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458 No One Can Kill Death! (More to come)

   In a somewhat crowded Tardis.

Although the interior space of the TARDIS is somewhat incompatible with the small police box that looks like it from the outside, it still seems a bit crowded after a bunch of people enter.

Especially when there are a few of them who look like they are doing nothing.

 The two doctors stood here, watching the other one busy in front of him.

At this time, the doctor named in the name of war was looking at the stars outside the TARDIS.

 As if in a daze.

 The starry sky is beautiful. This is the sense of calmness after finally finding some inner peace after a long war.

 He is waiting for the TARDIS that belongs to him and belongs to this point in time.

  Time is full of all kinds of unexplainable mysteries, but War is not in the mood to explore them.

 On the eve of the war finally coming to an end, he just wanted to end it himself.

 Another busy Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor who likes to adjust his bow tie, is contacting the Time Lords on Curry Fury in his TARDIS.

 It's just that it took a not too long period of time for his actions to go from being full of enthusiasm at the beginning to being filled with doubts now.

 He is not impatient, but the current situation is definitely not normal.

Such a job could be completed with just a few simple keystrokes, but now it has become more difficult.

Although none of the doctors mentioned this obvious reason, their eyes would shift to Bulcasso from time to time.

“I have little control over the power of time, so you don’t have to look at me.”

Burkeso covered his head and took a big sip of wine, speaking with a hint of drunkenness.

This kind of drunkenness may not be because he is drunk, but just because he has relaxed a little.

 Compared with being alone in silence, he prefers to be carried quietly among the crowd.

 The concept of being alive is never as simple as its simplest meaning.

There are certainly people present who can affect the time-related TARDIS, but it won't be him.

“Don’t look at me either. Although I have found some things from outside, it won’t make your work so difficult.

Let me see, is this direct communication? Or communication through time?"

Jotun Kule looked at the interior of the TARDIS and asked casually.

 He is not capable of lying at this time.

 He never told a lie, but his questions were a little strange.

Jotun Kule understands most of the mysterious things, and as a mage, he can also understand a large number of world laws.

 However, technology is still a strange thing, and it requires some understanding to make a correct understanding.

"Even if the TARDIS comes from hundreds of years in the future, as a being that can travel through time, it won't be so difficult for him to communicate across time." The Eleventh Doctor said this, grabbing his hair by the way.

."The call has been dialed, but why is no one responding to us?"

“Is time disturbed, or is there some change here that ‘I’ don’t know about?”

 The Ninth Doctor looked at the chaos, his eyes a little wandering.

 For the short time that he existed, he had always hated himself.

Although titles such as executioner, genocide, and terminator of war are given to the doctor named War, the person who really bears this pain is this guy with windy ears.

 Using excessive kindness to try to make up for "one's" past is a very bad experience.

 Being yourself and not yourself, surviving in this situation, struggling in pain, waking up in endless nightmares.

Doctor Who's pain is just as mysterious.

“Gu Yi, you haven’t spoken for a long time since you came here. What do you think?”

Burkeso took another sip of wine after speaking, and his body became more relaxed.

 He can't help much with these matters, and fighting is simpler for him.

 “I don’t know what to say. But there is a question I have wanted to ask you for a long time.”

  Ancient One spoke slowly, and then took off the Eye of Agamotto.

Although the Time Stone has been given to Bulcaisu by her, and is now in the hands of Jotun Kule, the knowledge brought about by observing time will not disappear.

 The Eye of Agamotto comes from the former Supreme Mage Agamotto, and is also contaminated by the power of time.

 This thing is a precious treasure no matter what.

“Which one is more important in your eyes, knowledge or wisdom?”

 As Gu Yi’s question came out, Zoldun Kule showed a trace of excitement on his face.

 Mages who can reach this stage are expected to move forward into the future.

 Only the mage who makes this choice will truly become powerful in the eyes of angels and demons.

 Li Min chose wisdom back then, so she began to constantly explore all the unknowns.

 Think about all the laws, and then integrate the results of these thoughts into your own body with respect for wisdom.

 Finally it was revealed using magic.

As a mage who has embarked on the path of wisdom, Li Min no longer cares about anything except wisdom and the concept of "I".

 As long as she casts a spell, it is a teaching for mages who have not yet reached her level.

From the fluctuations in her spells, the apprentices can feel that they have obtained various possible answers during their exploration.

 In contrast, Jotun Kule chose knowledge!

  Mastered the existing spells and understood the existing rules.

 His spells are always feasible and stable, and there will be no errors in the spell itself.

 As the more knowledge he masters, he will become more comprehensive without weaknesses.

 Becoming a great mage requires making choices along the way.

 There is no such thing as being in the center.

 Because there is no end to wisdom and there is no end to knowledge.

 “Do knowledge and wisdom need to be so separated?”

 The Tenth Doctor broke the silence with a dry smile.

This question is not easy to answer.

 Doctor Who is a child of time, but he cannot represent time. At best, he will be tolerated by time at any time.

 And knowledge is the basis for his true survival.

 What was before will be again after what was before!

 All the knowledge that has ever appeared, even if he has not mastered it, will appear in his mind as a part of his memories.

 Until the moment he needs it.

  In other words, it is “experience”.

“Omniscient and omnipotent? Should I say choose omniscience or omnipotence?”

 Zhan Zhan was talking at the door, with a look of fatigue on his old face.

 “I’ve reached out to myself at various times and we’re going to save it all.”

Zhan Zhan said hesitantly.

When all this comes to an end, it will be time for him to leave.

 Although he saw that the doctors after him still existed in a new way, he thought about how to make himself no longer exist.

This war is over, but the mistakes he made during the war will not be buried with it.

 The new self represents the end of sin and a new beginning.

 “You are too arrogant, we have never relied on ourselves to save everything.”

The ninth Doctor with windy ears walked up to War and pressed his arms firmly on the opponent's shoulders.

He experienced the birth of the hungry wolf, experienced the Dalek Emperor being completely killed by the power of time, and saw the past being rewritten in the face of the almost omnipotent power of time.

 He still doesn’t like war.

 There’s no way, all Doctor Who’s don’t like war.

 The name of the Doctor is full of mercy, salvation and healing, and there has never been any place for "war".

If the war had not shown the kindness of doctors, perhaps these mysterious doctors would not be willing to communicate with each other other than by asking questions.

“Choose knowledge. Although there are always some heavy things in knowledge. But it is much better than being the only explorer and having to bear the pain by yourself.”

The Tenth Doctor said this.

 The explorer himself will not know whether what he explores is good or bad, but those who learn have a choice.

Just when he was about to say something more, there was finally an echo from the TARDIS.

That's the signal from Curry Furey.

"Who are you?"

 It’s just two simple words, it’s a little weird.

Hysteria with a sense of panic and madness.

 This is very unusual.

“It’s me. Isn’t it possible that Curry Fury can’t tell who is on the other side through signals now?”

The Eleventh Doctor said this, shouting into the microphone in distress.

 He doesn’t understand.

 Curry Fury can definitely discern signals coming from the TARDIS, but why is it like this?

 They would ask "Who are you?" to Doctor Who, this is outrageous!


From the signal, I could only hear a few words like this clearly in front of me, and some vague swear words.

 Doctor Who raised his head and looked at Bulcaisel.

“There are some problems with Curry Fury, and I think it may have something to do with you.”

The Eleventh Doctor's words made Bulcaisel frown.

 “Because I stepped on that swallow last time?”

Burkeso took another sip of wine and then stood up.

 If these changes are really related to him, then of course he will not shirk them.

 You will naturally bear the responsibility for the consequences you cause.

“I don’t know, but I don’t have this episode in my memory. Either we succeeded and time erased this memory.

 Perhaps this time that existed in the ‘past’ has turned at a fork in the road and headed towards another future.

 It’s probably something like a parallel universe.”

 The Eleventh Doctor's tone was particularly serious.

Whether it is about the safety of Curry Fury or the topic of parallel universes, they deserve his serious treatment.

 Curry Fury is as important to the Time Lords as Dr. Kawasaki's burial place, but only Doctor Who himself knows why it is important.

 As for the parallel universe...

 Parallel universes may be a relatively common thing for Marvel, but for Doctor Who, parallel universes mean more, more dangerous, and more elusive crises.

Doctor Who’s travels are all within the timeline of his own universe, and he has never ventured into a parallel universe rashly.

“I remember that I was originally going to take Amy to see the Queen of Years’ event.”

 The Eleventh Doctor's eyes lit up.

Although he will not know the future that will happen "after" at this time, according to Bulqessor, the Ring of Aikatan is finished.

The queen will be relieved of her responsibilities and grow up without worries?

 Or something more dangerous will happen.

“Bulkessor, when you were fighting the Ring of Aikatan, did you discover the existence of other life forms?”

 Doctor Who lowered his head slightly when he asked this question, as if he was thinking.

"No, that battle was a chase... Are you saying that I missed something? If it was a demon, there is no way I couldn't have discovered it."

Burkeso glanced at Gu Yi and gave him a somewhat apologetic look.

 Although the direction of progress after Ancient One is still an important matter, it is not so urgent.

Burkeso still remembers what Li Min looked like when he was thinking about this.

Just laughing, like a crazy girl, she found a devil's lair and had a fight before getting her answer.

Although Li Min's method is not representative, it has shown that this kind of problem requires the mage to think through it himself and make up his mind.

“In addition to bewitching people in person, is there any other way for the devil to cause some consequences?”

 The war also became serious.

 He didn’t want a positive answer.


Burkeso's answer disappointed the expectations of the war.

 “Lies, or illusions. And some weird stuff.”

Burkeso said this, and his power began to spread.

 If it was true that the power of lies appeared here as he said, then Bile would not be able to escape his perception.

Even though Belial, who may be the weakest among the demon kings of hell, is very good at disguising himself, Bulcaisel, who has already fought Belial, will not let him hide.

 A powerful force immediately hit the interior of the TARDIS, and there was a noise in the TARDIS similar to an overwhelmed graphics card running like a fan.

The phone hanging outside the door also stopped ringing.

 “Bulkess, please restrain your strength a little!”

  Jotun Kule shouted out immediately.

 Pure power is always unreasonable.

 This is what power can bring. If you are strong enough, you can say no to the rules. But the consequences will be equally huge.

“Then you go back and bring Cassius here? Or do you want me to use the ancestor summons to specifically name Cassius?”

Burkeso’s words were filled with dissatisfaction.

  Cassius's cursing war cry can effectively anger the Hell Demon, but this is not a good time.

 What they want is to save Curry Fury. If it is really Billie who is causing trouble, then the enraged Billie will show his power as the Demon King of Hell.

 Maybe nothing can be saved by then.

Compared with Belial who may be angry here, after Bulcaisel showed his power, Belial would try his best to hide or run away immediately if he wasn't stupid.

 This will not cause more losses.

 “We will find a solution. Don’t worry.”

The Ninth Doctor spoke word by word. He gently took out the sonic screwdriver from his pocket and pointed it at the war.

“Where did you get the sonic screwdriver? You and I both exist in the present! At this time! How could you take out the sonic screwdriver when I have it in my hand?”

 The Eleventh Doctor said this, and then put his hand into his pocket.

 Then it became stiff.

“I just used it and will return it to you in a while.”

 The Ninth Doctor's ears are a little red, and the experience of "borrowing" his own things is a bit bizarre.

"Why are you pointing a sonic screwdriver at me!? That's a sonic screwdriver, not a water gun!" Zhan Zhan said in a frenzied tone: "I still hate Feng Er!"

“You said you contacted us at other points in time, so how did you contact us? Your TARDIS? I didn’t see it!”

The Ninth Doctor spoke word by word. Apart from his red ears, he was very serious.

"Okay! Actually, I haven't contacted 'us' yet." Zhan said with slumped shoulders: "I'm not sure if this place is safe now. After all, the Time Box is still outside. In order to prevent us from being wiped out, I think we should

Find the box of time first!"

“Although my time is not very precious, it is not wasted by these things. I am a super Nephalem! My time is very valuable!”

Jotun Kule shouted as if he was afraid that the world would be in chaos. It was obvious that he was very excited.

“It’s okay, I can help you find some antiques, go back in time, and take away a worthless souvenir. It won’t have much impact, time will repair everything.”

The Tenth Doctor said this.

 “If you take the food you just made and wait for 500 years, will the food expire and go bad?”

 Gu Yi said with a smile.

 Of course it won’t go bad.

 For that food, five hundred years is just a "moment" and it will naturally not deteriorate.

 Otherwise Doctor Who wouldn't be able to eat at any point in the past.

 Back to the present, hundreds of years passed in an instant by what I ate in the “past”.

 The food in your stomach has become weathered?

Antiques are real antiques, but any detection method can detect that the time of their birth is "just now".



 Before the throne of the kingdom of the dead.

Tyrael is wiping the brilliance of the Holy Feather in his hands.

His expression was hesitant, and from time to time he cast his eyes towards the throne of death, where there seemed to be a power rising.

 An image of the past flashed through Tyrell's mind! The scene where he and Iprius had argued!

  【Justice will not be judged!

 Justice is always strong and high!

 Justice needs to guide people to the right path!】

These words kept echoing in Tyrell's mind, and he finally spoke with trembling anticipation and fear!

"Death! Have you made your own decision? Do you...really...want to do this?"

Tyrrell asked towards the empty throne, a black shadow was slowly expanding above the throne.

 But death did not answer.

"I know that I am not a creature in this world, nor an existence in this world. Even I could have paid the price and resurrected in a high-level heaven, but due to the conspiracy of my brother, I can only remain as a dead soul.


 Even so, do you still want to give me such a chance!?"

Tyrrell spoke slowly, his tone becoming more and more passionate.

On Tyrael's dark face, the eyes began to glow faintly.

That beam of light has grown from weak to strong, from being able to only illuminate the road in front of you to being able to penetrate the kingdom of death!

 The soul is soaring!

 The blood that should not be in the soul begins to burn!

 He has made his decision!

 “The power of death! The power of death! Death!”

Tyrrell repeated it again and again!

 His body turned into fly ash bit by bit...

 Only retaining that unyielding face! And the long sword in his hand!

 Holy Sword! Edruin·Holy Feather's Glory!

 “No one! can prevent death!”

 A roar!

Tyrael held the holy sword in his hand with his most condensed soul! He charged towards the throne of death!

 The holy sword is shining with light!

Tyriel’s soul shines brightly!

 “Brother, I am dead too!”

Malthael’s last words of justice were spoken to Malthael, the Archangel of Wisdom, who had become Death.


“Tyriel! The iron laws of the High Heavens strictly prohibit us from interfering with mortal affairs! But you did it anyway, blatantly! More than once!”

"My only sin! Because of Prius! That is to do justice! And you always hide far behind the throne!"


“Because of Prius! Angels to mortals should not just bring hope, courage and justice as you said!

 We must join in!

 We must control them within the appropriate scope!”

 Tyrael's mind echoed with the scene of taking off the light wings from his back, as if he was speaking to Imperius across time and space!

 “Justice needs to serve itself!

 Hope needs to appear in the world and guide the direction!

 And courage should accompany the warrior and charge to the end!”

Tyriel's voice rings in the realm of the dead!

 The brilliance radiating from his body is no longer the blue of justice!


“You must now be punished for this!”

"You cannot judge me, I am the embodiment of justice. What we have to do is not just follow the law! We should also protect those innocent people! If our supreme commandments prevent us from doing anything, then I am no longer your brother."


"Now, I am no longer justice! But I will turn into wisdom! To explore the end of everything! Bulcaisel is a hero who can defeat angels and demons, but his mortal heart will one day be corrupted.


Not just Bul-Katho, those Nephalem will always burst out with power beyond our imagination!

 Will he still have the strength to resist on that day? Or will that be our end?

  It’s like we killed the first Bul-Katho! It’s like Israel killed Kanai!

 We will pay the price, but we must!"

Tyriel roared loudly in the realm of death!

But this roar was tightly restricted in the kingdom of the dead by the power of death.

It’s not time to announce all this to the public, death is still waiting!

As Tyrell's words finally came to an end, the authority of wisdom in this world began to flow toward the kingdom of the dead!

Above the throne of death, the pitch-black power of claws and fangs was mixed with the incoming light blue light! Then it gradually turned to gray!

The holy sword in Tyrael's hand emitted the last blue light of justice! The justice remaining in his soul finally dissipated with this roar!

A gray robe appeared on Tyrael's body, and the holy sword in his hand was bent a little bit, full of traces of decay!

 Finally, it turned into a huge sickle!

All the smart people in this world vaguely feel as if they have lost something.

  The amazing Mr. Reed, who was doing research in the Buster Building, seemed to have lost all inspiration, and the experiment in his hand was abruptly stopped in the present!

Dimas Zhao, who was still in school, was in a daze for a moment, feeling that his strong curiosity suddenly became dull.

 This is a manifestation of the authority of wisdom appearing in a person!

 Such an influence will not last long, as long as new wisdom is willing to spread wisdom to the world again!

 Or, wisdom becomes...knowledge!

 The only good thing is that Tyrael just wants to protect the weak and hopes that the strong will be restricted.

 He will not sever the connection between wisdom and mortals.

 Just like Malthael back then, like all the archangels!

 Generously gave away his authority to the world!

This chapter has been completed!
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