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557 The Fantastic Four have encountered something again, and the Stone Man has become accustomed to

   At this time in the Buster Building, Reed was looking at the monitor in front of him in a daze.

The phone next to him was connected, but Reed didn't listen at all to what the guy on the other end of the phone said.

 Because he has a more important thing at this time, which is to see what changes have happened to his partners.

 Johnny was being examined in a large closed can at this time, although Reed still had the task of helping SHIELD conduct some research, and even researched the matter about the Crimson Master of the Universe.

 But these are not that important in front of his companions.

 Reed is a guy who will always think of his partners first when there is a "good thing".

It's just that whether this kind of thing is considered a good thing or not depends on his own judgment. Fortunately, most of the time, Reid's judgment is correct.

 “How is Johnny doing now?”

 Invisible Woman Susan was a little nervous, and she didn't care about the constant sounds on the other end of the phone.

 What could be more important than the safety of his brother? That is probably Reed.

“His body is constantly generating heat, which is different from the previous situation. The best option now is to observe first.

 But I can guarantee that Johnny is not in danger, and his vital signs are constantly improving."

Reed's expression was a little twisted as he spoke. The screen in front of him was full of data about Johnny. From these dense numbers, perhaps only a guy like him who always dealt with data could find the information he wanted.

"Mr. Fantastic, I have fulfilled your request, but now you are trying to avoid our meeting!"

 The voice on the phone suddenly became manic.

On the other end of the phone was Constantine, a scumbag. He just wanted to confirm something with Reed. Where should he send Dr. Doom to complete his contract with Reed?

Reed is busy here, but Constantine is not relaxed at all.

Frank and the Wolverine were looking at Constantine with eager eyes at this time, and their evil voices made Constantine, a scumbag, not even want to tease these two guys.

 Wolverine and Frank's injuries were both improved with the help of Dr. Doom, and these two guys will not turn a blind eye to this kindness.

 There is no way, although Wolverine and Frank have never claimed to be good people or anything like that, and they have never even thought of themselves as heroes. But they are definitely upright men.

The kind that says if you kill the whole family, you won't miss a single mouse.

 When these two guys looked at Constantine, Constantine felt like he was like a pig hanging on a meat hook, about to be dismantled to pieces at any time.

This sense of oppression made Constantine a little uncomfortable.

"Hehehe, I seem to have forgotten to put more restrictions on our travel contract when we signed the contract. If Mr. Fantastic doesn't plan to see me, or avoids me and delays the 'today' time limit, then I seem to be in trouble.


Constantine had some cold sweat on his face, as if he rarely told the truth.

However, this guy's words have long lost the qualification to be trusted. A bastard who plays with the devil and the devil will leave such a loophole in the signing of the contract?

If Constantine had such flaws, he would probably have become a wailing soul in hell.

 So no one believed what he said at this time.

“Although I still don’t know what happened, the smell of you makes me feel a little uncomfortable.”

 Wolverine’s eyes are very serious.

He didn't care how seriously he had been injured before. After the things in his body that did not belong to him were taken away by Dr. Doom, his almost unkillable recovery ability showed its power again.

 Other than the pain in the process, this tough guy was not affected at all.

“I think we might be the kind of friends made in heaven. You need someone to help you do something you’re not good at, like magic. And I need a strong warrior to protect my fragile body as a mage.”

Constantine looked at Wolverine and said this.

 He is trying to divert Wolverine's attention elsewhere.

 What kind of teammates does Constantine like best?

Of course it’s the kind that won’t die! If we need to add some conditions on top of this, it would be a guy who has no family and no pressure.

This allows him to not need to change teammates frequently, and he does not need to feel guilty because he is still tied to the other party.

 Yes, Constantine still feels guilty.

 He is a human being and of course he feels guilty.

 It's just that there are some things that he really can't find any other solution to. It may be that his mind has never considered any normal solution other than going astray.

 The guilt brought to Constantine was about the same as smoking two extra packs of cigarettes today.

 “You have bad intentions.”

Wolverine looked at Constantine with a disdainful expression.

 The instinct of the beast made him feel that it was better to stay away from this scumbag, but it was a pity that Constantine would not let him go so easily.

Who makes Wolverine not have Professor X by his side to protect his soul?

This kind of thug Constantine wants to take advantage of, but there is no pressure at all.

Dr. Doom has already talked about what was going on when he discovered Wolverine and Frank. He is a warrior who has no "past" and no relatives or friends and cannot be killed on the physical level. Moreover, this guy barely protects his soul.


 Who is better suited to be used as a human shield than Wolverine?

This guy's body is probably so strong that even diseases can't harm him.

"Are you thinking about how to get Logan's help now? You might as well think about what kind of scream you make when facing the punishment of the contract would make Cytorak feel more happy!"

Dr. Doom said sarcastically on the recliner on the side.

 He has already heard from each other about the contract between Reed and Constantine.

Sytorak is not on the level of those hell kings, this guy is unique.

 Even after Dr. Doom learned of this person's existence, he had no intention of contacting the other party, let alone using his testimony to sign a contract.

Who knows how Cytorak is in a bad mood? If he is in a bad mood, the two guys he is looking at will be in bad luck.

"Huh? Are you talking to me? Could it be that you have finally thought about preparing a private room for me in La Tovilla? But before I checked into that single room, I had already thought about what kind of accommodation I would arrange for you.


Constantine said without politeness at all, he seemed to feel a little swollen.

This is not a meaningless expansion. As a being who has truly obtained the power of the Nephalem from a "mortal", Constantine can be proud of himself.

 It's just that his power is more like Rasma's, and he can only make himself stronger through continuous learning and summary.

It is impossible to follow an existing path like Luke and others.

Yet who among the Nephalem in this world would be willing to guide Constantine?

  Probably none.

Perhaps I hope Archangel Auriel will be more interested in him now.

 A guy who turns the favor of hope into an existence rooted in the power of his soul and blood may be the guy who is most favored by hope itself.

 After all, hope exists for those who are prepared.

For things like Constantine, if there was a chance for a rope, he would probably wrap the rope around his waist first, then tie a knot to make a loop, and then put his head through it.

 This is a guy who will die on hope.

“I can probably guess what Reed will do. After talking to me, he will fight against all opinions and give me enough freedom. He is a typical scientist, and his will as a hero is just incidental to him.

 And my country does not only have enemies! He will give in in the face of politics!"

Dr. Doom said this casually, seemingly not caring that these words would be known to Reed.

Perhaps it was because they were too familiar with each other, so even if Reed knew his evaluation, he could only lower his head and smile, and then do so.

“I thought scientists were all stubborn, at least with a personality like Tony Stark.”

Constantine twitched the corners of his lips, then picked up the phone in his hand and continued to shout loudly into the phone!

"Reed, if you plan to trick me, be prepared for my revenge! Believe me! No one wants to be my enemy! Even those guys want me to die immediately, but they will not be willing to go against me.


 Constantine issued a threat of his own.

 Such words have enough weight for anyone who understands what the name Constantine represents.

Constantine never minded being treated like a stinking piece of mud.

 Even he is somewhat proud of this identity.

  Generally speaking, even a first-time prostitute on the other end of the phone has to pay attention.

 But the situation on Reed's side is anything but ordinary.

 Johnny has a brand new change, a strange flame!

They had seen this kind of flame not long ago, and it was the flame belonging to the burning angel Ozil!

Reed had put the phone aside long ago and was hurriedly adjusting the big jar.

 When science is forced into the realm of theology, the whole thing becomes a little unusual.

 “What happened to Johnny?”

Susan shouted anxiously.

This was not the first time she had shouted like this while Reed was operating the instrument.

 Sometimes it even makes people wonder how many of the accidents that occurred in Reed's experiments were due to the influence of the Invisible Woman.

“I’m trying to figure this out, Susan, trust me, I’ll take care of it!”

 Reed simply gave his statement.

Mr. Fantastic Reed's integrity is much better than that of another famous scientist. At least he has never used violence against Susan.

The stone man holding a bowl of salad outside the laboratory opened the door of the laboratory and walked in, then skillfully led Susan out of the laboratory.

Anyway, this is not the first time this has happened, and the stone man has no opinion on it.

Johnny, the second-generation Human Torch, is always the one who causes trouble first. Susan worries about her brother and then quarrels with Reed.

The Thing is either waiting for action without saying a word, or he is trying to persuade the Fantastic Four to each other like he is doing now.

 To be honest, the stone types of the Stone Man can probably be described as “foundation stones”.

The Fantastic Four team is indispensable.

Johnny causes trouble, Reed solves it, Susan creates tension, and the stone man just acts as his stone.

It's always like this, the stone man is probably used to it.

The stone man took Susan out of the laboratory, and then only Reed and Johnny were left in the laboratory, and of course the phone that kept calling Constantine's "threat".

Stone Man believes that everything will return to the right path, just like in the past.

 At most, Johnny once again broke through the large tank that could withstand high temperatures, and then the Fantastic Four were surprised to find out who the real enemy was.

 Then achieve final victory.

 It’s just that something seems to be missing this time?

The stone man scratched his head, and a pile of stone powder fell from his body due to the friction of the stone.

 “By the way, it’s Victor!”

 The stone man suddenly understood!

 When they encounter trouble, they always see Dr. Doom's figure. Why don't they seem to see each other this time?

The stone man didn't know that Constantine was already anxious on the other side of the phone in the laboratory.

 The meeting between Dr. Doom and Reed is necessary, and it is also the prerequisite for his next plan.

If Dr. Doom fails to meet Reed as originally planned, a lot of things will go to waste.

“Ms. Susan, and Ben, are you in any trouble?”

As the new Captain America, Bucky came over with his shield, staring at the stone man with his eyes. He spoke in a very sincere tone.

Everything about this guy seemed to be moving closer to Steve's style. In order not to appear rude and create possible misunderstandings, he didn't even look at Susan when he spoke.

According to the information he obtained from SHIELD about the relationship between the Fantastic Four, he was afraid that he would become a tool in the feud between the Invisible Woman and Mr. Fantastic.

 Compared with this, the simple and direct stone man is more suitable for dealing with.

"Well, I'm sorry, Mr. Bucky. Reed is busy with Johnny's affairs over there. You know, there have been some changes in Johnny's body after the previous battle that we haven't figured out yet."

 The stone man naturally took over the topic, and he sensed the same kind of smell from Bucky's body.

The kind of smell that doesn't like trouble and is too lazy to use your brain for everything.

“By the way, let’s talk about the connection between you and Cytorak now. I’m quite interested in this story.”

As the stone man spoke, he sat directly on his special sofa. The salad in his hand was placed on the table, and the spoon inside trembled.

His movements were a bit rough. He was not such a rough guy before he turned into a stone man.

 It's just that now his movements seem to be a little too rough.

 As for the utensils in the salad, why are they not forks?

That was when the stone man ate salad with a fork last time, he accidentally swallowed the front end of the metal fork together.

 Although this is not a big deal for a stone whose whole body can't even bleed, it is still a bit strange.

“This is all just an accident. I seem to have only one mission after becoming a red tank, and I even feel that the master doesn’t pay much attention to this mission.

 He asked me to give Belial a hard blow, but he never urged me."

Bucky followed the stone man's wishes and sat on the sofa, and talked about his experience of becoming a red tank with some helplessness.

At this time, the fragments of the power of lies finally spread into the Buster Building!

Red Tank Bucky immediately felt the power from Bile, and Cytorak's order immediately came to his mind!

 He has to go find that guy from Belial.

Sytorak himself did not force Bucky to actively search for this matter. At first, he just asked Bucky to beat Billie directly when he met him.

 But now that Bucky has come into contact with Bile’s power, this mission has naturally been activated!

The initial location of the spread of the power of lies, Gotham City where Batman and Rorschach are located, has been completely plunged into chaos.

That is not the Gotham City that follows the criminal order, nor is it the Gotham City that listens to Wayne's opinions, or even the Gotham City that looks forward to Batman!

There is nothing but chaos in this place now!

 The Joker and his "little pumpkin" are dancing in the chaotic Gotham City.

Jumping from one end of the street to the other, shooting several idiots who didn't know who the clown was.

At this time, it is almost impossible to tell who is the clown.

Anyway, this clown was smiling brightly along the way with his Harley Quinn.

 The dancing steps splash up the water on the ground, and then the water drops fall down.

Those fools who didn’t understand the situation fell to the ground along with their brains and blood.

There seems to be a strange sense of beauty in the weirdness...

This chapter has been completed!
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