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1287 It was a multi-party game from the beginning

 The situation on Constantine's side became increasingly serious.

After launching an all-out attack on the two demons, the two demons have begun to torture Constantine.

After all, Constantine's previous blow did not cause serious injuries to the two demons.

Dr. Reed's half-demon has also fallen into madness!

When he realized that he only had half of his soul at this time, he had no reason not to go crazy!

Constantine's approach cut off his path to further progress, and completely locked him in the current stage!

What's even worse is that Vera is now aware of their existence and is constantly trying to enter his domain!

The realm of demons is not something that can be easily broken.

In the past, the Nephalem have not tried to invade the demon's territory, but this was impossible to do without a comprehensive crushing situation!

But the devil understood that he could no longer escape the battle with Vera.

But before that battle that may lead to his complete death, he must first take revenge on Constantine!

How cruel the revenge will be depends entirely on the devil's imagination!

"I have no future, and neither will you!"

Dr. Reed's half-demon made a declaration that he would not leave Constantine any chance to escape!

Although he didn't know why Constantine had the power to break through his realm, he would no longer despise the man in front of him who was always smiling.

"First of all, I have to tell you something.

Although I stand in front of you with a complete soul, it is not all of my soul.

So even if I die here, I still have a future."

Constantine said after taking a deep drag on the cigarette.

The surrounding curtains composed of this demon's body were moving closer to him little by little.

Constantine kept drawing his longbow and shooting at everything in front of him.

The pain caused by this can at least delay the time of being completely submerged.

"Half a living soul? There is no difference between that and being dead!

I promise you won’t feel bad!”

The demon said while taking the attack.

His domain is only a thin layer to the outside world, but to the guys in it, it is a world!

The demon's body tissues are constantly spreading, and the flesh and blood exudes strong malice!

What he wants to do is very simple, that is, to suffocate Constantine in his body!

This is destined to be a very long process, and only in this way can it bring the most despair to Constantine!

"I say it as if you are about to feel better. To be honest, have you already touched the threshold of the devil?

And because you lost that half of your soul, you can no longer become the Demon King?"

Constantine sneered, believing that he would not die here.

Even the worst situation is just that his life here is ended.

Although the part of his soul left outside contains the timid side of him, it does not mean that part of Constantine is trash.

He had already left a backup plan when he made this choice. The worst he could do was to ask for help from Imprius on the favor of a Nephalem.

What better solution to cowardice than the Archangel of Courage?

He is not afraid of death!

"Besides, you really may not be able to kill me here, you are racing against Vera and the others.

Especially when there may be more than one Nephalem out there, Valar."

Constantine took the time to land an attack with his legendary hand crossbow.

It is not a wise choice to keep your trump card at this time.

"Sounds like a very smart person."

Ms. Susan's half-demon waved her invisible arm and knocked Constantine away hard before speaking.

"Ah, the feeling of this blow is not small for your size.

I wish I could satisfy such a huge you."

Constantine shook his broken arm and said while barely straightening the bones.

The attack just now was like someone wielding a load-bearing pillar in the hotel lobby and hitting him hard.

Although Constantine didn't know how many demons liked to use weapons, most of the demons he saw did not have such things as weapons.

At least the two demons he faced at this time didn't have weapons.

As for an attack whose limbs can cause that kind of feeling, Ms. Susan's half-demon is obviously not a gadget.

"You'll know the answer to this question when I start torturing you."

The sounds made by Ms. Susan's half-demon began to become erratic.

Obviously this guy also began to adjust his position in the shrinking range.

Faced with this situation, Constantine just kept the smile on his face.

Then he used his uninjured arm to pull the trigger of the hand crossbow again!

Although there is no crossbow arrow as a beacon, his attacks can still penetrate this field and reach the outside world.

Constantine launched such attacks from time to time, without letting the two demons he faced realize his true intentions.

The devil just thought that Constantine was trying to use this completely undefendable attack to find a weakness that could cause fatal damage.

But Constantine is an excellent demon hunter. Although his attacks have previously chosen to cause damage to a large area.

But this does not mean that Constantine's attacks lack precision!

His penetrating attack has left a weak spot on the field!

Every time his attack reaches the outside world, it will be discovered by Vera!

Maybe it won’t take long for Vera to open up the hard shell of this field and come here!

Maybe there will be other Nephalem guys coming here?

Constantine's space for movement became smaller and smaller, but he still struggled hard.

Dr. Reed's half-demon begins to suspect Ms. Susan's half-demon!

Since Constantine was able to kill Dr. Reed in the outside world before, why didn't he kill Ms. Susan in the outside world?

When he lost the possibility of going further, Dr. Reed's half-demon began to expect that everyone he met would be as unlucky as him.

Or be even more unlucky than him!

However, Constantine did not attack Susan, which made him begin to wonder if Ms. Susan's half-demon had reached some kind of cooperation with Constantine.

It is completely normal for the demons in the Burning Hell to plot against each other.

Dr. Reed's half-demon began to consciously pay attention to the actions of Ms. Susan's half-demon when it attacked.

This kind of attention is a little too serious, so serious that Constantine has already noticed it.

Constantine wanted to laugh at this time, but fortunately he always had a smile on his face.

Evacuations have begun in the Buster Building.

Constantine's attacks with the hand crossbow kept flying out of the demon's realm.

Although only the first attack had physical arrows, the subsequent attacks were still not easy for Vera even if she wanted to defend them.

Before the energy in the energy arrows is consumed, these arrows can penetrate indefinitely.

If Vera wants to defeat an arrow attack, he also needs to throw two flying knives to do so.

Although this has something to do with Vera not being good at defense, Constantine's attack penetration ability is indeed top among the legends.

If he was facing a being with clear weaknesses, then Constantine's killing speed could be even more astonishing.

But Vera can't focus all her energy on protecting others.

So at this time, the three-kilometer area around the center of the Buster Building has been cleared.

Vera is getting closer to the direction from which Constantine's attack flew.

She was already aware of the effects of Constantine's attacks, and naturally began to look for the weak point that had been forcibly created.

Among SHIELD's personnel, only Bucky has enough strength to save his life in the current situation.

However, Norman Osborn also stayed in the Buster Building, and he strongly requested that he stay.

Although Vera clearly informed him that no additional protection would be provided, he did not change his plan.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. has mobilized its remaining manpower to set up a defense line outside the Buster Building.

If this demon kills Constantine, then they will have to face your attacks.

Humans cannot stand these demons wreaking havoc in densely populated cities."

Norman Osborne's face didn't look good.

Ever since he saw the smartest brain in the world, Norman Osborne's expression has not been very good.

The situation now is much better than at the beginning.

"Don't worry, nothing more troublesome will arise from this battle.

But this seems to prove that the plan you put forward to prevent corruption is not as complete as expected."

Vera said very perfunctorily.

After cutting out the part of the soul that begins to corrupt, the remaining part will still become a demon.

This is the result that currently appears in the eyes of the Nephalem.

Although half of the souls still retain their human identity, this is not a fundamental solution to the problem of corruption.

Especially since the smart guy who was most likely to solve the problem has now become a corpse.

Vera did not discover the whereabouts of the remaining part of Dr. Reed's soul.

But what is certain is that Dr. Reed's soul is no longer among the head-shot corpse.

Although the method of resurrecting the dead mastered by S.H.I.E.L.D. can ignore things like fatal injuries, it absolutely cannot do without the soul.

A body without a soul is just a body even after it has been resurrected.

Moreover, it is basically confirmed that this demon is half of Dr. Reed's soul, so killing both parties directly is the best option.

"The problem now is that I want to save Constantine's life. This guy's talent as a demon hunter is really great!

I have hardly seen him go to any secret places, but he has now created his own legend.

Such talent is amazing!”

Vera said.

"Constantine's talent is actually not better than yours, it should even be said that he is lacking.

The reason why he was able to enter the legend so quickly is closely related to the way he became the Nephalem."

Bulcasso's voice suddenly sounded in Vera's ears.

Vera paused for a moment, and then continued to look for the weak points of the demon realm.

"How long have you been here? Or is this all under your control?"

Vera said.

"I just came, the party just ended.

I know the situation here earlier."

Bulcaisel's figure walked out of the portal, holding two Immortal Kings in his hands.

"Does this mean that Dr. Reed's soul is actually under your control?

There are only a few people who can master death now.

At this time, Tyrael, who is the Archangel of Death, Malthael who holds the Reaper of Souls in his hand, and Death itself, who was not killed before?"

Vera said without raising her head.

She and Bulcasso were so familiar that there was no need to deliberately and nervously say hello.

"I'm not sure about Dr. Reed's soul, but I can ask about it later.

But my opinion is the same as yours, it’s much harder to stop corruption than you think.”

Bulqueso said.

"I thought you would go to the place where the archangels are first. Why did you come here first?"

Vera asked.

"Constantin asked me to do it, and I promised him.

Although this guy is not a good partner, he is indeed a good 'person', just as a human being."

Bulqueso dug into his backpack and took out a stone bowl the size of his face.

It was filled with rich broth, and there was a roasted leg of lamb and brown bread lying on the top of the bowl.

"Should I thank you for preparing food for me during the banquet?"

Vera finally raised her head and looked at Bulcasso.

"I've prepared it for everyone, but Li Min and Nazbo will probably have to wait a while before they can taste it.

After the things here are over, I will go to Canduras to see. The power of the Archangel of Wisdom is not easy to bear.

I also have to go over and give them some confidence as a Nephalem."

Bulqueso said.

"Where have all the monks on the Holy Mountain gone now?

Before, there were some young monks practicing outside, but now I have driven them away to watch from a distance.

Demons are like cockroaches and termites, when you see one, there are already a bunch of them."

Vera pointed to the demonic realm that had been exposed to sight and said.

Those who can release demons from the realm must be able to command at least tens of thousands of demons.

Now except Constantine who is in the realm, no one knows how many demons are ready to attack in this demon realm.

Making the most preparation is the right choice.

As long as manpower is not stretched thin, then using more manpower is not a waste.

Minimizing losses is the most important principle that the Nephalem need to abide by when fighting against the Burning Hell.

"Ulena and Yina are with the Archangel, and Gruchak is also there.

If they really break up, they can at least hold on until I get there.

Johanna is always here to help, and Cassia, of course, is Wonder Woman now."

Bulkatho briefly explained the Nephalem's arrangements.

As for La Tovilla, Rumlow is there.

This means that Mokot can wake up and join the battle at any time.

As long as Mocott thinks it is necessary to take action, he will lead Hailab and the others there as a beacon.

Bulkesso has already made arrangements for the several places where fighting is currently taking place.

The Nephalem respect humans' choices, but when humans are unable to control the situation, the Nephalem do not have to wait until humans call for help before taking action.

Nephalem don't care about that kind of face issue at all. The deep hatred between demons and nephalem is much more important than face.

As for the archangel's problem, it is not necessary to deal with it until the demon's problem is solved.

This game has been a multi-party game from the beginning!

At least humans and nephalem, archangels and demons, everyone is involved.

As for the situation outside the earth, the Nephalem currently don't have the manpower to go there.

But Bulqueso also discovered that he was not the only one who had prepared insurance for himself.

Apparently Constantine thought about "what to do if Bulkesso got tripped."

Bulcaisuo felt that there were several auras outside the earth that were at least legendary levels and were paying attention to everything that happened here.

Although Bulcaisel didn't feel much hostility, he didn't feel any kindness either.

Obviously, Constantine owed a lot of favors when he acted.

The strength of these guys is at least much stronger than Constantine at this time. If they collect debts, Constantine will not be able to deal with it easily.

But there seems to be something else to these guys.


This chapter has been completed!
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