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1362 The Dilemma of Humanity

 Chapter 1361 The Dilemma of Humanity

In the end, Rasma did not gain Rorschach's unconditional trust, but it cannot be said that she gained nothing.

Rorschach promised to help Rasma do something with an unknown outcome, but this was not unconditional.

Rorschach asked Rasma to summon a large number of combat forces during this period to clean up the demons in the human world.

This is the best one to achieve among the conditions proposed by Rorschach.

Most of the guys summoned by Rathma have no memories of when they were alive.

Now they are just Rasma's legion, and fighting on the battlefield is their only value.

Rasma is happy to do this. Compared with getting Rorschach's approval, what he is doing is not any more difficult.

It can even be said to be free of charge!

And since Rorschach promised to help Rasma at the right time, he would not break his promise.

Rorschach’s commitment is very weighty!

Although this result is not the one that Rasma is most satisfied with, it still achieves his goal!

Now Rasma is going to find the next person, and he needs a lot of help.

It is not difficult for him to kill those so-called gods, and what he needs is not all those gods.

He would only put away those things from the so-called gods that could help his parents, and everything else would belong to the Nephalem that he valued.

Doing this will not only prevent him from standing on the opposite side of the Nephalem and causing him to be approached by Bulcaisor or Li Min.

It can also really help the Nephalem at this time!

That the Nephalem are at a disadvantage in this struggle is not alarmist, it is an undoubted fact!

Even if it only increases the nephalem's strength by a negligible amount, it is a choice that will help face the high-level heaven and the burning hell!

After Rathma left, Rorschach watched the dense army of undead begin to move.

He didn't say anything.

Rorschach himself didn't know whether it was a good thing to agree to Rasma's request, but now it seems that Rasma can indeed bring peace to mankind for a period of time.

At least until these undead armies are wiped out by demons, the demons in the human world will be suppressed to a small number.

Although Rorschach's personality and behavior style are not much different from his past, his vision has long been different.

Rorschach has already understood the state of the universe during this time. Although the devil will not destroy civilization without any hindrance.

But the devil is indeed growing stronger!

Facing the threat of demons, Rorschach could not turn a blind eye.

What he cannot do is tolerate the evil in front of him despite his righteousness or grand goal!

Even though he knows that temporary tolerance can solve bigger problems, he just can't accept it!

Rorschach has never been suitable to get involved in too many macro-level matters, because he can't worry about so much!

"Rasma...a big problem."

Rorschach whispered his impression of Rasma.

He arranged his equipment and then looked at where he originally planned to go.

Now that Rasma's undead army is there to clean up, he probably doesn't need to take action himself.

However, he still planned to go and see, at least to see if the monsters created by Rasma could do this well.

Rorschach likes to do things himself, because he can't always trust others completely.

SHIELD finally has some time to rest.

Although the rest time was interrupted by the exchange between Rorschach and Rasma.

The discussion between Rasma and Rorschach was not hidden from them. Rorschach was carrying a microphone provided by SHIELD.

That thing was brought with Rorschach's permission, so that Rorschach could contact them directly when he needed their help.

Rorschach also knew in his heart that this was a kind of surveillance, but he did not refuse.

Although Rorschach didn't have much favorable impressions of entities like SHIELD, he also knew the necessity of their existence.

There are endless evils in the world, and Rorschach never thought that he could solve them all by himself.

And an existence like SHIELD is an organization that can be trusted a little at times like this.

At least they don't procrastinate much when dealing with the bad stuff.

"So now we can allocate those combat forces responsible for material transportation?"

Nick Fury asked Agent Hill beside him.

The combat power of the human side is still stretched thin, and the speed at which these combat powers are being killed is definitely not bad.

The strength of demons is definitely not something that humans can ignore.

Although modern weapons and equipment can still cause some injuries to flesh-and-blood demons, this is also based on the fact that those demons are not strong enough.

Although the demon hunter technology provided by Vera has made earth-shaking progress in weapons on the human side.

But compared to the number of demons and the speed of weapons and equipment, it is still a huge mountain!

All it takes is one inattention, and the human army may step into the devil's trap.

Once something like this happens, attrition is considered a good outcome.

More often than not, it will only result in total annihilation, and it is already difficult for humans to bear this kind of loss.

"We don't know how long this situation will last, and the attitude shown by Rasma is more like arranging funeral arrangements.

If Rasma dies in a battle, will these undead still be able to act according to his requirements?

If the worst happens, these undead may turn against humans.

This is not something for humans to relax about!"

Agent Hill analyzed with a serious face.

She couldn't completely trust the Nephalem, not because she had any opinion on the Nephalem's existence.

It was the changes that the world was experiencing that forced her to consider this issue.

The nephalem themselves are still worried about their own people being corrupted and causing serious damage. There is no reason to deprive humans of the right to worry.

"This means that we need to invest more manpower on top of our original combat effectiveness.

But in this way, it is completely impossible to see what benefits the cooperation between Rorschach and Rasma brought.

Or is there no benefit at all, just a mess?"

Nick Fury sighed as he spoke.

"Looking at the bright side, at least we only need to mobilize manpower and don't need to worry about their death in battle. It's good to use it as a drill."

Agent Hill said expressionlessly.

"Recruiting soldiers is already very difficult, and the original wealth of human beings in this world is gradually losing its use.

Not everyone can die with great ideals in mind, and over time, corruption will become the inevitable result!"

Nick Fury said worriedly.

He is also very clear about the complexity of the human heart. In other words, as the king of agents, Nick Fury has seen too many people change under the power of time.

Perhaps this has something to do with the fact that human lifespan is not long.

After all, when things like aging happen to you, your mentality will also undergo some changes.

Nick Fury can't even guarantee that he will be able to stick to everything at the moment. The existence of belief is really full of uncertainty.

“So do we need to provide support for the armored army that Tony proposed last time?

Now that Ultron's demise has been confirmed, this plan seems to be back on the agenda."

Agent Hill asked.

Tony had proposed this idea before, intending to use artificial intelligence to control a large number of suits to replace real soldiers.

But this idea was rejected as Ultron's information became clearer.

After all, they don’t want to see the army they created become a new threat under the guidance of the devil!

"No support! Although the birth of Ultron is full of chance, no one can guarantee whether a new Ultron will be born in the Burning Hell!

I've asked about the Nephalem before. After Ultron was born, the Burning Hell already included the metal demon represented by Ultron!

Although the Nephalem don't know how long it will take for the Burning Hell to give birth to a legendary metal demon, this is bound to happen!

As long as those armors are manufactured, they will become a threat when encountering those metal demons!"

Nick Fury said.

He was not being alarmist, Gruchak told him these contents.

Although Nick Fury cannot unconditionally believe this, he does not doubt the authenticity of these words.

After all, in the battle of Ultron, most of the threats faced by La Tovilia were metal demons!

The intelligence Steve shared with SHIELD also mentioned that he had encountered a metal demon with legendary power!

After the two parties corroborated it, the authenticity of this information was already very high.

"As long as new demons are born, more and more demons of this kind will appear in the Burning Hell?

This is really too bad for us."

Agent Hill scratched his head in great distress.

“What I’m more worried about is that our world will allow more new races of demons to appear in the Burning Hell!

I don’t think that those gods who have appeared in the past can’t be corrupted by the Burning Hell!

Maybe it won’t be long before the demon named God appears in the Burning Hell.”

Nick Fury's expression darkened as he spoke.

This is very likely to happen!

The Burning Hell has demonstrated extraordinary assimilation capabilities when it comes to Ultron!

Although for the already endless demons, the new race does not seem to affect the overall strength.

But Nick Fury knows very well that that's just what it seems.

On the basis of infinity, a set of numbers is added. Although it cannot affect the concept of infinity itself, it is definitely not unchanged!

At least on the battlefield, the emergence of a brand new demon means that humans need to pay more to obtain the necessary information!

This kind of sacrifice is inevitable, so Nick Fury understands that the devil's becoming stronger is not something that can be ignored!

"We can't do nothing. Even maintaining the current situation is unbearable for humans."

Agent Hill said with some distress.

These things are what they need to consider, although they also know the gap between themselves and the Nephalem in terms of strength.

But there is actually not much correlation between thinking about problems and strength.

At least when you think about planning.

They only need to be able to collect sufficiently accurate information, so that they can still play a considerable role in formulating plans.

"Maintaining the status quo is slow death, even with the help of the Nephalem."

Nick Fury said.

The Nephalem were always at a disadvantage when facing the threat of the Burning Hell.

It wasn't until existences like Bulcaisuo and Li Min appeared that exceeded the specifications that there were some changes.

But the overall strength gap between the two sides has only been narrowed.

Can Bulcasso and Li Min together be able to bear the outcome of being the only two left in the world?

The answer is obviously no!

Even if all the demon leaders are killed, nothing will change!

Humanity will definitely be wiped out bit by bit in the all-out war!

At this point, the strength of Bulcasso and Li Min can't change anything!

Even if they have the ability to resurrect all the dead in such a war, it may not be able to save everything!

This brings up another ethical issue. Is the person who is resurrected still the same person as before?

This is a question that may not necessarily be answered even after debate.

Nick Fury doesn't think he can convince everyone to ignore the existence of this problem.

After all, he also knows that in the eyes of some people, "why you live" is more important than "living" itself.

"I don't think I've seen any plants among the demons?"

Agent Hill changed the subject.

However, this topic does have some value.

"Are you trying to say that demons can't corrupt plants?"

Nick Fury said and glanced at Agent Hill.

"They can, just because they haven't seen it before doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

What I am more worried about is that if we create plants with thoughts, then there is a high possibility that such things will be corrupted!

I don’t mean to be alarmist.”

Nick Fury sighed.

The thing like Hammerhead looks like a big stone, and every part of its body is just a big stone.

Stones can become demons, and it seems that it is not incomprehensible for plants to become demons.

At least Nick Fury isn't planning on making such a dangerous attempt.

After learning about the Burning Hell's ability to create unlimited new demon forms as long as it contains certain forms, he was not even willing to take the corresponding risks.

In the past, he often caused trouble because of his self-righteousness, but these all happened when he thought that the situation was under control at the beginning!

As for the idea of ​​making plant weapons, Nick Fury doesn't think it's something he can master!

Ultron and his metal demons have learned a lesson from the past!

No matter how stubborn he is, he will not ignore this risk!

Stubborn people can often achieve success in their own fields, and stubbornness is a necessary quality to reach the top in their respective fields.

But stubborn people are never without brains!

At least Nick Fury sees himself as pretty good at learning lessons.

Although it was only like this in his eyes, at least he didn't intend to do anything dangerous in this matter.

"Is it possible that plants are resistant to the power of the Burning Hell?"

Agent Hill asked.

"I don't plan to start such an experiment, because the consequences will be almost devastating to mankind!"

Nick Fury said very seriously!

He has made his decision!


This chapter has been completed!
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