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330 The Story of Vader and the Conspiracy of the Demon King of Hell!

"Looks like my brothers are doing something interesting to each other, don't you think?"

Diavolo wore an old face like Kull's and spoke boredly to the annihilated shadow in front of him.

Annihilation tried to tell him some news, but it was not direct at all.

Diavolo used a method similar to guessing to explore annihilation to relieve his boring time.

 “You never seem to feel sad for your brother?”

The shadow of annihilation is just an image he projected onto Asgard. Communication is possible, but he cannot project his own power.

 The will of annihilation was transmitted to Diavolo, with a little doubt.

 Annihilation stepped aside a little, revealing the TV in front of him.

Diavolo can easily see everything that Bulcaisso, Johanna, and Tyrael experienced in hell from the position deliberately vacated by Annihilation.

When the scene of Baal's hand passing through Mephisto was staged, Diavolo's eyes flickered a little.

 Seven Demon Kings?

Who cares about this kind of title?

 Even the weakest Belial would not be willing to share it with others.

It’s just that Diavolo didn’t expect Barr’s betrayal to happen so quickly, and it was so fast that he couldn’t react.

 Is it possible for heaven, hell and the Nephalem to coexist?

 This is possible.

 In front of Malthael, the three parties have a strong enough and common enemy.

This premise is that Malthael can continue to be strong, instead of becoming a handful of ashes at a certain moment.

 “Why be sad?”

Diavolo asked back, looking at Annihilation with a playful smile.

 Annihilation is a bit speechless.

 Why do you feel sad?

 Having lost a brother who has always been with you, and no trace of that person’s existence can be found in your memories, why don’t you feel sad?

The emotion of annihilation is not complicated, but it is not simple either.

 “We have made all preparations, and there is only one winner.”

Diavolo stood up and spoke to the annihilation in front of him.

On the road to becoming the God of Creation, there is only one winner, and all other beings can only become nourishment!

Even though Diavolo has not yet thought about what kind of world he will create after becoming the God of Creation.

 A world filled with fear?

What is the difference between that and his current field?

 But what should be added?

Diavolo didn't bother to think about it. What he wanted to do most now was to get a chance to survive in front of Bulcasso!

The powerful barbarian was always rough in his dealings with demons.

Diablo didn't want to feel the feeling of the blunt knife cutting flesh again. When his head was chopped off by Bulcaisu, Diablo felt fear for the first time.

Although he was afraid, it was the first time he felt enveloped in fear.

 Complex and full of wonderful yearning.

Who can understand himself?

 Living in fear, Diavolo has never realized fear like at that moment.

 But he wasn't going to experience it again.

 “So what do you think now?”

Annihilation said calmly.

He now has some ideas about Leoric, but he has not yet thought of a particularly good way to end the existence of the Skeleton King.

 “I plan to intervene. In the secret realm where Harrogas guards the battle, why can only two phantoms appear among the three demon gods?”

Diavolo whispered.

 He planned to bring a surprise to Bulcaisel, and a heart-wrenching regret.

 The Boundary Breaker and the Soul Destroyer are both on the sacred mountain of Harrogath, and with the few things Baal has produced, it is natural for Diavolo to get involved.

 It's just that he needs to make a decision, that is, whether to expose his plan to Bulcaisuo.

Kul’s identity is still useful, and the constant fear in the world is coming towards him.

However, the exposure of Kuhl's identity to Bulkesso also meant that this stage of silent development had passed.

 He was not ready to face Bulkesso.

 “I only care about when you give me everything you promised.”

Annihilation said silently.

 The figure silently disappeared in front of Diavolo.

“The battle that destroyed Harrogas, I, Diavolo, was never missing. Bulcaisso, are you ready?”

Diavolo muttered to himself.

 Having a general idea.

 The bet between Bulcasso and Tyrell was already known to him.

Bulcatso, who can't intervene in this battle, will make a choice when facing Lia's soul to help the devil's barbarians?

Diavolo is looking forward to it.

 Once Bulcaisel takes action, Tyrael will win.

So can the person of the Archangel of Justice still be in the hands of Bulcasso as promised?

 Isreal will not give up this opportunity, Diavolo is very sure.


 “I said, what on earth is the secret realm?”

Spider-Man finally couldn't hold back his curiosity and asked.

 He looked at Matthew.

 Compared to Crossbones, he still trusts Daredevil more.

 “What is the secret realm? You will know it after you enter.”

Rumlow curled his lips and said.

 The feeling of entering the secret realm for the first time now gave him chills in his heart.

Suddenly seeing a completely unfamiliar monster, all a person needs to do is to think of a way to kill the guy directly, and just hope that he is lucky.

No one knows whether those strange monsters may have any dangerous methods, which will tip the balance of the battle in an instant.

 “Will you die?”

 Spider-Man lifted the mask on the lower half of his face, eating barbecue and talking vaguely.

 This is a question that goes straight to the core.

Matthew turned to face Spider-Man and nodded after a long time.


 Spider-Man didn't pay attention.

 No one wants to die, but death will never change its course because of a person's will.

 He just wanted to know the extent of the danger in the "secret realm".

 “Will you die? That would be great!”

Mr. Immortal Craig grabbed his wrist and walked over vigorously.

 “Mr. Immortal” is the nickname he gave himself.

Originally, he was going to be called the "Immortal Iron Fist", but he was severely despised by Cassius who took care of him by the way.

 “Who is this?”

 Spider-Man asked with some confusion, trying to get the answer from Rumlow or Matthew.

 But the arrival of this immortal gentleman was not within the scope of their knowledge.

“Hey, man! You can call me Craig! Of course, you can also call me Mr. Immortal. I’ve heard of your name, you’re a good New Yorker, Spider-Man, right?”

Craig loudly announced his name, which caused Spider-Man to make some weird moves.

 Peter Parker muttered softly. It seemed that he would not be able to change his habit of talking nonsense for a while.

“The Avengers of the Great Lakes? That 18th-tier superhero team that received a letter from Mr. Stark’s lawyer? Later they were renamed the X-Men of the Great Lakes?”

 Spider-Man is a little dizzy.

 He didn’t know why these people who should not have interacted with each other connected on this snowy mountain.

 But this does not prevent him from having strong curiosity.

He had a conversation with Deadpool in the original world, and although he didn't come up with any results, it didn't stop Spider-Man from being very jealous of the Avengers of the Great Lakes.

No one wants to be defeated in various inexplicable ways like a villain in a funny cartoon.

 That's all Spider-Man remembers.

 “As long as you are human, you will die.”

 Rumlow said angrily, and he was holding two cans of beer and pouring it into his mouth.

 This can be regarded as some preparations before the battle.

 He has looked away.

Either you live and continue to atone for your sins, or you die fighting on the road to atone for your sins.

 As for those worldly desires, they were no longer in his thoughts.

 “But I am immortal. I have not died since I was born until now!”

Craig said this.

“Hey man! What a coincidence! Me too! I haven’t died since I was born!”

Constantine staggered over and spoke to Craig in front of him.

Of course, anyone who is still alive can say the above sentence.

 But that does not mean that a person is immortal before death.

Constantine did not think that a person who could climb the sacred mountain of Harrogas would be a fool, and fools would not be recognized by barbarians.

Constantine felt that if this guy was really as immortal as he said, then Constantine would have a teammate he could recycle.

 “What do you mean? I’m not kidding.”

Craig pointed at Constantine's nose and said.

 He felt as if he had been subjected to strong malice.

“Of course I know you’re not joking about this.

To be honest, I also know a few guys who claim to be immortal, but all of them have been dealt with."

Constantine took out a cigarette and said, then put the cigarette in front of Spider-Man.

 “Hey, Hao Lingju, help me light a fire.”

 He continued to speak to Craig with a strange smile:

“So have you ever tried putting yourself into a meat grinder? Or pouring yourself into a cement pillar? Sometimes immortality can only mean that you will experience more cruel things.”

Constantine said with the tone of someone who has experienced it before.

 Spider-Man casually took out a burning log from the fire and lit the flame for Constantine.

Constantine left a deep impression on him, so he subconsciously followed Constantine's request.

“Stop talking nonsense, I wonder if it’s a dead end?”

 Rumlow said in a stick-reading tone, his hands already clenching the handles of the giant hammers in both hands.

 Constantine was never liked by him.

“I am thinking!? I am thinking again? What do you gain by thinking and dying every day?”

Constantine shouted a little irritably.

 Out of awe of force, he kept a good distance.

“I thought, as long as the enemy is destroyed, what does the issue of life and death have to do with me?”

 Rumlow said lazily and threw a beer can to Constantine.

“If you are afraid of death, you can avoid death? If you are not afraid of death, can you live? That’s all nonsense. Only at that moment will the real answer to the question of life and death be known.

 Is it reluctance to leave this world full of pain, or is it the expectation for a new and unknown world? The answer can only be found when you are dying."

 Lumlow is a bit chatty.

 There must be something to accompany you on the way to becoming stronger, otherwise what is the point of the lonely scenery?

 Rumlow glanced at Craig, and then closed his eyes.

 He was not going to continue discussing these issues with a somewhat strange person.

 “By the way, where is the pet you plan to give to Bulcasso?”

Matthew asked curiously.

The little husky didn’t know where it was now, which made him slightly concerned.

"I was taken away by Banal, saying that he wanted to cultivate a group. He also asked me to go back and find a female dog so that the husky could give birth to a group."

 Rumlow said a little naggingly, and then completely lay down on the snow.

Barnar likes farming.

It is better to find something for him to do than to have him wander around constantly in his free time.

“I just wanted to ask what the secret realm was at first, why did I get off topic to this place?”

Spider-Man felt a little awkward, so he complained.

 “Peter Parker?”

A voice came out, directly revealing Spider-Man's identity. Spider-Man's eyes widened and he looked at Constantine, who was arm-in-arm with Craig in front of him.

Only Constantine knew his identity, and now someone called out his name.

This would only lead him to think that Constantine had told someone else.

 On the sacred mountain of Harrogath, Spider-Man has no acquaintances.

 “Is it really you?”

 Jessica's voice came really clearly, and beside her stood Luke Cage.

Jessica greeted Spider-Man with some excitement about meeting again after a long absence.

 “Hello! Are you! Jessica Jones?”

Spider-Man responded to Jessica's greeting with some anger, and it was only when he turned his head that he recognized the figure.

 The two of them were classmates in high school. Yes, it was the Zhongcheng High School where many talented people were born.

 Venom, Spider-Man and Jessica Jones all graduated from here.

There must be something wrong with this place, otherwise how could it breed a lot of superheroes?

“It’s really been a long time. I haven’t heard from you since graduation.”

Jessica was a little overly excited, which made Luke on the side feel a little bit disgusted.

 “Ah, yes! I’m not doing well...”

Spider-Man almost didn’t know what he was saying.

Jessica Jones had a little bit of affection for Peter Parker, but this affection was cut off long ago after graduation.

“This is my boyfriend, Luke Cage. You may have heard of Wonder Man. We are discussing a wedding date.”

 Jessica patted Luke's chest and introduced Spider-Man.

 Luke is a person worthy of her trust, Jessica is very sure of this.

 The joy of meeting old friends after a long absence was quickly worn away.

High school life is not that wonderful for Jessica. Superpowers born in a tragedy will always bring back some painful memories.

Especially because this super power brought her an even more miserable life.

 Jessica soon became uninterested.

“It’s all over, and soon we can bid farewell to that nightmare with our own hands.”

 Luke took Jessica's hand and whispered.

 The dresses worn by Luke and Jessica had been torn and disfigured in the previous battle with the Purple Man.

 After returning to the Holy Mountain, they thanked kind Aunt Mara for giving them new clothes.

 It just looks a little rough, like a bear skin that has been simply processed, but it is really comfortable to wear.

 Jessica nodded, and then smiled apologetically at Peter Parker.

 “Welcome to Harrogath, Spider-Man.”

 Luke Cage greeted Spider-Man, and he felt something different from Jessica's previous excitement.

But the mature Luke is not going to make a fuss about it. He and Jessica have a common story, and every day from now on is their common story.

 The future will be far longer than the past.

 As barbarians, as long as they do not die in battle, they have a long enough future.

 “Ah, hello. But why are you here?”

Spider-Man has not yet recovered from the haze of his identity being exposed.

 The barbecue in my hand has cooled down a bit in the cold wind.

“We? We are barbarians, of course we are here.”

 Jessica said with some doubts, and put her hands in front of her.

On her finger was the ring given to her by Luke, with a diamond shining brightly.

Constantine narrowed his eyes, and he felt powerful energy from the ring!

Constantine needed this gadget to arm himself.

 So he left his new friend Craig behind and walked over.

 “Ugh? This ring always looks familiar to me?”

Constantine said in that somewhat annoying tone.

“Are you going to tell me what kind of stolen property this is next? Or is it the one you lost?”

 Rumlow said this directly without even opening his eyes.

Then Constantine was speechless.

“Stop it, I’m more familiar with the dirty police routine than you are. You have to know what I used to do.”

 Rumlow still didn't open his eyes, but he knew it was better to keep them closed.

 Otherwise it would be bad to see some bloody scenes soon.

“I mean, the energy on this ring feels very familiar to me. That diamond must be something mysterious, right?”

Constantine did not feel the slightest embarrassment and continued speaking with a different set of words.

This will help establish his persona as an occult expert, and it can also carry over the wrong things he subconsciously said before.

“It was made by Bulcasso with charcoal.”

Luke said with a somewhat cold expression.

 Believe Constantine or believe Rumlow? This is not a question that needs to be thought about.

 Luke reached out and pinched Constantine's shoulder.

The burly body made Constantine a little uneasy.

“Well, you have a girlfriend, right? And you’re getting married soon? Although I don’t mind having another boyfriend, this can’t be...”


Constantine’s nonsense was punched back into his mouth by Luke before he could finish speaking nonsense.

“Good guy, I remember I got a black eye from a punch like this last time.”

Constantine fell to the ground mumbling, but he was laughing secretly in his heart.

 This matter is finally over.

 Even if the habitual "cheating" before was just smooth for a while, it would only bring more hostility.

 This is not good news for someone who is bent on finding teammates.

  The Barbarian is a powerful force with a high upper limit and a lot of lower-level combat capabilities.

Constantine did not want to have a hostile relationship with these people.

“Ahem! Although I don’t know how Bulcaisel pinched the diamond, the abundant energy in that diamond cannot be easily imitated.”

Constantine wanted to prove his worth, and the knowledge of mysticism was the only way he could impress these people.

 Fighting is not only a frontal fight, but also includes various calculations and vicious curses.

 This is where Constantine is confident that he can provide considerable help.

 “Balza, speak!”

 Luke frowned and spoke to the head pendant on his waist.

“He is right, but I want to say that the punch you made before should have been harder enough to blow Constantine’s head off. If you kill that guy, it will definitely be considered as doing harm to the people!”

 Balza’s head was freed from the restrictions and he spoke a series of words.

Luke hasn't asked him a single question since he got his head.

 The long thoughts and loneliness were driving him crazy.

   "唷唷? We are an old acquaintance. Can you still contact me to go to hell? Balza?"

Constantine bent over and looked straight at the small pendant and asked.

 He has not contacted the demons in hell for a long time, it is as if they never existed.

This made Constantine feel uneasy for a while.

The previous rash attempt outside the Broadway gate almost cost him his life.

Constantine wanted to know what was going on in Hell.

 At the moment, the only demon he can find is Balza who was turned into a pendant.

 Balzar's Skull did not speak because he did not have Luke's permission.

Constantine had to shift his gaze to Luke's face.


Luke looked at Constantine in front of him, as if he wanted to know what made a man walk on the most dangerous edge and stir up all the dangerous nerves.

 One who doesn’t care about dignity or strength.

How can a person who seems to have more than just revenge in his heart carry the brilliance of justice?

 Constantine is complex and his position is ambiguous and difficult to distinguish.

 But what he is always doing is undoubtedly contributing to the world, even at all costs.

“Hell has been enveloped by higher dimensions. I am just a pendant.”

Balza hesitated for a long time, and then reluctantly told what he knew under Luke's order.

 Wayne, who was a little further away, looked at Constantine's back, seemingly intending to remember this man deeply in his mind.

Constantine is a bit weird and his behavior is completely illogical.

 This is not crazy.

 The madman also has a Loki who belongs to the madman.

Just like the madman with a pale face and green hair.

 Crazy people have logic, but this logic is crazy in the eyes of normal people.

 But this was not the case with Constantine.

His behavior often seems inexplicable and seems to have some purpose, but his methods are simply incomprehensible.

 Wayne felt that this person was very dangerous and needed careful observation.


 "Rorschach's Diary"

“Before, I saw the embodiment of justice.

 He told me that everything I insisted on was not a righteous choice. I was wondering.

 By whose standard is justice measured?

 Neither Bulkay nor Warusk told me this. They seemed to be hiding a truth, and this truth they were encouraging me to move forward and continue to pursue.

 I don’t understand why a truth needs to be witnessed by me personally instead of being relayed by others?

 Unless they can't do it.

 Then why?

 A secret about Bulcasso, why did Bulcasso choose me to get to the bottom of it?

 This doesn’t seem like a choice that the average person would make? What do they get from me?

 The personification of courage pushed me away from the judgment in front of them, and then met the wrath of the barbarians with my own body.

 I don’t understand why he did this, because compared to them, I am nothing but dust.

 I am Rorschach? Justice means never compromising!”

Rorschach curled up in a dark room.

Hand holding a charcoal pen that he sharpened by himself, he wrote in his diary.

 The ancestors on the Holy Mountain mocked him for keeping a diary more than once.

 But he still went his own way, and as time passed, the ancestors stopped asking.

Rorschach’s diary is not to leave something for himself, but to leave something to the world after his death.

 Justice should be forthright, nothing needs to be hidden in the clouds.

 So everything that is shady is unfair in the eyes of Rorschach.

Even Rorschach’s original face is unfair, the mask on his face is the face of “Rorschach”.

 He is just Rorschach's body, not Rorschach himself.

 But now, he is a savage.

He can stand calmly in front of everyone with his own face, and then swing a heavy hammer to smash the heads of those who have committed the most unpardonable crimes.

 But he was still afraid.

 A shaken spirit can give rise to many negative emotions.

 For example, fear, such as hatred.

 “Are you still writing a diary?”

Vida's figure escaped the sight of other ancestors and appeared in front of Rorschach.

 Rorschach put away the diary and charcoal pencils in his hand in a panic, and then looked at Vida in front of him quietly.

Vida, who now possesses a physical form, looks a little bleak, with a very dry face and high cheekbones.

 There was a slight flinch on his lips, and in his open mouth, he could see that he was missing two canine teeth used for tearing.

The eye sockets are sunken, as if they have been suffering some kind of torture.

 Such a face makes it hard to believe that he is the same Vader who was always driving others away from him before.

“Well, it doesn’t look like you’re going to tell me that. But do you want to hear a story? A story about a guy who keeps a diary.”

Vida looked at the darkness in the room with empty eyes and spoke slowly.

“Do you know what I’m most afraid of hearing?

That was the voice of an old man. He would always say "Hero, please stay" in the slowest, slowest and most anxious tone.

 Then tell a long story.

 It’s so long that no one can listen to the story completely while awake, I may be an exception.”

Vida smacked his mouth, then lifted up a square brick on the ground and took out a book from inside.

After flipping through it twice casually, the book turned into ashes in Vida's fingers, leaving nothing behind.

“A long time ago? Maybe not that long ago.

 There was a warrior named Joriz, who always liked to record everything he saw in his diary.

 The diary contains profound thoughts and yearning for the future.

 Has reflections on war.

He would always see blood stains on his palms when he brushed his hands through his lover's hair."

 Vida spoke as if he was reciting a poem.

“Joriz heard a revelation about his fate from his lover one day.

He even saw through the eyes of his powerful wife the scene of the battle in which he died tragically, and recorded it in detail in his diary.

 He began to think about what kind of power is destiny?

 Chorizzi did not choose to give in because of the destiny. That battle was a war that the barbarians had to fight in order to fight for their living space.

 Perhaps the same is true for the other party.

Everyone has the right to survive, but what should we do when the rights of the two parties are in conflict?

 Chorizzi went against fate and went to a fork in the road!

 He did not die in that battle, but he made everyone believe that he died there!

 For this reason, he made a deal with the devil! The bargaining chip was a share of the soul given to him by his lover!

 A soul with news about destiny!

 Yes! Just as you thought! Warrior Joe Ritz succeeded!

 He defeated fate!

 But he will spend the rest of his life redeeming his lover's soul from the hands of the devil!

 He died before the debt was repaid!

 Only this diary is left!

 Before his death, this diary fell into the hands of an annoying old man named Deckard Cain, and only qualified people can hear the story."

 Vida was still mumbling in a low voice.

Rorschach felt something strange emerging from Vader's body!

That kind of empty, weird. It seems to be full of resentment and contains sin.

Rorschach could feel the nausea from Vader's body all the time.

 It was like a slippery tentacle passing through the throat.

 Just like a crab’s claws and pincers about to penetrate the wall of its own stomach.

“Joriz wants to complete that deal just to get back a little bit of his lover’s soul.

 An incomplete soul cannot have the power of a life.”

Vida stood up and stood in front of Rorschach.

His body, which was not that burly at first, suddenly swelled up.

 The dry areas on his face also swelled up as if they were filled with air.

“Now, my story is finished. Rorschach.”

Vida looked at Rorschach in front of him, and Rorschach only felt waves of coldness enveloping him.

“I don’t care who picked me! But I am who I am!

  Rorschach never compromises.”

Rorschach roared as loudly as he could.

 But the sound was still weak and only he and Vader in front of him could hear it.

“Joriz, what’s the name of the devil you made a deal with?”

Rorschach asked in the loudest voice he could muster.

 He needs the truth!

 Even if you die for it!

 “His name is Azmodan!”

 A red light flashed in Vader's eyes!

 The moment he rushed into the dark soul stone and used the power of the ancestors to crush Azmodan's soul!

 The pain and torture of his soul had already befallen him!

 Andariel didn’t help Bulcaisel!

 But at this time, he tried his best to corrupt Vader's soul!

 Azmodan’s efforts are worth it!

The Demon King of Hell will eliminate Bulcaisel's chance to reach the top!

 Again and again! Until the death of Bulkesso!

Chorizz the Warrior!

 The only barbarian to escape his fate!

 Thousands of years of love!

 Thousands of years of self-blame!

 Thousands of years of redemption!

Thousands of years each have become the final bargaining chip to overwhelm him!

This chapter has been completed!
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