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1361 Rasma’s reminders and thoughts

 Chapter 1360 Rasma’s reminders and thoughts

Rorschach actually didn't have much trust in Rathma. He was a stubborn guy first, and then he recognized his identity as a Nephalem.

Rorschach glanced at Rasma, and his eyes became more and more strange.

Rasma could tell that the most intense component in that look was disgust.

There is something strange about Rasma. He doesn't remember anything he did that would make Rorschach hate him.

If Rorschach could be disgusted with him because he rarely helped humans in the past, it wasn't Rorschach.

So Rasma was surprised by this.

"Where do you get this feeling from?"

Rasma asked a little strangely.

"From the moment you stood here trying to confuse me, I don't think what you are going to do will harm the interests of mankind.

But I understand that you come to me not necessarily because my status is irreplaceable.

At least I don’t think that my strength can compare with all the ancestor spirits on the holy mountain of Harrogas.”

Rorschach didn't mean to hide it either.

This is nothing worth hiding for him.

Before all this, the identity Rorschach cared about most was "Rorschach" himself.

Who is Rasma? Rorschach actually doesn't care at all.

He doesn't think he needs to put much extra trust in Rasma!

"Rasma, you must first find a way to gain my trust, and then you should try to ask me to help you do something."

Rorschach said very rudely.

Facing the guy in front of him, he didn't feel like he had anything to be polite about.

Especially when Rasma’s attitude is full of weirdness!

"So how can I gain your trust?"

Rasma asked as if joking.

He didn't seem to care about it, maybe he thought Rorschach played an important role in his plan.

There is a huge gap between Rasma's considerations and Rorschach's considerations, and the information they know is completely different.

It would be difficult for them to think alike under this premise.

"That's your business. If you can't give me a reason that's convincing enough, then I'm going to find the next group of demons now."

Rorschach's eyes gradually turned evil.

He had received a lot of influence on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas, and Rorschach did not dare to say that his judgment was correct for this guy Rasma.

He is quite calm about this kind of thing.

At least there aren't many people in Rorschach's hands who have been wrongly accused.

Even though the bad guy in his eyes won't get rid of the bad guy hat easily, it's not too bad.

Among all the different guys, Rorschach is considered to be a relatively restrained one.

Faced with Rasma's secretive behavior, Rorschach's first reaction was definitely not that Rasma had any unspeakable difficulties.

He will only think that Rasma is not honest enough, and a guy who is not honest enough will naturally not gain Rorschach's complete trust.

Even his former teammates who were cross-dressing heroes, not all of them received the same treatment from Rorschach.

Rorschach's trust has always been rare.

"Although I don't have a way to eliminate all demons in a short time, it is still possible if I spend a little more time.

Do you think it’s okay for me to use this as a sign of sincerity to gain your trust?”

Rasma looked at the stubborn Rorschach and wanted to laugh.

He never put Rorschach on an equal footing with himself from the beginning.

Although Rasma would not be so boring as to pay attention to issues such as seniority, Rorschach was still too immature for him.

It is not immaturity in age, but immaturity in belief.

Although Rasma doesn't dislike this kind of childishness full of energy and innocence, people with this kind of behavior will not get Rasma's complete respect!

You need to care about integrity when getting along with children, but how many adults will discuss the troubles in their lives with young children?

Moreover, Rathma would always find it funny whenever she thought about the fact that Rorschach was chosen by Bulcaisel as the successor of the Immortal King.

It's not that he can't understand the reason why Bulkaiso made this choice, but in his opinion, Rorschach and Bulkaiso are not the same type of guys at all.

Although the immortal kings of the barbarians are not all alike, there are always more similarities between them than differences.

And Rorschach... no matter how you look at him, he doesn't look like the type who would put the continuation of barbarians above humanity as a whole.

What's more important is that what Rorschach showed can even be said to be paranoid!

Such a guy doesn't seem to be a good choice as a leader.

Rorschach is not stupid, but only to the point of not being stupid.

It's just that when comparing this kind of performance with those of the Nephalem who have been famous for a long time, the gap is still quite big.

Rasma just knew that she should not get involved in the barbarians' affairs, so she did not express her opinion on the matter.

"Do things first, then talk about other things!"

Rorschach was indeed impatient. He directly carried the Hammer of Judgment on his back, and then anxiously looked at the surrounding environment.

It looks like they are looking for the next gathering place for demons.

Rorschach is not impatient, but his patience is indeed not abundant.

He hates evil and will never tolerate bad things silently.

Spending time with Rasma to say these words can already be considered an excellent performance on his part.

"I will come to you again. When we meet next time, I will bring you something that will make you trust me. It won't take long."

Rasma said with a smile.

Rasma had a happy feeling of teasing a child, although this feeling was somewhat strange.

He felt Rorschach was becoming more and more interesting. If the current situation didn't leave him too much time, Rasma would be happy to spend some energy watching the show.

It is impossible that the character of Rorschach did not have any conflict of opinion with Bulkeso.

It must be very interesting to see Bulcaisso being contradicted by his chosen heir.

Although Rasma doesn't think Bulcaisel is a dictator, that guy is indeed not a character who can accept doubts from others.

Although being headstrong is a bit excessive, being stubborn is more appropriate.

There really aren't many similarities between Bulkesso and Rorschach, at least in Rasma's eyes.

"As soon as possible, I won't promise that I will always do this.

If there is the same trouble as Ultron before, I won’t have time to do other things!”

Rorschach said unceremoniously.

He has always been busy, but recently with the increase in the number of demons, he has become even busier.

Faced with such a situation, Rorschach would not easily agree to anything.

Although he didn't know what Rasma thought of him, he could still feel a bit of contempt.

Rorschach has always been very sensitive, which is a gift, but also a curse.

This sensitivity also represents Rorschach's rather miserable childhood!

"Of course, I will show up when you are free, and these skeletons and dead souls should be enough for you to do something else before I show up next time.

But I still want to say that just killing every demon you see will not be decisively helpful to the future of mankind.

We have tried what you are doing before."

Rasma's eyes were a little hollow, as if she was lost in memories.

Even though this appearance only appeared for a moment, it was still captured by Rorschach.

Rasma was not joking. Many of the things the Nephalem are doing now are things they have tried before.

There are even many paths that they have determined will not work!

Rathma knew that if he just told the other nephalem this answer, no one would fully trust him.

This is normal, because he is also such a person.

There are few nephalem who are willing to believe no matter what others say.

He himself would not give up just hearing others say "this won't work", and naturally he would not ask others to do this.

Rathma just hoped that the other nephalem wouldn't be too hurt when they found out that their path was not going to work.

This is called "looking away", but it's more like having experienced so many things that you don't care about it that much.

Many of the nephalem are quite old, but not many are as good as him.

"In my opinion, if you come to such a conclusion, it only means that what you did was not thorough enough!

Can you tell me whether the Nephalem are stronger or weaker now compared to the past?"

Rorschach became a little interested, so he asked.

"Excluding Bulcasso and Li Min who have exceeded the limit, you are weaker than before.

But if you include the two of them, or even just the two of them, the Nephalem are more powerful than ever before.

So Rorschach, what do you want to know?"

Rasma asked.

"If the powerful Nephalem warriors all stayed on the outskirts of the Burning Hell and continuously killed the demons who tried to leave the Burning Hell, would human life still be so sad?"

Rorschach asked.

"Yes, it will even be sadder than now.

You may not have an accurate understanding of the power of the Burning Hell, and you have only heard about the endless demons in the Burning Hell.

If you can have a head-on battle with the Burning Hell in a wide enough place, then you can probably understand why the devil uses the word infinity to describe it."

Rasma looked at Rorschach and said.

He didn't mean any joke, he was sincere in every word he said!

Human beings always need to use the environment to gain some advantages for themselves in wars, but even if they do this, humans will always be the weak one!

War fortresses or dangerous environments, these are the lessons humans have learned after countless wars with demons!

Only by occupying a favorable geographical location can humans have a chance to survive in the war with demons.

This is a fact, even if this fact is cruel and hard to accept.

"It seems that there are only a few powerful beings among demons that I know of?"

Rorschach asked.

"There are only a few demons standing at the top, but that doesn't mean there are no threats from other demons.

Rorschach, do you think a few Nephalem with your strength can kill an uncrowned demon?"

Rasma asked with a smile.

"Up to three."

Rorschach gave the answer.

"It's quite accurate. You have the opportunity to exchange your life for the heavy damage of the Uncrowned King.

The two of you can almost duke it out with an uncrowned king.

With three words of yours, you can guarantee that you can defeat the opponent without paying any price.

If I told you that the legends among demons are actually endless, would you still have the confidence you have now?

Three legendary demons can defeat you without paying much price.

Two legendary demons can battle it out with you.

A legendary demon will have the opportunity to severely damage you now at the cost of his life.

Don’t forget, there are still gaps among legends.”

Rathma issued a rare reminder. He did not remind every Nephalem he saw.

Everything Rorschach had shown before was considered a promising talent, only that kind of paranoia made Rasma not completely satisfied.

"Endless legendary demon!?"

Rorschach showed surprise!

"There is often a convention among demons that the demon that replaces the previous legend will only be more powerful than the previous generation.

Because that was the result of their internal struggle.

Demons who have the strength to compete for the title of racial legend, do you think they are just the level of elite demons you are familiar with?"

Rasma said.

In the Demon Legend, only those guys like Daom who have their own names and legends will die one by one!

As for demons like the Hammer, if you kill one, another one will appear!

For these demons, they are not idle when humans are not experiencing war!

The more humans recuperate, the more powerful this demon will become!

Because this kind of demon will constantly complete internal changes!

This kind of demon will be continuously weakened by high-intensity war!

However, as long as the previous legend is declared dead in battle, the Burning Hell will create a new legend even if it uses spawning.

The legends of the demon clan are the victims used by the Burning Hell to fight head-on in the war!

In other words, high-level cannon fodder!

In the past of Sanctuary and the war with the Burning Hell, most of the Nephalem legends died at the hands of this guy!

It was a brutal wheel battle! It was also a ruthless war of attrition!

The Burning Hell has such a unique advantage, and they will only use this advantage to the end!

"As tragic as you said, then tell me how you plan to completely solve this problem?

Everything seems to be turning into a somewhat boring cycle in your mouth."

Luo Xia frowned, but he stopped moving to leave.

He became interested in Rasma's proposal.

During this process, Rorschach felt something that he had not experienced before, or in other words, he was guided by Rasma in his path during the language exchange.

"Perhaps it is better to describe it as powerless, but this is the fact. It is a tragic cycle with no end in sight."

Rasma's words didn't show any emotion at all, but instead became a little more permeable.

However, such a tone made Rorschach start to consider his words more carefully.

Perhaps this is also some kind of communication skill that Rasma has mastered?

Although it's a bit strange, it seems to be very effective.


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