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1353 Nervous Hairab

 Just as Bulkesso tried to take down the Blood Brothers, Rasma also chose a brand new target!

Since he has completely lost the clues about the talisman, he must choose other existences to achieve his goals for the sake of his parents!

Although there are not many beings with high enough status like talismans, there are quite a few beings that can meet his requirements.

Although those guys can only be regarded as second-rate choices, they are still better than doing nothing!

With the abilities of Lilith and Inaris, even if they only find a few legendary-level guys as sacrifices, they can recover a considerable degree of strength.

Although this is bound to not allow Lilith and the others to gain the strength to compete head-on with Baal as quickly as possible, it is not bad for self-protection.

Rasma looked at the sky with a strange expression. What he was thinking about now was whether to kill guys like Navishan directly!

The resources that could be produced after killing a being like Weishan Emperor were enough for his parents to survive the most difficult years.

Although this is only a temporary choice, it is at least much better than gaining nothing.

"Rasma, it seems like you are worried now?"

Hailab said in a teasing tone.

Although Hailab doesn't know Rasma's plan yet, he can at least understand that a guy like Rasma can't be idle.

How many people in the Nephalem can live leisurely lives?

The answer is that only those children get limited leisure time!

Because they know very well how cruel and dark the world is under the ravages of demons, they will never let go even if they have a chance to seize the light.

Rasma is such a guy, otherwise he wouldn't have been guarding the balance of this world alone for so many years!

From a completely human perspective, Rasma is definitely a noble being.

Although many of his actions are not recognized by most people, no one will doubt what he can do for mankind!

Rasma is just a guy who considers his family ties beyond the human standpoint.

"I'm thinking about what I should do now to make the best of my original plan."

Rasma said calmly.

Although Hailab is still far behind him in terms of strength, he is already qualified for normal dialogue.

Rasma doesn't mind chatting with others.

Guys like Hailab actually have feelings of appreciation in their hearts.

"do the best?"

Hailab was a little surprised.

He couldn't remember the last time he used "most" as a description!

The more you know the vastness of the world, the easier it is to understand your own insignificance!

“Of course, if you don’t aim for the best, you will eventually become a person who just gets by.

Do you think that the current Nephalem and humans are qualified to choose to live a muddled life?"

Rasma seems to be particularly easy to talk to.

The person he is now is completely different from the person he was before.

Hailab didn't know why Rasma's ideas and attitudes had changed, and he didn't want to find out the answer to this question.

But he did agree with the second half of Rasma’s sentence!

Human beings are still under the threat of burning hell and high-level heaven. They are indeed not qualified to choose a life of muddling through!

The Nephalem can only keep climbing to ensure the continuation of their race.

If they start to give up on the path of continuing to become stronger, the moment of destruction will come unexpectedly!

"Of course not, I'm just a little surprised that you are willing to tell me this."

Hailab responded.

He also raised his head and looked at Rasma carefully, as if he was confirming that the guy in front of him was the necromancer who only guarded his one-third of an acre of land.

"I'm not indifferent, it's just that I haven't communicated with people for a long time at the beginning.

This will take some time to get used to again, and at that time, could you understand what I was thinking?"

Rasma said.

Rasma is not an easy guy to understand, he has too many fateful influences on him.

This also makes him seem out of place with ordinary people.

Of course, the ancestor spirits at that time knew very little about the secrets of the past world, and it was indeed impossible to find anything in common with Rasma.

To put it bluntly, Rasma has already thought about what these ancestral spirits are thinking about for the continuation of mankind.

This is the difference accumulated over time.

Rasma did not have time to explain to these ancestral spirits one by one why their ideas were unrealistic.

Rathma, the first-generation Nephalem, did not only think about these issues in his own head.

He has practiced it!

He has already determined that many of the methods that the ancestor spirits thought of to save the world will not work!

But he also understood that there were some things that these ancestral spirits would not believe unless they saw the results in person.

The long years have allowed Rathma to easily understand these uncomplicated nephalem.

As long as the mutual intrigues are not alleviated, Rasma will soon understand what type of guys these ancestral spirits are.

"That's right. I still can't understand your thoughts now."

Hailab said very frankly.

"The reason you communicated with me was actually to stop me from asking for information about Bulcasso, right?

I don't know what your basis is for judging that I will influence Burquesso.

But before you do something like this, shouldn’t you first find out what Bulqueso is planning to do?”

Rasma said and glanced at Hairab.

"I don't need to know what he plans to do. As the immortal king, I don't care no matter what Bulkesso does.

We all believe that he will not lead the barbarians to destruction.

You probably can't understand how much we trust the Immortal King, even if the original Immortal King is your brother."

Hailab said.

He did not escape Rasma's gaze, and Hailab didn't feel that he had anything to escape from.

Even if Rasma wanted to explore the reason why he became such an immortal monster, Hairab would not be afraid of anything.

"My brother?"

Rasma's voice was a little hesitant.

Obviously there are some stories here, but Hailabu has no interest in this story at all.

"I don't want to discuss this issue with you. What I want to know more now is what kind of plan you have."

Hailab said a little stiffly.

"I'm thinking about a lot of issues right now, such as how to find another guy who can increase the power of the Nephalem.

The impact brought about by the death of the talisman has not officially begun, but that does not mean that the impact has disappeared."

Rasma said.

"That's not an issue I need to consider. Burqaso probably doesn't know about it yet. Maybe I should tell him the news as soon as he comes back."

Hailab said casually.

"Secondly, I was wondering if I could replicate what Warusk did to you.

Your current state is not worthless for the subsequent battle.

But I don’t think that this guy Volusk’s attainments in life and death have completely surpassed mine.

An existence like yours must have some drawbacks.

It’s just that it hasn’t been exposed in a short period of time.”

Rasma changed the topic, which was beginning to make Hairab feel uncomfortable.

No one wants to be the target of others' exploration.

Especially this guy who plans to explore has a power that is hard to deal with!

Hailab was even a little worried that he would be directly abducted by Rasma at some point.

Rasma's methods are much more terrifying than his power, and he is also much more famous!

Hailab didn't say anything for a while, but looked at Rasma in a daze.

"Don't worry, the best choice to study your status is not you or Banal in Volusk's final work.

It's the Skeleton King Leoric who still doesn't know what the situation is. If Leoric hadn't had some of Bulcaisel's methods on him.

He is the existence that I must study."

A smile appeared on Rasma's lips.

This smile made Hailab feel a little trembling in his heart!

Kharab didn't think Rasma was joking with him at all.

He even began to consider whether he should tell Leoric in advance what this guy Rathma had said.

Although when Helab thought of Leoric, he felt that the guy probably wouldn't be afraid of anything.

But I always feel that this incident is a bit strange.


Hailab said in surprise.

"I mean if I needed to study, he would be my first target.

It’s not that I want to study this, it’s just out of curiosity.”

Rasma laughed as she spoke. Seeing that her words alone made Hairab nervous, this was funny enough for Rasma.

Barbarians have always shown fearlessness, and it is a good pastime to see barbarians like this.

Curiosity is an instinct of life, and the curiosity of these spellcasters is still very strong.

However, Rasma's explanation did not receive a relieved response from Kharab, but more doubts and wariness.

The curiosity of a spell caster is not something that can be easily curbed. It can even be said to be a kind of paranoia.


Hirab said something stupid.

This performance is getting more and more ridiculous.

Rasma understood that this was probably Hairab's deliberate attempt to make him laugh, but Rasma's smile was somewhat sincere.

A guy who is definitely not a weakling in the ranks of legends is willing to make a fool of himself and tell a joke, so it's okay for him to smile a little.

Maybe this is a way for Hellab to show his barbarian attitude?

At least for now, the Nephalem still need to stand together to face threats.

"Really, I have spent too many years and I will not be as impatient for the unknown as Li Min.

Maybe this is the reason why I haven't become stronger like Li Min."

Rasma said.

Now it was more like chatting between the two of them.

At least behind a few smiles, there are more habits towards each other.

This is also the beginning of both parties getting to know each other better!

Even now, when many ancestral spirits mention Rathma, they have a cold and somewhat terrifying image in their minds.

Maybe after today, this misunderstanding will change.

Rasma hadn't chatted with anyone for a long time, and such chats made him feel at ease.

"Li Min... I have always thought that there are many secrets in Li Min's strength.

It’s not like I haven’t seen Nephalem with amazing talents, but a guy like Li Min is really weird.”

Hailab said without any temptation.

Li Min became stronger so quickly that it made him feel scared.

This talent is so powerful that it makes Hailab feel uneasy in his heart.

Perhaps there are many other beings who have similar ideas.

But in Hellab's view, Rathma, as one of the first few Nephalem casters, might be able to know something hidden.

Even if it's just a guess, it's valuable.

"Weird? No matter how weird Li Min is, can he still be weirder than those archangels and demons who have powerful powers since birth?"

Rasma smiled, his expression making it difficult for Hailab to understand his thoughts.

What Rasma said seemed like a joke, but also seemed to contain a bit of seriousness.

Hailab hesitated a little. He didn't know if he should continue.

Rathma is worthy of the trust of any Nephalem, but there are levels of trust.

What Rasma has shown so far is not enough to earn the barbarians' unconditional trust.

It's just that Hailab was limited by his own knowledge, and he couldn't guarantee that everything he saw was error-free!

"There seems to be nothing wrong with what you said, but Li Min is also an exception for Nephalem."

Hailab said slowly.

His mind was still racing when he spoke, so he said this sentence very slowly.

"That's not true, but you may not know it, so I'll give you another example.

I am the only one among the first generation Nephalem who was not born with great strength.

Whether it was your first generation ancestors or Vasily and the others, they already possessed a considerable degree of power when they were born.

Although they have grown up in their own ways in the years that followed, being born powerful is not unique to angels and demons."

Rasma said quietly.

His words sounded more and more like a hint to Hailab's ears.

Hailab wanted to ask directly, but when he looked at Rasma's calm eyes, he felt a little afraid.

Hailab couldn't tell whether he really felt fear or simply respected Rathma's antiquity.

But if Helabh wanted to ask a question directly, it was stuck in his throat and he couldn't say anything.

"Fortunately, you still have everything human after becoming a monster, but you will probably be the first among the Nephalem to feel the impact of the death of the talisman.

Should I congratulate you for walking ahead of everyone this time?"

Rasma opened her mouth to break Hailab's embarrassment, and made Hailab suddenly feel relaxed as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

He didn't know why he felt so stressed without even thinking about what he wanted to say.

But the sense of relief still made him let out a long sigh of relief.

"Isn't this good?"

Rasma continued.

"I don't understand you."

Hailab's words were particularly perfunctory.

He was sure that Rasma was definitely intentional! He seemed to have touched some very important secret!

"If you don't understand, then I'm a little sorry."

A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of Rasma's lips, allowing Hairab to further confirm his guess! ()

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