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538 Battle Master Calju!

 Battle Master Kalju's life cannot be described as short at all.

He is even older than the three ancestors who became famous long ago, but he is just a late-blooming type of warrior.

This guy truly became a legend after the Holy Mountain was reduced to ruins by the explosion of the Worldstone.

Of course, what he relied on was not the messenger of doom in his hands.

He was already a strong enough warrior before he got the legendary Doombringer.

This legendary one-handed sword would only appear in front of a true warrior, and at that time Kalju was the best choice for the title of "Warrior".

In other words, "benchmark"!

There was such a warrior before him, that guy named Joe Reitz.

But the title of warrior does not bring the description of "invincible" to Jorizz. Even Jorizz is a guy who needs to be rescued from the enemy by Leiko after being defeated.

This also laid the foundation for Joe Ruiz's family status, although the two people really love each other.

But Kalju is different!

Until he died in battle, he never suffered a single defeat!

"I want to go in. Since you can't give me the answer I want, then I will look for other ancestors! I don't believe that every ancestor will be as indifferent to Baal's whereabouts as you are!"

Matthew didn't care how furious Kalqiu was in front of him, nor did he care what the persistence in Kalqiu's heart was.

He has his own ideas and his own persistence.

With this kind of character, any time other than today, Kalju would be happy for Matthew.

Sticking to your goals and knowing exactly what you need is an essential quality on the road to becoming a "great" warrior.

But not now!

Matthew's will is conflicting with his!

"I really can't give you an answer on behalf of the other guys, and I won't even be arrogant enough to say that my will can represent their will! But you can't go in! And Reko can't leave either!"

Calgiu had no intention of making irresponsible remarks on Matthew's will. Everyone's ideas were not allowed to be dictated by others.

He is just carrying out his own will and responsibility!

"We are now outside the gate of the Holy Mountain."

Leiko smiled happily, and the confrontation in her hand began to radiate anger.

The existence of Leiko is a bit ambiguous. She is not Leiko, but the difference between the two existences is somewhat unclear.

"If you were still the same barbarian who died early, I wouldn't treat you like this!

If you were still the child who needed to be raised by others, I wouldn't treat you like this!

But since you have such great power, how dare you leave the Holy Mountain when you need it most!"

Kalju knew very well that he was forcing responsibility on Leko.

But this is how Kalju integrated the barbarians.

He's so rude that he's unreasonable and can't even tolerate other people's voices!

And Kal Qiu can be regarded as Leko's elder to some extent.

After Kalju finally integrated the remaining barbarians into a tribe, when the tribesmen returned to the Pit of Arreat and saw Bulcaisso, the only one standing in a place covered in blood and full of demonic remains.

, those tribesmen gave up their recognition of Kalqiu's "authority".

What happened during those days is not a good story, although it was not a long time...

The sacred mountain of Arreat that the barbarians believed in collapsed, and the city of Harrogath, shrouded in snow and majesty, became a thing of the past.

The hearts of the barbarians are shaken!

At that time, there were really only a few strong people who could stand up!

There are only two people who can be counted and have information, one is Cole.

Kor, who was in charge of the Wrath of the Hidden Peak, had no idea what the barbarians needed at that time.

Barbarians don’t need to go through the Wrath of the Hidden Peak to witness how majestic Mount Arreat once was!

Because everything about that holy mountain is firmly engraved in their hearts!

Seeing the Wrath of the Hidden Peak is like seeing the Holy Mountain of Arreat. It will only make them feel lost and even despair!

The other one was Kalju, who was not yet a "battle master" at that time.

Compared to Cole's confusion, Kalju, who holds the legendary Doombringer, knows what he wants to bring to the barbarians!

At that time, the barbarians did not need to remember or fear at all! They did not even need to think!

Kalju used the toughest means to treat his own people, using strict rules to restrain those who had lost their spiritual sustenance!

It's just that he stopped talking!

For all instructions, he would only use the simplest and crudest way to "tell" the tribesmen what to do.

So, this tribe started to move!

Then there is constant work! Constantly creating "wealth"! Constantly accumulating strength for the future of the barbarians!

Then Kalju was called "tyrannical"!

During that time, the barbarians had almost no time to rest. In addition to working, they became the targets of Kalju's "abuse"!

The soldiers continued to fight with Kalju, and kept seeing scars on their bodies! The soldiers were thankful that Kalju still had sense and did not leave them with incurable injuries.

But Kalqiu in front of them was unharmed!

Fight! From morning to night!

"Sadism"! Day after day!

The downed warriors will no longer need to work hard, but they would rather deal with the stones that can never be dug out and the ground that can't even grow grass!

They were even deprived of the right to go hunting by Kalju!

Since I couldn’t go hunting, I had to eat black bread that was as big as my fist and it was hard to fill my stomach!

The Doombringer in Kalju's hand is a one-handed sword, but the blade is very wide.

The feeling of the sword hitting the body is enough to prevent those originally excellent warriors from having a complete sleep! They will be awakened from their trance by severe pain almost every moment!

The burning of anger continued to linger around the place where it was hit, and the physical pain and inner pain tortured these warriors. They could even hear the crackling sound as the anger burned their bodies!

It’s as if all the fat in the body is used as fuel!

And the feeling of being hit by the Storm Shield is just as bad!

The pain that felt like being hit by a whirlwind made these downed warriors tremble constantly, and the electric current and cold wind invaded their bodies all the time, taking away even the last bit of heat.

The only thing worth celebrating is that the soldiers were able to eat one meal a day and were allowed to cook for a while while eating.

It is very difficult to survive in the cold climate of the Arreat Mountains. The barbarians do not even have a place to take shelter from the wind except for women and children.

And those barbarians who worked could get two meals in three days! It was about two fist-sized pieces of dry food!

Everyone thought that Calgiu would enjoy the "wealth" alone every night.

It is said to be wealth, but in fact it is just some accumulated food rations.

They even suspected that the women and children living in the tight tents had starved to death and had even become food for Kalju!

Warriors who cannot hunt can hardly create any wealth for the tribe.

Only when Cole came here with the Wrath of the Hidden Peak, the tribesmen could relax their stomachs and have a good meal. But as always, there were no women or children in sight.

The barbarians after the Holy Mountain was bombed are just a group of refugees!

How can a race that no longer enjoys the respect of others and can't even protect their home be respected? They can't even protect themselves!

Even trading has become very difficult.

The barbarians at that time had almost lost their dignity as "human beings" and as the noble "Nephalem"!

Kor was the only barbarian who was allowed to move freely by Kalju after coming to this tribe composed of scattered tribesmen.

The tribesmen speculated that it was because of the Wrath of the Hidden Peak and Kor's "powerful" power!

But Cole didn't say a single word about the "difficult" life of his tribe!

Of course, such an approach will be resented. This is human nature.

But every time Kol came back with the found tribesmen, a large number of prey, and scars all over his body, he was forgiven by the other tribesmen.

Because the barbarians believe that "no one has to pay for everything else." Cole has done enough, and the injuries on his body are enough to kill any warrior!

Days like this don't last too long, probably just over half a year.

As time went by, Kalju tortured for longer and longer! The number of times the warrior was knocked down became less and less.

The soldiers feel that they have become stronger!

As time went by, Kalju gradually gained armor. At first it was just a breastplate that blocked his abdomen, then a skirt armor, a neck protector, a heavy belt, shoulder pads, gloves, and finally Kalju

He has a full-coverage armor on his body!

No one can see Kalju's body anymore, even his hands holding the sword and shield! Even the eyes can only see the bright red color through the gap in the helmet!

The tribesmen said that Kalju was bewitched by the devil! That he was corrupted! That he became a new devil!

He said that his previous "lenience" was just like Durrell who didn't want his "toy" to be damaged too early!

Resistance begins to spread!

Until one day, when the soldiers found that they could finally endure "torture" in the hands of Kalju for a whole day, they rioted!

Where there is oppression, there is resistance, right?

Besides, barbarians are never very good-tempered, so it's amazing that they can wait for such a long time.

Through a series of "secret" means, the soldiers planned to overthrow the tyrannical rule!

Then, as expected, the "Devil-Slaying" resistance was launched!

The day after Kol came back and left! The soldiers launched a resistance after a full meal!

They were knocked down time and again by the heavily armored Kalju, and then they got up tenaciously and rejoined the battle group!

He kept chopping the storm shield in Kalju's hand until the weapon was shattered by the shield's blockage, and then he temporarily withdrew from the battle group!

No one is grateful for Kalju's mercy!

In their eyes, Kalju has become a subordinate of the King of Torment!

Until! The first sword pierced Kalju's breastplate! Pierced Kalju's heart!

Bright red blood belonging to a barbarian slowly flowed out from the wound.

Not even sprayed!

There was no blood splattered from the puncture wound in the heart, which undoubtedly strengthened the determination of these soldiers!

When a person's heart is pierced, blood will not just flow slowly like this!

In their eyes, Kalju is undoubtedly a devil!

Except, the warrior who pierced Kalju's breastplate!

"My people, you are powerful warriors."

This was the first thing Kalju said during this period of time!

Only the warrior still holding the sword in his hand knew something. He had never seen such a fragile armor! The moment it was pierced, he almost thought he had pierced the water!

The sword fell on the armor without encountering any obstacles!

"Go back to the Holy Mountain of Arreat! Go and see if there is anything worth protecting there! Go and see if there is still a guy alive there."

Kalqiu said a little weakly, no, it should be said that he could not say this in a weaker tone!

Calm, returned to this group of warriors who were still fighting just a moment ago!

The warrior holding the sword let go of his hand, and the sword fell directly to the ground!

This is another thing that does not conform to the knowledge of this group of soldiers!

Who among these warriors does not know about Karju's strong body?

That body is enough to jam the devil's claws to death!

As the long sword fell and cut open the armor, the group of warriors understood why.

The armor is so thin that it can’t even compare to a layer of sheepskin!

And the body inside was so thin that it looked like a corpse that had been hung up to dry!

"Prophet Mardoc once told me that we need to return to the original location of the Holy Mountain to see! We need to see the warrior with the same name as our ancestors. Then we all take action!

Also, I have defeated you countless times, but this time I am the one who wins."

Kalju's last words were this!

After he finished speaking, his weak hand struck the throat of the soldier who had pierced his heart.

The warriors finally realized that although they had become stronger through Kalju's "torture", they were still far from being able to defeat Kalju.

Compared with the speed at which they become stronger, Kalju weakens faster.

During this process, no one among the barbarians died except Kalju!

During this period of time, Kalqiu was the only one who truly never rested at all.

He was the only one who didn't eat any food during this period of time!

During this period of time, when the soldiers could not even get up from the mat, he was the only one who fought against demons, beasts, and slave catchers full of dirty desires!

All the spoils of war were used for "fair" transactions!

As a barbarian who has lost his homeland, even the process of "transaction" can be called "fair".

And his so-called exclusive "wealth" is this handsome armor.

That was pieced together bit by bit when he noticed that he was starting to lose weight!

The purpose is just to prevent his image as an "enemy" in the hearts of the soldiers from collapsing easily!

The barbarian warriors have lost their will to fight against the devil, so use an "enemy" to rekindle their anger!

The warriors have lost their awe of the tribe and their confidence in fighting, so use his "tyranny" to train these warriors!

Kalqiu closed his eyes, and his body turned into ashes in the final rage!

The tribesmen began to take action, and under the leadership of Cole, they came to the Arreat Giant Pit!

Found it, the only one standing among the corpses everywhere!

The barbarian with the same name as his ancestor, Bulcaisel!

Then, on this mountain called Harogas, the Holy Mountain was re-established! The Temple of the Elders was built!

Civilization is restored!

The soul of the first ancestor that appeared on the sacred mountain of Harrogath was not the three ancestors who were the gatekeepers!

Instead, he is respected as a teacher by countless warriors, the battle master Kalju!

At the same time, Reko died under the molten fire of "destiny" in her fourth battle!

This chapter has been completed!
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