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559 Jorez and Baal's Friendship

 At the same time, in the Burning Hell, it is on the boundary line that separates the Burning Hell from this world.

You can almost tell the difference between the two lands just by looking at them.

Although one side is deserted, there are no openings that are constantly opening, and there are no densely packed demons crawling out from below.

At this time, the ancestral spirit who was once called a warrior stood here.

Although his current position is far away from Baal who is sitting high on the throne, the eyes of the two beings are intersecting at this time.

This kind of tacit understanding can only be cultivated after getting along for a long time. Choriz and Barr are definitely not strangers.

Perhaps no one among the ancestor spirits is more familiar with Baal than Joriz.

Even if there is nothing that cannot be said between the two beings, it is already very troublesome to meet a hell demon.

Especially the existence of Paladins and Templars, these two professions are different from Crusaders like Johanna.

They need to be more fanatical.

"Joriz, are you willing to be corrupted by me now? At this time? If I remember correctly, you should have nothing left. At most, there is only a little bit of legend left to stay on the mountain where you have high hopes.


The moment Baal spoke, his mind was already in front of Joriz, and the two beings just looked at each other through the light barrier used to divide this world and the burning hell.

Neither of the two entities chose to make any move towards the other side at this time.

This can be considered a tacit understanding.

As barbarians, Choriz and Hell Demon Lord Baal both knew that they could only communicate under the current situation where they could not contact each other.

When the barrier disappears, it's a fight between barbarians and demons.

Generally speaking, neither existence will break this barrier, even if that barrier may be destroyed by a slightly stronger wind.

"What do you want to know from me?"

There was anger in Joriz's eyes, and the source of this anger was the hell demon in front of him.

When did Baal get better than Diavolo? Because this guy has no demands, when he wants to get something, his tightly grabbing hands can remind people of the most powerful pliers.

That feeling is definitely no better than the feeling of that bug in Duriel pulling out his teeth with pliers, and even having his knuckles crushed bit by bit is no more painful than Baal's greedy gaze!

These are things that Joe Ruiz has experienced before, and his judgment can be said to be "authoritative".

"If I wanted to know something about fate from you and Leiko at the beginning, then now you no longer have the news that I have to know.

But you actually appear in front of me at this time?

It seems that the barbarians on Mount Harrogath are not all mortals."

Barr didn't smile at all, even though his tone of voice was very frivolous.

Perhaps arrogance is the most appropriate way to describe his performance at this time, but Barr never lets himself act arrogant.

He only wants to destroy, and he only wants to be destruction.

"If any of us is truly alive, I'm afraid you can no longer talk to me like this!

I remember that what I promised you has been completed long ago, and even the agreement between us has ended long ago.

Aren't you curious why I appear here at this time, in front of the arrogant Demon God of Destruction who has captured part of Leiko's soul?

Of course, those things you did have long become a thing of the past, and you can only be called a ‘demon’ in my eyes.”

When Joriz spoke, he seemed to be somewhat free and easy about what he said, but his tightly clenched fists showed his inner uneasiness.


The pseudonym of Joe Ruiz, in order to earn enough money to redeem his lover.

It sounds like a romantic story with a bit of black humor, but only the man himself knows how much pain and anger it contains.

By the way, Joe Ritz is now a dead person, a male ancestral spirit?

"There is almost no need to guess what you want to do when you come to me. What can you get from me?

I only have one thing that can interest you, so why can't you wait to destroy it now?

Or have you said that you have found an opportunity to completely destroy Malthael's will?

Or maybe those 'noble' ancestors on Mount Harrogas finally had some selfish motives and planned to blow up the damn mountain again and gain freedom."

Barr spoke slowly, without taking Joe Ritz into his eyes.

Although the fact that Joriz could appear in front of him now still interested him, Barr didn't intend to explore these things.

Because knowing this will not help his goals.

As for true "freedom", this is a somewhat regrettable thing.

Even though all Nephalem would feel uncomfortable with the description of the mortal heart, they would not deny it.

People are subject to change, and Baal never believed that the Nephalem would always uphold their original intentions.

Perhaps one of the ancestors of the Holy Mountain can't stand the feeling of becoming one with a mountain after closing his eyes.

Even the hatred that goes deep into the bone marrow will one day melt away. When the dream of revenge is realized or there is no hope of realizing it, the hatred will also disappear over time.

"Okay Joe Ritz! I have never remembered you being such a hesitant guy. If you have anything to say, just tell me. After you finish speaking, I can wait for the day you want to come."

Barr showed signs of irritation, and everything around him began to crackle like glass under pressure.

The hell demon even yawned, and his dark, bottomless throat was revealed in front of Joriz.

"We are all dead, and dead people shouldn't interfere too much.

I’m just here to tell you that what you’re expecting is impossible! No matter whether you have truly reached the emotionless end point or you have been killed, only the one that represents your identity is left.


You can't even get what you want!"

When Joriz was speaking, his whole head was squeezed on top of the light shield. The power of hell burned his face bit by bit, and bursts of smoke were rising upwards.

It seems that Joriz is more of a devil than Barr at this time.

"You're just here to tell me this? Stop joking. Guys like you are like maggots in the swamp! No matter if there is any chance, guys like you will never give up.

Are you trying to kill me here!?"

Barr looked at the ugly face and suddenly laughed.

"You want to kill me? That's great! You want to challenge me? Huh? No! You're just here to die!

But I will not grant your humble wish!"

Barr said while smiling.

When one person challenges another person, there may be various reasons.

But the most fundamental point is to feel stronger than the other person.

Joe Ritz is brave, but not an arrogant maniac.

What he is doing now is seeking death!

"Joriz! You exchanged a piece of your wife's soul from me! But you finally found that that piece of soul can't return to the Leiko you are familiar with, right?

And you think just killing me can change this outcome?

Ha! Then what do you think the piece of soul that Leiko is missing represents?

Is it a memory like Bulcasso? Or a feeling? Or... is it love for you? "

Barr kept chattering. He had said too many words at this time. When he was with his brothers and sisters, he would not have said so many words for many years.

In the past, when there was only endless fighting, he didn't even bother to send out a war cry.

Because that will never make sense.

There is only a beginning but no end, that is meaningless.

The eternal war has been going on for countless years, and not only those who chose to flee to Sanctuary are tired of this war, but the devils of hell and the archangels are also the same.

No one can see the end, they can't even imagine what it will be like after the war ends.

Therefore, they each made efforts and made choices.

Barr believes that searching for meaning is painful and that it is impossible to have a little value in infinity.

So he wanted to return himself to the chaos at the beginning, the time when there was only destruction without him.

No need to think, nothing needed.

There is no boring hatred and fighting, or even nothing!

That is the freedom Barr seeks!

But there is a problem that he has to consider, and that is fate!

What kind of future does fate want? Or what kind of ending does fate dictate?

That's not something that Inarius, the idiot in Baal's eyes, can decide!

Inaris is Inaris. Even if he did not hand over the authority of the archangel to Israel, he cannot represent the will of fate!

Destiny, death, war or everything else in existence should not be controlled by a consciousness!

This is Baal's wish!

More than once, he has devoted himself to those battles with no chance of winning, and more than once, he has watched those humans find a way to "seal" the devil of hell!

But those expectations turned into disappointment again and again!

Barr has already gone crazy!

Who was not crazy during that experience?

Maybe the Archangel of Wisdom is not there yet, that guy may be the only normal person among a group of madmen who enjoy madness!

Because Malthael chose to find a solution!

Even though this method is cruel and ruthless!

Kill all humans in the world, because there is a demonic side in human bodies!

Kill everything related to the devil and let the concept of the devil wither away!

This can probably end the never-ending battle, this can probably bring the eternal war to an end!

It's just that crazy people are starting to enjoy the madness!

"Barr, whose hands do you want to die in?"

Joriz looked at Barr inside, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to have gotten to know the Demon God of Destruction all over again, his eyes were deep and calm.

"Whose hands do I want to die at? Thank you so much! Thank you guys for finally seeing me as a person like you.

The Demon King of Hell and the Archangel will not die, just like the unlucky Leoric, we can only disappear but not be killed."

Barr looked at the quiet Joriz in front of him, and seemed to see his elder brother in a trance.

Not the Mephisto who entrusted the knowledge to him, but the Mephisto who once mastered the knowledge and was full of hatred and anger!

At that time, the Demon God of Hatred was the real master of the Burning Hell!

"The eldest brother at that time might have foreseen it a long time ago? So he chose ignorance?"

Barr's laughter gradually subsided, and after he was completely quiet, he slowly said this sentence.

"Joriz, do you think ignorance is happiness or pain?"

Barr stretched out an index finger with his human-like hand and gently touched the light shield of the Burning Hell.

His movements seemed to be waiting for Joe Ruiz to touch his fingers through the light shield like him.

"Powerlessness is the pain."

Joriz slowly raised the confrontation in his hand and stabbed Barr hard on the other side of the light barrier.

But there was no response, Joriz's power was not enough to shake the mask.

This warrior is not weak, but facing this light shield that even beings like the three ancestors cannot directly break, he is definitely not powerful.

"So, you can feel the pain now! I can't do anything about Leiko, and the same goes for you!"

Barr said this, and his dark eyes, which no one had carefully explored, reflected a meaningful light like a black agate.

"Then now comes the second thing! Diavolo, what do you want!?"

Joriz looked at Barr firmly, as if he was sure that the other party would tell him.

Joriz looked very strange when he asked such a question, and Barr, who looked at Joriz, gave an even stranger answer.

"He wanted to change the world."

Barr seemed drunk when he spoke, relaxed and freehand.

Just like leaning against the window in the afternoon and feeling the sun shining on his face, he was ready to receive the warmth.

"So now, Joe Ritz, are you satisfied? Or is your previous joke going to become your real purpose, and you plan to seek death at this moment? In my hands?"

Barr spoke in a tone that drove the other party away, as if a rickety old man was tired of such conversations, and the rising fatigue in his body took away all his energy.

"In the current Holy Mountain of Harrogath, Volusk is not able to sort out all the power like Kanai. Maybe after giving him some time, he can take on this responsibility well, but I am not sure how long it will take.

Maybe a day? Maybe years.”

Joriz revealed a piece of news that the Demon King of Hell should not know.

"What do you want me to do? Go to your holy mountain in person, now that I can't get away from Bulkeso? When courage and hope are there, while you are waiting for Malthael

The winner has not been decided yet?

Stop making trouble, I just want to be at peace and not feel the pain anymore.

Now I'm going to be a guest at your home? Do you really think I will get your hospitality instead of having the experience of being 'killed' in advance?

Joe Ritz, you know, no matter how many things you do for your lover, and no matter how many years later she will know everything you have done for her, she will not be grateful to you!

You just moved yourself. The courage required to accept the love of others is more magnificent than simply giving. If you don't want to believe it, you can consult the stubborn Imprius.

These are what he told me back then."

Barr's figure flashed and returned to his throne.

He paralyzed his body and placed it like a puddle of mud on what was said to be a throne. In fact, it was just a few stones that would not be born in the burning hell and could be seen everywhere in the sanctuary.

The burning hell is destined to be barren!

Just like the high-level heaven is destined to have sweet rain flowing from the spring.

"If you had to choose, who would you rather put you to sleep in? Bulcaisor or Malthael?"

Joriz asked softly, knowing that he was leaning against the light shield of the Burning Hell, and Barr, who was sitting in it, could hear what he said no matter how far away he was.

"Udyssian" Baal said the name.

If he had to choose a person to execute him, no matter how many times Nabal answered the question, he would always have the wisdom to name it!

"He was about to succeed. What stopped him? Guess? Could it be death that all life cannot escape?

Is it the fate of falling at his feet?

Could it be me? Or Lilith? Or even Mephisto Diavolo, Duriel, and Andariel?

Israel, Auriel, Imprius or Tyrael? Or even Inarius, who has fallen at his feet?"

Barr said a long list of names, seeming to be hinting at Joriz in front of him.

He didn't know why he was saying these things to the barbarian in front of him who had made a deal with him.

But that's not important.

Barr never puts too much effort into these unhelpful "answers."

"I don't want to know this. If you really have this kind of talk about sex, can you tell me what to do to make Leiko and Leiko become the same people in my memory again?"

Joriz said softly.

The confrontation in his hand now broke through a sharp corner from the light mask!

The legendary confrontation itself is the most suitable weapon for those who are good at charging.

There was a sound like glass being broken from the light shield of the Burning Hell. The demon army inside, which had been gestating for such a long time and could no longer see the boundaries, followed the source of the sound and turned their sights to that Joriz!

The demons looked at Joriz with all kinds of strange faces, and the malice in their eyes could almost burn this warrior!

"By the way, the reason why I came here is not only because those ancestors had some ideas, but also because they understood that, like Leiko, I might harm a certain barbarian, but it would not bring any harm to this ethnic group.

Any threat!

My transaction with you is just me and you from beginning to end."

Joe Ritz said this.

In fact, it was almost the same, but when the one he harmed became the only choice for the barbarian group, things changed.

Joe Ritz, who went by the pseudonym "Vida", and Bulcaisso were good friends. At that time, Bulcaiso offered to help "Vida" get enough money, and was even willing to beat up the "creditor" after helping him pay back the money.


But Joriz didn't agree.

Because this transaction was only between him and Barr from beginning to end!

This chapter has been completed!
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