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319 Liz Salman (Swastika Chapter)

 At this time, SHIELD is experiencing something not so good.

A super-powered woman whose name cannot be forgotten is now knocking on your door.

Liz Sherman!

BPRD is the only survivor except Hellboy who is preparing for surgery.

It's not that she is so powerful that she can survive Johnny Blaze who became the Soul Eater, but it's because this woman covered in flames doesn't work in the BPRD most of the time.

Lizzy Salman, who comes from an ordinary background, is a person with superpowers. As long as her emotions fluctuate, she can summon countless flames to sweep through the surrounding environment.

Lizzy is a pretty good woman, confident, independent, strong and gentle.

After quitting BPRD, she would go back to look at it from time to time. When she returned to BPRD, she only saw SHIELD people everywhere.

Obviously, this woman who uses emotions as her strength is not going to listen to any explanation at this time, and SHIELD agents are not very amiable when facing "ordinary people".

After forcing out the news about Hellboy, this woman came directly to the headquarters of SHIELD.

Full of flames...

Compared to Liz Salman's superpowers, SHIELD's technology seems to be of little use.

That kind of huge flame is enough to burn ordinary hell demons directly into ashes, and bullets have no effect when facing Li Zi with full "fire" power.

"Ms. Liz Salman, what you need most now is to calm down."

Colson stood in the distance with a normal expression and shouted at Lizzy.

He made a few gestures to let the other agents take refuge quickly.

Lizzy's strength cannot be overcome by numbers. In almost a few breaths, all those agents with a strong desire for survival disappeared.

Coulson still knew something about this woman. At least the confidentiality level of BPRD information was far from the level that Coulson could not access.

Lizzy Salman, a powerful person with super powers, was naturally listed.

"Where is Hellboy?"

The flames flying around Lizzy Salman are as magical and beautiful as roses in flames.

But the agents present had no time to pay attention to this.

"Please calm down, this is SHIELD. If you can't put away the flames, there's no way we can let you see Hellboy!"

Colson hid his eyes and spoke a little slowly.

Even though Coulson, who transformed into Lord Skyhammer, had his own will, his determination to cause trouble had already surpassed himself.

"I have lost my patience! SHIELD? You can tell from your cooperation with BPRD that you are not a good person!"

The flames on Li Zi's body became more fierce, and bursts of green smoke began to emit from the ground.

The fire protection equipment in S.H.I.E.L.D. had begun to spray water continuously under this high temperature, but there was no way to restrain Lizzy's "fire" energy at all.

No one knows the upper limit of Lizzy Salman's flames.

This woman's life was quite miserable.

Born in a religious environment, she always believed that the flames were a manifestation of her own sins, and she constantly performed so-called "atonement" through prayer.

But it didn't stop her from losing control in the end!

She lost control for the first time when she was eleven years old and destroyed a neighborhood. The list of victims included her parents, brother and her pet dog.

Because of the death of a family member, she was brought to BPRD when she was only eleven years old and was criticized by other relatives.

BPRD is her home, and Hellboy is her emotional support for her brother.

From best friend to brother to lover, even if the two of them are not together, it does not mean that she will cut off her relationship!

"Okay, Colson, let me talk to her now!"

The mysterious Nick Fury finally appears.

Of course, people with powerful superpowers like Li Zi are also talents he wants to recruit.

Lizzy has extraordinary combat experience, can control her power very well most of the time, and is well aware of some undisclosed information. Lizzy is a very good employee.

As for Li Zi's hostility, he was confident that he could resolve the misunderstanding.

After all, there has been a long-term cooperation between SHIELD and BPRD, and Lizzy is not the kind of person who can't listen at all.

Nick Fury is very confident about this.

"Of course, Director. Now Hellboy has entered the laboratory."

Colson nodded his head, no one could see his eyes clearly.

Moreover, when his words reached Nick Fury’s ears and when they reached Lizzy’s ears, they had completely different meanings.

As Lord Skyhammer, Coulson will of course cause trouble, and he is good at communication and makes good use of this.

Nick Fury seems to have ignored this.

As someone with knowledge of the Tahiti project, I wouldn't think there was anything wrong with the laboratory, but Lizzy didn't think so.

The word laboratory is a thing full of negative memories for Lizzy.

As a superpower laboratory, it represents most of childhood nightmares!

If it weren't for the company of Professor Bloom and Hellboy, it would be impossible for Lizzy to live like a normal person.

Even now, the shadow of childhood still haunts her!

"Are you saying that BOY's body was put into the laboratory to await anatomy and research? SHIELD, your inferiority is beyond my imagination!"

The flames on Li Zi's body surged again.

There is some confusion between this beauty and Hellboy. Hearing Coulson's words will inevitably lead to anger.

And this anger is getting higher and higher until it cannot be extinguished!

"Wait, you misunderstood!"

Nick Fury finally reacted.

He explained hurriedly.

But it is not easy to calm down a super-powered woman who has completely lost her cool in anger.

In other words, this is not a problem that can be solved by buying a bag and then admitting your mistake.

"we are……"

Nick Fury's explanation was a little slow, which was due to the influence of the Fallen from Skyhammer.

Of course, Coulson only gave a little guidance. As an old subordinate of Nick Fury, he knew very well what level of influence could best hide himself.

Although this will definitely arouse Nick Fury's suspicion afterwards, it doesn't matter.

Nick Fury is in doubt almost every moment.

"Go to hell with your explanation!"

Li Zi's anger finally vented, and everything she could see was engulfed in high-temperature flames.

This kind of flame is not normal at all, at least no one can see what it is fueled by.

In BPRD's research, this is as bizarre as a creation of the void.

Later, I decided to trace the source of this power.

After all, the emergence of superpowers is already very bizarre. Who knows the reasons for the birth of superpowers.

"My hair department!"

Nick Fury finally said another exclamation. It was not suitable to say such an inexplicable and wonderful thing "Fuck Fuck".

There was no time to sigh, but everything on this level of SHIELD was wrapped in flames.

Those agents who took refuge early were lucky enough to escape the indiscriminate killing, but Coulson and Nick Fury who were present were directly involved in the accident.

Lord Skyhammer Coulson the Fallen found a very suitable opportunity to fake his death.

As for Nick Fury, he is mostly just a stand-in, so you don’t need to worry about him at all.

There are so many ways that Coulson can fake his death.

Pretending that you have been kidnapped by some mysterious force, and then providing some horrifying information to SHIELD can bring a lot of fear.

He was even able to perfuse agents including Nick Fury by trying to investigate on his own.

Moreover, the Heavenly Hammer Venerables are not without influence.

Whether it is Murdoc from Pioneer Technology or Tyr from Asgard, they can provide him with considerable support.

Coulson will prove his worth in front of Nick Fury, allowing Nick Fury to suppress the doubts in his heart and continue to give enough trust.

He only needs to betray a little bit of the inside story of Pioneer Technology, and even give information about Soul Eater Johnny Blaze if necessary.

Such important information is enough to prove one's "innocence" and even put the entire SHIELD in fear.

Soul Eater is perfect for this.

"Die! You scumbags! I will take due responsibility afterwards, but you can't see that time!"

Li Zi roared loudly, and the flames completely engulfed this floor!

"I said, how do you do that?"

Tony put on his bracelet and looked very strange.

As for the Ark reactor, which was knocked three times smaller by Rasuk with a hammer in front of him, it was a bit beyond comprehension.


Rasuk took a piece of metal and kept banging it. This was the "impurity" knocked out from Tony's suit, and it contained a lot of vibranium.

Rasuk, who is very curious about metals, is trying to research it.

Following Rasuk's casual question, the piece of vibranium directly transformed into a cannon barrel.

He had already imagined this thing during the siege of Baal. Of course, at that time, Rasuk did not realize that this was the prototype of a cannon.

"How did you reduce my energy source so much with a hammer? This is unscientific!"

Tony said while holding up a reactor that was now the size of a finger, with a very strange expression on his face.

He could see from Rasuk's forging that this barbarian blacksmith had little understanding of modern technology, but it was really weird to break high-tech products into small pieces just by swinging a hammer.

"I know that thing is an energy source, but it can be compressed if it's energy? What's the problem with that?"

Rasuk raised his head in surprise and said.

"Is there something I don't know about?"

"I'm just curious, by the way, can I take this thing apart? After all, I still have to find a way to replace the energy."

Tony looked at the small reactor in his hand with a look of enthusiasm on his face.

Although the Cybermen's technology already has the technology to draw energy from nature, Tony has not yet fully understood this.

Replacing the reactor is still unavoidable.

"What? The energy of this thing cannot be regenerated?"

Rasuk looked at Tony with an expression that said "Why is this so rubbish?" Tony had a curse word stuck in his throat and couldn't say it.

"If I knew this was a consumable, I wouldn't have forged it for you. This thing is quite troublesome.

Now try your new armor, if the size is not suitable, I can help you change it, although that is unlikely."

Rasuk continued to complain, and then urged Tony to get the brand new armor out and try it out.

The armor that can spread all over the body like a tide is also new to Rasuk, and he has learned a lot of new things from here.

As for size, Ra'suk never had problems with size. After all, most of the Nephalem's equipment could fit the user's size.

In addition, Rasuk's technique is really good, and he has never encountered size problems.

The mustache on Tony's face trembled a little, and then he placed the small reactor on his chest and activated his armor.

A suit that looked almost the same as before enveloped Tony's body, and then Tony fell to the ground, being carried by the huge weight.

The weight of the steel suit, which had a lot of new materials added to it, changed quite a lot, and Rasuk forgot that Tony was just a "mortal".

"It seems like your energy source is a little weak. Try this."

Rasuk dug into his pocket, took out a royal ruby ​​and threw it on Tony.

The moment the gem came into contact with the armor, it turned into a beam of light and rushed towards Tony's chest, then embedded itself in that place.

Ruby embedded in the armor can increase the strength of the armor, which will probably allow Tony to fight.

As for Tony's own energy source, it is more suitable to use it to fire light cannons and the like.

"It's unimaginable. Would you mind giving me a gem so I can go back and study it?"

Tony stood up with a grunt and put on some funny fighting postures.

The feeling of power coming from his body made him feel a little unreal.

"Jarvis, analyze it."

Tony said casually.

"Sir, your body is wrapped in a kind of energy. The power you can use now has exceeded the physical fitness of Captain America in the data. However, there is still some gap between the physical fitness of Rumlow that has been recorded."

Jarvis was back in action as soon as Tony put on the suit.

Rasuk did not casually transform anything in a field that he was not good at at all. This is the self-knowledge of a craftsman.

"Gems? You can go to Bulcasso to get some. I think he probably has countless gem collections. You can even go to Luke and the others. They can almost see gems in the secret realm, right?"

Rasuk said in a skeptical tone.

Rasuk didn't care at all about Rumlow's progress.

He is just a blacksmith and has no plans to develop in the field of warrior.

"Okay, I'll try it."

Tony felt the abundant power in his body, and then activated the most important function of this armor! Evolution!

For Tony, the power of Cybermen is still the highest technological achievement at this stage.

Then that small reactor was drained of all its energy in an instant.

"What the hell is going on?"

Tony exclaimed in surprise for a moment.

According to his understanding, without energy, this armor is no different than an iron can.

Watching the energy on the screen in front of him drop to zero in the blink of an eye still made him break out in a cold sweat.

But the display screen still appeared in front of him.

Although there were some surprises, there were enough surprises today.

"What happened? The energy ran out? What did you do?"

Rasuk was startled by Tony's exclamation and asked eagerly.

Rasuk cannot tolerate any mistakes in his work.

After seeing at a glance that the energy source was empty, Rasuk's face looked a little ugly.

"I activate a function that allows the suit to evolve, which is based on energy."

Tony moved his body in surprise. Even if there was no energy, this armor could still be used by him.

This is the power of the ruby.

The power in the gem is not like Tony's reactor, which cannot be restored. That kind of power will always exist, and it can be regarded as one of the few gifts from the devil of hell to mankind.

"Evolution? Although my work cannot be said to be the best, it is not something that 'evolution' can affect. It seems that you have a chance to turn this armor into a legend?

Forget it, your chances are too small. To be honest, I'm not optimistic about it. Legend is not something that can be called a legend once it reaches a certain level of strength."

Rasuk didn't plan to continue to waste time with Tony. He had completed Madoc's request, and the next thing had little to do with him.

"I'm going to make a deal with you."

Tony looked at Rasuk's simple cannon barrel and said thoughtfully.

Rasuk's curiosity about modern technology is overflowing, and it is not difficult to discover this.

"What deal? Don't tell me you plan to buy me with money. I am an undead and money means nothing to me."

Rasuk knew from other people's chats that Tony was a rich man, but most people with money but little power did not live very well in his world.

"Technology, it seems to me that you want to make cannons? That thing was made by humans hundreds of years ago. I plan to exchange knowledge for knowledge. I am also very interested in your forging skills."

Tony smiled and tried to retract the armor into its bracelet form. Without the support of energy, the armor still retracted.

Such changes made Tony even more interested in Rasuk's forging knowledge.

"I have always respected knowledge, but I don't think you are more knowledgeable than a mage."

Rasuk glanced at Tony's serious eyes and said subconsciously.

The mage was the most knowledgeable being in Rasuk's memory, but the mage never stayed too long at the blacksmith's place.

Except maybe Li Min.

"I mean modern technology. For example, do you know why people always fall to the ground no matter how high they jump?"

At this moment, Tony suddenly felt some guilt about fooling primitive people.

This kind of knowledge comes from great scientists, and he doesn't think that a blacksmith's soul would know this.

"Are you an idiot? Because of gravity! Is there any different explanation for gravity in your world?"

Rasuk stared at Tony as if he was mentally retarded.

This kind of problem has long been concluded by those mages who are just thinking when they have nothing to do. Rasuk does not need to know how gravity is generated, he only needs to know how to use it.

Blacksmiths don't need to be able to write papers to get published, they just need to be recognized for their work.

"Well, do you know why people can't fly?"

Tony was a little embarrassed by the answer given by Rasuk. He quickly asked another question to try to save himself.

"You...can't fly?"

Rasuk's eyes instantly turned pitiful.

Although no professional in the Sanctuary would choose to fly, that is because if you fly, you will be seen by the demons on the ground, and then suffer a sudden blow.

Nephalem can fly.

"Okay, it seems that the two worlds are indeed different, but can you launch an attack from thousands of kilometers away? Can you kill all life on tens of thousands of square kilometers?"

Tony found a new direction and asked, but he did not give up the exchange of knowledge.

"I can't, but I know someone can do it. If it's thousands of kilometers, it should be no problem if it's Vera. Then all the demons along the way will be attacked. If only the demons were as weak as you, then there probably won't be any problems along the way.

Is there any demon that can survive?"

Rasuk's tone was reminiscent.

The barrage set off by Demon Hunter Vera's multiple shots was still the most beautiful image in his memory.

The barrage was launched, and the demon turned into debris and plasma in an instant and scattered all over the floor. That kind of beauty is something that even Rasuk misses very much now.

"As for the destruction of tens of thousands of square meters... I don't think you have seen Burqasso's unscrupulous fighting, right?"

Rasuk answered the question, his tone full of pride.

For Bulkesso, if there is nothing to worry about, directly smashing a planet doesn't seem to be a troublesome problem.

It's just that for existences like Bulcaisuo and Vera, the effect of solidified power is much higher than that of spreading it over a large area.

After all, demons are not all fragile and can break into pieces at a touch.

Tony was at a loss for words for a moment.

Nuclear weapons are the most powerful weapons currently available to mankind, but their power seems a bit insufficient compared to what Rasuk knows.

"What if we could enable any ordinary person to do these two things?"

Tony said with some reluctance, but these words made Rasuk's eyes light up!

"Are you saying that a being like me who can't kill demons myself can still have that kind of fighting power? I mean, even if I can't be a top powerhouse, I can still cause damage to demons!?"

Rasuk was very concerned about this.

He almost made a cannon when he was alive.

The purpose is to make the threat of demons weaker.

"Of course, that is the greatness of science!"

Tony's eyes light up when he talks about science.

"Then how are you going to learn from me? And then how are you going to exchange knowledge with you?"

Rasuk asked anxiously.

"Let me tell you first, those powers you want may require a long period of study before you can master certain parts. After all, not everyone is a genius like me."

Tony felt a little uncomfortable looking at Rasuk's sudden change of attitude.

"It's okay, I'm already dead. Dead people will never die again. I have unlimited time!"

Rasuk patted Tony's shoulder carelessly and said:

"By the way, don't you need to tell your acquaintances that you are safe now?"

Rasuk casually reminded Tony that he had been on the Holy Mountain during this period and had not had time to report his whereabouts to his friends.

Now Pepo and Rhodes are frantically investigating Tony's news...

"Oh, that's right! Jarvis, contact Pepper for me."

Rasuk and Tony stared at each other for a while, then Tony opened his mouth languidly:

"Do you have a phone here? I have no energy."

No energy equals no signal, no network, and no Jarvis.

"You'd better go find Bulcasso. When you're ready, we'll talk about exchanging knowledge."

Rasuk turned around and continued to study the forge.

He had some doubts about whether a person who didn't look very smart could come up with the knowledge mentioned.

Knowledge is precious at all times, and no one can take it away.

On the other side, Bulcaisel finally found Rorschach and planned to talk about becoming stronger.

After experiencing Tyrell's appearance, Rorschach behaved a little strangely.

Perhaps after he learned that justice itself is an entity, he had other ideas about justice.

"Rorschach! What are you going to do now?"

Bulcaisel stood in front of Rorschach. His body that was almost a head taller made him look very oppressive.

Coupled with the dense scars on his arms, he looked like he was not easy to deal with.

"Since justice is a living person, is there any need for the justice that I insist on? I originally thought that justice would not redress itself, but now justice has appeared, and it is so powerful!

So what on earth is he doing!"

Rorschach roared loudly, as if venting his dissatisfaction.

His persistence and belief are all based on the need for justice to be upheld.

He doesn't believe in nonsense like delayed justice. Late is called punishment, not justice!

Justice should appear and stop everything the moment it happens, and should wipe out all the evil it sees.

"Justice will always exist, but your justice and his justice may not be the same thing."

Bulcaisel took out a bottle of liquor from his backpack and handed it to Rorschach. This time Rorschach did not refuse.

Rorschach almost never drank alcohol because alcohol numbed his nerves.

He has never been the most powerful person, and he will not touch anything that might weaken him.

But now his belief is slightly shaken.

"Rorschach, you have known about the existence of the Archangel of Justice for a long time. Are you wavering because he has long had powerful power but still hides himself?"

Bulcasso held Lu Lu down and sat on the ground. Bulcasso's beard stuck to his chin with the wind, and his image looked less majestic.

"Justice should not be delayed. No matter what the reason is, delayed justice is not justice at all!

Since he exists, since he lives in me, he can follow my eyes and see those unjust things, but he did not show up until he felt threatened!"

Rorschach's anger ignited his anger, and a bright red light enveloped him.

"Rorschach, do you think that after becoming a person, Justice is still the same Justice? Justice began to think, and Justice began to have its own position! Justice became the prefix of the name of an archangel named Tyrell!

That's Tyrael, not the justice you want."

Bulcaisel is not very good at persuading others, or in other words, not many barbarians know how to comfort others.

This group doesn't like to think. When faced with a difficult choice, they will just yell like children, "I want it all," and then rush forward with weapons in hand.

Only children will not care about gains and losses, and only adults will choose to give up things they cannot have both.

Tyrell is an adult, he will make choices, he will have his own ideas, and he will know how to act within his capabilities.

And justice should be as pure as a child.

Rorschach took a swig of wine and then threw the bottle directly to the ground.

"Then what kind of justice is he?"

Rorschach complained, and the angry flames on his body began to take shape.

The anger of thinking is what barbarians admire, and you cannot fight without thinking.

Banal became that berserker because he took the wrong path, otherwise he would have had the chance to become stronger.

As a barbarian who followed Orak, he should have stood on a higher level and become a guide.

"He is always making choices, sacrificing himself, sacrificing others, sacrificing everything that can be sacrificed, but in the end he will only save nothing."

Bulcaisel said calmly, and Imprius' figure appeared not far away.

Talk about Tyrell, because Prius doesn't want to be absent.

Perhaps no one is more familiar with Tyrael than his courage, even Israel, who bewitched Tyrael, may not be able to compare with him.

"No, at least he saved you."

As Imprius said this, he looked at Bulcasso.

But such words would only lead to Bulkeso's ridicule.

"Save me? Or do I save justice itself? Now I am the judgment, and the judgment is the one who is never absent."


Rorschach muttered and looked at Bulkesso in front of him.

Bulkiso pulled out the original Hammer of Judgment from his hand, and the pure and vast energy on it was communicating with Bulkiso's anger.

The angry flames on Bulcasso's body appeared, but it only turned from red to holy and solemn in an instant.

The flame is burning, but there is no burning temperature.

Some are just vast.

"Yes, Judgment! I appreciate you! Rorschach!"

Bulcasso looked at the Hammer of Judgment in his hand, and then placed the Hammer of Judgment on the ground.

"Now, give it a try! If you can touch the Hammer of Judgment, then you are righteous regardless of whether Tyrell recognizes you or not!"

Bulcasso said seriously, while Imprius looked like he was watching a good show.

It's just that there was some hesitation in Prius's eyes.

At this time, the flames began to burn on the pillars outside the Elders' Temple, and Warusk's figure stood outside the gate of the Elders' Temple.

Leiko, on the other hand, stood aside with some expectation.

If everything goes well, Bulcasso will be able to take over the crown of the Immortal King soon, and then officially get everything that belongs to the name Bulcaisso.

In addition to being a forerunner, the Immortal King is also a leader. He must choose the person who can truly inherit his beliefs before he can stand at the top.

And this person who inherited his belief at this time is the insurance of the Immortal King!

Power can easily breed evil. Although the Immortal King cannot control the thinking of all barbarians, the Immortal King's will will eventually be implemented.

The Holy Mountain of Harrogath will equally recognize the existence of the heir.

The heir of the Immortal King will exist as the sword bearer!

Volusk will never get all the help from the Holy Mountain of Harrogath in his battle with Bulkatho, that's because Bulkatho is the one holding the sword!

The support of the Holy Mountain of Harrogath and the identity of the Immortal King's heir give him the ability to have the power of dialogue in the battle with the Immortal King!

Bulkatho is an exception, he is too powerful! Or Volusk died too early.

After Bulkatho's power surpassed Volusk, there was still no successor to the Immortal King.

Perhaps even if Rorschach becomes the heir to the Immortal King, he still has no chance of defeating Bulcaisel.

But the Holy Mountain of Harrogath will give him the power to speak!

Rorschach didn't show any pretense and directly extended his hand.

It is almost impossible for Rorschach who is not strong enough to shake the hammer of judgment. It has nothing to do with rules and recognition, it is simply a matter of strength.

But the qualifications for touch are what really matter.

Judgment! is one of the rules above.

It’s the end of justice!

Rorschach is about to reach the level of contacting all the truth, and the Hammer of Judgment can give him a little more guarantee.

The Hammer of Judgment entrusts part of Bulcasso's faith, and obtaining this faith is the first step to inheritance!

Regarding Rorschach's growth, Bulqueso was very concerned about it.

He would even go against the rules of barbarian growth and personally save Rorschach's life in a crisis.

An existence that is qualified to be the last hope is very rare no matter in which world. Bulcaisel cannot bet that there is still someone who can do this.

Justice requires a person who is stubborn and accepts death, and needs a person who can stick to his own morality and endure loneliness.

Just when Rorschach's hand was about to touch the Hammer of Judgment, Prius directly lifted Rorschach up.

"He hasn't firmed up yet. In other words, he hasn't had the courage to face everything."

Inprius placed Rorschach directly on the ground and stood in front of Bulcasso.

"Savages never lack courage!"

Bulcasso stood up directly.

Because the Prius interferes with what Bulcaisel wants to do and disrespects the heritage of the barbarians!

This is a provocation!

The moment Bulkatho started fighting, Harrogath's power began to gather.

Being interrupted is a serious provocation, as Prius is well aware of this.

But he still did it without hesitation!

Because Prius understands Tyrael, he also understands justice!

In his eyes, a wavering Rorschach should not have gone through with this recognition of the trial.

Perhaps Rorschach can succeed and strengthen his belief in justice.

But cause and effect are reversed!

It should be after firming up one's justice that one can be recognized by the judge.

It is not because he has been recognized by the trial that he strengthens his belief in justice.

But Bulqueso doesn't think so.

In Bulkesso's eyes, cause and effect don't matter!

All he wants is an heir who is firm in his beliefs, a barbarian who can stand firm in justice and inherit the opportunity to judge!

time is limited!

Bulquesso knows this very well.

The arrival of high-level heaven means the arrival of burning hell!

Malthael, who has already embarked on the long journey to becoming a god, and Rathma, who has other plans, will also follow.

No one can guarantee that they can escape from this battle intact, and no one can tell what path everything will take.

For his own persistence, Prius did not hesitate to provoke the barbarians, because he is courageous!

He will fight for whatever he thinks is right, and he never looks forward or backward.

"Prius, did you think about the consequences when you acted? Or were you prepared?"

Bulcaisel stretched out his hand and grasped the handle of the Hammer of Judgment.


This will be a fight!

Whether the Prius did the right thing or not is irrelevant.

"I didn't think this was right, so I did it! You have the power of the Archangel of Courage, but you still can't know my true nature?"

Because the Solarion Gun of Courage appeared in Prius's hand.

Bursts of sun-like brilliance emanated from his hands.

A weapon turned from a star, a fiery spear capable of bearing courage!

Sharp without any protection!

So hard that there is no chance of turning around!

This is the weapon of choice for courage!

"Although I don't like to talk about dignity in everything, because dignity is never spoken. But correspondingly, dignity exists and cannot be trampled on, whether it is with good intentions or ill intentions."

This simple ceremony has been interrupted, and the next one will have to wait for a day at the earliest.

There is no one who convinced whom in this battle, there is just a battle!

The winner needs no words.

The loser shuts up!

"Dignity also depends on whether it is correct. Only having the courage to say no to all mistakes and joining the wave of resistance is courage."

There was a smile on Prius's face.

He just got a book from a human not long ago. Although he just flipped through it briefly, he felt that it made sense.

"Do I look like a proletarian now? Do you look like a capitalist?"

Imprius said with an eager smile.

"I like that thought, so don't use those words to describe me, I know what it means."

Bulcaisel raised the hammer of judgment:

"All resources are in the hands of the high-level heaven and the burning hell. The survival of mankind depends on your kindness. You actually call yourself this?"

A battle flag appeared behind Bulcasso, the bright red flag fluttering as if fresh blood had just been sprinkled on it.

"You who voted for the annihilation of mankind, even though you have given up your position as a god, you are still you.

We have to raise weapons in order to survive in the soil, and we have to fight in order to survive!

Thoughts? Have you ever changed? Stubborn courage?"

"Change must have a beginning.

I am like a will working for the higher heavens, but now I am human!"

The Solarion in Prius' hand emits an even stronger light.

The glory of courage began to shine with the light of destruction.

Language seems pale at this time.

Position no longer matters.

Who cares is not a reason to stop.

The ideological positions may be similar, but they are ultimately different.

"It's no use talking more!"

Bulcaisel roared and raised the hammer of judgment in his hand high!

Waves of solemn glory began to shine.

This chapter has been completed!
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