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554 Friends who know how to protect friends

 "Huh, Reed? Then why didn't you go find him from the beginning?"

Tony said with his lips twitching.

General Ross, why don't they go to Mr. Fantastic directly?

This is not something difficult to guess. The most obvious reason is that General Ross has no channels to contact the Fantastic Four team.

If it was just a simple meeting, it wouldn't be that difficult. After all, the Fantastic Four team would still give the military some face.

But do you want to cooperate? Or do you want to cooperate with the goal of obtaining Mr. Fantastic’s technological works?

This is not something that can be accomplished with the power of the military.

Even if the original Human Torch showed up, it wouldn't work!

"Tony, let's not talk nonsense. I doubt this thing. I don't think you should come up with technology that you are not sure is safe.

Even the cybernetic technology you used before has proven that you are not yet capable of mastering those things.

Unless you can come up with stronger evidence to prove that you can master all this!"

Banner's tone is much more serious. Perhaps this doctor is the most serious about technology among these superheroes. At least after personally experiencing how dangerous uncontrolled power is, he is still afraid of all possible risks!

"Prove? How do you want me to prove it? Do you want me to put on this suit myself and stuff that hammer into your face?

Although I don't know how this thing works, what I can guarantee is that this thing has energy absorption capabilities that are beyond your understanding.

Neither you nor the Hulk over there, I think, can survive this kind of technology.

And this is just part of what I know about this technology!”

Tony's tone also became rude, which made Colonel Rhodes, who was caught in the middle, a little nervous.

Although he vaguely felt that these two technical talents were just performing, he did not dare to make a rash judgment.

How big is the skill gap between Tony and Banner?

In fact, it's not that big. At most, it can only be said that the areas of expertise are slightly different.

But the things they are good at overlap to a large extent!

Tony is good at mechanical creation, and naturally has made great achievements in the use of energy.

Dr. Banner has been studying rays for so long. It would be a lie to say that he knows nothing about mechanics.

The fundamental conflict between the two is that Tony has a more adventurous spirit.

"Our purpose has been told to you from the beginning. We just want to build a team that does not belong to SHIELD or the military. And this team is good for you and me.

Although you can always take out your steel suit to arm those around you, this protection is definitely not flawless.

If the enemy is an alien who can easily put you in a tin can, can your suit still be used as a trustworthy means of protection?"

General Ross showed off his airs and spoke with the pressure of a superior.

However, this approach is of no use to Tony. Tony himself is a member of the ranks of superiors, especially his wealth itself is a kind of power.

Iron Man is Tony's personal force, and the Stark Group is his political guarantee!

"Ha, although what you said makes sense, do you think I am the kind of obedient little boy? Although I have a similar temper to a child, I am a Stark!"

Tony also became rude. Colonel Rhodes took a few steps forward and stood in front of Tony as if he wanted to say something.

But Tony hurriedly pushed back a few steps as if he had seen something dirty. This action made Rhodes a little sad.

"Are you serious about backing away?"

Rhodes' original intention to stop this "conflict" was replaced by this complaint.

Tony looked at Colonel Rhodes in front of him with a strange expression.

"If you had put away the hammer when you came over, I wouldn't have backed away. Didn't you listen at all to what we said before about the power of this weapon?"

Well, the Daleks' weapons are just as dangerous to Tony.

"This thing is not just as simple as being able to absorb energy, what I really care about is the efficiency and method of energy utilization of this weapon!

The question of how much energy a person's body can produce is not a problem for Dr. Banner over there. Although there is a lot of energy that can be produced, no matter how we use that power, we cannot show it.

More powerful destructive power than missiles.

But the destructive power this weapon can convert is enough to destroy my Stark Tower!"

Tony got a little excited as he talked, this technique was enough to make Tony crazy.

Although Stark Group is currently promoting "clean energy", that is, the Ark reactor he built.

But that is only progress in energy supply. If we can master the energy utilization method of the Daleks, then human progress can be regarded as rapid.

For example, when building a spaceship, there is no need to consider issues such as charging. As long as enough space is left on the spacecraft to raise some small animals, the energy can be almost unlimited.

If necessary, if someone intends to sacrifice, this weapon can be used to inflict a cruel blow on the enemy.

"Okay, General. Tony and I have made a deal."

Banner looked at Colonel Rhodes, and then said to his father-in-law.

Deal done?


Scientists can't solve anything when they meet with disagreements and quarrel. If some strange inspiration bursts out during the quarrel, that's another matter.

They have already decided on the most basic cooperation, which is the formation of an elite team.

Since Tony asked Colonel Rhodes to appear in front of them wearing this powerful suit, it means that Colonel Rhodes is the team leader he chose.

Tony is a scientist but also a capitalist, so how could he suffer a loss?

"I can trust Tony Stark, but I won't trust anyone else. So I need a guarantee!"

At this time, General Ross had no intention of continuing to perform, and seriously made his request.

"I need you to ensure that Colonel Rhodes will not be influenced by anyone other than you and me. I am an Army soldier and I cannot influence the thoughts of those gentlemen in the sky.

How do you guarantee that?”

General Ross finally regained his straightforward tone when speaking. Perhaps this kind of conversation is what he is good at.

Wandering around?

It’s not that General Ross doesn’t understand the complicated political language, otherwise how could he still have command of the army if the Hulk had caused so much trouble?

But when facing the air force, the army general really had nothing to say.

"I will take care of the local Ministry of National Defense. By the way, Rhodes, do you plan to change to another branch of the military? I can guarantee that your salary and status will not decline. As for the pitiful treatment in the Army, I will compensate you privately.

We can even guarantee a sea banquet for you every year."

Tony said with a smile and the most casual tone.

He avoided the direction that was within reach of Rhodes. To be precise, he avoided the hook and walked to Rhodes.

Then he reached out and patted Rhodes' shoulder, and then put his head close to Rhodes' ear.

"There are not many people in this world that I can trust, but my friend, I believe you will not harm me."

The whisper he made was a bit sensational, and Colonel Rhodes almost nodded directly.

"If the colonel is willing to transfer to the army, I can guarantee that his military rank will be raised. As for the treatment, I can also provide you with a satisfactory treatment."

General Ross said without changing his expression.

"General, I respect you because you are a general, but in terms of treatment, the Army is really not as good as the Air Force!"

The Tucao machine went online and I immediately started paying attention to some irrelevant places.

The difference in military treatment is actually not small, but that is not the focus now.

"But a general's direct subordinates will not be subject to some boring pressure. Or are you still not aware that your specialness is because of your relationship with Tony?

Although this is a bit unflattering, a large part of your status comes from Tony Stark.

How much say do you have in the military?

In other words, how many troops can you command?"

General Ross seemed a little aggressive at this time.

When it comes to the war between the services, this veteran general is so tough that he even doesn't hesitate to poke at Colonel Rhodes' pain.

A colonel would never be at the bottom, but compared to other colonels, the right to speak that Rhodes has comes with tremendous pressure.

Even he himself would not deny that there is an element of Tony in his right to speak.

"Rhodes is not my friend Tony Stark because he is an Air Force Colonel, nor is he an Air Force Colonel because he is my friend.

Rod's own talents are worthy of his treatment."

Tony was very serious when he said these words, and you don't need to speculate to understand this.

Tony is arrogant, childish, and even a playboy. But even like this, he will defend everything he thinks should be defended, such as his friends.

"If you still plan to continue on this topic, then I can only see you off.

Know that the only person your Elite Squad program can find who is capable and willing to help is me!

And if I let out the news that I want to cooperate with the military, you won't be the only general who comes to visit!

General Ross, you are not the only general in this country!"

Tony's almost face-breaking gesture made General Ross's expression look unpleasant.

Tony even put away his casual tone and used tough and serious rhetoric. This clearly expressed what he meant. This was not a joke!

"We can also choose Wayne Group."

General Ross said seriously.

"Of course, you have met Bruce Wayne anyway, but compared to you, I think I am more trustworthy on his side! Believe me, the Wayne Group can certainly provide you with equipment, but the technical content? Ha!"

Tony's words were full of contempt for Wayne Group's technology.

Of course, he still fully recognized Wayne's abilities, but he didn't believe that Wayne would hand over his best skills to Rose with equipment like this.

Wayne and Tony are different. The Batman likes to use his body to solve problems, but Tony's power is entirely technology!

If someone else puts on Wayne's Batsuit, they may not become another Batman.

But if another person puts on the iron suit, he can definitely be regarded as the second Iron Man!

The focus of the two people is completely different!

The most important thing is that Tony's equipment changes quickly and can be mass-produced!

Mark just means mass production!

Except for the "Saber" suit that contains Cyberman technology, Tony has changed the suit to more than thirty years by relying only on his own talent and original technology!

During this period of time, he was not idle!

"Hulk is hungry!"

Hulk on the side made his appeal at this time.

I have to say that this was a good time, at least he interrupted the tense atmosphere between General Ross and Tony.

"Tony, how can I put this skewer away?"

Colonel Rhodes said in a relaxed tone, it was a heart-warming thing to be defended by one's friends.

And the kind of friendship that can still safeguard each other in the face of interests is even more valuable.

Rhodes wasn't going to let Tony lose what he thought was a good opportunity.

As for the topic of changing military branches, he also put aside his dissatisfaction.

As they said before, the Iron Suit has already shown possible problems, so an elite team is indeed a good means of protection.

Even though Rhodes believed that Tony's talent would solve the hidden dangers that had arisen before, it would take time.

And Tony is not the only one who needs to protect himself.

"Tell me, put away your weapons. Rhodes." Tony smiled at Rhodes: "Okay, the conversation ends here. Jarvis, help me book a table at the nearest restaurant..."

When Tony was talking about it, he suddenly remembered that his Jarvis had disappeared in the previous accident, thinking that this was a sign that Tony was slightly lost.

"Tony, I have already made arrangements. The restaurant two kilometers away has specially asked them to make the best cheeseburger."

Pepper's voice interrupted Tony's frustration, and his gentle eyes made Tony somewhat relieved.

"To be honest Tony, I never knew why cheese sandwiched between two buns is so favored by you. Although I don't reject it, I still don't quite understand your preferences. I thought you would prefer those expensive foods."

Rhodes intervened, making the atmosphere a little more harmonious.

"Rod, the cheeseburger I like may not be the same thing as the one you know."

Although Tony did not deliberately ask for the grade of cheeseburger, the cheeseburger he generally refers to is a burger called "Le Burger Extravagant", which in addition to using white truffle butter, caviar, cheddar cheese and truffles as raw materials

Besides, the most domineering thing is the layer of gold foil scattered on the burger embryo.

Colonel Rhodes showed a knowing expression of embarrassment, but the atmosphere at the scene was much better.

This chapter has been completed!
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