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Chapter 1658 The Difficult Emperor Weishan

Just when these powerful spellcasters were thinking about the problem of Emperor Weishan, Emperor Weishan didn't do anything.

He was always paying attention to everything that was happening. As for the power of the Crimson Universe, most of it fell into the hands of Emperor Weishan.

But Emperor Weishan did not do this out of any dangerous ambition, but simply because he believed that there were too many risks in the Crimson Universe at this time.

The origin of the Burning Hell that poured into the Crimson Universe did not disappear directly, but those powers still exist until now, but after this period of processing, the impact of that power has been minimal.

As for sharing these powers with other spellcasters, that is inevitable, but more checks are needed before doing so.

But Emperor Weishan does have some selfishness in his heart, but that is not something that will affect the outcome of this war!

They are not aware of the suspicions of those mages now, but this matter will not be hidden from them for long.

And even if they knew about this suspicion, they wouldn't have any bad thoughts, after all, their positions are consistent.

Emperor Weishan also understood that his actions were indeed a bit unusual.

"Hogs, how long will it take to complete the magic you prepared earlier?"

Agamotto asked slowly.

He is also under a lot of pressure now, and the purification by the power of the Crimson Universe has consumed too much of his and Ao Shutu's energy.

In addition to the crimson universe, they actually have other alternate latitudes.

For example, the dimensions of the dead Sithorne's beholder can also be used.

But right now, the three of them are really lacking in energy.

Just the Crimson Universe, a world invaded by the power of the Burning Hell, has already involved most of their energy.

Both Sithorne and the Beholder have had contact and cooperation with the Burning Hell, and they do not dare to plunge into the unknown latitudes to explore at this time.

What if those latitudes have become part of the Burning Hell?

At this time, pretending that you don't care about those places is the best choice.

"It won't take long. If we just isolate the earth from this world, we can do it at any time."

The gloominess can be seen on the face of Hogs, the big tiger.

They are doing the final insurance for this world and the earth, and this insurance is to directly isolate some existences from another world!

Of course, this preparation should take effect after the Nephalem declare their failure.

They will be sent to other worlds along with the Nephalem seeds.

Although this does not guarantee that guys like the Burning Hell will not be able to find the Earth that was sent out of this world, it can at least buy a long period of time.

They have witnessed the growth rate of the Nephalem with their own eyes. As long as the Holy Mountain of Harrogath is sent there, then the Nephalem will still have a place to grow.

They have even thought about the most suitable candidate to be sent for asylum.

Those original humans who were turned into nephalem!

To be honest, Emperor Weishan already has great trust in the Nephalem, but he does not want the future of mankind to be too affected by the Nephalem's will.

They can accept the spread of the Nephalem's ideas in the world they are familiar with, but they cannot accept the Nephalem becoming the only mainstream in the world.

This can be regarded as a little bit of selfishness, but they are already prepared to let the world's civilized people leave their seeds, so a little selfishness of no importance is not an unacceptable problem.

"Is there still no way to send the Burning Hell and High-level Heaven away?"

Agamotto asked.

Sending the Earth away was the last resort, but what he wanted to do most was to send away the Burning Hell and the High Heaven.

Just like sealing unlimited means, that kind of blockade is truly a means that can have no serious sequelae.

It's a pity that Hogs has been preparing for a long time, but still doesn't have any confidence in executing this idea.

Not only do I not have much confidence, I am even still exploring the methods.

The difficulty is not how to send them away, but that the Burning Hell and High Heaven are too powerful.

And to do this, it must be hidden from the eyes of Malthael and Lilith!

It is already very difficult to teleport two places that are so powerful that they can be considered part of the world. To do it in front of several powerful people who are far superior to them is really not an easy task!

Emperor Weishan still clearly understands his own power.

If they ran into Malthael and Lilith now, the most they could do was to roar with wide eyes and die with dignity.

Fight and win? This is a super funny joke!

"Even if the entire Crimson Universe is taken as the price, I am afraid it will be difficult to achieve this.

Don't forget, three demon gods similar to Cytorak were born in the Burning Hell alone.

And now those guys have gotten stronger."

Hoggs also sighed as he spoke.

He really wanted to do all this well, but it was true that he was unable to do so.

"Then should we tell the mages about this plan?"

Ao Shutu interjected.

"I'm a little worried that there will be different opinions among the mages, and it won't be difficult for them to stop this sophisticated plan."

Agamotto let out a long sigh.

It's true that a plan that requires extreme precision only requires a little bit of incoordination to destroy.

It doesn’t even need to go as far as sabotaging it, this plan may completely fail!

"But they will never turn a blind eye to our actions. If they misunderstand what dangerous things we plan to do, this plan will be more likely to fail!"

Ao Shutu's tone was a little tougher.

What she said makes sense.

"But we just hid part of it, so as not to let them think that our position has changed."

Hoggs scratched his tiger head.

He looks like a tiger, but he is not a beast.

Hoggs's considerations are not unreasonable, but now there seems to be some differences among the trinity of Weishan Emperors.

After all, they are no longer the superior ones, and all the problems they face are not problems that they can easily solve.

In the past, they always seemed inscrutable when facing the Supreme Mage. That was because at that time, the pressure they had to bear only came from those dimensional demons.

But even the most powerful dimensional demon god is only on par with them at most, and trouble beyond this level is not something they need to manage.

But now that the Burning Hell has swept through 80% of the world, they can no longer turn things around.

Even in order to ensure that the seeds they left to the world would not be easily traced when they were sent away, they had not yet made up their minds about where they would ultimately send them.

The confidentiality is just to prevent the seeds from being exposed easily.

It was true that they were fleeing, but Emperor Weishan and the others had no intention of leaving.

Their purpose in doing this is not to make themselves the beneficiaries of the plan, and no one can blame them for doing so.

"If it were just Isaac and Gu Yi, naturally there wouldn't be such a problem.

But this guy Victor von Doom will probably take advantage of this opportunity to do something.

Don’t forget his ambition.”

Agamotto said slowly.

Among those mages, he was not worried about the remnants of the Gods like Loki and Frigga, but was more worried about the ambitious Dr. Doom.

He would not deny Dr. Doom's wisdom at all, and he was certain that even if he only told Dr. Doom a few words about this plan, Dr. Doom would be able to roughly guess it.

It is for this reason that Agamotto is very wary of Dr. Doom.

"He is a talent and he is on the side of humanity."

Ao Shutu said hesitantly.

"But his ambition will make him try to seize any opportunity he sees. He is not a guy who wants to be inferior to others."

Hogs' tone was also very serious.

This is a very serious topic after all!

"So you are worried that his actions will deviate from the original plan?"

O Shutu asked.

When Ao Shutu asked this question, she already had the answer in her mind.

She understood that Agamotto and Hogs were right.

It is always difficult to execute a plan perfectly. The more complex the plan, the more risks it will face.

As long as a being like Dr. Doom is faced with an opportunity, there is no way he can safely do nothing.

If Dr. Doom does not take any action, it is not that he has chosen to keep to himself, but that the opportunities and benefits he has seen have not yet reached his expectations.

And even though Dr. Doom is a cautious being, he is also a guy who dares to take risks.

From an insignificant place to where he is today, Dr. Doom does not lack the courage to fight to the death!

"Okay, let's hurry up and deal with the matter of Crimson Universe.

After things here are a little more stable, we can consider talking to Isaac and Ancient One about our plan.

The two of them should have similar ideas to us."

Agamotto said slowly.

As someone who had served as the Supreme Mage, Emperor Weishan knew what Sir Newton and Master Gu Yi were like.

As for the other guys, although they are all qualified to become Supreme Mage, Emperor Weishan did not dare to say how well he knew them before becoming Supreme Mage.

Emperor Weishan has temporarily reached a unified opinion.

Hoggs continues to prepare for that plan, and if possible, would also like to find a way to banish the Burning Hell and the High Heavens from this world.

As for the existence of parallel universes, Hoggs certainly knew about it, but Emperor Weishan rejected this idea from the beginning.

Asking for help from outside?

That doesn’t necessarily mean you can get help, and it may also cause trouble!

Doing so may even cause the Burning Hell and High-level Heaven to find the possibility of becoming stronger.

Doing this is not a way to eliminate all this, but may make the situation move in an irreversible direction!

Agamotto and Ao Shutu continued to sort out and examine the Crimson Universe.

If there hadn't been the previous incident of the Burning Hell Origin invading the Crimson Universe, they wouldn't need to be so cautious at all.

But now every bit of strength is extremely important, which is related to where everything will go in the future!

Lilith has cleared everything within the Pantheon. Apart from the first ancestors who were spectators of the battle, the only one here is her prey, the Furies.

Zeus didn't know when he left here, maybe when Thanos died?

But the people who are still here don't care whether he goes or stays, after all, Zeus's power can't change anything.

"I should die completely this time, but my death also means that the world is coming to an end."

The goddess of revenge spoke slowly.

"I know this, and I also know that although your death is bound to have a negative impact on the world, it is definitely not as serious as you said."

Lilith narrowed her eyes.

The goddess of revenge actually didn't need to say that much. At this time, under the extremely strong fear, her thoughts were more like speaking loudly to Lilith who was standing in front of her.

It is not an easy thing to hide Lilith at this time.

"I won't……"

"I don't expect you to sit back and die, and I don't intend to use words to convince you."

Lilith said lightly.

While speaking, Lilith also directly threw energy bombs transformed from fear.

The attack she threw this time was much more powerful than when she sent Thanos to death!

Lilith directly interrupted the goddess of revenge. She didn't want to say anything more to the goddess of revenge.

A weird smile appeared on the face of the goddess of revenge, and the next moment the entire Pantheon was directly detonated on the spot!

Nemesis is an incarnation of part of this world, and after becoming the temporary stronghold of Nemesis, the Pantheon was naturally under his complete control.

Naturally, the goddess of revenge did not detonate the Pantheon to die with Lilith. This was her attempt to escape!

If she really gives up the idea of ​​survival, then she will detonate many things besides the Pantheon!

Even herself!

It's not that the goddess of revenge cannot accept failure, but she absolutely cannot accept that after her failure, she has to become the nourishment of the guy who forced her to death!

This thought is so powerful that it even overwhelms some of the fear in the heart of the Furies!

Anger will always follow you under the greatest fear, and hysteria will also accompany you secretly!

Because of the sudden burst of anger and hysteria, Lilith did not hear clearly what the goddess of revenge was saying.

So this is an effective interference, but it alone cannot make the goddess of revenge completely disappear from Lilith's eyes!

Lilith did not activate her new powers, although she did need some time to adapt to her new abilities.

But now is not the time to make such an attempt!

At least we have to wait until she further suppresses Inaris' will before taking action!

This chapter has been completed!
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