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424 Leisure on the Holy Mountain

  Kanuk walked into the secret realm impatiently. Although he was not too worried, he was still a little uneasy before meeting Matthew and Casillas.

Knowing that the worst thing is unlikely to happen, but before drawing a conclusion, the worst is still possible.

 Canook hates fate because Recott hates fate.

Of course Leiko would not leave the two young men without any preparation when opening a dangerous secret realm.

 So this time the secret realm is only challenging for Matthew and Casillas.

As long as two people support each other, there will be no problem in returning from the secret realm smoothly.

Provided they didn’t run straight towards the secret realm guard.

But it doesn’t matter now, Kanuk is here.

 The safety of this secret realm is guaranteed.

 “Damn it, what’s going on!?”

 While Kanuk roared, he crushed a "little bug" to death with one foot.

 Looking at Casillas beside him with wide eyes.

 Casillas's expression was a little dull, probably because he didn't expect Canuck to appear in front of him.

 “What’s going on?”

 Casillas said this, earning a somewhat penetrating look from Canuck.

That look made Casillas think he might be buried.

“We won’t lose our lives in such a battle. Ancestor Kanuk, please be patient.”

Matthew said slowly and smashed a fallen demon with a hammer.

From a distance, the environment of this secret realm is like a desert, filled with demon bones and windy sand.

Flying insects and all kinds of nasty demons can be seen everywhere, but fortunately there are no super-sized ones.

"Patience? If I had come any later, you might have bumped into the secret realm guard!"

 Canuck grabbed Casillas by the neck and said to Matthew.

  A portal opened at random and I was about to go through it.

 Explaining too much is not his style.

 When Leiko is not around, Kanuk is still quite serious and reliable.

 “Secret Realm Guard?”

Matthew nodded as he spoke and walked a few steps faster to follow Kanuk.

 The ancestors would not be idle for fun. This period of time together made Matthew familiar with the temperament of these ancestors.

This environment without intrigues made him very happy.

 If anything, the only person Matthew may have felt sorry for was his law firm partners.

  After all, Matthew has not gone to work for a long time. Even if SHIELD takes some care, this will not make everything smooth sailing for his law firm.

 After all, those officials most of the time only see immediate interests and future interests.

  SHIELD may be able to bring security, but it is unlikely to bring any benefits.

 “Forget it, stay here!”

  Canuk retracted his step, glanced at Casillas who was tucked under his arm, and then changed his mind.

The difficulty of the secret realm that Leiko chose was just right, and taking care of two people was not beyond Kanuk's ability.

 As a mentor, he has not taught Casillas for a long time.

This time can be considered an opportunity, which can make up for some emotional shortcomings.

 The relationship between the leader and the successor cannot be cold.

Things here have come to an end for the time being, but the trouble outside has just begun.

 The conversation between Maddock and Cassius continues.

 “Cassius, when do you plan to examine Luke?”

Madoc sat back on the ground again, his eyes a little hollow.

 The matter of Luke and Jessica is already in front of us.

 Even if they get married with children or whatever, it is their own business.

But as an elder, Maddock cannot be careless at all.

Every time he thinks about this kind of thing, he always feels aggrieved.

 After all, no matter how lofty his belief was when he came to the Holy Mountain and became the gatekeeper, it was certain that he abandoned his wife and children.

 Madoc’s sorrow was always held in his hands, so he never let it go.

 Even if it’s just for a moment.

 “Wait until Cultur is free, or until Luke is ready.”

 Cassius sat down opposite Maddock and stared at the guy in front of him.

 The name of the Fighting Prophet has been resounding for hundreds of years, but Cassius has never defeated Mardoc even once.

 It was as if Olongus had never defeated him.

Madoc curled his lips and raised his eyes to look at Olongus.

 You probably understand what Cassius means.

Want to comfort Maddock?

 Cassius thinks too much.

The Fighting Prophet doesn’t need anyone else’s comfort. He is the gatekeeper of the Holy Mountain and the barbarians’ first barrier to the outside world!

"Don't even think about it. If you want to defeat me, you still have seven or eight Olongus left."

Madoc likes this way of speaking, which can make him superior to more than two people in an instant.

However, this is still a bit exaggerated.

 Olongus plus Cassius, Mardoc will not be able to cope with it.

  Cassius has the power to entangle Madoc in a melee fight. Although failure is doomed, being able to entangle him is enough.

Olongus has the most explosive power among the ancestors, and the boulder throwing that sacrificed everything was enough to kill Madoc directly.

But if there were really seven or eight Olongus, Madoc could really win.

On one side, Olongus had veins pulsing on his forehead, but unfortunately he couldn't defeat Madoc.

If Cassius was just a somewhat restrained eldest brother to him, then Madoc was Olongus' biological father!

The legend of Mardoc's Sorrow was enough to knock Olongus over in a daze.

Olongus’s physical strength is not as fearless as those guys from the Big Bear Tribe?

 Olonggus is pretty good in melee combat anyway.

Any ancestor who can be named on the Holy Mountain can defeat him, the difference is only the length of time.

“Let’s put it this way, if you want to take all your dissatisfaction with me out on Luke, then that’s fine with me.

  Anyway, I don’t think you can break apart Jessica’s feelings for Luke.

 In all these years, I have never heard of a divorce among savages."

Madoc said this, and then saw Cassius' chin trembling with anger.

 But Maddock didn't care at all.

 Children must make their own choices about their future, and it is the elders’ choice to protect them.

 As long as the specific direction does not deviate from the right path, then let them go.

Madoc has already thought about how he should treat his heir.

 He ​​had thought about how to treat his grown-up children more than ten thousand times in his mind, and now he finally had the opportunity to put his ideas into practice.

“What? Have you ever seen a divorced savage?”

Madoc stared at Cassius with side eyes and said unforgivingly.

 It is true that among savages there is no divorce.

 Savages are only widowed, not divorced.

 In countless battles, no one can guarantee whether they will come back from the hunting grounds alive.

 Cherishing the time spent with each other is also an advantage of barbarians.

Although there will still be conflicts within the family, the strong have the power to sacrifice, so the conflicts will always be eliminated.

  Cassius’ beard became a little unkempt when he heard Madoc’s words.

"I will take good care of Luke, but he will not be deliberately made difficult! As for you, I..."

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 “Are you going to fight me?”

Madoc interrupted Cassius, choking him so much that Cassius almost punched him.

  "I'm going to stare at you to death and yell loudly when you want to poach other people's collections!"

 Cassius's neck has grown twice as thick, making him unable to see his neck at all.

  How can the savages of the Big Bear Tribe see such a thing as the neck when the trapezius muscle is connected to the back of the head.

 You cannot take the initiative to attack the three ancestors, and even if you do, you will most likely get beaten.

Although Cassius is reckless and rude, he does not like to be beaten yet.

 “You go ahead and shout! See if I can knock you out before you make a sound.”

Madoc turned his head and stopped looking at Cassius.

 He began to stare blankly at the crack in time again.

   When will Bulcaisso be able to finish his work, and when will he return to the gate of the Holy Mountain?

This crack looks really disturbing.

Cassius left here muttering. Now that he had visited Maddock, he should spend the rest of the time focusing on his own things.

Natasha, the agent, has made some encouraging progress recently, so Cassius plans to pay more attention to the training.

 Is it possible that this little girl can experience the pleasure of beating the devil to death with her fists?

 In front of the gate of the Holy Mountain, Kolik was sitting under the wall as usual, like a blind stream.

Hands in sleeves, basking in the sun, doing nothing, being lazy and boring.

 Wayne is not here now. He went to his hometown, saying that his presence is indispensable in that city.

Whether it’s Bruce Wayne’s playboy or the elusive Batman.

 So only Korik was left in a daze with Kahn.

Life on the Holy Mountain is somewhat boring. Even if this place is fun enough, no matter what it is, it will become boring if it is repeated too many times.

 Colik and Kahn no longer knew what to do.

 “The sun is so beautiful~”

Kirk said this, stretched out his hand from his sleeve, pulled out a dandelion from the grass and placed it in front of him, his eyes were a little dull.

 The coat he was wearing was given by Wayne, saying it was made of artificial leather or something like that.

 Kolik didn’t understand it anyway, so he didn’t pay much attention to it.

 He looked at the dandelions in front of him for a long time without blowing away these small things.

 “Ah woo!”

A husky stuck its head out and took a dandelion in its mouth.

 It has already entered the state of digestion without even chewing.

 The action of swallowing is too fast for a dog...

Kelik twitched the corner of his mouth and kicked the handle again as if nothing happened.

 Wherever a dog appears, it will attract Banal.

 Colik is used to it.

 “Let’s go for a walk!”

Banal walked out from behind the gate of the Holy Mountain, holding two long ropes in his hands.

 At the front of the rope were tied a small bear cub and a big cat.

 The devil knows where he was caught from.

Fortunately for Xiong Zai, one appeared when the Holy Mountain was restored to life. Where did this big cat come from? Kolik didn’t know.

 On the contrary, the husky who should be tied up the most was not tied up, and Kolik did not comment on this.

 Banaar will take care of this.

 This dog's mental state has been a little too excited these days.

Since the last time our bored ancestors competed for an opportunity to walk their dogs, this husky has been dragged through every inch of the Holy Mountain.

 It is rare for a dog walker to almost lose his dog while walking it.

 Especially the ones being walked are Huskies, who are known for their high energy.

“Banaar, are you ready?”

 Colik said softly.

 He knew that Barnard would only give a one-sentence answer.

 “I don’t need to prepare, just telling me where to kill and who to kill is enough!”

Barnar laughed and answered Korik's question.

  The hand holding the rope spread out and patted his belt.

The eyes flashed red for a while.

 It is easier for simple people to live. If barbarians think about things like Madoc, then life will be too tiring.

The things that Marsk considers is that those mages do not return to the bottom of the roots.

  After all, what the mage wants is knowledge about the rules of the world, not philosophical propositions such as where should I go?

“That’s good, I hope some unlucky ancestors can continue to exist this time, instead of turning into a deep pit like the Holy Mountain of Arreat...”

 Colik muttered quietly.

Kahn on the other side slapped him in the face.

 The action was highly insulting, but Korik didn't care much.

 He doesn’t care much about dignity or anything else. This guy only cares about life itself.

 “Kolic, you need to care about something more.”

Kahn said with a headache.

  Such conversations have been held countless times, but each time has achieved little results.

 Kelik is just a little naive, but this simplicity makes him look like a fool.

 “What? Is there anything better than life in this world?”

Kelik asked in astonishment.

The finger poked directly on the husky's nose.

Under Banal's training, this husky is no longer the stupid dog who only knows how to quarrel.

 Having more or less the wildness of a wolf.

But every time it wanted to open its mouth for Kolik to come, it would be dissuaded by the momentary anger that only appeared on Kolik's body.

 Colik is the barbarian closest to the authority of life because of the importance it attaches to life.

Kahn on the other side plucked his ears, looked at Kolik and Banal, then closed his eyes and leaned quietly against the door.

 No one on the Holy Mountain can "break out". Even if they can briefly control the power of the Holy Mountain Gate, in the presence of the three ancestors, the Holy Mountain Gate cannot be lost or destroyed.

If the current Volusk controls the power and supplies that have been on the Holy Mountain for many years, then the gate of the Holy Mountain is something else.


 Hard protection can avoid unnecessary troubles during "transportation".

 The most terrible thing about this package is that it is two-way!

This chapter has been completed!
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