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250 Andariel's Choice

 The moment Bulcasso's feet landed in front of Nivi's head, the time and space death gods seemed to have lost control and pounced directly towards Bulcasso.

All you can see are those bodies that would appear to be illusory and those pairs of wings that make no sound when waving.


Bulkatho let out a war cry again, and a tribal blade that he forged and forged appeared in his hand.

The two skills of landslide and earthquake were released at the same time with the sound of fighting.

The screams of the Time and Space Death were aimed at Bulcaisuo, and their voices could only be heard by the attacked.

Only the person being attacked will be affected by that.

These guys only become targets when they launch an attack.

When making a contract, they are like monsters that are outside the scope of reality.

Rubbles fell around Bulcasso, and magma emerged on the ground.

Even though the natural magma cannot harm these monsters, the high temperature is shaped by Bulkeso's anger.

The highly concentrated temperature burned the body of the Time and Space Death into a charred black state.

The Eye of Agamotto hanging on Ancient One's chest began to glow!

This treasure comes from the first generation Supreme Mage Agamotto.

Agamotto was also the first being to master the Time Stone, and the Time Stone began to naturally release its power.

Even though he has now become the first Weishan Emperor, this treasure is still sharp enough when facing the power of time.

"Merlin? An existence outside of time?"

Agamotto came to the world forcefully with the power of the Time Stone and the Eye of Agamotto.

At the moment when Bulkesso fully showed his anger, Emperor Weishan also felt something. But only Agamotto could arrive in time at this moment.

Now he is not the insect that he was when he was Emperor Weishan, but a handsome middle-aged mage.

The moment he arrived, time paused in a small area.

The Time and Space Death Gods lay on this shell shrouded by the power of time and stared at Nivi at Bulkeso's feet.

"Your Excellency Bulcasso! Please listen to me!"

Bulcasso ignored Agamotto, the first-generation Supreme Mage, and crushed Nivi's head with his foot.

Anger began to burn in Nivi's body, and that kind of anger was enough to destroy Nivi's soul, and it was also enough to make Andariel's soul unprotected and exposed in front of Bulcaisuo.

With a sound of "Bang!", Nivi's head was completely trampled to pieces, and the soul of the sleeping Andariel was finally revealed to everyone's sight.

That evil and charming person, full of weird charm, gained a body and reappeared in the world with the help of Nivi's flesh and blood!

Agamotto and Ancient One were immediately attracted by the body of the Hell Demon King.

The Time and Space Death Gods began to riot, and began to scratch the time barrier set by Agamotto with their sharp claws.

"Andalil, you won't show up again!"

Bulcasso held the huge tribal blade sideways at his side, and then waved it towards Andariel, who was sleeping with a quiet face.

Nivi has become Andariel's nourishment at this time. Although her soul is bound to her body, she has not completely died.

But just like Nivi served as Andariel's container before, Andariel now accommodates everything about Nivi.

The two-handed heavy weapon in Bulcaisuo's hand passed by with a huge wind sound.

To seal the seven demon kings, you need to completely disperse their power, and then use the dark soul stone as a cage.

The choice to break up the power is the first thing to do, unless the Seven Demon Kings are willing to lock themselves in that cold stone!

A weapon like the Tribal Blade, which is not very sharp, does not need to focus on breaking through defenses. As long as it has enough power, it can crush the enemy into pieces!

Andalil seemed to have just woken up from sleep. She opened her eyes vaguely, ignoring the tribal blade approaching her neck, and then looked at Bulcaisuo.

There seemed to be pity and ridicule in his eyes.


Andariel transformed into countless rays of black light and rushed towards Bulcasso's head.

Her weak singing voice seemed to be saying goodbye to her short life. As the incarnation of rules, Andariel will not die.

The enchanting singing sounded again, making Agamotto and Gu Yi feel endless irritability. This kind of emotional uneasiness and torture was a long-lost experience for them.

Calmness is the most common state for mages, which allows them to better control mana and reduce damage to the body.

Bulcaisel roared, dispelling Andariel's singing, and then the weapon in his hand sped up a little more.

Except for Malthael, who has become half the creation god, no one can erase the existence of the Seven Demon Kings of Hell.

Bulkesso was the least likely to do this.

A hero who cannot become a god must be unable to destroy the will of the rules!

The Dark Soul Stone is no stranger to the Seven Demon Kings of Hell. They have been imprisoned in it countless times during countless battles.

Andariel made a choice, she would try to corrupt Bulcaisel.

Just like when Diavolo corrupted Leoric and Aidan.

Now she has nothing to lose, no strength, and even existence itself requires her to do her best.

"You know the consequences of doing this. I will gradually become stronger until I find the opportunity to leave this damn stone."

Andalil left such a sentence slightly weakly, and her entire body disappeared.

"Are these the Seven Demon Kings of Hell?"

Agamot finally regained his composure, and with a wave of his hand, the Eye of Agamotto and the Time Stone came to his hand.

When it comes to understanding time, he is the best among those present.

Agamotto twitched the corner of his mouth and stopped talking.

Nivi's body has become a pile of rotten meat cooked by anger, losing its original vitality.

This means that Neve is waiting to die.

And Agamotto can understand some knowledge about time with the help of two treasures.

The reason why Nivi attracted those time and space gods of death could be understood by him with just a little thought.

"Agamotto, now I have time to listen to what you have to say."

Bulcaisel looked a little tired when he spoke, and even his tone had lost its original sense of strength.

Bulcaisel's body exited the rage of the berserker, and the battle flag and light wings behind him also disappeared.

The original suit disappeared piece by piece, but he took out the gloves belonging to the wasteland suit from his backpack and put them on his hands.

After the gloves were put on, Bulcasso's expression relaxed a little.

"If Nivi dies completely, those monsters will start to attack the world. These scattered ones are only a small part of them. They cannot be killed. They can only be dispersed by ensuring that the timeline flows according to the established trajectory."

Agamotto said with his eyes lowered.

He didn't know how determined Bulcaisel was to kill Neve, and he had already prepared for the worst.

But he still wanted to try to save Nivi's life.

"Am I here to deal with Andalil, Neve? I need someone to take care of her. As Andalil's host during this period, I can't rest assured."

Bulcasso rubbed his eyebrows and said something fucked up.

Rules are the most fatal threat to him. He cannot understand them and has no way to learn them.

It can only be borrowed roughly like a program.

Time, perhaps also called destiny?

Bulcaisel began to miss the always taciturn Israel.

The Archangel of Destiny might be able to tell him what to do if he encounters this situation.

He fought against the Seven Demon Kings in order to save more people, so he could not accept the ending of killing a sinner and causing the world to disappear.

"You go and save her, I will control my anger."

Bulcaisu accepted Agamotto casually, and his cautious mood made him a little irritable.

This chapter has been completed!
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