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Chapter 1552 Before the chaos ends

Chapter 1551 Before the chaos ends

When Bulcaisel appeared on the battlefield where Malthael's clones were fighting, what he saw was somewhat infuriating.

Of course, they have not entered the realm yet, but the strong men outside are attacking the demon god Hellboy one after another.

The mirror space constructed by Wei Shandi and Sir Newton is not without effect, but Hellboy seems to have paid a price before escaping from it.

Although Mirror Space is a very useful spell, it can still completely control the battle in the face of the absolute gap in strength.

But this can be considered good news, at least the situation Bulcaisel saw was when Hellboy had just escaped from the mirror space.

The one standing in the most conspicuous position is Ulena!

Ulena is conspicuous not because she is fighting Hellboy, but because she is constantly shuttled between the battlefields.

It cannot be said that all the injuries Ulena suffered before have recovered, but after a period of training, she has returned to a basically normal state.

But even if Ulena was at her peak, she couldn't defeat a demon. Even if the demon was still seriously injured at this time!

Therefore, Ulena did not directly stand in front of Hellboy, but her figure continued to appear everywhere on the battlefield, and then released a Seven Phase Fist to clear out a large number of demons before heading to the next location.

But the empty space he cleared would soon be filled again by demons.

After Hellboy's demon army has been weakened many times, the only thing worth paying attention to now seems to be quantity.

The defense line deployed by the human side has also been fully put into use, and explosions continue to sound in various places on the battlefield.

Hellboy's demon army indeed suffered heavy losses under the attack of Malthael's clone, but the people present did not have the same level of attack power as Malthael!

This led to Hellboy constantly using some small tricks to separate the elite demon army into more demons while trying to escape.

Numbers can only be used as a means of confusion when facing strong ones, but not everyone present can easily eliminate the demon army that has been weakened many times.

Hellboy himself is constantly trying to clean up the existence in front of him.

At this time, the main force blocking Hellboy is Emperor Weishan who has just arrived here!

Emperor Weishan's endless magic is not fatal to Hellboy, but it greatly delays Hellboy's progress.

Emperor Weishan continued to use various magics as a means of involvement, and the power of the Crimson Universe was fully mobilized by him at this time.

If all the spellcasters in this world were compared to a faucet plugged into all latitudes, Emperor Navishan would definitely be the biggest one.

He has mobilized the power of the White Magic Dimension to its limit, so using the power of the Crimson Universe is a very natural thing.

While Ulena was constantly cleaning up the demons, she was also constantly observing the battle between Emperor Weishan and Hellboy. She was ready to appear in front of Hellboy at any time and use the Seven Phase Fist.

It wasn't that Ulena didn't want to stand directly in front of Hellboy as the main force, but she was dissuaded by Sir Newton before she took action.

After seeing the Nephalem's support, Sir Newton asked for some basic information, such as Ulena's fighting style.

Although Uliana's single-on-one damage is good, Uliana's fighting style is more focused on killing her enemies as quickly as possible.

This fighting method is very effective when dealing with those who are inferior to you, but it will be ineffective when facing someone who is far superior to you.

No matter how miserable Hellboy looks, that guy is still a demon-level being!

Although Sir Newton didn't know what the other demon gods were like, the combat power displayed by Hellboy already made him cautious.

That's why Sir Newton assigned Ulena the task of clearing out the demon army.

Of course, Sir Newton did not know from the beginning what kind of battle situation they would face next. He made many plans, and the situation at this time was very similar to one of them.

"This demon seems to be able to transfer his power to any demon."

Bulcaisuo said and glanced at Malthael beside him.

The fact that Hellboy turned into a demon god was entirely caused by Malthael. Malthael has nothing to do with the current situation developing into what it is now!

Bulcaisel's opening was not to seek Malthael's opinion, he wanted Malthael to deal with this mess on his own!

"This is also a trial for humans and Nephalem. At least there have been no large-scale casualties yet."

Malthael said with a sneer.

It's just that when he spoke, he had already waved his arm directly in the direction of Hellboy.

Malthael had taken out the Reaper of Souls from his hand at some point, and his attack did not cause any changes during the flight.

But in the blink of an eye, Hellboy's body was covered with scars!

The Malthael here is different from the clone in the realm. Although that clone is powerful, it does not have the means to control Hellboy.

But Hellboy, as the demon god created by Malthael, must have had weaknesses left by Malthael!


Hellboy knew the source of the attack the moment he was attacked!

He roared naturally!

The feeling of being played with a strong penis is not pleasant, especially since Hellboy, the victim, has never received any respect during this experience.

Anger is understandable!

After Hellboy shouted Malthael's name, everyone present tacitly backed away from him.

Everyone present basically already knows what happened in that field. If Malthael comes out in the field, the situation will change dramatically.

But when everyone followed Hellboy's gaze, they saw that in addition to Malthael, there were Bulcasso and Li Min.

The previous nervousness naturally eased a bit.

"There is still fighting in the field!"

Ulena said loudly.

After seeing Bulcasso, she realized that this battle was probably going to end.

But the people in the realm are still facing an angry Malthael!

Although Ulena didn't know why there was Malthael beside Bulqessor, and this Malthael also carried the Reaper of Souls in his hand that could mark his identity.

"Li Min, please."

Bulqueso said.

Of course, he would not let Malthael come into contact with his most powerful clone, which would give Malthael a chance to gain powerful power.

Although Burqaso didn't think there would be any problems if Li Min took care of Malthael, if he wanted to enter the realm of a strong man without causing huge disturbances, he could only leave it to Li Min, who had many and powerful methods.

Li Min did not shirk.

With a smile, she easily outlined a magic pattern in mid-air with gestures, and then her figure only flickered for a moment before disappearing.

"New magic?"

Malthael asked curiously.

But it would be a bit fanciful to get the answer to this question from Bulkesso.

Although Bulcaisel didn't know everything about magic, he only knew a little bit about it.

The method shown by Li Min has never been used in the past, which can only mean that this is a result that Li Min has only recently obtained. Of course, Bulcasso does not understand this.


Bulcaisel called out Malthael's name to remind him that the demon Lord Hellboy had not yet been completely eliminated.

The moment Hellboy saw Malthael and Bulcaisel, he gave up everything and tried to escape.

At this time, the advantages of the Weishan Emperor's trinity were revealed. When Hogs and Agamotto saw Bulcaisuo, Oshutu was still paying attention to Hellboy's movements.

Just when Hellboy was about to escape, O Shutu's attack arrived directly!

Perhaps because Hellboy had just been severely wounded by Malthael, his reaction was obviously a bit slow.

This caused his actions to be delayed under O Shutu's attack.

Malthael said no more, and launched another attack without leaving Burqessor.

This time, the light bursting out from the Reaper of Souls is no longer as inconspicuous as before. The obscure energy is wrapped around the Reaper of Souls. The next attack is like dividing the boundary between life and death in mid-air.

It also flew in the direction of Hellboy.

"Bulkess, I actually didn't do this without even leaving any room for change.

Before I turned Hellboy into a demon, I still retained a little bit of his human soul."

Malthael said lightly as he launched his attack.

"But even if you are an archangel, you can't turn a corrupted guy into a human again."

Bulcasso looked slightly sideways.

He instinctively felt that this was also part of Malthael's plan, and this action was obviously not intended to make him show mercy when liquidating Malthael!

"But he can become a nephalem. I mean that part of the human soul can be tried after supplementing other souls."

Malthael said calmly.

He didn't pay any attention to the consequences of his attack on Hellboy.

"Just trying, but you didn't tell me the risks."

Bulqueso's body began to exude a bit of murderous intent.

This is important news for all mankind!

As for the credibility of Malthael's words, it is quite high.

If Malthael was still an archangel now, Bulcaisel wouldn't believe even a word of it.

But Malthael turned himself into a Nephalem, so this guy might not be able to achieve what he said!

It’s just that no matter what considerations Malthael had for saying these words at this time, in Bulkesso’s view, this is a threat!

"Put away your murderous intent first. I know you don't have much patience with me anymore, but at least endure it until the decisive battle comes, okay?"

Malthael was a little helpless.

He had dealt with Bulcasso several times, and he knew that when Burcasso exuded murderous intent, he was not using it to threaten others.

Burquesso is really capable of taking action!

Malthael even felt that if he didn't still have some methods that were not known to Bulcaisu, then he wouldn't be facing Bulcaisu's unabashed murderous intention.

But before he opened his mouth, he saw the heavy blade coming towards his head!

Bulcaisuo did not answer, and the murderous intention did not dissipate at all. On the contrary, it became more intense.

"I don't intend to use that soul to make any deal with you, I just want to tell you that I have some means to try. I don't even need you to pay anything, as long as you are willing to nod and agree to my attempt."

Malthael's tone was a little urgent.

He continued to explain his plan anxiously, but Bulcasso's eyes were still full of threats when he looked at him.

Even Bulcasso's hand was already pressed on the handle of the knife, as if he was about to take action at the next moment.

Malthael chose to shut up and did not continue the topic.

He knew that it would not take much time for Li Min to deal with his clone.

After Li Min comes back, Bulcasso will have to make the next decision. At this time, it is not a wise choice to continue to make Bulcasso angry.

After all, the time to start the decisive battle was not something he could decide unilaterally. Bulcaisel only maintained a considerable degree of respect for him.

At this time, Hellboy, who was attacked again, finally lost his last bit of life.

It's just that Malthael didn't put any restrictions on Hellboy's soul when he took action, which made it possible for his soul to follow the existence of the Burning Hell and wait for rebirth.

Of course, this is something that will take some time, as long as Bulcasso doesn't take action.

But how could Bulkesso allow a demon to be reborn in the Burning Hell?

The reborn Hellboy will no longer be the same as he is now. He will be completely on the side of the Burning Hell.

Bulcaisel will only do one thing for such a guy, and that is to give the miserable soul a complete sleep.

Of course, complete death is also possible.

Burqaso had already moved his eyes away from Malthael. He was worried that if he continued to look at Malthael, he would be unable to suppress the idea of ​​taking action directly.

Every moment of Malthael's existence made Bul-Katho feel his anger slowly burning.

This guy is really annoying. If it weren't for a better result, he wouldn't tolerate it to this point.

Even though Bulcaisso's "tolerance" meant humiliating and beating Malthael many times, it was indeed tolerance for Bulcaisso.

Bulcaisel released the handle of the knife and waved his hand in the direction of Hellboy's soul.

A sickle struck out towards Hellboy's soul.

Facing a demon who has completely left his life, such an attack is enough to wipe out all the power in the soul.

Bulcaisel mobilized a little bit of the power of the Dark Soul Stone and built a channel to draw Hellboy's soul.

It is still a bit troublesome to completely remove the demon's soul. Putting it in the dark soul stone is the most appropriate choice at the moment.

This can ensure that the soul of the devil cannot escape, and also allows Bulcaisel to use the soul of Hellboy to understand what Malthael did at that time.

Malthael can corrupt a being into a demon god, but he may not be able to do it again!

Understanding Malthael's methods will be of positive value when facing Malthael later.

This chapter has been completed!
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