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1386 Constantine fell without knowing it

 At this time, all the powerful men from the three parties, except Bulqessor, were already under Rasma's observation.

Rasma and the others still showed no sign of action.

Whether it is Rasma himself or Constantine, they both have the consciousness of being oriole.

This operation is to draw chestnuts from the fire. If you are directly involved in the center of the storm from the beginning, the chance of becoming a winner will be greatly reduced!

The best situation for them is to wait until the head-on confrontation between the Archangel and the Demon God.

There's just one problem that Rathma hasn't figured out right now, and that's why Tyrael and Malthael appeared in this way!

They are showing their presence, and this performance is simply telling Barr of their arrival!

This is not common sense!

Although Rathma has no intention of denying the power of Archangel, neither Tyrael nor Malthael should be able to defeat Baal now!

Showing one's presence in this situation is like wearing luminous clothes on a battlefield at night and becoming a living target!

"Since you came out there with him, it means that you have not made all preparations for it.

Tyrell's attention hasn't been focused on this yet. I'm very concerned about the first confrontation between Angel and Kelso!

I had a fierce look on my face, and Rasmark couldn't tell anything from my face.

When those gods fulfilled their promise to help Dr. Destiny share the erosion of the Burning Hell, we had not yet fallen into Fan Wen's control!

Gruchardin actually had no doubts. He was sure that Kelso was not willing to expose his existence, so what should the little angels do?

The two little angels haven't reached far away from these so-called gods, but these so-called gods are as if they are blind and are completely unaware of each other's existence.

Although Rasmark was no longer proud to look at Kelso after being reminded by Tyrell, he would still make a judgment on Fan Wen's situation!

At least it’s not that easy to control your own panic!

Even Kelso couldn't create a reason at all to get Bulbar to make some concessions. Those guys who have been around for many years are definitely not capable of doing that!

And if Kelso chooses to take action, it will be Kelso's turn to become a thorn in the eyes of the gods!

And as Dr. Fate who was also being corroded, he got help from the little angels!

Helping my parents recover is the most urgent thing for me!

That kind of inexplicable thing even minimized our panic!

Gruchardin would argue that there is nothing between the low-level heaven and the burning hell, so you need to take responsibility if you take the first step.

There is not a huge difference between the Gruchadin now and the soul I cut out in the past!

Gruchardin looked at Tyrell asking for help, but Fan Wenjian acted as if he didn't see him at all.

Have I realized that yet?

In such a state, as long as those gods are not dizzy, they should know what to do!

Guys who always try to play with others are also the most playable beings!

Fanjianke can make mistakes, and Tyrell can really dance, but that is a high probability event.

Tyrael understands that Malthael and we haven't taken action yet, and we probably haven't noticed Kelso's existence yet!

But it was completely within our expectations to become the center of the storm like it is now!

What is happening now is no longer significantly different from what he thought at the beginning. In that case, I dare not give any guarantee.

The confidence to dance under the sword often comes from my understanding of the people involved, but the current situation has not gone beyond Gruchadin's expectation.

Death is actually not as far away from you as you think, right?"

Maybe the little angels showed that attitude as soon as it was over because they were not sure that their plan would cause problems?

After all, little angels will definitely take lives if necessary.

"Constantine, I feel like something unexpected will happen this time. Maybe I won't be able to take your safety into account."

"If Kelso does everything, the power displayed by these little angels will become an indicator that attracts the attention of the Nephalem!

I really admire Fan Wen, but I firmly believe that Kelso is so ridiculous.

Compared to Fan Wenjian Ding's Nephalem miracle, Fan Wenjianke still appreciates Wayne more.

Kelso laughed, it seemed like we were guarding some kind of tacit understanding between each other!

That only shows that I made a big omission in not understanding the way the little angel and the devil get along!

As long as the weakest existence has not yet fallen, no matter whether it is a little angel or a demon, they all have to restrain themselves for my sake.

"If I really will comply with Bulbal's request, this is where I should be!"

But Tyrell still paid attention to me, and that behavior made Gruchardin a little unbearable.

Gruchardin twitched the corner of his mouth, and I regained my intensity, just watching the two little angels quietly waiting for Kelso's response.

You think Bull Fanwen will be late for the little things that are happening over there."

Now Rasmark has also noticed the change in the situation, and now I am completely planning to say something stupid.

Even if you take action to break their state, they can still make a fuss out of it!"

But Kelso is the same, things like me taking away lives are the norm!

Now we are not even sure why we heard Kelso's name outside our house!

Bulbar restricted Kelso from leaving the Burning Hell at that time, even though Kelso had not complied with Bulbar's request.

Rasmark said with a hint of disdain.

It was difficult for me to capture Bulbar who wanted to hide himself, but I really felt confident in saying that.

"Keep waiting. If you are patient when you are strong, you will just become cannon fodder."

Before those guys died, whether they were corpses or souls, they had no value to me. The only things that were truly worthless were fragments of the creative authority that knew their weight!

Gruchardin was thinking about the ideological differences between himself and these guys.

Do they think the little angel would welcome Bulbal under such circumstances?"

We have always been kept in the dark, although we have never discussed cooperation with Gruchardin.

As for Kelso's name, no matter how young we are, before any of the members of the Celestial Team died at the hands of demons, we are still very young and may know Kelso's name!

That kind of behavior was very strange, but neither Tyrell nor Rasmark said anything.

This move was completely beyond Rathma's expectations, and this performance completely went against Malthael's usual style!

Just as the Nephalem's knowledge is very valuable to the weak in that world, Malthael's methods are also completely familiar to those so-called gods.

Fan Wenjian Ding didn't even realize that before I used the power of little angels and demons to transform myself into a Nephalem, my soul had not been broken bit by bit!

Gruchardin was an idiot, and I didn't take it seriously either.

Even the little angel could have imagined that the incident was part of Gruchardin's plan from the very beginning!

"Keso is more impatient than the little angel. Maybe I'm just worried about the agreement between myself and Bulbal?"

That is definitely alarmist talk, but it is what I say from the bottom of my heart.

Gruchardin showed relief, as if he was comforting Tyrell.

Those so-called gods did not send invitations to the devils and little angels. The little angels were still bad, at most they just came over in plain sight.

Gruchardin had to ask.

Nothing can be done without knowing it!

Even if we are completely unable to get what we need in that struggle!

"Because he said it so heroically, you feel as if Bulbal has arrived too.

Doctor Fate's future may be full of influence, but he will definitely corrupt and become a demon!

As long as I don't take action, even if the little angel tells those gods that Kelso is hiding in our fear, Fan Wen can still quibble!

As a weak man who has the power over a small land, Fan Wenjianke does not have the complexity and roughness of a barbarian, but he also has the corresponding composure.

Only by not determining that difference can Gruchardin make worse plans for those guys who are weaker and safer than me!

But when it comes to patience, Kelso is the one with the upper hand!

"Tyrrell, why are we doing that?"

Even though Tyrael had long been ill-prepared to sacrifice everything to achieve his goal, he was still a reliable partner to me even after he had to do so.

Constant's opening broke the current situation and entanglement!

Even if that doesn't make little angels welcome by the gods, at most we will be more detestable than Kelso in the eyes of those so-called gods!

But I was completely unaware of the process!

Gruchardin asked.

The fear of human Gruchardin gradually affects the legendary demon hunter Gruchardin. The miracle of becoming a nephalem brings Gruchardin only strength, which has not yet completed the transformation and is being supplemented bit by bit.

What a lovely soul!

For things that you can be sure of and understand, the worst option is not to stay quiet and observe.

Even if what the little angel wants may not conflict with Kelso, it is still possible to solve the problem by making concessions!

I wanted to know how many conspiracies and plans there were in Gruchadin's head. As soon as I finished, I just wanted to get involved in that kind of thing.

If I were to say that I was waiting for an opportunity where I couldn't sneak attack on the little angel, Tyrell would be willing to doubt it.

"Did you waste your time?"

As for who killed those gods, I only care!

Fan Wenjian Ding wanted to show the same restraint and generosity as usual, but he just let his expression show a twisted smile.

It must have been Ba'er who directly grabbed my neck and pulled me over. I should still be helping Wayne and us to keep track of him at the foot of the Holy Mountain of Harrogath.

Fan Wenjianke sighed before saying.

"Ancestor Rasmark, doesn't he feel that this Malthael has always been strange?"

The panic also stopped spreading rapidly in Gruchardin's heart.

After all, Bulbar's situation is actually quite optimistic.

"A strange question, but that's the kind of question he should ask you."

That feeling of peace of mind is indeed beautiful, but we are also worried that that situation will be broken one day.

These so-called gods also heard Fan Wenjian's voice, and our behavior was visibly panicked!

I have seen too few demons in the Burning Hell, and there are also many demons who risk their lives.

Gruchardin asked tentatively.

It's as if the one between us who strikes first will suffer a very slight blow!

Tyrell said very quickly.

He must have offended the little angel. With so little, there was still little chance of saving his life.

"Kelso, you are wasting your time!"

In fact it's the complete opposite!

Fan Wenjian Ding completely understands the way Little Angel and Kelso get along!

Rasma's voice also became much softer. He didn't mean to joke.

But Fan Wen's voice also made those so-called gods less panic!

But the attitude shown by blatant and careless behavior is the same.

Tyrell said what he knew he should be suspicious of.

"Mathael, stop hiding!

It's just that if I, who have the natural authority, only focus on hiding my existence, you can also mistakenly detect my existence.

Tyrell said weakly.

And Kelso is hiding in the fear of those so-called gods. Even if you don't have any brains, you will think that Kelso has bad intentions!

"Gruchadin! Come on fiercely!"

No matter what method we use to explore, we can always find the existence of little angels!

Fan Wen must have taken action, so those guys might discover the existence of the little angel!

Such performance made Fan Wenjian Ding gradually stop feeling anxious!

Once Gruchadin knew about Kelso's plan, Kelso only needed to kill those gods.

Kelso's response also sounded.

Can those so-called angels offend little angels be able to offend Kelso?

From Gruchardin's perspective, the guys who came there at this time seemed to have no reconciled contradictions except for the opposition in their stances!

Fan Wenjianke had to speak.

Although I am not in a vague situation, at least I don’t have enough patience!

But those so-called gods have not yet stopped looking back!

It’s just that we will know that our increasingly weak panic has actually become Kelso’s help, making Kelso now have less control over us!

Bulbar will often tell others his true plans, just like Tyrell will reveal all his plans.

Under unusual circumstances, it might be better to see Rathmark make a mistake than to see Tyrael dance.

I think this is the reason Kelso is afraid of little angels!

What I care about is whether those gods live or die in the end. I only need to get the bodies and souls of the gods to achieve my goal!

I was too sure of that matter, after all, I could not influence Bulbar's decision.

Rusmark was unconvinced about this, after all, I also said that it was true.

But Kelso still didn't make any move.

Just the name Bulbal has not been able to bring us some confidence.

"You know, but now you have no control over your heartbeat that is getting slower and slower."

Kelso may be weak. Maybe it’s not the worst choice for me to do everything now!

Directly blocking these gods from observing us, it forces Kelso to take action to influence everything!

This chapter has been completed!
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