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172 The Beginning of the Chaos

 "Continue to attack!"

The vampire soldiers were finally freed from the glow after the shroud was burned, and then began their own assault!

A series of very simple-looking wooden-handled grenades fell like hail on the soles of the Witch Heart Demon, and then divided the passage into two sections.

The underground space originally required strict control of flames and explosions. For ordinary people, such an impact would be fatal.

But for the vampire soldiers, this impact cannot stop them!

Pushing forward bit by bit steadily, separating the enemy and then cannibalizing it is their fighting method, and the Witch Heart Demon closest to them is the first target!

The figure of the Witch Heart Demon was thrown away directly by the explosion, and then fell at the feet of the vampire soldiers.

Those vampires who were accustomed to using their teeth to deal with living creatures began to bite the body of the inner demon.

It seems to be comparable to the eating style of Gluttony Mukbang. Anyway, I don’t care about the so-called eating appearance.

On the other side, Hellboy's stone arm was tightly entangled with Ghost Rider's iron chain, and he was wrestling.

Caught in the middle, Steve and his team are now in a bit of a dilemma.

Thanks to Steve, most of the shock wave from the previous explosion was blocked by the car door with friendly support from Coulson. No one was seriously injured, but the group was still turned upside down.

A car door that cannot absorb kinetic energy cannot protect everyone properly, but the current situation is not bad.

What's bad is that the front and back are fighting, and they're caught in the middle.

"Expert, what happened to that skeleton?"

Although Constantine said he was Mephisto's knight, Coulson and the others couldn't understand it.

"Do you still remember the 'illusion' that was thrown away by that knife? That was Mephisto."

While Constantine casually perfunctoryly allowed Colson to get questioned, he casually took out a marker and drew a very crude magic circle on the ground.

There isn't much he can do now, but finding a helper isn't too difficult.

"Come out, Gabriel! We need your help!"

The purpose of a magic circle is to accurately mobilize power to achieve a goal. Ordinary mages would not dare to use a simple magic circle casually.

Because they can't use such a simple thing to achieve their goals, it will only cause unknown consequences.

But Constantine is different. He has too many "acquaintances". As long as the magic circle can take effect, he will have a way to contact his acquaintances.

If it were an angel, he wouldn't even need to draw runes to suppress power.

"I thought you went home early, John."

Gabriel's voice came from the magic circle, and then John Wigger raised his head. He was also named John.

"Gabriel, stop chatting, this place is in trouble right now."

Constantine stood up slowly and leisurely, his expression somewhat relaxed.

He was not afraid that Gabriel could not solve the current problem. What he was afraid of was that Gabriel simply ignored his call.

After all, he had provoked Gabriel quite a lot before.

As a burst of holy light lit up, Gabriel's figure appeared in the magic circle. This time, Gabriel paid for the power of transmission.

This simple magic circle has no teleportation effect.

And Constantine had no intention of using his own power to teleport Gabriel.

His approach is like inviting a friend to his home as a guest and asking him to bring today's dinner. What's even more outrageous is that he has no intention of going to his friend's home.

Fortunately, Gabriel doesn't care much about these things.

"Angel? Demon?"

Steve looked at Gabriel who suddenly appeared in front of him, and his mind was a little confused.

"Are you the woman who appeared next to Bulqueso that day!?"

Melinda, who was lucky enough to see the Ancient One appear in SHIELD's surveillance, looked at Gabriel in front of her in surprise.

Although she only saw this from the surveillance afterwards, it did not prevent her from having a deep memory of Gu Yi's face.

After Gabriel heard Melinda's words, he thought of a person who made him afraid.

"No, I think you got the wrong person."

Gabriel quickly explained that it had sensed the Supreme Mage's dissatisfaction with its appearance from Ancient One.


Melinda wanted to say, "I know you even if you put on a wig," but she always felt that it would cause unnecessary trouble if she said it.

Gabriel glanced around, then took a breath of cold air, contributing his share of heavenly power to the warming of the earth.

Then it looked at Constantine.

"Are you having a meeting? The Spirit of Vengeance, the Sons of Mephisto, the Sons of Hell, and a group of unnatural vampires?"

"That's enough, you lowly bastards!"

The voice of the Witch Heart Demon rang out from the pile of vampires, and then the figures of the vampire soldiers piled on top of it were suddenly blown into pieces.

"You bastard without a soul! How dare you touch the body of the Lord of Hell!"

The Witch Heart Demon shouted angrily, completely ignoring the fact that he was not the Lord of Hell yet, or in other words, he already regarded himself as the Lord of Hell.

"I have to remind you, you don't have a soul either."

Constantine shouted loudly to the evil spirit.

The evil spirit had no time to respond to Constantine.

On the other side, Hellboy grabbed the Ghost Rider's chain and pulled it to his side.

As the son of hell, Hellboy will not be harmed by the flames of hell!

The huge stone arm hit the Ghost Rider's head hard, making a dull sound like a hard object colliding!

"look into my eyes!"

Under the devastation of the huge force, Ghost Rider's lumbar spine made a crisp sound.

Although human weapons are difficult to harm the knight who is the spirit of vengeance, Hellboy's body constructed from the power of hell is enough to touch and hurt him!

"Look at the barrel of my gun!"

Hellboy has never been in the habit of listening to his enemies' orders. Although he felt the deceptive power of Ghost Rider's language, he had the ability to ignore this deception.

The revolver in his hand was in front of Ghost Rider's eyes and he pulled the trigger!

A puff of green smoke rose up, and the Ghost Rider's body immediately let go of the iron chain and flew out.

"It turns out there are angels in this world."

Hellboy raised his head and glanced at Gabriel, and the smell of sulfur on his body suddenly spread.

When facing an angel, this hellish instinct of confrontation was aroused.

And Gabriel is trying hard to restrain this instinct because he doesn't want to spread his incomplete wings.

"Expert, what should we do now?"

Steve slammed the car door to the ground and asked Constantine.

Constantine spread his hands, there was nothing he could do.

The best choice now is to leave here immediately. After all, a place where the Witch Heart Demon and the Ghost Rider gather is not safe no matter how you think about it.

He has not yet figured out that the targets of the Witch Heart Demon and the Ghost Rider are the aura of Saint Fangansa's contract that he deliberately left on his body.

But he wouldn't care if he knew it. After all, it's common for him to cheat his teammates, and even cheating himself is not an unfamiliar experience.

At this time, Ma Xiu was swinging his legs and rushing here. He had to be careful not to hurt himself with the weapon on his waist while running at high speed.

This chapter has been completed!
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