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407 Red Captain America Bucky Barnes Tank

   On that unknown snow-capped mountain, Peggy Carter finally solved the trouble in front of her.

 At this time, she had time to take a look at her own condition.

 Her physical fitness was beyond her imagination. According to her own estimation, she was not far behind Steve who had just completed the transformation.

 It was just the restlessness deep in her heart that was clinging to her.

Mordoc did not lie to her, and she regained her youth.

 But life has also become a candle in the wind.

However, Peggy Carter is very open-minded. Natural death is a good ending for an agent who has experienced a long life.

  If she was resistant to death, she would have used the SSS serum like Dugan.

 The sound of the plane can already be heard not far away.

 S.H.I.E.L.D. found her.

 It is precisely because of such an easy regain of freedom that Peggy Carter's inner haze becomes even thicker.

Mordoc would not be a philanthropist, and Peggy Carter understood the guy's machinations in a short period of contact.


 A touching shout was heard, accompanied by the sound of a man falling to the ground like a cannonball.

  Steve didn’t do any shock-absorbing actions as usual.

 His feet hit the ground, with a look of urgency on his face.

 I don’t even care if my legs are numb.

Hunted somewhat staggeringly, he ran towards Peggy and held down Peggy Carter's shoulders.

 “Steve, it looks like we can still dance together.”

Peggy Carter smiled and put her arms around Steve's neck.

 Two people stick together.

Bucky took a step slower and then slowly landed on the ground.

 Looking at the two "old people", he could only shake his head and look elsewhere.

 So, he saw the avalanche.

 “Damn it! What the hell is that!”

 Bucky shouted loudly.

 Watching the snow in the distance begin to slide away little by little, it finally turned into an irresistible natural disaster.

 A large cloud of snowflakes suddenly erupted from the top of the snow-capped mountain.

 Then they all joined the ranks of bravely venturing to the ends of the earth.

 Baki vaguely saw a huge face and a legendary snowman over there?

“Steve, now is not the time for you to stick together!”

Bucky roared again.

But seeing the indifferent expressions of the two people in front of him, Bucky could only curse in a low voice.

 Pick up the intercom and ask the pilot to take the plane back first.

The door to the somewhat shabby research institute suddenly opened, and Dr. Stern walked out dragging a speaker.

 There is also an extra long line connected to the back.

 “I think you need this.”

 Dr. Stern had already changed into neat clothes, with a calm look on his face.

Still carrying a cup of coffee in my hand.

 It's just that this time it's not the kind in the machine, but the one he grinds carefully.

I don’t know how he managed to run out with the coffee and dragging the speaker. This guy doesn’t look strong at all.

Peggy Carter’s random repair method activated the backup plan left by Dr. Stern.

 These scientists sometimes do not talk about known science at all.

 No one knows how he escaped the dangers of the lobotomy except himself.

 At least for now, he is still the same Dr. Stern.

Dr. Stern pressed the switch of the speaker, and bursts of music started playing.

 It’s not a formal dance song, it’s a pop song.

 This piece of music was a bit unfamiliar to Steve and Peggy Carter.


 It sounds pretty good, and it’s appropriate for the occasion.

 Steve smiled, put away his shield and took Peggy Carter's hand.

 “I’m late, but I still hope to compensate you for this dance.”

 Steve was smiling, not far behind him was the avalanche that was coming at a rapid speed.

Dr. Stern picked up the coffee without changing his expression.

 After taking a sip, he frowned.

 “Why does this stuff taste worse than the one made by a machine?”

 He muttered quietly.

  With a look of helplessness, Bucky took out a shield from behind and placed it in front of him.

This shield is almost the same as the one Steve used before, except that it is smooth and smooth without any marks.

 S.H.I.E.L.D. collection, textiles from Captain America’s vibranium shield.

 People in this country need a Captain America, and Captain America doesn’t have to be Steve.

 The Winter Soldier is a thing of the past, now he's Captain America.

 “Steve, it would be great to have a dance with you.”

Peggy Carter smiled.

 Slightly square face with a bright smile.

 The two people started dancing on the snow.

 The haze about life is temporarily put behind the mind.

And in the team that bravely traveled to the end of the world, two guys who didn't look right finally appeared.

Mordoc and Zanum rolled into a pile, sliding towards this side at the speed of the snow.

Mordoc held on to the chain of the Seabreaker with one hand, and the white hair on Zanum's chest with the other hand.

 The huge head is as flat as a boat floating on the water.

 Zanum rode on Murdoc's face, pounding his fists endlessly.

 That is to say, Murdoc also has the ability of a psychic shield, which allows his not so handsome face to be preserved and does not become more ugly.

 The mind control abilities of these two guys are about equal.

But Zanum is still called the Original Hulk, the White Giant.

Even if his hand-to-hand combat is not as good as that of the Hulk, it is not something that a big-headed kid like Murdoc can match.

"Get off!"

Mordoc was speaking vaguely, and the next moment his chin was hit by Zanum's fist.

 He almost bit his tongue.

At this time, the new Captain America, Bucky Barnes, dug his feet deeply into the ground, fixing himself in place.

 The vibranium shield was placed on his shoulders, ready to face the impact.

 There's something not right about this avalanche.

 But Bucky had no choice.

 A little further behind him were Steve and Peggy Carter dancing.

 He wanted to give his friend a chance to make up for the missed opportunity.

Just before the avalanche was about to hit him, a huge dark red stone silently hit Bucky on the head.

Bucky, who had his head buried waiting for the avalanche, did not expect this.

 So he fainted on the spot.

 Fortunately, the body is still fixed in place and has not wavered at all.



  This is the first time Bucky heard a bunch of things with unclear meaning.

 But in front of his eyes was a bright red gem floating there.

 Bucky kept telling himself that everything was wrong here.

 But his body reached out towards the gem uncontrollably!

The moment his hand touched the gem, he suddenly understood the meaningless sound before.

 An image also appeared in my eyes.

It was a despicable and evil-looking guy squatting down and whispering quietly into the ear of a giant god.

 The giant god had just opened his eyes and felt the slightest interest in what the figure said.

The figure suddenly shouted: "Cassius! I X you X!"

Then he was thrown out by the giant god like a cockroach.

At this moment, the giant god finally laid his eyes on Bucky and spoke slowly.

“From today on, you are the red tank! And your mission is to find that cockroach for me, and then remove it without even ashes left!”

 Bucky was stunned for a moment.

 His consciousness returned to his body.

 The power in his body fascinated him.

 Although he didn't know who the "cockroach" was.

 But he did not go against the giant god's intention at all at this time.


 The Lord of the Crimson Universe!

 Baki at this time was the favored one of Cytorak.

This kind of performance was called divine favor when humans were still ignorant.

With this, the red tank can establish a religion and become something like the bishop of the crimson universe.

 But Bucky’s thoughts are not that complicated, and he does not intend to use this to collect power and wealth.

He has always been worried that he will not be able to become a symbol of failure like Steve, but now, it is different!

 He has great power!


Bucky’s roar overwhelmed the sound of the speakers.

 But it didn’t interrupt Steve and Peggy Carter’s dance.

 He pulled his legs out of the ground, and then launched a countercharge against the vast avalanche!

Every time you step on the ground, you can hear bursts of roar!

 Bucky kept walking, holding a shield and opening a path through the avalanche!

The shield in his hand hit Murdoc's head headlong!

Zanum did not escape this blow!

The power of the red tank is indestructible!

Even Hulk is no match for Red Tank when his anger has not reached a certain limit!


Mordoc didn't even scream, he was knocked unconscious by this blow.

The shield knocked open his mental shield, causing the huge head to shrink further into his body.

 Zanum, on the other hand, was thrown high into the air by sheer force!

 Taking this opportunity, he saw Bucky and the strong red light on Bucky’s body!

His circled eyes were staring at Bucky, as if he was planning to use his mind control ability to control Bucky to work for him.

He has just felt Bucky’s power, so he can’t wait to get this subordinate!


The avalanche is split from where Bucky bursts out, avoiding Steve and Peggy Carter's "ballroom."

Dr. Stern looked at the changes in front of him and took another sip of coffee leisurely.

"Next time, why don't you buy a coffee machine?" Dr. Stern whispered to himself: "How about the coffee in SHIELD?"

 Now Dr. Stern plans to find a job at S.H.I.E.L.D.

 He heard from Peggy Carter that the big leader there suited his personality very well.

 You can study a lot of things, and to a certain extent you don’t have to worry about humane and inhumane things.

 This makes Dr. Stern's soul as a researcher begin to be pampered.

 The most important thing is, Peggy Carter said, there are many physical samples of extraordinary people in S.H.I.E.L.D.

 The thing that really moved him was the information about Hulk’s blood and super soldier serum!

 The song finally stopped.

 Steve and Peggy Carter just danced, looking into each other's eyes, and then their faces got closer and closer.

At this time, a white-haired guy in the sky fell heavily next to the two of them.

“Snowman? I thought this was just a fairy tale to entertain children.”

 Steve said with some distress.

 The timing of this guy's fall was not very good.

 It broke the somewhat ambiguous atmosphere before.

Peggy Carter gently left Steve, but her hands were still hanging on Steve.

Peggy Carter rolled her eyes angrily and said, "Did you forget that there are werewolves and vampires among the members of the Howling Commandos?"

 Then she fell silent again.

 Because the Werewolves and Vampires of the Howling Commandos are gone.

 These non-human species seem to be somewhat unlucky in this world.

Zannum on the ground widened his eyes and looked a little dull.

 He tried to mind control the red tank!

 The birth of the Red Tank is not something like mutation and variation.

 That is the magic released by the Lord of the Crimson Universe himself!

Want to mind control the red tank?

 This is how the hard-boiled egg head who may have existed in this world could have succeeded even if he did this!

Especially because Bucky still has a trace of Cytorak in his mind!

The will to issue orders has not dissipated yet!

 Hence, Zhanum, who suffered the impact of Cytorak's will, became dull and stupid.

 I don’t know how long it will take to recover.

Dr. Stern turned off the speaker and walked over with a coffee cup.

Then he pointed to Zanum on the ground with a very interested look and asked: "Can I study this snowman? I think it probably won't violate human rights or anything like that, and I haven't heard the name of any snowman protection organization."


 Dr. Stern asked Peggy Carter.

 So he got a positive answer.

Who made Zanum so unstoppable that he interrupted the ambiguous atmosphere?

Peggy Carter looks young again now, but she really feels the aging caused by long years.

 The previous actions may have consumed the few courage she had in her life.


Peggy Carter said to Dr. Stern with a smile.

“Protect the snowman? The best way to protect the snowman is to pile it on top of the fire hydrant when building the snowman.”

 Steve was joking.

 Then he hugged Peggy Carter fiercely.

Baki, who had become a red tank on the top of the mountain, finally broke through the avalanche and stood on the high point.

 He scanned the surroundings and could not find the being that caused the avalanche.

 Only a puddle of ice on the ground showed that someone who was an extraordinary person had fought here before.

 When he broke through the avalanche before, Bucky didn't feel any pressure at all.

 Has no idea what happened on the road or anything like that, and he's not interested.

 It’s just that the traces here are a bit awkward now, which makes Bucky very concerned.

 At this time, he raised his arm, which was originally made of metal, and finally noticed the changes on his body!

 The metal arm merged with his body!

 This arm can convey to him all the feelings that a normal person should have.

And a layer of deep red light on the metal is flickering faintly.

This chapter has been completed!
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