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429 Akarat is on! (More to come)

 In the battlefield on Leiko and Johanna's side, the situation became strange.

Because Prius was seriously injured, he looked at the two people in front of him with a smile on his lips.

 There is no trace of the arrogance and recklessness shown before.

 The high temperature on his body is dissipating little by little, and the Solarion in his hand has also lost its blazing light.

 “Don’t think that I won’t beat you just because you put on this attitude!”

Johanna frowned as she spoke, and the flail in her hand whirled.

Multiple laws are constantly changing with Johanna's movements, and it is only when this matter shines that this realm is fully illuminated.

The towering temple is right behind the three people, and the bursts of light from above seem a bit too dazzling.

"I haven't seen the Temple of the Brave for a while. I didn't expect that as a wandering Crusader like 'Johanna', you would actually form this place in the territory."

Leiko said with eyes wide open.

 Stretched his body.

 The skin burned by the high temperature has almost returned to its original appearance, but the missing half of the hair still shows no sign of recovery.

Leiko clenched her fists and looked at Imprius with a somewhat evil look.

"Okay, now we have something to talk about." Imprius spat out blood-foaming saliva and stood up unsteadily: "I've probably found Diavolo's location."

 Hearing what Inprius said, Leiko rubbed her hands.

“You really didn’t say that because you were afraid of being beaten?”

 As soon as Leiko said these words, she knew that she was talking nonsense.

 Courage itself can be scary?

 There is no joke funnier than this.

Because the Solarion in Prius's hand flashed with light, it was obvious that he almost didn't hold his breath.

 Courage is never good-tempered.

 “I don’t care about any of this, I just want to beat you up!”

Johanna brandished her flail and charged towards Imprius!

Of course she wants to know Diavolo's location, but this kind of information won't be kept secret for long.

She has only one purpose for this trip, and that is to let a superior guy like Imprius feel the anger of a mortal, and at least let him have a thought about the consequences in his mind when he does anything!

Following Johanna's actions, the god's war horse appeared directly beneath her, and several chains directly tied Imprius and Leiko!

The flail flew, and a large hammer of blessing emerged from Johanna's side, striking the two people with lightning.


Leiko’s feet were firmly planted on the ground, although her body was constantly being pulled to move forward.

 His body was continuously hit by the hammer of blessing, but even the expression on his face did not change.

There were bursts of roars from the Ancestral Hammer that was gradually disappearing!


 After shouting violently, Leiko's arm broke free from the chains!

 The Hammer of the Ancestors is square and square, but a pair of horns appear on the surface of the hammer!

Leiko moved forward with Johanna like she was on a skateboard!

Although Johanna said she wanted to teach Imprius a lesson, was Reiko excluded?

 “Caught it!”

At this time, she raised the war hammer in her hand high and hit Johanna on the back!

 He has a somewhat ferocious look on his face.

 What are the consequences of attacking Johanna? Iprius, who was still bleeding like a showerhead over there, has already given the answer.

 But so what!

Leiko reminded Johanna, and the attack fell without any hesitation!

Imperius, who was being dragged, looked very ugly!

 His body was entangled in chains and connected to Johanna's body.

 Leiko’s final blow will not give him any special treatment.

What’s even more damning is that the thorns on Johanna’s body will treat Imprius, who is considered an enemy, equally!

“You guys are working together to trick me!”

Because the Prius roared loudly, all the heat belonging to courage was released without reservation.

This is Johanna's domain, and all attacks on the environment will have an equal impact on Johanna!

 It has been a long time since I saw Imprius put on the battle armor. At this time, the strength of courage finally appeared, but this time the metal-like halo above his head was missing!

 Until this moment, Imprius truly understood that he was no longer the fearless Archangel of Courage.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Leiko laughed, and the heavy hammer fell on Johanna without reservation!

And Johanna turned her back to the two of them, with a smile on her lips!

 The stone bricks on the ground turned into light in an instant and enveloped Johanna's body.

In just one breath, the bright light turned into the temple of the brave, directly facing the blow that carried through Leiko's unparalleled power!

“What brings courage is endless light and heat! What extinguishes courage and brings panic is the dark unknown!”

As Prius chanted, his voice changed from weak to loud.

 “Courage never ends!”

With the roar, the heat on the Prius reached the point where even space was distorted in an instant.

 The high temperature was limited within a certain range, directly melting the chains on his body and turning them into molten iron!

The iron chain was created by Johanna's power. Such an action is equivalent to launching an attack on Johanna!

 Correspondingly, the power of the thorns instantly returned to Imprius.

 Only this time, the shower no longer spilled blood.

 The pure light was like spikes, rushing out of Imprius's body and flying towards Leiko and Johanna!

Lance of Light!

 Behind the glorious spear tip is a handful of human blood!

  turned into the barrel of a gun and chased after the light!

 This is the method used by Prius to pierce Diavolo's realm, and Johanna and Leiko are the first humans to have the opportunity to experience this blow.

 Just because Prius is no longer an archangel, this hit still carries the courage and determination that belongs to humans!

“Come! Fight! Come and see who death will catch up with first!!!”

Leiko roared angrily, and the Hammer of the Ancestors fell on the light and shadow of the Temple of Courage!

Then the power of the thorns was fed back to her without any reservation!

Because the Prius will be hurt by this, it is impossible for Reiko to be exempted from the same treatment!

The celestial war horse under Johanna let out a desperate neigh and disappeared with great power!

Johanna, who had lost her mount, rolled to regain her balance, but the hammer of the ancestors above her head just penetrated the first layer of defense and fell towards Johanna's head like a nail.

Now is the time to test Johanna’s strength!

  275 times the explosion!

This hammer is enough to make a hell demon like Azmodan roll back and be reborn.

Johanna's body was trembling, the Akarat's Epiphany in her hand stood like a pillar on the ground, and the flail in her other hand was spinning above her head.

The light started from Johanna and turned into a huge giant spear!

 “Akarat, above! The Holy Light is deceiving us!”

Johanna’s beautiful voice roared with hysteria.

 The armor around him began to bloom with large swathes of roses!

thorns are not just there to sting!

 The existence of thorns is to guard the most beautiful and noble flowers of mankind!

Johanna is the embodiment of thorns and the blooming rose!

 Flowers and thorns are always one!

 In an instant, Johanna’s field was covered with a sea of ​​flowers.

 The holy light, as warm as the morning sun, fills the petals.

The branches of the flower whirled, condensed into a gun barrel, and charged into the sky toward the Hammer of the Ancestors with Johanna's Spear of Holy Light!

“Bah! You didn’t show such power when you faced the Great Demon God!”

The Prius roared with dissatisfaction and jumped up high!

 The body turned into a star, filling this field with light!

 He finally understood why he was attacked by Leiko and Johanna one after another.

 I also understand why Auriel asked him to come here to deal with a plague king who is insignificant in comparison!

 It is true that Johanna hates Leiko and Imprius, but what is most true is that Imprius has to contribute to the Nephalem again.

 Use courage to raise a sun that never sets in Johanna's realm of bravery!

 His human blood nourishes the rose!

 As the soul of the archangel, he witnessed the nobility of the Crusaders!

The barbarian’s iron hammer has become a forging hammer that tempers the will, and the blood of the barbarian close to nature has become the bright red petals of the rose!

 It’s just that the most important point is missing!


 Born out of despair, hope that never gives up!

 Will Auriel come?

Because the Prius is releasing its own light and heat while searching.

 Aurel won’t come.

 Because the Prius thinks so.

“Perhaps, she has left her hope to you a long time ago!”

 The Prius muttered to itself.

The giant gun above Johanna's head was stained with blood!

 “Akarat is on top! I’m Johanna!”

 Johanna shouted with piety.

The temple of the brave, made of bricks in the distance, which was originally regarded as a domain creation by Prius, emits the light of the soul that only humans can display!

 A soul wearing a battle armor awakens, and streaks of blood appear on the soul!

“That’s Akarat! You actually placed the Temple of the Brave in your soul!”

Yin Prius smiled with relief! Looking at Johanna, for the first time, there was an emotion like a mountain standing still in his eyes.

 The next moment, his body was covered with small holes!

his attack will let Leiko share the damage of the thorns, and Leiko's attack will also let him share the teaching!

 Experiencing pain is the easiest way to promote growth!

This chapter has been completed!
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