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Chapter 1498 The real plan!

Although Bulcaisuo still didn't let go of Malthael, Malthael opened his eyes at some point.

"Bulkasso, are you planning to try to completely destroy the High Heaven?"

Malthael suddenly spoke.

His opening was met with a surprised look from Bulqueso.

"Your soul is still in a state of silence, but how did you wake up?"

Bulkesso was puzzled.

He was sure that he did not relax his supervision of Malthael even for a moment, but Malthael regained consciousness under his supervision.

Bulkatho did not directly let go of Malthael, even though Malthael should be able to directly use the power of destruction to cause harm to him.

"This is my secret, but you should also know that I have no intention of plotting against you here."

Malthael said.

He didn't lie. If he planned to plot against Bulcasso, he could have attacked directly before Bulcasso didn't notice that he had woken up.

Once the power of destruction falls on Bulcasso, it is impossible for Bulcasso not to pay the price, and that price is definitely heavy enough.

"Speaking of which, you should respect me accordingly, even because I didn't attack you."

Malthael said.

Upon hearing this, Burqaso immediately let go of Malthael.

Malthael didn't make a sneak attack, so it doesn't matter if Burqaso gives him a little respect.

"Do you think I will relax after you lose the power of knowledge, fear and fate?"

Bulcaisel asked rhetorically.

Indeed, after losing these three kinds of authority, although Malthael is still a very threatening guy, it is difficult to cause serious consequences.

Even if this is just from a combat perspective.

"No, I am always your biggest threat.

In my opinion, you are not the biggest threat I have ever encountered."

Malthael stood up naturally and patted the blood on his body.

Those blood stains came from other angels, but Malthael seemed completely indifferent.

This guy isn't cold and heartless, but his indifference doesn't look like a disguise.

"It makes no sense for you to tell me this. Now I just want to verify whether the method given by Inaris is effective.

If you plan to stop me, then I will have to kill you completely.

Although you still have several dangerous powers, my body is not completely unbearable."

Bulqueso's eyes flickered a little.

"You can give it a try, but it's also a big gamble for you.

It speaks volumes that you didn't try to master the destruction in the first place."

Malthael pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled.

Bulcaisel had the opportunity to grasp a piece of authority from the beginning, and the destructive authority that came from Annihilation had long been ownerless.

But Bulcaisel did not choose to absorb it at that time, which was a huge flaw in Malthael's eyes.

"My body has achieved balance, but it doesn't have the same power as destruction.

This kind of problem is actually the same for you, if you didn't use the Dark Soul Stone to master the power of the Great Demon God."

Bulcaisel's eyes were lowered.

"Trying to destroy the power is a big gamble. Even if Baal is sealed alone, I will not try to use the Dark Soul Stone to control his power.

Only after the integration of the power of the Great Demon God will Baal's power appear so harmless."

Malthael expressed his feelings without any secret.

At this time, there was no need to hide anything about it. Even if he didn't tell the truth, Bulcasso had already made the correct judgment.

"But I can choose to kill you and then seek to destroy you when I think I am capable."

Bulcasso said with a little doubt.

Bulkesso would not believe that Malthael would not think of doing this.

"Yes, you can choose this way. But high-level heaven will not give you this opportunity.

You don’t think that Diesh appeared in that place just to assassinate Barr, right?

When you killed Diesh, you had already fallen into my trap.

Although in the long run, this trap doesn't change much.

But it should be more than enough to change you.”

Malthael wiped his hands on his body, and the next moment he opened his hands, the Reaper of Souls that had been missing on the battlefield reappeared in his hands.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to fight you."

Malthael said anxiously. He had already seen Bulcasso's hand pressed on the weapon on his waist.

In a head-on fight, he was still no match for Bulcasso, and now he had to make Bulcasso give up his plan to kill him directly.

His calculations did affect the immediate situation, but they had no impact on Bulcaisso's combat effectiveness.

"I don't feel like there's anything in my body that doesn't belong to me."

Bulcaisel looked at Malthael indifferently and said.

"But you are not complete at all now. You have received complete authority.

But the piece of soul you hide in the Dark Soul Stone may now contain many things that you have never thought of.

Like the soul of an angel?"

Malthael's tone was particularly weird, as if he was looking at a beast that had been surrounded unknowingly.

No one can win in the battle with this beast, and even just trying to restrain this beast requires paying a lot of price.

But Malthael thought he had succeeded.

"So all you're really afraid of is the part of Uldyssian that I sealed off?

And you or you are always calculating that part of me during this process?"

Bulcaisuo twitched the corners of his mouth and showed a strange-looking smile.

"I have thought about your goal for a long time, but in the end I thought you planned to become the new God of Creation.

The birth of Uldyssian is inextricably related to Lilith. In my opinion, you were the one who truly possessed the divine side during the period of Uldyssian."

Malthael said the conclusion he came up with.

Although Bulcaisuo had said before that he was not interested in becoming a God of Creation, in Malthael's view, all of Bulcaisuo's actions in recent years were in the direction of becoming a God of Creation.

It can even be said that Bulquesso has succeeded for the most part!

The authority gathered in him is not much inferior to that of the Creator God who created the high-level heaven and the burning hell.

But Bulcaisel never took any action to open up, which made Malthael think.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that only after Bulcaisel became complete could he have the power to become the God of Creation.

How can a mortal mind become a creator god?

Although Malthael himself doesn't know what kind of mind the Creator God should have, he feels that it must not be the heart of a mortal!

"Are you just here to show off your gains?"

Burcasso felt a little funny.

It cannot be said that Malthael's ideas are all wrong, at least there is no problem with "how to become a creation god".

If Bulcaisuo wants to become the God of Creation, he must become complete.

But Bulcaisuo has no intention of becoming the so-called God of Creation!

This is the part that Bulkesso finds funny!

"No, I plan to have a good talk with you.

I can give up on the idea of ​​eradicating all nephalem, but can you accept making this world something we both control?

Don’t worry about the Burning Hell side, I have found a solution to the Burning Hell problem.”

Malthael gave his own conditions.

It’s just that this doesn’t look like the conditions given by someone who is at a disadvantage!

"Mastering a world?"

After Bulcaisel repeated Malthael's intention, his whole body trembled.

It wasn't fear or anger, it was funny!

Burcasso's laughter suddenly broke out and was passed on.

"You superior guy, isn't your so-called mastery of this world the same as when you didn't discover Sanctuary?

You are constantly fighting to the death with the Burning Hell, while the world that has not been discovered by you is living without knowing anything.

That sounds good, but eventually there will be angels or demons who realize the existence of Sanctuary, and then you will still use the human world as your chessboard.

If I promise you, then you only need to wait until my mortal heart falls apart."

Bulcaisel said while laughing.

Obviously he had no intention of agreeing to Malthael. Malthael's idea seemed to him even more ridiculous than a conspiracy!

"I can even help you become complete. The part of your soul that has been blocked has absorbed too many things that belong to the higher heaven.

Once you become complete, becoming an angel is just a thought.

And I can guarantee that the only people who try to influence that half of your soul are angels, and there are no traces of demons there."

Malthael continued to try to persuade Bulkatho.

Of course, he didn't say anything very crucial.

"The method Inaris told me was actually what you expected, right?

I saw something in the depths of the Burning Hell, the corpse of the Archangel Diavolo.

I think that although there is no such desolate place to bury corpses in the higher heavens, there should be something similar.

For example, the remains left behind by the demon god Malthael after he became an archangel?"

Bulcaisel said with a sneer.

As he spoke, his hand had already grasped the handle of the knife.

"If you have already made up your mind, I will come up with more things to try to convince you."

Malthael said.

He knew Bulcasso very well, and he knew that once Bulcaisso had made up his mind, words could no longer convince him.

But there are still a few cards in his hand that have not been played!

"You mean death?"

Bulqueso said.

"I expected death to be noticed by you."

Malthael did not intend to use lies to deal with Bulkesso.

He had indeed convinced Death a long time ago, and even the fact that Death was severely injured was considered a performance.

But it wasn't because of the need for a performance that death was severely injured. Death was truly severely injured.

It's just that the order before and after is slightly different.

The fact that Death was able to leave the archangel's encirclement after being severely injured is indeed a reason why Death does have some abilities.

But more importantly, Malthael took advantage of that opportunity to further convince Death!

However, Malthael didn't completely believe that death would be on his side. In Malthael's view, death should still be wavering until now.

But this swing is enough.

No matter what thoughts Death had before it, after Bulkesso and Malthael lifted the fig leaf, Death was destined to be impossible to trust.

Bulcasso is not that kind of a benevolent guy, although Bulcasso spends most of his life killing demons.

But this does not mean that there are no human blood stains on Bulcaisel's hands!

The number of Nephalem who died in the hands of the Nephalem is not a small number!

War between tribes, war between ethnic groups, war between different professions!

The Nephalem are never without contradictions!

The reason why the nephalem are so close now is because the number of nephalem has become so small that they have no choice but to be close!

Even barbarians have different dreams and plans, and there is absolutely no conflict between these dreams and plans!

Bulcaisel will definitely do something to death in the future, whether it is to completely kill the opponent and contain the power of death in his body, or to seal the power of death separately.

The dead who are still alive now are destined to have no chance of existence.

Malthael is very sure of this!

"You are wise, hiding some things from you would be troublesome.

Now that you plan to communicate with me through writing, then help me think about whether my plan can be considered a good one."

Bulcaisel looked at Malthael and said.

“I want a world where there are limits to an individual’s strength, and no one in that world has any extra privileges.

Whether it's you, me, or anyone else.

If such a world really emerged, would you think it would be a beautiful world?"

Bulcaisel asked very sincerely.

Bulcaisel considers himself not a fool, but he is definitely not a smart person who has no clues.

Even Malthael, the Archangel of Wisdom, will fail in his plan. Who can say that his plan will definitely achieve the results he wants?

Perhaps Inaris, who had just been born and had not yet given up his power as an archangel and his destiny, could do it.

But that’s just a guess!


You know what the human heart is like."

Malthael didn't even need to think much to come up with the conclusion!

Although it was only the first time that he knew what Bulkesso wanted to do, he could come to such a conclusion without thinking!

Mortal hearts are always fickle, and even powerful humans like the Nephalem still have negative things in their hearts.

Bulcaisel wants to prevent all beings in the world from possessing extraordinary powers, but that is definitely not the solution to all problems!

The problem still exists, the most is that after losing the extraordinary power, human conflicts will not have the terrible destructive power it has now.

"Mathael, you underestimated many things and overestimated some things.

I left the weapon transformed by Volusk beside Death. The weak Death could not defeat Volusk, who was still at his peak.

Secondly, the knife in my hand is named after Bulcasso."

Bulcaisel smiled.

He agrees with Malthael's judgment, but will not change his mind!

What he needs is not to eliminate all the strife in the world!

But it allows human beings to truly control their own destiny!

Bulcaisel does not want to make all beings weak, but wants to completely understand all beings who try to change the fate of others!

This is his plan!

Creator God?

Bulkesso is not interested!

He doesn't intend to become the God of Creation, so it doesn't matter whether he becomes complete or not!

He just needs that level of power!

And now Bulcaisel almost has that power!

As long as Malthael cannot break Bulcaisel's seal on his soul, then this is the inevitable result!

Bulcaisuo wanted to finish all this while his determination was still firm, rather than delaying it until strong selfishness arose in his heart.

The existence that Bulkesso intends to understand also includes his powerful self!

This chapter has been completed!
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