting along with Constantine is actually not good at all.

Especially for strangers, no one would like to have such a cheap guy here who is ready to treat others as victims at any time.

Many people may not know Constantine's reputation outside, but within SHIELD, it is well-known.

Even after Constantine's information was marked as a special advisor to SHIELD and sent to SHIELD's archives, those field agents had already begun heated discussions.

Although most of these guys have long been aware and prepared that they may sacrifice at any time.

But none of them wanted to go on a mission with Constantine.

All those guys had to do was hang a "Constantine No Entry" sign in the field team's office area.

"I smell some demonic scent, although I can't guarantee that the demon must be from your side.

But I think your strength can only be maximized in a suitable environment, right?

The demon that SHIELD is facing now is called Ultron. You should know more or less what that demon is capable of.

So I have always wondered why they would choose you, a guy who is particularly restrained by Ultron, as a member of the defense.

You must know that even Tony Stark's genius creation has no effect when facing Ultron."

Constantine began to talk nonsense.

It is true that the mechanic is not strong, but this guy has the fighting ability of the human side.

Constantine does have a way to handle everything inside, but he just doesn't want to do it.

"I know you are good at deception. If you expect to trick me into opening the door with words like this, you might as well just destroy the floor and come up."

The mechanic said very casually.

He is not very afraid of Constantine, although the consequences of being against Constantine will not be good.

But his opponent has a greater chance of survival than his teammates.

"Then I have no choice. I successfully controlled a demon with the help of a friend before.

Of course, it could be a demon beyond your knowledge, or a ghost.

Anyway, these physical defenses are really not very effective against it."

Constantine said and took out some powder from his pocket.

This stuff is a hallucinogen, but it's not the kind of fun junk Constantine used on himself.

Instead, he found some body powder of local demons with the help of Hellboy.

Coupled with some small methods learned and mastered by Khanduras, these things can condense a local demon.

Although not that powerful, he is special.

For example, the ghost state he mentioned before.

Constantine slowly leaned over the strong door, and then sprinkled the powder on the crack of the door little by little.

The gap in this door is small, but not non-existent.

Although it is impossible to reach out fishing lines and the like, these finely ground powders can still be sent through.

As long as part of it has passed, the rest will be easy to talk about.

Constantine stood up and clapped his hands, then mumbled about the magic he had learned.

It's the kind of spell that relies on the power of a certain existence.

However, Constantine had previously established some connections with mages of the Supreme Mage lineage.

At least he doesn't have to pay too much to borrow the power of the dark dimension now.

It's not that the Sorcerer Supreme became stingy after becoming the Lord of the Dark Dimension.

It was just to remind her students to use their power with caution.

Although the price Constantine needs to pay is slightly more than that of the students of the Supreme Mage.

But it’s not serious, at least you won’t meet a creditor who makes very strict demands and is eager to collect debts.

The demon's powder began to change, and a dark energy appeared from nowhere, and then took hold on the powder.

This is also a little trick of Constantine.

It is true that he summoned the power of the dark dimension, but he is not the one who uses this power.

In this way, even if the creditor encounters a debt collector, he will not be able to collect the debt.

Constantine was more cautious in the field of magic than elsewhere.

This is also the precious wealth left behind by everything he has experienced in the past.

"Don't worry, that demon may not harm your lives.

But one thing I want you to know is that it is possible to suffer a little."

Constantine said nonchalantly.

He is threatening the mechanic inside and the Green Goblin Norman Osborn who may be on a higher level.

But as he said, this thing will not act with the purpose of taking someone's life.

"Have you ever considered that John Wigger's dog is also on this level.

Will this demon you summoned attack a cute dog?"

said the mechanic.

He was currently communicating with Constantine while paying attention to what was happening at the door.

Although he was already a little uneasy by Constantine's words, this was not the thing he was most worried about!

If John Wicker's dog died here, neither he nor Constantine would be in trouble.

Although John Witness was relieved of combat effectiveness by Constantine at the beginning, that was not John Witness in the strongest state!

Under what circumstances is a killer the most terrifying?

That was of course when he had determined his goal and was in the dark!

The killer in the dark is much scarier than the killer in front of you.

"Don't worry, as long as there is no human soul in that puppy, the devil will not regard it as a target.

Of course, this is not to say that this demon is not dangerous, but that his danger exists more on the spiritual level."

Constantine took a drag on his cigarette and said.

His face was calm as usual, but in fact he was starting to panic inside.

The guy who is about to appear is a demon! Even if his mental consciousness has been broken up many times, he does not have strong lethality.

But as a demon, the greed for life still exists.

It's just because this demon is very weak that Constantine doesn't worry about killing people.

But the fate of a dog... I really can’t say for sure!

"How about you open this door and I can help you get rid of the devil?"

Constantine said.

Although his tone was joking, he really hoped the mechanics inside could do this.

But he couldn't show his impatience.

Because once you become impatient, your weakness is exposed.

Constantine's methods are indeed despicable when he does things, but this guy is not chaotic at all!

"I plan to give it a try. Don't forget that this is a defense made by SHIELD using a lot of precious materials.

It’s not like we have no room to fight back against this kind of ghost-type demon!”

The mechanic said very forcefully, but actually he didn't know what to do.

Although this is not the first time SHIELD has come into contact with ghost-type demons, after all, ghosts are not that rare.

But the mechanic is still very worried about Constantine's methods. After all, Constantine's way of doing things in the past highlighted "the ends justify the means."

It's not like he never sacrificed innocent people.

For a guy who can even sacrifice his closest friends, it is unrealistic to expect him to care so much about the lives of innocent people.

If Constantine hadn't always acted from a human perspective, this guy would have been sent to Dream Prison to live in a single cell.

After the mechanic responded to Constantine's words, he immediately started a discussion with the Green Goblin.

Things have taken a strange direction, especially now that Nick Fury can't be contacted either at SHIELD headquarters or here.

In this case, they are taking risks no matter what decision they make.

"Captain, what do you think we should do in the current situation?"

the mechanic asked.

"I'm going to contact the Howling Commandos first. I know they haven't completed their formation yet.

But those people are never empty.

Bucky Barnes and the flying falcon always have time to spare, right?"

Green Goblin said.

He actually had no idea, after all, even if the Howling Commandos were reorganized, they would not be left to him to lead them.

If something unexpected happened to these two people during this operation, the reorganization of the Howling Commandos would have to be delayed for a long time.

Norman Osborn is well aware of how important the Howling Commandos are to Nick Fury's plans.

But now we need to face the bastard Constantine. If we think about anything to hold back at this time, we may have to be directly sacrificed by Constantine.

Getting them to trust Constantine, a bastard, would be more difficult than letting them face the legendary demon.

"Does Dr. Reed need to be informed of what's going on here?

Dr. Reed and the stone man should also be able to serve as combat forces."

said the mechanic.

Although only two of the Fantastic Four are still able to move, their combat effectiveness is not fake.

"If Dr. Reed is asked to do the work we are going to do, who is going to do the research? You?"

Norman Osborne said unkindly.

Although machinists are considered very outstanding talents in the field of mechanical engineering, there is still a long way to go between them and geniuses.

If the mechanic could do what Tony did, he wouldn't be sent to the Thunderbolts to be a combatant.

"I understand, but at least tell them that they might encounter Constantine, right?

Didn't this guy keep shouting to see Dr. Reed?

Who knows what he plans to do after meeting Dr. Reed. Wouldn't it be terrible if he plans to kill Dr. Reed?

At least let Dr. Reed be prepared for Constantine's arrival.

After all, there is no guarantee that we can keep Constantine out."

The mechanic continued to talk about his thoughts.

But while he was speaking, the demon created by Constantine had appeared behind him without anyone noticing.

Halfway through what he said, the mechanic's eyes became hollow.

The most powerful power of this demon is its hallucination, and the unsuspecting mechanic has fallen into a hallucination.

Although the Green Goblin also noticed that something was wrong, there was no way to wake up the mechanic from the air.

Now Norman Osborn could only dial the contact number of SHIELD headquarters with a dark face.

Whether the members of the Howling Commandos would be injured or not was no longer a concern for him.

What he has to do now is to make sure that bastard Constantine can't get close to Dr. Reed!

This is the most important thing!

Although Norman Osborne also understood that Constantine would not necessarily take action against Dr. Reed.

But even if there is only a slight possibility, he cannot let Constantine come into contact with Dr. Reed!

Except Constantine himself, no one knows what his plan is!

The bastard is a source of trouble in his own right!

The mechanic started to act in the hallucination, but his movements were very stiff.

Although this hallucinogenic demon is generally controlled by Constantine, what kind of hallucinations it creates is not under Constantine's control.

The most he could do was tell the demon to create an illusion that would allow the mechanic to open the Adamantium door.

As for the specific actions this demon will take, it can only depend on what this demon thinks.

Constantine understood that this guy was a devil after all!

Although he is restricted from harming human life, his malice towards life still exists!

It can even be said to be unprecedentedly powerful!

At this time, Constantine could only hope that the demon could do it faster.

It is best when Constantine enters the upper level, when all the lives inside still retain vital signs and have not suffered any serious injuries.

"Mr. Norman Osborne, if you can hear me, you'd better open that door first.

You can't stop me, and what I'm going to do is really not a bad thing for humans."

Constantine let out a long sigh. He looked at the extraordinarily strong door in front of him and felt very tired.

How things got to such a troublesome state step by step, Constantine himself couldn't figure it out for a while.

Obviously everything went smoothly at the beginning, and he even convinced the two powerful Nephalem downstairs to come.

But he ran into trouble in front of such a metal door.


This chapter has been completed!
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