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Chapter 1446 Bizarro’s Guide


Bizarro's attitude was a bit strange.

After all, no one can remain calm when faced with a being that is very similar to themselves.

It's just that Bizarro always feels that there is still some difference between himself and the person in front of him, but no matter how much he thinks about it, he can't determine where this feeling comes from.

"I don't even know your name."

Bizarro said to Clark.

"My name is Clark Kent, just call me Clark.

Although I am not sure what the relationship between us is, but judging from our abilities and appearance, there must be a connection between you and me.

Even if we are not brothers, that doesn't stop us from being friends, right?"

Clark said very gently.

He had so much to share, even though the barbarians treated him very gently in Harrogath.

But Clark always had a feeling that he didn't belong there. Meeting Bizarro this time really made Clark want to share.

"You're right, at least we can try to be friends."

Bizarro nodded and decided not to think about things that he couldn't answer for the time being.

"I know a pub where we can go have a drink.

But that will have to wait until I clear out all the demons that are harassing everyone in this place."

Bizarro said frankly.

Clark was very satisfied with Bizarro who took the right path due to the influence.

Before Clark knew that Bizarro was a person cloned from his cells, Clark would not have any hostility towards Bizarro.

Even if he knew about this, as long as Bizarro was not a bad guy, Clark would most likely not do anything to Bizarro.

"Let me go with you. The existence of demons can be said to be of no benefit to this world at all."

Clark said enthusiastically.

He is willing to work with Bizarro to make the world safer.

But what he doesn't know is that the existence of the Burning Hell has some benefits for the world. What really cannot accept the Burning Hell is not the world itself, but the lives living in this world.

"I don't have any problem with that, if you want."

Bizarro also smiled, now he wanted to be a hero.

And from the mouths of those who could be considered kind-hearted who had not been corrupted by the Burning Hell, Bizarro knew many definitions of heroes.

A hero is not a selfish guy who wants all the fame to be his own.

He would like to see more people dedicate their efforts to the stability of the world.

Two powerful beings began to attack all the demons in this area.

With their powerful perception, it is difficult for demons to escape their pursuit even if they want to hide.

After they finished fighting, they recognized each other more.

Clark's power is superior to Bizarro's, and Bizarro can easily see this.

But he doesn't feel that he is a fake. After having his own identity and beliefs, Bizarro will not be jealous of Clark.

He is him, Clark is Clark.

Bizarro can still understand this now.

After they returned to the nearby city, the two of them went to the tavern that Bizarro mentioned as agreed.

Because of demons, the scope of human activities has undoubtedly become much smaller than before.

Although humans also want to change this, they have never found a good way.

No matter how clean the surrounding demons are the day before, traces of demons can still be found the next day.

Cleaning out demons can only keep the number of demons within a certain range.

So even though this city was once prosperous and protected by Bizarro, it now looks full of depression.

But the good news is that because of Bizarro's efforts during this period, this city is pretty good compared to other cities.

After all, this city is not as densely populated as New York, nor does it have as many high-rise buildings.

With a relatively wider field of view, it becomes more troublesome for demons to attack humans.

Coupled with Bizarro's existence, the people living in this city are somewhat prosperous, which is fortunate.

When you come to the door of the tavern, you can see that the tavern is not large, but it looks a bit antique from the outside.

After entering the tavern, the melodious ringing of the bell hanging by the door came.

Clark looked at the layout of the tavern and seemed to notice something, but he didn't say anything.

The previous battles had given him an understanding of Bizarro's abilities, and there was no reason why Bizarro couldn't discover things he could discover.

Besides, the other party didn't seem to be trying to hide anything carefully.

"Hey, Bizarro, did you just finish your work?"

The bartender and part-time tavern owner smiled and greeted Bizarro.

Obviously, Bizarro has a very good reputation in this city.

Clark observed the bartender carefully.

Because the tavern is not very large, one person can still be busy opening it.

At this time when people are worried about their own safety, even the business of the pub has dropped a lot.

Although it may be that the peak business period of the tavern has not yet reached, the only other people in the tavern besides the bartender are Bizarro and Clark.

"I just cleaned up the demons gathered outside. Although the number of demons outside has been reduced a lot, I still recommend not to leave the city unless necessary."

Bizarro smiled and talked to the bartender.

For these beings with extraordinary power, the current world is not completely without benefits.

At least now there won't be a lot of people standing in front of them accusing them out of jealousy and the like.

That kind of selfish guy, even if he didn't corrupt into a demon immediately, he basically completed the corruption as time went by.

Of course human selfishness will not become extinct, but as long as selfishness is still under the control of morality, there will still be a barrier to the devil.

"Is this guy who looks like you an admirer of yours?"

The bartender looked at Clark and asked Bizzaro.

The bartender didn't serve the drinks for the time being, and now it was more like chatting with friends.

Perhaps it was because of Bizarro's habits that the bartender didn't directly serve him drinks.

Many people living in this city regard Bizarro as the symbol of the city, and many people like to look more like Bizarro.

It's just that it's not an easy thing to have such a strong body.

Clark, who is very similar to Bizarro, is regarded as Bizarro's fanatical admirer, and he happens to have a good enough figure to complete this imitation.

But the look in Clark's eyes when he saw the bartender didn't mean what he meant in his words.

"No, he could be my lost brother or something.

His power is stronger than mine, and he also possesses all the abilities I possess."

Bizarro said to the bartender in front of him with a little excitement.

Being able to see Clark is also a very happy thing for Bizarro.

"That means you are protecting two of our cities? This is really good news.

But I hope your brother can go to the metropolis a little further away to help.

The situation there is almost the same as New York, there are demons everywhere."

said the bartender.

Of course he hopes that the place where he lives can be protected by two powerful beings.

But as an important guide for Bizarro's growth to what he is now, the bartender has nothing selfish in his heart.

This guy is just a simple and kind-hearted good person, at least that's how he is in Bizarro.

Only such a guy can lead Bizarro to be almost indistinguishable from Clark.

The environment in which one grows up has a huge impact on a person, no one can deny this.

"A big city? People's lives there are a little difficult.

After I clean up another round of demons around the city, I will go to Metropolis with him to have a look.

Don't worry, this is still my home."

Bizarro smiled and said to the bartender in front of him.

Clark watched Bizarro talking to the bartender, and his face became much more relaxed.

The atmosphere is always very relaxing when kind people get along with kind people. Clark likes Bizarro very much, who may be his lost brother.

"Hello, my name is Clark Kent, Bizarro's new friend.

Of course, Bizarro and I could be long-lost brothers."

Clark said to the bartender in front of him.

"Hello, my name is Dionysus. It doesn't sound like an ordinary name, right?"

said the bartender Dionysus.

"This is the name of the god of wine in Greek mythology. I can feel the powerful power in your body."

Clark said with a smile.

It didn't matter whether the other party was the God of Dionysus or not, but he could be sure that the other party was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Yeah, the first time I saw Dionysus, he was beating up a bunch of demons.

We even saw him turn a fallen demon into a pig, which was really fun."

Bizarro laughed as he spoke.

Dionysus is indeed the god of wine, but he has nothing to do with the Dionysian factor.

If I have to say it, it’s just that the names make it easy for people to connect them.

But in terms of ability, this Dionysus is not weak at all.

He can use magic and has pretty good frontal combat effectiveness.

Even when facing the legendary demon, his strength is enough to deal with it, but this kind of power is still somewhat insufficient in the eyes of Bizarro and Clark.

"The more strong people who are willing to resist the devil, the better."

Clark acted very calmly. After all, he was not the only strong person in the world.

As long as you are willing to stand up and fight against the devil, that is a good thing.

"Those demons are really tricky. I always feel like there is no way to completely eliminate them.

The way those guys corrupt human beings is really hard to guard against."

Dionysus said.

He did not intend to introduce his situation in detail, nor did he intend to say, for example, that he and Diana were brother and sister.

This group of gods also received invitations from Emperor Weishan and the others, and became the beneficiaries of the Crimson Universe incident.

It's just that this matter has nothing to do with this wine god, he doesn't care about it.

"I know a group of guys who like to drink. I will go back and ask them if they are willing to try the wine of Bacchus."

Clark said.

Although Clark and Bizarro have not drank a sip of wine since arriving here, this does not prevent Clark from looking forward to the wine of Dionysus.

He has not forgotten that the barbarians on the sacred mountain of Harrogas like to drink.

It just so happened that he was having a headache about what gifts to give to the good people who had helped him to express his gratitude.

If you can express your gratitude with the wine of Dionysus, it shouldn't be considered rude.

"Of course, I'm never stingy with my friends."

Dionysus said.

He originally planned to experience life as a human being, but the appearance of the Burning Hell and the High-level Heaven made him change some of his ideas.

As for being a good person, it's not really a disguise.

He really wanted to be a good person, especially after seeing the terrifying corruptive power of the Burning Hell.

"By the way, do you have any scheduled visitors?"

Dionysus asked.

He felt Coulson's arrival.

Dionysus had long thought of this day, after all, Bizarro did not hide his existence much when acting as a hero.

Of course, in today's world there is no need to hide anything.

So it's not surprising that someone representing the authorities like SHIELD comes to visit.

"We don't have any scheduled guests, but if they don't have any ill intentions, I would be willing to meet them."

Bizarro said gently.

Of course he can think of things that Dionysus can think of.

Bizarro's brain, which almost replicates Clark's power, is also very smart.

"Then I won't set up obstacles for their arrival. Do you need me to avoid them a little bit?

I don’t want to deal with those guys just yet.”

Dionysus said.

"My friend, just live your life the way you want.

I will protect the safety of this city, and it is enough for you to just be yourself."

After Bizarro said this, he laughed heartily.

The optimistic and cheerful Bizarro also gained more favor from Clark.

Clark began to expect that he and Bizarro were really long-lost brothers.

However, the relationship between the two of them is actually not too problematic if they are brothers, although from an ethical point of view they should be father and son.

But Clark and Bizarro should not know about this, at least not now.

Although Lex Luthor knows a little more, he only knows that Bizarro was born in a laboratory.

And now Lex Luthor has no time to talk about these things with Clark. Now he has to be separated between Dr. Doom and Leoric, which has consumed his energy to a great extent.

Even if he still wants to do something, he must have a chance.

As one of the few cutting-edge scientific and technological talents on the human side, Lex Luthor's research tasks are already very arduous.

Even in his private time outside of scientific research, he still needs to consider the development direction of the Luther Group.

In this somewhat chaotic era, he is really busy and trembling.

Even though he had thick hair, the busyness and stress were enough to turn him bald.

What's more, he is now bald, and the stress hair loss has spread to his eyebrows.

Jingle bell bell~

The bell at the door of the tavern, used to alert the owner of the arrival of guests, rang, and it was obvious that Coulson had arrived first.

This chapter has been completed!
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