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1296 The God Group and Constantine

 Constantine finally left the confines of the Buster Building at this time.

Things here are actually over. Although those demons are not easy to deal with, they are not a trouble in the eyes of Bulkesso and the others.

At this time, the remains of demons can be seen everywhere within the Buster Building, and the building itself, which was specially reinforced for Dr. Reed's research, has also become a ruin.

Dr. Reed died in this place, and the value of its existence was also lost.

For mankind, Dr. Reed's death is a very heavy blow.

For the Nephalem, this is actually very bad news.

Although the nephalem do not have much hope in research to curb the corruption.

But what Dr. Reed did still fell in their eyes, and they had a certain level of expectations for Dr. Reed.

Maybe humans can really solve the problem of demonic corruption?

After all, this is not an empty talk, the Blade Warrior has already experienced a miraculous result once.

It's just that their existence hasn't reached the point where they have to make a choice.

"Daomuddin, he used his strength to get your other self.

"You know, of course you know.

We do not have the power in our hands to compete with the little angels, but the price is too light.

"You almost forgot that Mr. Susan's divided soul also became a demon, and he is as legendary as Doctor Waide.

We are very surprised that at this time, we are not able to intervene in the lowest level of the battle.

If Daomuddin had not appeared there, the stability of Osborne Mansion could have remained for a while at most.

The past story of Tong Chao Ren Ding is largely a secret, at least to S.H.I.E.L.D.

But before meeting Bull Yinson, Bucky only felt that he was insignificant.

I even stopped Norman Tong Chaoren, who looked ugly.

No matter how much we hate Daomuddin's behavior, we have to deny that Daomuddin really gave very little for mankind.

"My other god Awaisem, he also saw the power of the nephalem, and also witnessed the power of the devil and the cherub. 1

【In view of the general environment,

That should be enough reason, right? They always need you to tell them what the devil has to do before finishing his actions."

Although this may have something to do with the special physical fitness of the Blade Warriors, it is at least a hope.

""Their small size can guarantee that they will be able to win when facing the nephalem, angels and demons!

"You will then become the victims to help him buy time, and what he wants to do is to continue to try to create miracles?"

It is completely unnecessary to catch the murderer. At most, the murderer should be rewarded!

There is absolutely no need to lie about that kind of thing. After all, there is no deep grudge between Daomuddin and Dr. Waide, which is to the point of his death and your death.

Two legendary demons will be stopped by Vera and you, but you have no important things to leave before.

Although there is still some gap between Tong Chaorending and me, the gap is not huge.

Therefore, the judge and arbiter of Awaisem, who is also the judge of the God Group, established contact with Tong Chaorendin.

Norman Tong Chaoren watched Daomuddin walk out of the wreckage of Osborne House, and of course I had a bad look on my face.

Collector Buster himself plans to try to collect demon samples.

You can apologize later, but you have to leave now.

"That is a very good choice. If you cannot come back alive, you will treat them to a drink.

Kill Daomuddin?

According to the rules of action of the Tenjin Group, the final

It was not Kelso the Explorer who made the first move.

Although there are a few times when the Celestial Team will fight in person, there are always exceptions.

Our strength is enough, but we should make less contributions!

The speed of the Burning Hell's spread is not beyond imagination, and those who stand on the front line against the demons are not members of the God Group.

In Daomuddin's eyes, those giants seemed to share the power of creation, but the individual gods that appeared only had a lower status in the legend.

And the devil's side, in that kind of fighting, almost focused on the target that could not move in different ways!

Putting my hand under the weapon means that what I am about to do may lead to combat at any time.

Awaisem did not answer Daomuddin's question, but raised another topic.

Faced with that situation, just watching requires sufficient strength to face the possible aftermath.

When Norman Osborne and others evacuated the scene, they took away all research-related things with the help of Stone Man Ben.

Once the matter is no longer connected to Bull Yinsen, all humans can do is to pay low attention.

Awaisem said very directly.

Those who rashly participate in it are only paying worthless sacrifices.

Even if Awaisem plans to fight with Tong Chao Ren Ding at this time, he is not completely sure that he will end Daomudin there!

But now as long as I really want mankind to gain nothing from Ultron, I should be allowed to go."

Earth is a very great place in the universe, because the Nephalem regard it as their basic territory, so no matter whether angels or demons fight there, they need to restrain their own power.

But before we saw the power of these top weaklings, Awaisum also chose to treat them in a more steady way.

Awaisem said.

Daomuddin's figure appeared in the void.

If these things were placed after demons and angels appeared, it would be enough to consume eight years of research."

"Daomuddin, will you call Bast to come? Can he provide a sample of the Nephalem?"

If you are willing to pay the price, killing Daomuddin is not an unachievable goal!

Tong Chaorending said with a smile.

Norman Constant accused very helplessly.

Although you have left yourself time to make mistakes, the time difference is still too little."

Daomuddin said with a strange smile.

"You think that bastard of his should give you an explanation. At most, he should tell you why he killed Dr. Waide!"

Although the strength of the Eternals can be of great help in the legendary battle, at most it cannot make up for the shortcomings of human combat effectiveness."

The war in the universe has been completely upgraded!

If your information source is correct, no members of the Celestial Group have died in the universe.

So now he plans to call the Eradicator to appear and destroy angels and demons?"

Behind me is a huge god. Daomuddin’s figure cannot even be compared with that huge god.

In other words, it represents the Soul Reaver Legion!

Even though he is weak now, it is only a few steps away from the great you he sees!"

It is also the most common existence.

But there is obviously no reason or inside story that I know. To hold Daomuddin accountable for Dr. Waide who is not dead yet?

That guy has been in a low position for the past few years. After all, sometimes there will be others who are better than me.

Daomuddin spit out the burned out cigarette and then refilled himself with another.

Norman Tong Chaoren is also having a headache at this time. I don't have much time left before the dangerous issue of Tong Chaoren's mansion is left in my hands.

Tong Chaorending gave a very simple answer, but such a simple answer was not enough.

I'm still as heavy-handed as ever, but I'm still the same bastard who can't be trusted when it comes to putting humanity in danger.

"The demon you are facing is the half of the soul that Dr. Waide divided, and just half of the soul is not a legendary level demon.

At this time, Thanos does not represent my own grand desire to destroy the world and save the world, but represents the little angel Massayir who is currently fighting under the earth!

"Insignificant god, ridiculous god!

"Let me go, there's no time to discuss what I'm doing.

With the arrival of the Nephalem, the appearance of the Lower Heaven and the Burning Hell also surprised the Celestials.

With the arrival of Daomuddin, it completely became a joke.

So you almost had a great destiny in the devil's realm.

When I say that, I don't think I've given in.

Mainly responsible for collecting fewer life samples.

Seriously, if Bull Yinsen had not appeared in person, the chaos over there would have lasted longer.

Norman and we watched Daomuddin disappear from sight, and then looked at the ruins of Osborne Mansion with a strange expression.

Abeseom acquiesced in the correctness of that message!

After all, in the eyes of Awaisum, life under the earth actually has little need to exist, especially since the earth is the birthplace of new gods!

But all this was completely eliminated with the death of Dr. Reed.

I thought very clearly that the incident of Daomuddin killing Dr. Waide was certainly very special to me.

But Thanos, the world-destroying Titan!

At that time, Daomuddin and I noticed the existence of the Celestials through the Eternals, and stopped trying to contact us.

Bucky shook his head.

But you think those things are unnecessary and considered a waste."

"You need to be responsible for the loss of materials.

"He said that not many of the materials used in Osborne House can be reused?

Maybe the final result will be bad, but at most it will produce variables when the human side is putting a little energy on Ultron.

Tong Chaorending waved his hand, and I pressed the crossbow on my waist with one hand and waved my free hand to open a portal.

Other life on earth will affect the birth of new gods, so Awaisum will do its best to protect its own kind from danger.

So you think the situation is getting a little worse?"

This research will be restarted, but others have no less expectations for it.

Just like the lower heavens and burning hells are familiar with Bull Yinsen's name, it is impossible for humans to know about it.

Is it possible to try? After all, apart from Daomudin, there are not many Nephalems existing in it.

But compared with the price to pay, the benefit is that "human beings have an extra legendary level of combat effectiveness."

It's just that Kelso's luck was too bad, and he bumped into the legendary demon Gai Muen!

Both Bucky and Norman noticed my movements.

Bucky sighed.

Although wisdom is not easy to quantify and compare, it is generally recognized that Dr. Waide is the most selfish person in the world.

This battle is not a duel between Kelso and the legendary demon Gaimun, but a difficult battle for survival for Kelso who is trapped in the tide of demons!

Of course, not all of Dr. Reed's research has disappeared.

Even though Kelso has not yet explained to Gaimun that he is willing to participate in the war, Gaimun, who is known as the Bad Fighter in legend, has not given Kelso a chance to leave!

So they will be the ones to face these chaotic and seemingly endless demons.

But what Daomuddin showed

Strength is also very important to humans!

I didn't care about the little guy behind me.

But Eckstar the Eradicator. 3

This is definitely the result. You should still be fighting hard at this time.

But you and I can provide a small amount of the help they need.

And among the ranks of legends, this demon can be considered a very weak type.

If there is no difference between the earth and the living planets I have seen in the past, the one I summoned is Buster.

The two sides have no qualifications to fight, so Daomuddin naturally does not enjoy the reciprocal insult.

Correspondingly, you also hope that he can express the most basic insult to you."

I tend to make judgments about whether life can continue.

The situation has reached a stalemate, so as long as Daomuddin can give even a weak reason, the matter cannot start from there.

I hope they will let you, who is so busy, do some writing or something like that.”

Norman Constant understood one thing immediately before seeing Bull Yinson appear. This is not the situation in Osborne House, and it is not within the scope of my ability to grasp it.

Bucky said.

This is just because they are afraid that the two weak nephalems, Bull Yinsen and Li Min, will choose to completely overturn the table.

The god Buster is the collector among the gods.

That’s what we should do, because Daomuddin is not the murderer!

Of course I am strong. Even if we compare with Natasha and us, Bucky can still intervene in a battle of this level.

"Where's Susan Man? The Fantastic Seven now only exist without Susan Man and the Thing.

So Explorer Kelso became the first member of the Celestial Group to die at the hands of demons.

Dr. Waide must have experienced the crisis he mentioned, so Mr. Susan must have encountered something similar!"

Among the members of the Celestial Group, Awaisem is the judge.

Is it Explorer Tong Chao?" 4

Vera and Wonder Man can do it so easily that they can end everyone else.

Did Tong Chaoren and Ding Zhongshui get any answer from Awaisum?

Norman Constant asked Bucky.

But now the situation is no longer right.

"The Tenjin Group can fully intervene in that war.

The members of the Celestial Team have always violated that set of actions in the past, but this time we faced legendary demons who could not compete with the Celestial Team!

Norman Constant said.

But in an environment like Earth, there would be some problems if the Eternals join the war.

"It's a small difference, but it's not like that. Now you have to do other things, which are impossible to help mankind solve Ultron.

This chapter has been completed!
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