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Chapter 1663 Urgent and quick judgment

Before Constantine's madness had any impact, this domain that was not his was broken open by a heavy weapon from the outside!

“I’ve been mumbling for a long time and couldn’t make a decision. This kind of thing can’t be ignored at all now!”

Gruchak's furious voice came from the crack.

He is now the most powerful barbarian on the Holy Mountain of Harrogas, and he has heard a lot of news just from the mouths of the three ancestors.

Previously, Gruchak was willing to wait for the final result and also believed that others could properly solve the problem.

The worst outcome seems to be that he just takes action to stop Constantine, who is not known to be an angel or a demon, and then waits until the Holy Mountain of Harrogath is detonated.

But now things have changed!

"Lilith has found the goddess of revenge. Although I don't know what kind of thing that goddess of revenge is, at least she is not weak!

Lilith has the confidence and ability to devour each other, and just the power of Lilith deserves our caution!

You are still hesitating here, are you planning to wait for Constantine to perform another miracle, and then he will use this miracle to solve all the problems in one go!?"

Gruchak growled as he retracted his weapon and put it on his waist. He stretched out his hands to tightly grasp the cracks in the field!

It's not that Gruchak has the power to violently destroy the realm from the outside, but just opening a realm without an owner is not that troublesome.

If this field is completely under Constantine's control, then Gruchak will indeed be unable to open the field.

But who made this realm ownerless?

Gruchak's voice was full of dissatisfaction with other people!

Their waiting didn't mean much in Gruchak's eyes!

Just don't interfere with Constantine's changes?

To achieve this level, there is no need for a field to protect Constantine!

Even in Gruchak's opinion, if Constantine wants to do something, the best choice is to go to the secret realm!

Even if you become an angel or a demon, it is difficult to escape from the secret realm with just the power of a demon!

You can't even do it even if you pay a heavy price!

Although Ursh and Orek are no longer in the secret realm, Hailab and Banal, as temporary managers of the secret realm, can also use the power of the secret realm to directly suppress the existence in it!

Maybe Constantine just didn't want to cause further trouble to the Nephalem, but this approach was still a bit ill-considered in Gruchak's eyes.

"This realm was not Constantine's from the beginning. Just opening the secret realm will not affect his changes!"

Gruchak said his judgment while tearing his arms to both sides.

The edge of the field made a sound like glass breaking under the weight of Gruchak's power.

"But have you forgotten that there are two young Nephalem inside?"

The moment Gruchak made his accusations, he opened up a gap in this field that was large enough for people to pass through!

"What the hell is this!?"

Gruchak's attention was drawn the first time he saw the situation inside the field!

And he didn't leave because of Constantine's monster image, but walked in directly.

The moment his feet stepped into the field, the authority of the earth spread out in this field!


Gruchak asked Constantine uncertainly.

When he spoke, the authority of the earth took over this ownerless territory!

The power of the earth was shaking, and Gruchak folded his hands on his chest.

His momentum looked like he was ready to face battle at any time, but he put on a posture that didn't look like a battle at all!

"What's going on?"

Kahn's doubts walked in along with his body!

When this domain is directly replaced by Gruchak with the power of the earth, this can be regarded as Gruchak's domain.

Furthermore, Gruchak, who has demon-level power, already has a domain, but this ownerless domain does not require him to use his own domain for collision.

Kahn walked in with confidence, he believed in Gruchak's power!

Then when he moved his eyes away from Gruchak's body, he saw Constantine's monster appearance!

Kahn did not hesitate, he directly drew out his beloved sword and made a leaping slash, landing in front of Natasha and Barton!

He did not attack Constantine rashly because he did not detect hostility from Constantine. But he could not convince himself not to be wary of a guy who exuded the auras of angels and demons all over his body!

As one of the three ancestors, Kahn knows very well that his duty is to protect the future of the barbarians!

And now Natasha and Barton are part of the future of the barbarians!

Kahn doesn't care at all whether he can defeat his opponent, but no one can harm the existence he protects until he is solved!

"Kahn, this guy's situation can't be called a failure, but it definitely can't be called a success."

Gruchak walked to Kahn's side with his hands folded in front of his chest.

His eyes were directed at Constantine, but there was a sense of scrutiny in his eyes.

He could feel the extent of Constantine's power now.

In this chaotic situation, it has reached the level of an ordinary demon god, but such power is not enough to make Gruchak give in!

"I didn't become an angel, I didn't become a demon, and I didn't become a Nephalem.

Your courage is commendable for trying to create another miracle in despair.

But now it seems that you are not ready for everything."

Gruchak said to Constantine with a bit of regret.

"The fact that I am where I am now is a gift of miracles.

I was supposed to fail, but in that moment I grabbed an opportunity.

I still don’t know why the opportunity existed at that moment, but at least I didn’t completely fail.

I shouldn’t be qualified to call you ancestors now, right?”

Constantine tried his best to speak slowly in his usual flirtatious tone.

He didn't know how long his condition would remain like this, but he knew that his condition must be unstable.

A Nephalem still has the possibility of becoming an angel or a demon, and his unstable state will only magnify these two possibilities!

"You should not have reached the final step yet, but it seems that you have been cut off from the way to continue."

Kahn's eyes studied Constantine.

At this time, he also released his courage to protect Natasha and Barton behind him!

Natasha and Barton have reached the realm of legends at this time, although they are the weakest group of legends.

This kind of power allows them to no longer have to worry about being consumed and killed by garbage demons when the environment is not Jedi.

But if such a force wants to participate in the current situation, the gap is quite huge.

"Kahn, what did you and Gruchak see inside?"

Talik's voice came from beyond the gap in the realm.

The Talik outside is not his true body, but an illusory body that carries part of his consciousness.

So Talik didn't jump in like Karn!

Even with Gruchak as the leader, the probability of an accident happening here is extremely small, but Talik still chose a safer method.

"Constantine has turned into a monster. Gruchak probably won't let him out until he is sure that he is harmless."

Kahn frowned and gave the answer.

He didn't quite understand Constantine's situation, but at least now even Gruchak had no intention of fighting.

That means that Constantine still did not become hostile in this chaotic state.

As for whether Constantine will launch a surprise attack, Kahn is even less worried.

Gruchak is not a guy who is likely to be defeated by a sneak attack, and Kahn is definitely not in vain!

“I asked this guy Nick Fury to go sit on the Holy Mountain for a while!

If you have any questions, please contact me!"

The news came from Talik.

Kahn did not give a judgment on whether to fight or not, which means that this is still an unknown situation!

It is indeed rare for a domain to be directly broken from the inside, and often there will be no aftermath when a domain is broken.

But this field is ownerless, and there is a gap opened by Gruchak!

Although Tarik is not worried about the impact of the aftermath on him, even though Nick Fury can be considered a member of the extraordinary ranks, his physical strength is still at the bottom of the group.

Even if it was just to avoid accidental injury, he was willing to let Nick Fury leave this potentially risky place.

As for the question of whether Nick Fury is qualified to climb the Holy Mountain of Harrogath, no one will deny Nick Fury's qualification now.

Not only those who set foot on the front line of war can be considered brave.

Nick Fury is already a brave man when he puts responsibilities on his shoulders that he might not otherwise bear.

Although it cannot be said that Nick Fury has regained the enterprising spirit he gradually lost in the intrigues, there is no doubt about Nick Fury's courage.

A guy who chose internal cleansing for the future of mankind, a guy who didn't hide what he did.

At this time Nick Fury has been recognized!

"Tell me, what do you need now?"

Gruchak asked Konstantin in front of him.

"I need a piece of power that belongs to the origin of the Burning Hell.

If it is to achieve as much reciprocity as possible, then a copy of the concentrated blood of an angel should be needed."

Constantine frowned and said with trouble.

The concentrated blood of the devil cannot be equivalent to the origin of high-level heaven, which is an important factor that prevents him from completely integrating the two powers.

If it was just for a try, asking for a copy of the original power of the Burning Hell would be enough.

But if he wanted to be perfect, Constantine had to consider the influence of the concentrated blood belonging to the devil in his body.

This is indeed not good news!

Gruchak frowned upon hearing this.

"The power of the Shadow Fang can help you, but the concentrated blood of the angel?"

What Gruchak is worried about is not how to find a copy of the original power of the Burning Hell!

The Shadowfang, the weapon that represents the origin of the Burning Hell, is still in the hands of the Nephalem.

It can only be said that it is a little troublesome to knock out some power from it, but it is not impossible.

But angel blood is a little more troublesome.

Although the couple Auriel and Imprius still live on the holy mountain of Harrogath, they have both lost their status as archangels.

The blood of archangels and the concentrated blood of demons may not be considered equivalent.

It's not that Gruchak can't massacre angels for his partners, but is Constantine a partner?

Not that people who stand on the same position are partners!

Barbarians know this very well!

Just like when barbarians and mages fought against the Burning Hell together, it didn't stop them from being hostile to each other.

"We will not kill angels for you now."

Kahn took over the conversation and said.

His meaning has been made very clear. At this time, Constantine cannot fully trust him.

Moreover, Gruchak also said about Konstantin's situation that it stopped in such an embarrassing state because the road to continued integration was cut off.

In other words, Constantine’s road to miracles has not come to an end yet!

This means that what Constantine will eventually become is still unknown!

"Can you let me leave?

I can collect the angel's blood myself."

Constantine asked tentatively.

His current power can almost sweep through high-level heavens without the protection of archangels.

Neither Gruchak nor Kahn doubt this!

But the problem is that it is almost impossible for them to let Constantine leave directly!

"You originally said you wanted to get the final result here."

Gruchak said that he was rejecting Constantine by saying this!

Who knows what such Constantine will do after leaving the holy mountain of Harrogas!

And neither Gruchak nor Kahn can always follow Constantine to prevent Constantine from going crazy!

If Constantine could make this dangerous attempt at the foot of the sacred mountain of Harrogas, he was already relying on a favor.

And he also promised to show the results of his miracles at the foot of the Holy Mountain of Harojia Mountain!

This state of being neither up nor down is embarrassing, even if the barbarian is not the kind of guy who is inflexible in important matters.

But Constantine’s situation is very dangerous no matter how you look at it!

If Constantine directly corrupts and becomes a devil, then the devil is just his starting point at this time!

"Of course I don't want to die."

Constantine said.

He also directly ruled out an option given by Gruchak.

Among the results that Constantine promised, complete death seemed to be the only thing he could offer now.

But after he had paid so much and experienced so much, he certainly didn't want to die after regaining consciousness.

"The power of Shadow Fang can be given to you, no more help!"

After a slight hesitation, Gruchak chose to provide a little help.

But he doesn't plan to have any involvement in the angel's concentrated blood!

"I'll pass on your situation."

Kahn said.

Constantine nodded: "Thank you."

Constantine thanked him.

Because the message delivered by Kahn will naturally be sent to the higher heaven.

Maybe those angels would be willing to give a little blood from everyone to help Constantine a little?

At least this way Constantine still has hope.

This chapter has been completed!
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