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550 Become Nephalem!

 "Barbarians? You came at the wrong time."

Dr. Doom seemed unfazed by the sudden attack.

It's not that this king doesn't panic at all, it's just that if it's just fighting, he doesn't need to panic.

Confidence is his strength, and any means necessary is his style, but no matter what has cultivated him now, Dr. Doom will not panic until everything is settled.

That kind of clarity doesn't bring any victory.

A burst of dark green energy lit up from his body, turning into a shield to block him. But he himself had already begun to move, and what remained in place was just an illusion full of power.

The collision between two kinds of energy and three people broke out at this time!

Constantine, who was standing on the side, couldn't even stay in place under such a strong wind. At this time, he was flying out in the direction of the shock wave like a plastic bag in the wind, but there was a look on his face.


The easiest way for Reed to see Dr. Doom is definitely not to find a way to bring Dr. Doom to Reed. Rather than doing that, it would be more convenient to use two mobile phones to make a video call.

No matter what the mentality of Dr. Doom was at that time, he told Reed everything that happened to him, but now that he has become more powerful, Dr. Doom has no reason to seek help from Reed.

Then it is the best way to give Dr. Doom a reason to meet with Reed, at least this will not make this somewhat arrogant king feel rebellious that he should not have.


Constantine fell heavily to the ground, and his body became limp, like a piece of mud covering the ground.

At this time, the ground began to become hot and dry.

"Trampled on the ground!"

Luke's roar also sounded at this time, and rolling lava could already be seen on the ground!

The mud transformed by Constantine became dry in the high temperature, and then showed traces of dissatisfaction and cracking, but only the face full of ridicule and freedom was still clearly there!

His purpose is about to be achieved!

Dr. Doom's arrogance has never been due to power or group reasons. There is always only one reason for his pride, and that is that he is called Victor von Doom!

Break his pride and let him fall into the bottom, then this guy will naturally show his flaws and lose that precious calmness!

The emergence of Baal did this, and now the emergence of two barbarians can do the same!

If Luke and Matthew are still not interested, Constantine has an alternative plan!

"Boring! Are you here because of Barr?"

Victor's figure appeared on the other side, and the characteristics of the Burning Hell began to appear on the high-tech armor.

Blood-like lines wrapped around the metal armor, and bursts of sulfur smell began to spread from the dark green cloak behind him!

"Although you have found the wrong target, I will not forgive your offense!"

Dr. Doom was talking and walking in the direction of the two barbarians.

Then he firmly raised his arm and slowly waved his fist forward!

The great demon King Plague is Baal's masterpiece, and his giant arm full of destruction is its irresistible attack! And Dr. Doom also received Baal's favor!

This method of using power, which is almost rooted in the blood, was completely mastered by Dr. Doom the moment he became a demon!

And one step further!

Everything about Dr. Doom is tainted with the rhythm of destruction! Whether it's his magic power or his body, it even includes his voice, and everything he can come into contact with in this world!

Instead of punching, he used his arms like a machete!

The metal armor was filled with the mad rage that comes only after being tortured!

Under the entanglement of the strange power, the surrounding space made a rattling sound as the glass was overwhelmed!

His arms were aimed at Matthew's throat!

Beheading is the deadliest attack on humans! And this arm full of destructive power can easily cut off Matthew's head!

"I thought you wouldn't be the kind of scum that would willingly become a demon!"

Luke roared and blocked Dr. Doom's attack path with the blunt weapon in his hand!

He held both ends of the blunt instrument with both hands and collided with Dr. Doom in the middle!

There is no need to argue in a conflict of ideas, and a battle of wills never ends with someone being persuaded!


A crisp loud bang!

There was no subsequent movement, and nothing was broken!

The blunt weapon comes from the original legend "Madoc's Sorrow", but the sadness has been turned into pieces by the power of Diavolo and Baal.

Now the only thing left in Luke's hands is the name "Madoc"!

It will not be destroyed, it will not surrender, and it is full of determination to revenge against the enemy!

The armor on Dr. Doom's arm turned into fragments in the collision, and then disappeared in the roar of destructive power! The arm that looked like the bark of a dead tree was revealed!

Also, that dark green mana that is still glowing faintly!

How can it be possible to become a demon without having to pay any price? Even if Barr is kind enough to Dr. Doom!

But everything that belongs to Dr. Doom in his body is being eroded bit by bit by this power. The body formed by the love between his parents is withering, and the mana he pursues because of his love for his mother is also lost.


Even the hatred and anger towards the country of America gradually turned into a dry well with only cracked mud left!

"Victor, you have to know that becoming a demon is just torture for a human!"

Matthew called Dr. Doom's name, seemingly because of his kindness and wanted to awaken a little bit of Dr. Doom's feelings as a human being.

Or maybe he wanted to give himself an excuse not to kill Dr. Doom.

No matter what the devil does or does nothing, his threat to mankind continues to spread!

Two lives cannot live together under the same sky! Because the smell of sulfur and the power of unconscious diffusion can kill weak humans!

"I know, but what ability do you have to reverse it? I'm very happy now!"

Dr. Doom said casually, his body did not take a single step back in the previous collision! Now, he used his demonic arms to compete with Luke and walked forward step by step!

"I have a solution~"

Constantine, who was lying on the ground like mud, stood up unsteadily and took out the cigarette case from his pocket as if nothing had happened, but the cigarettes inside were already empty.

Constantine shook his head carelessly, and with a smile, he put his hand into the cloak of Dr. Doom who was still wrestling with Luke.

While the three people were still in a stalemate, there was something wrong with Constantine's actions, especially when the person who made this action was Constantine.

He slowly pulled his hand out of Dr. Doom's cloak, holding tightly a ball of red energy that made people sick just looking at it!

Constantine's hand immediately became ferocious as he grasped the ball of energy.

Demonic power!

This was not something that Bale left on Dr. Doom, but after Dr. Doom's body was transformed into a demon, all kinds of negative emotions began to gather towards his body.

Then such a dangerous energy is formed. Dr. Doom has noticed the existence of this power and even gathered this energy in his own way.

He knew very well that in addition to possessing the pure and powerful power of destruction, he was also becoming a demon.

And if he wants to replace Baal as the Demon God of Destruction, he cannot allow himself to become some kind of lower-level demon.

What he said to Baal was not a threat from the evil spirit. After gaining the power of destruction, Dr. Doom made such a decision almost instantly!

He wants to become the real God of Destruction!

This ball of energy is just a prop for him to explore the nature of the devil, but at this time, this preparation is tightly grasped by Constantine, a scumbag!


Dr. Doom was still distracted. Although he didn't think Matthew and Luke could know his intentions just by seeing this ball of energy, Constantine's behavior was already a serious offense to him!

"I'm here. Do you need my help? The demon hunter Constantine is ready to help you at any time, as long as you can pay the price."

Constantine completely ignored the transformation of his arms. He stretched out his hands, flattened the ball of energy, and then stretched it. The shape looked like a large cigar!

Then he put the "cigar" in his mouth and took a deep breath!

"You try to be me? You dirty rat! You will only become a devil, you will never become a strong man like me!"

Dr. Doom was distracted on Constantine's side, causing the blunt instrument in Luke's hand to press toward his body little by little!

At this time, Matthew finally made a move! His fist was aimed at the metal mask covering Dr. Doom's face!

Dr. Doom used to be a handsome guy, but he was disfigured because of a failed experiment. If the scars at that time were still possible to be healed, then after he put the mask on his face that had not yet cooled down, he would never be able to see it again.

Not the handsome Victor von Doom anymore!

Although it is not that "there is no more lust in the world", he has indeed given up the "love" that is somewhat superfluous to him.

The stubborn and proud Dr. Doom was truly born on the day he put on the mask!

"Dr. Doom, there is no buffer between demons and humans!"

Matthew shouted as he hit Dr. Doom's face hard with his fist!

"I've heard that the prime minister of La Tovilia said that your slightest breath is also the law there. But the human country cannot let a demon become the king!"

Matthew continued talking, but he soon discovered something was wrong!

His fist was firmly sucked onto Dr. Doom's mask, and the power in his body began to disintegrate!

"Matthew Michael Murdoch, I thought you would use weapons to attack me! But it allowed you to reduce some losses, and it also allowed me to reduce some gains!

But that's not important!

I know that the blood of Nephalem is compatible with the power of demons and angels, but why don’t you use a weapon? Don’t say that you don’t have a legendary weapon in your hands!”

Dr. Doom said this, and then moved his body directly backward.

He broke away from Luke's grip, but Matthew's fist did not break away from his mask.

This kind of action made Matthew look as ugly as a child who was grabbed by the wrist and staggered away by an adult!

"Ha! A real legend? When have you ever seen a real legend? If the stick in Luke's hand can still be considered a legend, then you clearly saw it, but why didn't you dare to absorb that energy?"

Constantine's skin has turned red, and two horns have grown on the top of his head!

Perhaps Dr. Doom's calculations were successfully hidden from the eyes of Matthew and Luke, but they could not be hidden from Constantine, who has been dealing with demons, barbarians and even angels for a long time!

"You think humans like 'us' are so different from the Nephalem, so you want to absorb a legendary power so that your body can become a Nephalem?

You think very well. I even think that if something like this hadn't happened today, I'm afraid you would have been ready to fight the barbarians.

Let me think about it, your target is probably Rumlow? Or Rorschach, who is obviously the most powerful among these warriors?

But there’s one thing you still haven’t figured out: after you became Dr. Doom, do you still value your human identity that much?”

As Constantine said this, his tone became more and more arrogant as his body changed, and he even lost his original chicness.

At this time, the surface of Matthew's body has begun to wither, as if he is losing water quickly!

"You may know what a demon is like through Baal, but where did you learn about the Nephalem? Could it be from the mouth of the demon god Baal?

It’s so ridiculous, you are always arrogant and stubborn. That’s why you suffer failures again and again that shouldn’t happen.”

Constantine's pretense turned into a roar, and the special cigar had completely entered his body. His mouth was drooling, just like the Sinking Demon shouting "Lakanixiu" It’s no different when you’re there!

"It is not the nephalem that can withstand the power of angels and demons, but the power of both angels and demons that gives birth to the nephalem! I am willing to share this knowledge with you selflessly as the price for you to give me this demonic power. !

And the power of the Nephalem comes not only from his bloodline, but also from his will!

Otherwise, how could the barbarian ancestors on the Holy Mountain still show such powerful power with their souls after their bodies have decayed!?"

Constantine smiled wildly!

He no longer looked like him at this time.

But the time has come!

Constantine is not a being who can only be hated!

There is also the blessing of the Archangel of Hope Auriel in his body!

That kind of power is called hope!

Except for the compassionate and gentle light that belonged to Auriel, Constantine's chest emerged. His soul left the body that was no different from the devil's, and then opened his arms above his head!

A silk card cigarette is held in the mouth, and the smoke slowly rises!

The power of demons affects his body, while the gifts of angels strengthen his soul!

But when faced with the power of the devil, the angel's gift reluctantly left his soul and launched an attack on the body that had transformed into a half-demon!

The gentle blue light and the scarlet demonic power are impacting in the same body, but Constantine feels the long-lost freedom!

After losing the power that Auriel forcibly used to replenish his soul, he finally had a free and easy smile on his face!

Something angelic in the soul? That was never a good thing for Constantine!

He just simply likes the feeling after having only half of his soul, giving up fear, and even having compassion sealed away!

Participate in all dangerous things calmly without any scruples!

Now, Constantine began to control this body with the half of his soul that belonged entirely to him!

He will become a brand new Nephalem as he wants without any help from the Nephalem!

Even if he is born in this way, he will not be able to gain powerful power from his bloodline like the first-generation Nephalem, but he will have a brighter future!

Learning knowledge can make him strong, and the shackles that originally restrained him from becoming stronger have been broken!

He doesn't even know how powerful he can become in the future, but he knows that there is such a being among the Nephalem group!

That name is Rasma!

The ancestor of the Necromancer!

Represents the strong man of self-sublimation!

"How about it? Knowledge is power! And fate is generally a humble word for the strong and an excuse for the weak. Do you think I am strong or weak now?"

Constantine's soul was speaking, and at the end of his words, he had taken control of this new body!

How do mortals survive between two or more powerful forces?

The easiest way is not to lean to either side!

"You just took the first step!"

Dr. Doom yelled!

Matthew's blood was pouring into his body, and the blood that originally belonged to him began to roll back in the direction of Matthew!

He saw Constantine's success, but this did not prevent him from believing that he could also succeed!

Even though Reed advised him more than once about the experiment that ruined his appearance, he still insisted on going his own way!

Even more so now!

"For the nephalem, blood is not the be-all and end-all of power, but for demons, it is all! Dr. Doom, haven't you discovered it yet!?"

Matthew's slightly weak voice sounded, his tone firm!

His withered body has become stronger!

The original hair color has turned pale!

On his head, two upward-facing horns were pressed tightly against his scalp!

At this time, Matthew opened his eyes that he had not used for a long time!

Two flames are burning in the eyes!

The rage of the berserker!

After Matthew received a pure enough blood belonging to Baal's "heir", he activated this barbarian's most powerful state!

The body is lifted up and the muscles are bulging!

The barbaric spirit began to push towards Dr. Doom!

"I still have my share of destruction!"

Dr. Doom roared crazily, and he finally found that he was starting to become weak!

"The blood of Nephalem flows in your body, but do you still regard yourself as a human being deep down in your heart?"

Luke put away the blunt weapon in his hand with a disappointed expression.

"Nephalem are neither angels nor demons. We will always call ourselves 'human beings'!"

Dr. Doom became a little incoherent and his body began to tremble!

"Okay, I can solve him now. I need to take him to Reed. This task is much easier than I thought.

Originally, I planned to compliment the great Dr. Doom and get a chance to become a devil.

But the current situation seems to be much better than I originally planned.

So Matthew and Luke, do you want to team up with me?"

Constantine grabbed Dr. Doom from Matthew's hand with a rough movement.

Waves of mana circulated on the surface of his body, and then imprisoned Dr. Doom in place.

While staying on the holy mountain of Harrogath, this scumbag mage was not idle either. He had already gained a lot of knowledge from Zoldun Kule, the super Nephalem.

At this point, I just got a body that can display that knowledge.

It doesn't get any better than this!

No longer needing to be influenced by the will of the Archangel of Hope, he could once again be the John Constantine who wandered around during the day and walked into nightclubs at night.

Moreover, he also gained a body that will not get "lung cancer"!

"Today is really great! I'm going to find some girls and have a good time. I don't think the great director of SHIELD will refuse such a small request from me, right?"

As Constantine spoke, he turned his gaze to the crashed plane on the other side.

A dark braised egg inside just got up.

The life stand-in belonging to Nick Fury that I haven’t seen in a long time.

This black-hearted bastard never fully believed what Matthew and Luke said from beginning to end, and even used a life substitute to come with them.

Before, I was just staying in that plane.


I'm afraid it's not Nick Fury who uses this life substitute to drive it himself!

"John Constantine, you cannot gain my trust, but I have to admit that you are very powerful, even if you are not powerful in combat. But no one will deny that you are a strong man.

Now, leave Dr. Doom to me. You have a way to let Reed see Dr. Doom's soul, right?"

As Nick Fury said this, he pulled out a specially made firearm from his holster and pointed it at Dr. Doom.

"Killing a demon will probably not violate the justice of the barbarians. Killing Victor von Doom will also bring true democracy and freedom to the country of La Tovilia!

Attorney Mr. Matthew Murdock, this probably does not violate your orders, and the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I, Nick Fury, have this level of law enforcement authority.

You won’t stop it, will you?”

Nick Fury said coldly.

It sounds like his excuse was perfect.

"Stop making trouble, who are you?"

Constantine sneered.

"You said you are Nick Fury? As a senior advisor to SHIELD, I didn't know Nick Fury was a nigger! He is a pure white race!

What qualifications do you have to impersonate him? You despicable criminal!?"

Apparently, Constantine also found a suitable excuse not to hand over Dr. Doom to Nick Fury!


A gunshot!

Nick Fury's life substitute fell to the ground, and his skull was blown away by large-caliber bullets.

"I testify that Nick Fury is an old comrade of mine and I know him. He is a one-eyed white man! As for the existence that pretends to be the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., I, as a senior agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., have the right to handle it myself!"

Not far away, Frank Custer limped over, the gun he had just put down in his hand still smoking from the muzzle!

Obviously, Nick Fury's approach may be correct, but there are more people who don't agree with it.

"Also, Dr. Doom is a good person, but at most he is a little arrogant."

Frank said this.

A little further behind him, Gil had recovered.

With the help of Mr. Victor von Doom.

As we all know, punishers must repay kindness as well as revenge!

This chapter has been completed!
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