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1399 The so-called freedom and distress

 Chapter 1398 The so-called freedom and distress

Bulkesso finally saw the situation develop to the next stage.

At this time, the atmosphere here became more and more tense!

Previously, Barr only made a slight move to reverse the situation in favor of the Burning Hell. Of course, the archangels will not remain indifferent under that kind of pressure!

It's just that neither Malthael nor Tyrael will choose to directly use force to change the situation. That approach will undoubtedly completely clear the trust of the so-called gods in the higher heaven!

What they need is that these gods can live, and then use them to fill the vacancies in the backbone of the high-level heaven!

All they can do now is to further increase the trust of these guys, and only in this way can they better break Barr's plan!

Although the archangels are not unable to accept the death of these so-called gods, it would be better if they could save the lives of these guys.

"Higher Heaven can solve the problems you are facing now, and all you need to pay is to act in the name of Higher Heaven!"

Malthael's words were firm and frank, although he did not tell the so-called gods that they were about to lose their "freedom."

But those guys are not idiots, and they can still think of this.

And from the perspective of the archangels, freedom does not exist in higher heavens.

It's just that you need to abide by some rules while gaining freedom, which is not a bad thing.

Freedom under order is what can truly be guaranteed, and they believe that these gods can also figure out the key.

"Losing freedom is already a very heavy price to pay. To be honest, I don't really want to agree to it!"

Such a voice came from among the gods, and naturally it was Alitham who spoke.

He has enough status among the Celestials to make decisions on behalf of them all.

As long as this decision does not go against the interests of the God Group, then no one will object!

He is not directly opposed to the freedom of the High Heaven, but is just worried about the unknown rules of the High Heaven.

"If you choose to accept being a demon, you can still enjoy your freedom."

Barr said in a slightly weird tone.

He knew that probably no one would choose to believe his words, but as long as he could embarrass the archangels, then he was willing to do so.

All he needs is the remnants of the death of these so-called gods. If they become the demon Baal, they can still get what he wants.

It will even become easier then!

Of course, this situation is what Barr wants to see. With this result, he no longer needs to face a lot of resistance.

If a demon god wants to kill other powerful beings, it will inevitably encounter resistance from both the Nephalem and the High Heaven.

Anything that may disrupt the development of the Burning Hell, the Archangels and Nephalem will be happy to see it happen!

But if a demon god intends to kill several demons, no one will stand up and cry out for the demons who are about to be killed!

Maybe even the High Heavens and Nephalem might applaud this.

As for what Barr said about "continuing to enjoy freedom," it cannot be considered a lie.

But without freedom under the protection of rules, there is another saying called "the jungle of the jungle"!

The gods returned to silence, but they themselves knew that there was not much time left for them to make a decision.

If this remains at a stalemate, the corruption of the Burning Hells will soon begin to affect their consciousness.

Once it reaches the point of no return, the Archangel and the Nephalem have only one choice left.

Killing them is the only solution!

As for preventing Barr from getting what he wants, there is nothing wrong with starting again at that time!

These once aloof gods are now trapped in an embarrassing impasse.

The archangels didn't speak either. The situation of these guys is still far from irreparable, and they still have time!

After these guys reach the most dangerous state, it's the best time for them to start wooing them.

Moreover, the archangels also wanted to see if Bulkatho, who was among the Nephalem who were currently paying attention to all this, had arrived.

After all, facing Bulkatho and facing other nephalems are not problems on the same level.

When facing other Nephalem, the Archangels can even choose to use force to force them to compromise.

But when facing Bulcasso, it was Bulcaisso's turn to use force to coerce them.

Although things may not necessarily come to the point where this choice must be made, it is not a mistake to prepare in advance.

"Did those guys' standoff meet your expectations?"

Constantine said calmly.

After knowing that everything he had done had become a wedding dress for the game between the archangel and the devil, Constantine also put away his frivolity.

The situation has developed to its current level, and there is no value in continuing to doubt oneself.

Although he also realized that the situation had long been beyond his control, Constantine still thought about how to make everything beneficial to mankind again.

Although Constantine had many personal moral problems, he was never a guy who evaded responsibility.

His only thought was to find a feasible path among what he could do at the moment.

Of course, with his current strength alone, that would be impossible, but there are still several beings around him who are willing to help him.

Even though they probably all have their own thoughts, as long as they can help him, that's enough.

"Of course a stalemate is not what I want to see, what I want to see more is a river of blood.

The death of those gods can bring us more benefits, and I don't care about the loss of those lives."

Rasma also responded to Constantine in a very calm tone.

He understood Constantine's thoughts, but he did not feel that acting in accordance with Constantine's thoughts was the right choice.

Constantine has proven the fact that decisions made without understanding the archangels and demons are likely to be exploited, so can his next plan prevent the same thing from happening again?

At least Rasma doesn’t think so!

Only after Constantine gave up trying to think of a way to change all this did Rasma provide him with some help.

Gruchak was silent at this time, and he didn't have so many thoughts.

Gruchak just thought that he just needed to help Bulkesso.

Other times, he only needs to protect the safety of Constantine's fighting strength.

Gruchak's admiration for Constantine largely comes from the headshot Konstantin gave Malthael!

But it is still too early for Gruchak to directly trust Konstantin.

Faced with Rasma's answer, Constantine accepted it calmly.

He now knows his position very well. If he wants to regain the position of making suggestions, he must at least prove himself first.

It's a pity that the current situation does not present any opportunity for Constantine to prove himself!

"The stalemate between those guys won't last long, and if I had to give you one piece of advice, it would be to just watch it happen.

Then try harder to understand what archangels and demons are like.

Even if you can't do anything this time, you will use it all one day."

Rasma's tone became softer, and he was also optimistic about Constantine.

It's just that even if Rasma is optimistic about a person, she won't be too involved in that person's growth.

Even an ancient Nephalem like Gruchak is just a junior in Rathma's eyes.

Although Rasma would not judge whether a person is a child based on his or her age, age has long since ceased to be a reference for him.

But Constantine's current performance is far from reaching the mature standard line in Rasma's eyes.

"Is it Bulcaisel who will take action?"

Constantine asked.

"I don't know, no one can fully understand what another person is thinking.

Although I have some guesses about Bulcaisel's goal, how he will do it is something only he knows.

But now I have good news to tell you. There is a strong man among humans who can rival the Archangel.

This news will probably make you happy, right?"

Rasma said.

Rasma already knew about Wu Fengji's existence through some unique means, and he also knew very well that this was good news for Constantine!

Although Constantine also recognized his identity as a Nephalem to a certain extent, what Constantine recognized even more was his identity as a human being!

"Can you match the Archangel but not the Demon? Is the Demon more powerful than the Archangel?"

Constantine captured the problem in Rasma's words!

"If it were in the past, the devil and the archangel should be equally powerful.

Even if Tyrell is a stronger guy among them, they will be considered to be on the same level overall.

But probably no more demon gods will be born in the future, and the current demon god is much more powerful than the previous demon gods."

Rasma said.

He has realized Baal's changes, although he cannot guarantee that what he knows is Baal's full power.

But there is no doubt that Barr has moved beyond the past.

As for whether another demon god will be born in the future, Rasma can give a definite answer!

As long as Baal still exists, no more demon gods will be born.

The nephalem, like the archangels, will work hard to kill a new demon king when it is born in the Burning Hell.

If the Burning Hell can't even give birth to a brand new Demon King, then how can a new Demon God be born?

It’s not common for someone to appear like a demon!

Unless the archangel was corrupted, or the human legend Wu Fengji turned into a demon.

Only in this case will a new demon god appear in the Burning Hell!

And once such a demon appears, Baal will definitely not stand idly by!

At this time, Baal will not allow any existence to affect his absolute control over the Burning Hell! What Baal wants to do can only be achieved by gathering the power of the entire Burning Hell!

Constantine, who got the answer again, fell into thinking.

Although Rasma's answer is a clear answer, it still contains too much information.

The current time is not suitable for Constantine to inquire in detail about the specific content. What he can do seems to be just like Rasma said, waiting for Bulkesso's possible move!

But in this case, he really couldn't think of a reason for himself to appear in this place!

For the Burning Hell and the High Heavens, it has lost all value after this storm took shape.

Such a result is certainly not what Constantine wants to see!

"You guys who like to use your brains always fall into a trap of trying to solve problems before they happen.

But in fact, problems often appear later, and only then is the time when the problem needs to be solved urgently.”

Gruchak said somewhat unbearably.

He doesn't like to see someone in distress.

There are so many things that can cause distress in the world, and sometimes it’s not a bad idea to just take one step at a time.

In Gruchak's experience, there are many people who were corrupted by demons because they thought too much.

So he couldn't bear to be trapped in this state of distress from which he could not escape.

For Gruchak, fighting against the corrupted demons of his acquaintances is far more difficult than facing a powerful enemy that he cannot defeat.

When he died in battle, it was because of this weakness that I don't know if it should be considered a weakness.

He would not be merciful to an acquaintance who became a demon, but he would be particularly tormented after such a thing ended.

It was during this suffering that Gruchak felt his own wavering, and before the real wavering occurred, he found a powerful enemy that he could not defeat and died in the battle.

He doesn't want to become a devil, because he has experienced this kind of suffering too many times, so he doesn't want his acquaintances to have to feel the same thing one day!

Gruchak is the real strong man who made Duriel wait for a long time to be resurrected in the Burning Hell!

Even if he paid for it with his life.

"Maybe what you said is right, but guys like us may not be able to do what you said."

Rasma said with a bit of a smile.

Constantine had no way to respond to this kind of topic. He could neither refuse Gruchak's kindness nor directly refute it.

Rasma unexpectedly showed a considerate side.

A guy like Rasma, who has been thinking about everything alone for a long time, of course cannot give up the thinking that has long become a habit.

And a guy like Constantine, who could only find a chance of survival through thinking in the past, naturally couldn't just give up the ability that he once relied on for a living.

Some things are always easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

After thinking for a while, Gruchak decided to shut up.

He could still understand that Rasma was rescuing Constantine, and it was not Rasma who would be embarrassed by continuing this topic.

But it was Constantine who was caught in the middle.

Even though there is a saying that "serious illness requires strong medicine," being fond of thinking about such things should not be considered a serious illness in any case.

"Guys like us are doomed to live with a lot of unsolvable troubles. Gruchak, you don't need to feel pity for us at all.

Since you have chosen this way to survive, there is nothing to complain about."

Rasma even started to come to Gruchak's rescue.

It was a bit strange for Rasma to behave like this, and Gruchak couldn't see anything more.

But Gruchak could at least see that Rasma was in a good mood now, and perhaps the current situation was almost the same as what he wanted to see.

But Gruchak still couldn't understand why Rasma wanted to see the fight.

After all, resorting to force is not the only solution to this matter.


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