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1290 The demonic realm that is about to be crushed

 There is nothing that requires attention at the Buster Building for the time being.

If Bulcaisel appeared in that place in person, even the slightly more powerful demons would choose to stay away.

Although demons are never afraid of dangerous opponents, even if this is because they cannot disobey the requirements of superior demons.

But those who command other demons are not stupid, and they will not be happy to do unnecessary things.

Especially at this time, it would be difficult to launch a large number of demons to attack Buster Tower and even consume the Nephalem's energy.

At this time, Barr was thinking about how to meet Constantine. This guy who was once just an ant in his eyes finally had considerable value.

It's just that most of the guys who are considered valuable by the devil will not end up with good results.

After all, the demons will not spend too much time to nurture the value of these people, they will only choose to squeeze this value to the maximum extent.

The methods will be more intense, so intense that they can defeat human will.

"Rasma, didn't you leave before?"

At that time, it became possible to kill the little angel, but the consequences of killing the little angel were very light.

It is also authority. The reason why authority exists is because of existence itself.

Constant said solemnly, and there was something in my tone.

If Barr hadn't sensed a very turbid aura from this figure, I might have thought it was just an illusion.

Although Kelso is huge and small, he makes no sound when I move.

Only using throwing knives to deal with enemies will save you such trouble.

He obviously showed up there with the intention of taking advantage of you, and you think you have a bad temper."

Bulbal had to be a little more careful not to crush the walnut seeds directly with too much force.

"It seems like he hasn't guessed how much it is, so of course you have to give him time and space to think."

As for Dr. Waide's half-demon, he will find an opportunity to kill Jie Fanxuding directly. This is bound to happen.

A few thoughts are gathered together in one head, and even if they are separated, the impact still exists.

The broken authority is very powerful in Kelso's hands. I can't always use that kind of rough authority to accomplish simple things.

I waited until Constant's figure completely disappeared from the sight of Xie Fan, then I spoke hurriedly.

Demon hunters are also guardians, and the value of our existence is reflected in hunting demons.

"Those guys are quite wrong. Although the bottom line is relatively high, there is no bottom line after all.

In this way, every trace of its existence will be left.

You stood up and patted the dust under your cloak.

"Wonder Man, leave the defense of the city to him.

Vera is very worried about the problems of those people in SHIELD, but you don't care.

And that demon's body makes you not feel as strange as facing Lakanos, and maybe I can't divide my body into fewer parts of myself."

The anger followed the weapons transformed by the first generation ancestors and extended towards the realm.

You never imagined that any demon would seize the opportunity and escape from your hands.

You're talking bad about S.H.I.E.L.D.

The situation on Ultron's side can be too relaxed. If a group of little angels stay together, the situation is not simple enough.

There have been many similar guys in the Sanctuary, but especially Bull Jiefan always gets close to them.

A guy who was weak enough would die when he saw Kelso, and by luck he almost hit Kelso who was in a bad mood.

Bull Jiefan said.

As for how much torture Xie Fanxuding will endure, it all depends on when Rasmadin's soul will shine with the radiance of hope.

That time it was Vera's turn to smile simply.

Trying to break that realm now was like a special person trying to open a thin-skinned walnut for Bull.

Vera wiped the dagger in her hand, and her eyes lost a bit of excitement. So Jie Fan blamed his ability to defeat the authority because he was weak enough, which makes sense.

Wonder Man said before turning the spear in his hand.

"He should leave now, you are afraid that after listening to what he said, you will directly destroy his existence.

When facing Constan, Jie Fan was still willing to humiliate him to a certain extent.

Vera's tone didn't sound like sarcasm.

For a Nephalem who has become a legend on his own in a short period of time, his talent is inferior to that of Sonya.

As long as Kelso knew where I was using my energy, there would be no problem.

Xie Fanxuding needs to endure some torture, and then remember the lesson of that time deeply in his heart.

Regardless of whether he has integrated half of the demon king's authority into his own body, or he has been corrupted based on this power."

"Vera, is the existence of little angels really a good or bad thing?"

Vera said.

We will, because we have been born with personality a long time ago. Although that kind of personality is very different from human existence, we are still hot and cold!

It's natural for Hahao to have that level of power.

The situation outside is slowly coming to an end, Rasmadin hasn't tried his best yet, and the light wings of hope haven't appeared in front of me yet.

"If he wants to take some time off by touching you, he can't go to Khanduras now.

This is not because my strength is still weak enough.

Bulbar asked a question.

Kelso issued a warning.

"The moment the realm breaks open, you will spread thunder."

I only need to use a little bit of my broken authority to break all the noise that occurs when I act.

But it's not enough now. Amid the hysteria after Xie Fanxuding is about to be captured, the demon's domain is also riddled with holes.

The Witcher's small attack range will have a very slight impact on the environment.

That is indeed the only thing in Masayin Erming's face that cannot be used.

"His decision is bad, and he will make the earth a place like Sanctuary if he passes you.

Everyone has their own opinions, and I have nothing to say about it.

That place will eventually leave humans as the smallest number of existences, but they will have to face endless demons just like you did in the past."

There are so many weak people in this world, and I have no chance of replicating the great deeds of the little devil when both the devil king and the devil god are disabled.

"Then you should rephrase your statement and say that he has no interest in disrupting Masayir's plan?

It's true that the devil is not qualified to fight with Kuang Tu Paji, but the chance of winning is low.

"Yin Seril? You would rather see my final changes.

Although no one knows the full picture of the little angel of wisdom’s thoughts, I will definitely pay attention to other little angels.”

There is no difference between the seven little angels. If Kelso really takes action to kill the little angel, I will definitely make Yin Seril my first target!

Moreover, we use our methods to kill demons, which is also a bad thing. At most, we are trying to protect humans."

Bulbar asked.

Vera said with a smile.

Those two are the most difficult ones among the little angels.

There are some crazy ones among the demon hunters. As long as they can kill demons and provide some protection for humans, that's enough.

As for demons? Vera doubts that the world in Bulbal’s dream will contain demons as a species.

Vera asked.

Who in the past would have turned their back on Kelso in that situation?

My hand has not yet grasped the handle of the first ancestor.

You plan to answer that question because you understand that you have actually changed your mind.

"This is a sure thing, and the human defense line inside is also so fragile.

It would be a foolish and huge loss to know about Fan Xuding's death due to negligence.

Bulbar said very nervously.

Anyway, this is the first time, and I have quite a deep relationship with my brothers and sisters.

It is not possible to use authority to destroy good authority. After all, it should be possible to destroy good authority.

Vera said to Wonder Man on the side.

The most desperate times are often the times when hope shines brightest.

Bulbar's attitude towards that kind of people is quite bad, especially when he gets close to them.

The current environment is suitable for using skills such as light and heavy shooting to fight.

The current situation is that I may take action at any time, so naturally I have to be a little more serious.

As a matter of course, such talents cannot receive a certain degree of preferential treatment because we can bring smaller contributions.

At this moment, the person who is closest to his dream is not Bulbal. Bulbal's attitude is what determines the fate of the little angel.

Yes, Auriel's curling skills are very good.

Kelso said without a hint of indifference.

I have expressions on my face, and I don’t have any emotional fluctuations at all.

"What a small dream, or an amazing dream."

When dealing with Xie Fanxuding, he could see what I said and even doubt what I did.

The arrows with weak penetrating ability became more and more frantic, but as Rasmadin gradually became tired, those energy arrows were unable to penetrate the demon's domain.

"I left, but suddenly I found something I needed to talk to you about.

Only I can do that kind of thing, and these little angels will move you like this.

Rasma's figure is somewhat illusory.

Barr glanced at the lonely figure in the distance and asked.

It is even possible to take a step back.

That time we can’t celebrate killing a legendary demon.”

If he appears in front of you like that and you want to kill him, it will take a lot of energy."

That's the riskiest way to do it.

At this time, Rasmadin was finally at his wits end, and before I could use all my methods, this devil finally forced me into a corner where I could enter.

Is he really planning on using SHIELD as a training ground for witchers?"

"You are more willing to suspect that something happened to him that caused him to consume a small amount of his energy.

Even if I admit that I have consumed a small amount of energy, there is no need to hide it.

Yes, Kelso cares!

For example, regarding those archangels, you should understand that Nephalem actually don’t like to get along with archangels.”

"It's bad, prepare for bad things.

"Of course, you are willing to provide him with enough help when destroying the devil."

"None of the little angels has half the authority of a demon king. You want me to succeed.

At the end of the day, Massa Yin'er was the weakest among the little angels.

Then Bulbal will take action.

Xie Fanxu turned around directly and moved away from Kelso in the same manner that the Nephalem would have done in the past.

Then he pulled out Jiani's sharp point from under the front waist.

"Isn't that the Nephalem's idea to kill the little angel with your hands? It's really ridiculous."

Kelso hadn't even looked back when he spoke. At this moment, Constant was indeed worthy of my careful attention.

In the battle, Yinseril is in the front position among the little angels. Jiefan will definitely take action, so I will definitely choose one of Tyrael and Malsa Yinir as the target.

It's a pity that I still haven't succeeded in breaking the possibility of "touching you".

That kind of thing doesn't seem to be the case in my opinion. Even if that area is the Despair Plains of Rakanos, I am sure that not even half of them will be wiped out from there!

The reason why no one has tried to take advantage of that in the past is because other little angels are no worse than Massayir itself.

Could it be that my little angel will avenge his brothers and sisters?

Diavolo has never shown a successful path in the past. This is not to gather enough power to move you and directly push the lower heaven.

Bulbar raised his head slightly, but did not respond.

It's just that such an opportunity would not exist if Bo Jiefan paid attention.

Konstantin said matter-of-factly.

Kelso thought about why there was no such result, but I got a simple and direct answer.

It must be that killing Constance at that time would bring relatively minor consequences, so I guess you took action.

Is it past now or is it time for me to take action against the little angel!

Although Kelso realized that he had become weaker before gaining fear and knowledge, he was still young enough to think that he could fight one against seven.

"When things are done over there, do I need you to go to Ultron with him?"

Bulbar's hand gripping the handle of the knife moved and his anger rose!

"There are only two individual demons outside the realm, but you feel that we should be counted as one demon.

The little angels are willing to appear as equals to the little devil, and it is also out of that consideration.

Bull Jiefan is not ready to break through the realm yet.

You also want me to be corrupted, so what you want to say is an opportunity that won’t kill me. Is he no longer interested in this?”

Even the mind will be seriously affected.

Just give me any initiative when dealing with Rasmartin, so that I won't be able to take advantage of him.

It doesn't matter how much you give asylum, but it doesn't matter as long as it's asylum.

So help you, Vera!"

There must be a familiar guy appearing there. He only has the power of Constant at this time, so Kelso is not even in the mood to listen to the other person.

Who knew that the devil's realm would be like a honeycomb? Once it is broken, there will be no dense numbers of demons rushing out."

Kelso's request to see Xie Fanxuding is now over.

Dealing with demons is actually not that troublesome, is it?

Constant said in a strange tone.

That demon is considered a strong one in the legend, but compared to the crowned king of Despair, Rakanos, he is still a bit stronger.

The thing about becoming a little devil is also very cruel to the other devil that is absorbed.

As for the other little angels, Kelso didn't feel any threat.

This chapter has been completed!
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