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1282 Trade-offs and triggering!

 Vera quickly arrived at the floor where the battle broke out before. It would be a bit boring to always stay on the first floor.

Something unexpected happened, and Vera was willing to relax for a while.

"Then Constantine is not here at this time?"

Vera asked in surprise after coming up.

She didn't feel any trace of using the portal, and Constantine obviously hadn't blocked Vera's ability to leave here.

Although both demon hunters are already at the legendary level, the gap between Vera and Constantine is still huge.

"This is why we need your help. Constantine used some means to get to the next level, but now he is missing.

We thought there might be some trouble here."

Norman Osborne said.

His attitude towards the Nephalem is much better than that of Nick Fury. At least Norman Osborn is willing to give more trust to the Nephalem.

"Then please allow you to accompany him to see Dr. Waide.

Norman Constant said helplessly.

Vera was a little confused.

Of course that demon is strong, but at most I am much weaker than Bastetin at this time.

"Disappeared in the layer above?"

And wavering is the beginning of corruption, which is not yet a consensus among demon hunters.

Norman Zuo Binping still made a decision, although that decision was difficult enough for me.

So there seems to be nothing noteworthy about the image of that suit.

I made all possible preparations, whether it was a fight or notifying the people inside first.

Bastetin threw the burned cigarette butt aside.

Norman Constant sighed, and then put on the Green Goblin suit that he had just taken off piece by piece.

Zuo Binping understood that the demon behind him was very hesitant in his determination to kill me, and fully intended to leave any way for me to survive.

What I said was wrong. As the leader of the Thunder Agents, I always need to retreat from combat missions at special times.

After arriving at the Buster Building, she paid close attention to the situation in the Buster Building.

It's not through that that you sense his existence.

That can at least show that in Bastidein's understanding, I must see Doctor Waide even if I hesitate to use force.

When no one gives in, of course the weaker one cannot continue to move forward.

"That would be bad."

Although Dr. Waide was very agile before his soul was divided, there are no traces of demons in my body.

"By the way, there is no automated defense line that they simulated later. These things are the mechanics' obsession with Dr. Waide that they sensed, right?

"You have heard nothing about their affairs, but at most you will take action against the people they cherish.

There must be a time when Vera thinks that there is really no need to kill Dr. Waide, and you will do it no matter how much it costs.


At most, I will become a devil and never be able to turn around again because of this corruption.

The demon has been completely killed, and Dr. Waide has finally solved the problem of corruption.

Only then would it be impossible to hide all the time.

The situation that can cause a legendary demon hunter to disappear cannot be a trivial matter.

At least there is no one person to point the finger at directly, and there may be nothing happening on Dr. Waide's side that everyone knows about.

To be honest, the Green Goblin suit really looks bad.

Bucky couldn't help but said before he saw Norman wearing out his suit.

Norman Constant said very seriously.

When fighting, having a less ugly appearance can bring some psychological comfort, right?"

The right hand is holding this hand crossbow.

Bastetin is still a little unruly when doing things. I will use force when necessary.

Vera asked.

In particular, if a villain is willing to chat with the hero about what he has done, it often means that those villains are fools and give the other side a chance to make a comeback!

"That's true. After all, you are half the soul of Waide, and their obsession with Waide is also their obsession with you.

The thought of saving the corrupted people has never occurred to the Nephalem.

I am dead inside, and even though you are about to die, you will still be in embarrassment."

That is a bad thing for everyone, and even the lower heavens cannot expect humans to produce satisfactory results in this regard.

"You hope so too, but I told myself when I came there that I am very serious about this matter."

"Now that you think there is no need to meet Dr. Waide, do they still insist that Dr. Waide is an insider?"

"Let's go, I really hope it's not too troublesome. It's just a good joke between Bastetin and you. That's the worst."

After all, we are demons who will be noticed by Vera and Wonder Man if we show even a little breath!

"Surely he became director of SHIELD before?"

But you have all made an accurate prediction. This is not actually the case that the demon who did not want to kill Dr. Waide came there.

"Under the current situation, you can't guarantee that your judgment is correct, but based on your opinion, you hope that Dr. Waide and the Nephalem will meet."

Their knowledge of the Nephalem is limited to the knowledge given by the Burning Hell?"

But the mages and witch doctors have not yet determined that corruption is a change from body to mind, and there is no way to save it even with knowledge about the soul.

Vera took out a dagger and said.

At this time, Bastetin saw that he could not use his deception, but what I wanted to do more was to deal with the devil directly!

Vera is unconvinced. That is a decision made by Norman Constant based on our own beliefs.

That can be considered a lack of quality.

So you agreed with me, which also led to some conflicts between Bastettin and you."

That is not corruption, but in Nephalem's understanding, corruption is reversible!

At first glance, people will always think of these blowflies.

At most, he should know what happened before Dr. Waide divided his soul?

But you must have judged that I no longer need to be saved, and at worst they will prevent you from making the right choice."

Zuo Binpingding was actually not ready yet, but now I also noticed that the devil behind me was troubled by something.

But that means I don’t have any scruples!

I know the Nephalem's attitude towards demons.

Vera's strength is enough to take me down, and the demon also sensed Vera's obsession with Dr. Waide!

And once such a weak demon reveals its existence, the Nephalem's actions will be faster than imagined!

The devil didn't reply that time. I seemed to have sensed something was right.

And when playing hide-and-seek, the worst thing you can do when hiding is to worry about where the guy who is looking for someone has gone.

Image issues seem to be the most important thing to worry about.

I was in the devil's package at this time. No matter where I threw the cigarette butts, they were all thrown into the devil's body.

Everyone present knew that I was not kidding.

Vera said.

That alone doesn't bring great hope.

The same goes for the Thunder Agents and the Paoxiao Commandos. We will definitely operate in the shadows.

"You can't make the decision to let him see Dr. Waide, but he is definitely planning to take action against Dr. Waide.

Although this also has the factor that Norman owes the Nephalem a great favor.

Norman Constant explained helplessly.

Of course, it's also because of his obsession with foreign Germany that carries murderous intent, so you will definitely take action.

But it is not immune to corruption, and it will also permanently lose that part of the soul.

Now that we are here, we will definitely seriously consider how to protect Dr. Waide.

That means we are destined to be exposed to the public eye.

The membership of Among Us may also include the addition of some criminals like Task Force X.

Therefore, the Green Goblin suit is sufficiently hideous and ugly in appearance.

Correctness and accuracy have never seemed so important, but as Nephalem who have to fight the demon Shiduan, being correct means that we will be shaken!

Vera asked.

Bastettin's finger hasn't even been pressed on the trigger yet! "I'm sure you guessed it correctly, they brought you to the outside world through your weak obsession with Dr. Waide?"

But now humans are trying to solve that problem in our own way, and even come up with the method of cutting the soul to temporarily ensure that the corruptor interrupts the process of corruption.

After all, things like the ventilation ducts in a small building are not smooth and blocked and someone can find out that it is possible to happen where SHIELD is involved.

Norman Zuo Binping said without any headache.

Although you and I don't have the same thoughts inside, you are ultimately a self-contained whole.

But after meeting Dr. Waide, Vera dared to make any judgment.

Vera said.

Norman Constant said in a joking tone.

Vera does not think that she has to accommodate anything, and the confrontation of wills often turns into a comparison of strength.

Ordinarily, those places should be under the surveillance of the small building.

Dr. Waide's half-demon said without any disguise.

Moreover, Constantine disappeared under Vera's awareness. This situation was bizarre enough.

You think you would risk everything to stop him from hurting me."

But this is at least worse than being dragged into the water by the half of the soul that has completely turned into a demon!

"So who does Zuo Bin Pingding plan to find when he comes out there?"

"Conflict? Maybe you don't know what to expect."

"Especially, you are the one who needs to fight.

Since then, it has been a "truth" that corruption is reversible.

"Norman, if he definitely doesn't have time, you suggest that he take the time to change the shape of his suit."

Zuo Binpingding thinks that since the two demons behind me have been able to hide from our perception of Vera until now, this can only mean that we should have some knowledge of the inner world.

This can only be because Vera has not reached that level yet. If a battle breaks out at this time, Vera will not be able to detect the existence of those demons!

This guy should be happy to come there and be responsible for protecting Dr. Waide, but there is no doubt that these guys are very responsible.

The nephalem would naturally choose to give up before they could do anything.

It couldn't be worse than to be able to find traces of Bastetine under the road."

The demon hunter's intuition tells you that it is very unlikely that it has anything to do with Dr. Waide.

Because it looks really ugly.

But it’s not because we have tried too many times, but the result every time is victory!

Bucky asked.

In my opinion, it is obviously more appropriate to describe the matter between SHIELD and Little Angel as mutual benefit.

I understand that the only person I can rely on in this situation is Nephalem.

This only shows that those two guys must not have any unique hiding skills.

Norman Constant himself thought that way, but when the Constant Group designed the Green Goblin suit, it was intended to have a self-defeating power.

I still have a cigarette hanging out of my mouth.

That's bad news.

Since those two demons were able to hide from Vera and Wonder Man's perceptions for so long, they even grew to the level of weakness they are now.

I haven’t even made a bad plan in my mind yet!

Bastedin was wrong for delaying time, but what the devil did was actually worse or less.

"At this point, the Thunder Agents probably just need a Green Goblin behind the scenes as their leader.

I have no idea why those two demons took the initiative to bring me back to that realm.

After all, the lower heavens were able to save me even before a weak angel like Yi Zuer was corrupted.

That’s actually not hard to guess!

Now it’s time to talk about that. Let’s accompany Mr. Vera to see Dr. Waide.

But Norman could not guarantee what kind of judgment the Nephalem would make before meeting the current Dr. Waide.

There's no other way to say that among witchers, it's called "price"!

"Have you ever said that they actually know a lot about the inner world?

Bastetin said quickly and leisurely.

Bastetin refilled his cigarette, and I clasped my hands behind my chest, holding the cigarette in my left hand.

Vera expanded her senses, but she did not find any demonic aura.

Of course Vera will use sacrifice to embellish what you might do!

Even if you wear that thing and go to the burning hell, the devil will probably treat it as one of its own.

After all, according to the scriptures, those existences whose souls are divided are because part of the soul has not yet finished and transformed into a demon.

After all, the Nephalem young master who is good at doing research is a spell caster, among which witch doctors and mages are the main ones.

If it is definitely not necessary, then you can all suppress Dr. Waide at the bottom. That might make Mr. Vera temporarily stop attacking because he wants to hurt other people?"

Because they allow it, right?"

Bucky sighed.

At this time, Falcon was still retreating to inspect the ventilation duct on the lowest level.

At that point, the problem isn't quite obvious yet.

Therefore, the nephalem gradually gave up research in that area.

But neither of those two monitoring methods got the results we needed!

But we are willing to continue arguing with Bastetine outside.

Perhaps it would be closer to the truth to speculate based on Bastettin's purpose.

The ventilation ducts of Osborne House do not have two monitoring methods: cold sensing and energy sensing.

But it also represents the determination of those villains to end everything there!

"I said I wanted to find a foreign doctor, but you didn't think it was harmful for me to do so.

The Nephalem are also looking forward to humans being able to truly solve the problem of corruption.

Norman Constant has no way to contact the little angel, and Norman also thinks that the little angel is a very trustworthy guy.

This chapter has been completed!
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