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1288 Demons are good at dying together

"So now do we need to forcefully open this area? I know you can do it."

Vera said a little funny.

"Do it your way, it wouldn't be a bad thing for that guy Constantine to be tortured a little.

Although this guy is always bold in doing things, to be honest, he is not the kind of fearless guy.

This time it’s good to teach him a lesson.”

Bulcaisu drew out the heavy weapon that represented the first ancestor from his waist and pierced the thin field directly like a nail.

Vera smiled and began to eat the food in the bowl.

Bulkesso's actions were already telling her that there was nothing to worry about for Constantine's safety.

When Bulcaisso chooses to pierce the weapon into the demon's realm, it means that nothing in this realm can be hidden from Bulcaisuo.

However, Vera had no other objections to the matter of asking Constantine to teach him a lesson.

When Diana fights, the swiftness and explosiveness of her attacks are second-to-none even among warrior-type Nephalem.

"Although the bow and arrow are fun and slow to use, you feel that the shotgun is more enjoyable to use.

Vera took a sip of the broth and complained.

Constantine is indeed a bit reckless when doing things, and he is indeed the type who is afraid of many things.

That is not a matter of experience at all. The two sides are basically consistent in terms of strength.

The devil changed from weak to strong after meeting Bulmowei, but the "strong" had no intention of giving up.

Although you, like Vera, think that before the Boer Woman retreats into the realm of a demon, there will be no demons running out of it!

The corner of Boer Heroine's mouth twitched. I was not familiar with that method of address.

I hit Susan Man's half-body demon, but the demon's invisibility effect was really weak!

Cassiadin suddenly rolled on the ground, then picked up the hand crossbow on his waist and fired an attack at his previous position.

"It depends on whether his flying knife is sharp enough, and whether these demons and angels can use the power to hinder your movement.

Therefore, Dr. Waide's body continued to approach Cassiadin firmly.

Through the demon's agitated behavior, Cassiadin was unable to obtain the information he wanted.

"Hey! Since he hasn't arrived yet, hurry up and rescue you. Is that bad or not!?"

When facing the devil, Cassiadin is actually a very humane guy.

"Vera will stay inside for a while, and there will definitely be a small number of demons rushing out of the realm. This Vera will make us go back to the burning hell.

Thunder and spear, but not this male warrior with such fierce majesty.

The Boer Girl hung a copper ring at the end of her beard, which made my beard flutter around and block my sight.

The moment he was attacked, Dr. Waide's half-demon knew that his daughter had won.

The demon made a scene of disgust after the destruction, even to complete the revenge, but I saw that there were no fewer demons walking towards destruction with me.

Cassiadin shouted uneasily.

At least until now, Cassiadin has not seen what the devil looks like.

The corners of your mouth turned down, and it didn't look like you were annoyed.

Mo Weijunding looked at the devil's head with curious eyes, wanting to see if the devil could still breathe. That is one way I can judge the devil's mentality. Many devils can't do it when provoked.

No disturbance at all.

Although it is possible to escape death, there is a small chance that it will not be the time for me to die when I am about to kill Cassiadin.

I made that judgment after seeing the request for money from Mr. Susan's half-demon that could not be seen.

When you act, everything will turn upside down."

The Boer heroine put her hand under the handle of the knife and silently sensed the situation, while responding to Vera's words.

"I remember when a group of us went on adventures together, it seemed like Li Min was always cooking, right?

Even though I knew that I had no hope of escaping, at least I didn't have a chance to torture my enemy for revenge.

This caused me to lose a small piece of my body.

Bulmowei's voice came again.

But transparent dye is indeed a relatively rare thing.

For Dr. Waide's half-body demon, I was directly penetrated by an indescribably huge weapon in the field!

This period of time is really wrong. Although you have not felt the joy of growing up during this period, everything is always a step faster due to Tyrell's influence."

Although I still haven't adapted to that change.

But just like if Mo Weijun’s relatives call you Constan, you will respond just the same.

Although my seven sense organs have long been in a mess, I still know where my mouth is after all.

The power of those two demons is by no means mediocre in legend.

There's not much we need to do in the short term. After Cassiadin learns his lesson, we just have to wait.

Because when I was little, my beard was covered in blood and stuck to the bottom of my neck.

He must just wait quietly for the future he describes in his heart to arrive, and you will get it."


To ensure that Susan’s half-demon can escape from my domain!

"There is something wrong. You are doubting that nothing is eternal or annihilated. Everything will begin."

Bulmowei said casually, shaking his beard a few times as I spoke.

But within the field, this is a huge space!

Sacrifice yourself to save your companions?

The person who does that is a Boer heroine, so when she retreats into the realm, she should shrink in the same proportion.

When you go out, you must ask Boer Girl to make you a shotgun, and it must be one that a witcher can pick up and use!

But it's a pity that the devil's power is indeed powerful, but it is not so weak that it cannot affect the Boer Heroine.

This is a world where supplies are always scarce.

As for things like dye, there was no one specializing in that kind of business in Sanctuary.

But I still act according to the final plan!

Watching him shrink at a rate that reminds you of a strand of hair close to a flame!”

That kind of thing will definitely happen to a demon. In fact, the demon will only use its companions to fight for its own chance of survival!

In a place like Sanctuary, the only people who can share food are true companions.

But he was hysterical in the madness and pressure.

This was much slower than the speed at which the demon approached me. It was as if the demon was actively retracting.

Vera said.

Cassiadin only loves himself, and if it is not necessary, I will regard his Nephalem as a tool to achieve my goals.

That situation was really not that difficult, and Cassiadin could only tell whether he had hit the demon by the sound of blood splattering.

Those two demons are indeed weak, and Mo Weijunding considers himself to be a strong one among the legends.

The reason why he can talk and laugh in front of those who are far more powerful than him is never because he is not afraid.

As a victim, isn't it too much for you to retaliate a little against the perpetrator?"

"You feel like he might want to take another one now."

Cassiadin kept shouting, I kept provoking the devil.

Dr. Waide's half-demon stretched his flesh and blood into the shape of an arm, took the cigarette, and then stuffed it out of his mouth.

But Cassiadin was still in a difficult situation when facing the two demons, and he was almost hanged and tortured.

Before I heard the voice of the Boer Lady, I relaxed so much in an instant.

Magic Kelso nodded, accepting the task.

After Cassiadin finished speaking, he threw the lit cigarette away.

For these common dyes, there are alternatives.

"Of course I have not forgotten that it is his share."

But the moment Cassiadin was about to be captured by the demon, the demon retreated directly!

As long as the devil doesn't act, it's enough. A devil who does everything is the most troublesome.

Nephalem like Cassiadin's Boer Heroines are hostile to demons, but they have unparalleled trust in us.

As for whether the information I got was from a woman, or whether it was a trap prepared by the devil for me, I don't care.

I'm the type who would carve a cross under a finger and then punch the devil myself.

Mo Weijunding shouted in the direction from which the sound came.

Whether it's causing injuries or setting fire to the demon.

Vera said with a smile.

I can't see the sweat under my forehead yet.

Vera talked about the past, but your eyes were always looking at the broth outside the bowl.

I even used my body to fill my field even more closely.

Bulmowei said.

After all, just using dye can make equipment disappear from sight, which is something very unusual no matter how you look at it.

This field looks like a piece of paper from the inside, even thinner than paper.

I don't care if I don't feel any pain when I do that, and I even feel very excited!

Boer Heroine said.

You will no longer miss the feeling of dragon breath bullets flying out from the muzzle of the gun, smashing the demon into pieces and emitting the smell of the scorched lake!"

I'm going to torture Cassiadin!

The air was suddenly filled with a rough question.

So Boer Girl still doesn't know much about fuel.

"Is that thing a transparent dye?"

The existence of my soul inside is not my smallest confidence.

The Boer heroine was chatting away at that time, and chatted several times with the dye merchants.

I really have no future now, but hatred has not disappeared yet!

In that situation, any demon will go crazy, even if it is to do something that is harmful to others but is beneficial to oneself, it is very unreasonable.

This kind of appearance is indeed not scary, but at least it is worse than the devil.

Later, Dr. Waide's half-body demon slowly shrank because I passed the heavy weapon in my hand directly through the field.

That's the voice of the Boer Lady.

I have not yet created the semi-legendary equipment of the hand crossbow and the arrow weapon. Until I achieve that level, I am not even close to matching the special legendary ancestor spirit in terms of combat experience.

"Diana, he still looks heroic when he fights afterwards."

Your craftsmanship is indeed much worse than yours."

In the past, Boer heroines had a lot of beards that would block their sight.

The magical Kelso said while leaning on the wall of the house holding a spear and shield.

Cassiadin actually never worried that he would die.

"You should try your best to doubt him, but the witcher can put his hope in other people's bodies.

That's a matter of course. After all, Cassiadin's approach completely blocked that guy's opportunity to take a step back.

Everything close to the devil will be transparent, and things belonging to the devil itself will still be transparent even if they leave the devil's body.

Cassiadin has never admitted that, and I always remind others in my own way.

That ability is really tricky.

Even if there was a way to take revenge by killing Cassiadin before he was tortured to the point where he lost his will, being able to torture one's enemy would be a little comfort.

Before irritating Dr. Waide's half-demon, the demon ended up falling into complete madness.

"You are Mo Weijun now, and Diana and Constan have merged into one, although you will agree when he calls you Diana.

A barrier with some azure light only flickered for a moment before being penetrated directly by Cassiadin's attack.

The Boer heroine laughed directly.

And the Boer woman who promised to protect my life in that situation was only my seventh insurance.

"So they just stayed there and missed the past? And then they just forgot that you were there too?"

Cassiadin looked at the head that had not yet been integrated into the pile of rotten meat, which was not very similar to Dr. Waide, and then took out a cigarette and lit it directly.

Cassiadin's daughter in the field is about to lose her dodge space.

Magic Kelso said, "Have you walked up to the Boer Girl with any determination, and then took the food prepared for you?"

"This doesn't taste like your craftsmanship. The food you make is always cooked."

As the devil's executioner, the Boer heroine is the most professional.

"Devil, what happened to him?

As long as everything is within a certain range of the demon, it will become transparent.

Diana, he has to watch. If a demon that is no trouble comes out, he has to watch him deal with it.

Since I haven't spoken out yet, there's no need to pretend that I'm not really there.

Then there was some sound of blood splashing in the transparent air.

"You just dispersed an arrow with weak penetrating power, and it flew directly towards your head.

Do you think it would be more appropriate for him to call you Magic Mo Wei?"

"You are being attacked by two demons right now. He is just trying to help you get out of trouble. What kind of dyes are you researching outside?"

"It's just because you can't accept the food you prepared.

Bulmowei's free hand took out the same food as Vera from his backpack.

Cassiadin took the time to light a new cigarette for himself, and then finished shooting again while talking!

But I understand from the fact that Boer Girl has not launched attacks continuously, that I am not that useful yet.

At this time, Dr. Waide's half-demon approached me again.

In Cassiadin's view, it was more like the demon's body had shrunk before being wiped out in an instant.

You forgot, you should call him Magic Kelso."

This chapter has been completed!
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