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1349 An unexpected meeting

 Apart from the previous accident, everything else going well during Bulkesso's exploration.

Although Lilith's appearance still made him a little worried.

The impact of the fact that Lilith was still alive was huge, and Bulcasso even had the idea of ​​​​solving Lilith completely.

After all, compared to Baal, Lilith is obviously the more difficult person to deal with.

Bulcaisel acted with these concerns in mind, but there is still good news.

At least nothing else happened until Andacurgas dug the cave before Bulkesso arrived.

Although some blind little devils were eliminated along the way, they were not worth paying attention to.

But when Bulcasso stood in the pit again, his expression became a little ugly.

"It seems that you knew what I was planning from the beginning, or else I was just lucky enough to find where you were hiding.

Lilith, I don’t believe you can see my thoughts, at least until I unlock the soul blockade.”

Bulcaisel looked at the Lilith in front of him, whose form was pieced together from the bones.

He never expected that he would see Lilith in this place, even though it was just a pieced-together body.

But this at least proves that Lilith is within this range.

The previous thoughts couldn't help but arise in my heart again.

What would happen if I killed Lilith directly here? Wouldn't it be better than leaving her alone?

Lilith still exists, which means Baal must have been plotted by her.

It's just that Barr is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. Maybe the struggle between the two sides will bring more breathing time to mankind?

"Can you still keep your soul intact now?

The strangest thing is that your body can really bear your complete soul without collapsing."

The body that Lilith put together was not strong, and the corners of the body's mouth began to break little by little just by speaking.

As if she had figured out what Bulqueso was thinking, she hurriedly changed the topic to something else.

Although this concern may be somewhat sincere.

As the mother of the Nephalem, Lilith has never been an emotionless existence.

This kind of emotion makes Lilith even more like an alien in the Burning Hell!

Obviously Lilith put together a temporary body to stand here just out of respect, but this kind of respect is already very valuable!

There is obviously a risk in doing this. If Baal comes to take a look on a whim, Lilith's existence will be known to Baal.

To express his respect for the strong in this way, Bulcaisel was noncommittal about it.

"That's my business!"

Bulkesso obviously cared more about what Lilith said.

Indeed, although his current body has been strengthened by his first generation ancestors, it is not to the point of being safe and sound.

But when these words of concern came out of the mouth of the demon Lilith, Bulcasso was destined not to treat them as normal.

Can the devil’s kindness be considered kindness?

That can only be regarded as the outer packaging of their own goals, even if the demon is Lilith!

"You brought my son here, don't you have anything else to do after seeing my presence?"

Lilith forced out a smile with her face that was already starting to fade. This smile was indescribably hideous and terrifying.

But Bulcaisel was strangely able to see some warmth in it.

Lilith's feelings for her children are not false. Perhaps Lilith loves her children more than Inaris.

"I didn't come here just to let you reminisce about old times, although I probably understood something after seeing you.

But this level of harvest is not enough to satisfy me.”

Bulqueso's eyes remained calm.

"Of course, Bulcaisel had greater dreams, but Uldyssian did not."

Lilith said meaningfully.

"Although I have confirmed that I was once Uldyssian, those memories are all in the part of my soul that I sealed.

Like you said, I may not even be able to become whole again.

Naturally I cannot fulfill any contract between Uldyssian and you."

Bulcasso said somewhat indifferently.

Bulcasso is Bulcaisso, at least for now.

No matter what the story is between Lilith and Uldyssian, it has nothing to do with him now.

"Don't you want to know more about what happened during the Eternal War?

Should I say it's you? You and Uldyssian made the same choice now.

In fact, you have already mastered the answer you want from the beginning, but now you are afraid that you will not be able to get those things that belong to you."

Lilith's smile became brighter and brighter.

But at this moment, the smile on Lilith's patchwork body and face only became more and more ferocious!

"So you used some spells to tell Uldyssian what happened during the Eternal War?

And now my soul can't bear this part of the memory? Or is it that my broken soul can't bear that spell?

Or maybe you can’t do this now?”

Bulqueso said.

Both sides are constantly testing and competing for the initiative in this dialogue.

Bulcaisel did not want to use force directly, although Lilith was so weak at this time that he could kill her without much force.

Such a situation will naturally not attract Barr's attention!

But this approach also means that Bulcasso personally cuts off the possibility of getting what he wants from Lilith!

Even if there is no convenient way to know all the secrets that happened in the eternal war.

But as long as Lilith is willing to tell, she can also know many secrets from the past.

"Knowing this can't change the outcome. If I were you, I would find a way to make my body stronger.

Strong enough to be able to carry everything in his past.

Do you want me to tell you a method that is sure to work?"

The curvature of the corners of Lilith's mouth became wider and wider, and more and more fragments fell on her face.

There is something indescribably weird about this look, or it can generate a lot of fear.

It's just that Bulcasso hasn't unlocked the seal in his soul for a day, so he can't feel fear at all!

Although these fears will continue to accumulate over time, they will explode when Bulcaisel returns to his integrity.

But Bulkesso doesn't care, at least now is not the time to worry about that!

In the past years, Bulcaisel has always felt a lot of fear.

It's just that Bulcasso has never considered this issue!

"Are you saying to merge the bodies of equal angels and demons into your own body, just like what I did to my soul?

Stop having such thoughts, I will not do such a thing that may push all the Nephalem into the bottomless abyss!"

Bulcaisel said angrily.

The reason why he did this in the soul was because he had the fragment of the World Stone, the Dark Soul Stone, and Bulcaisso was able to do this with a guarantee.

If he wanted to do the same thing on his body, Bulcaisel would not think that he had the same treasure as the Dark Soul Stone to ensure his safety!

Regardless of whether he becomes an angel or a demon in the end, this is a very scary thing for all Nephalem!

Even if he knew the huge benefits that might come from doing so, Bulkesso would not let everyone take the risk with him!

In fact, it's not just Li Min who suppresses his own power, Bulcasso is also doing similar things!

If he is strong enough to achieve his long-cherished wish, then Bulcasso will not let his strength exceed the current level!

Although his current strength has surpassed all known existences, it is not yet to the point where there is no hope of defeating him!

An existence that is so powerful that no one has any hope of defeating it is not only a threat to angels and demons!

The same goes for humans!

Archangels are never the only ones who worry about the deterioration of mortal hearts!

Human beings know far better than those archangels how dangerous the hearts of mortals are!

Archangels will only worry about the threats caused by the corruption of those top powerful people, but humans are always worried about the harm caused by the corruption of those around them!

This kind of caution is also a sign of responsibility!

"But can you really control the power of the God of Creation in your current state?

Even if you have a complete soul, I don't think you will definitely succeed.

What's more, you are not complete now?

How can you not take risks if you want to succeed? You are a little less courageous now than you were before."

Lilith's words seemed to be teasing, but Bulcasso remained indifferent.

Don't believe anything the devil says, this is a truth that all Nephalem will eventually understand!

Maybe they will dismiss it when they hear the warnings of their elders, but the facts will always teach them to believe it!

"You shouldn't be the only one here. If you were the only one here, you would never have the guts to talk nonsense to me!

Compared to you at this time, I am more willing to communicate with Inaris and let him come out.

Otherwise, I might kill you completely, at least Baal is much easier to deal with than you!"

Bulcasso's tone became cold.

In fact, there is really no reason for Lilith not to kill her directly!

Bulcaisuo didn't take action the first time he saw her, he already did it for the sake of the first ancestor hanging around his waist!

As the mother of the Nephalem, Lilith has never loved all the Nephalem equally!

The only people she loves are those children who stood beside her in the sanctuary!

And now, even among those children, not every one of them completely obeys Lilith!

What's more, what Bulkesso is shouldering at this time is the future of mankind!

"I really can't understand, why do you want to take all the responsibility for this mess on yourself?

I really can’t understand your thoughts.”

After Lilith said that, the body she pieced together fell into pieces.

She understood that Bulcasso did not mean to make fun of her!

She does have other plans, but it doesn't matter much to Lilith if she doesn't succeed!

As long as she still exists, she will definitely be able to wait for countless opportunities to continue doing what she wants to do!

Demons always place themselves on a higher level when dealing with humans.

This has nothing to do with the comparison of their powers, it's just the superiority of the beings born earlier over the later ones!

Adjectives such as "sizing up the situation and retreating when faced with difficulties" would not be inconsistent with both angels and demons!

As long as they are not at the point of no return, there are very few demons and angels who will directly resist hysterically.

Even though Duriel seems to have completely lost his mind, he is not crazy without purpose!

Angels and demons have always been people who cannot be underestimated!

Prudence is the highest quality that can truly allow the Nephalem to continue to this day!

But even so, there are still fewer and fewer humans in Sanctuary!

Human beings have always been weak when facing the burning hell and high-level heaven!

"Actually, I thought you would prefer talking to Lilith. After all, she likes the Nephalem more than I do."

Inarius's voice sounded.

But he did not create an entity like Lilith.

"I know that you have already fallen into madness during the years when you were imprisoned in the Burning Hell.

But fate, do you really not know the consequences of what you did at that time?

The vanguard of the rebellion against fate is actually you, who represents fate itself.

Your madness is actually just a manifestation of seeing that your resistance is worthless to fate."

Bulcaisel sneered.

He doesn't like Inarius, even if a large number of prophets were born among the barbarians because of Inarius's favor.

Inarius's favor caused more pain than he ever helped the Nephalem!

The Barbarian Prophet is nothing more than an experiment by Inaris to resist fate!

Although Bulqueso will not deny that this is the love of a father, the pain caused by this kind of love is not something that everyone can bear.

The Barbarians are probably the most corrupted of all the Nephalem.

As for those corrupted barbarians, some of them were corrupted by negative emotions such as despair.

But the most corrupted beings among barbarians are never simple warriors, but those prophets who can see many fragments of the future!

For every Nephalem corruption, there is more than just one victim!

Bulcaisel really couldn't view Inaris' favor from a completely positive perspective.

But at least Inarius's favor is real, unlike Lilith, where all love is completely separated from her actions.

"Resisting fate is more important to me than ending the eternal war.

If one day I find that killing my own children can defy fate, I will still do it."

Inaris showed a candid side.

His love for his children could not outweigh the idea of ​​defying fate.

He also had no intention of hiding this!

"But no one in this world can see the full picture of destiny except you.

Why do you think someone can understand you in this situation?

Forget it, I want to know some details about the eternal war, if you are willing to tell them.

Although I don't have much free time, listening to your stories should be considered a serious matter.

As for the return, I can provide you with some help without having a big impact."

Burcasso was a little tired of this kind of conversation, so he directly made his own conditions!


This chapter has been completed!
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