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561 More than just a shock from the burning hell!

"What's wrong, even if you really had a way to put me to eternal sleep, you wouldn't choose to fight me in the burning hell. You, no, it should be said that humans cannot afford to suffer such a price!"

Barr said expressionlessly, his human-like arms folded in front of his chest, and the feeling of being rejected from thousands of miles away was very strong.

Until Canuck appeared in his sight, he didn't show the slightest worry.

He just couldn't figure it out.

"What's the price for a bunch of dead people dying again?"

Kanuk immediately asked before anyone else could speak. This was his truest thought.

At most, he just said a few less words.

"Shut up! I'm thinking!"

Baal's sudden roar made all the demon cubs in the Burning Hell tremble, but the barbarians stood there, as if they didn't care about this very suitable opportunity to launch an attack.

Only the skeleton's mouth was left open. The movement seemed like a maniacal laugh, but it was silent.

And Barr's body is constantly exuding a strange black aura, which is a bit incompatible with the burning hell.

However, the opened portal is still not open at this time!

"What's going on with that portal? If you want to get something from me, the best thing to do is to tell me your plans.

Or is it that Malthael’s side has already decided the winner, and you think the Burning Hell is a more suitable battlefield?”

Barr looked at the group of people with suspicion. There had been no movement from the other end of the portal for some time.

It's hard for Barr not to wonder whether the purpose of these guys coming to Burning Hell is to send Malthael over, and then make Burning Hell the first target of Malthael.

This is not impossible. No matter what Malthael wants to do, the Burning Hell is where he must come.

On the contrary, the order of battle is not that important to this archangel of wisdom.

If he feels that he is not as powerful as Bulcaisuo, then he will naturally find a way to make himself stronger first.

If he felt that he already had more power than Bulcaisuo, then there was no need for Malthael to avoid him.

Barr was still thinking.

On the top of the holy mountain of Harrogas, the position of the three ancestors could be regarded as concealing Craig within their defense range, while Dr. Voodoo fell beside Craig with a pale face.

This is not because there was something wrong with the way these ancestors contacted Nazebo. Although they have not yet determined what caused it, they immediately thought that the battlefield on Malthael's side had undergone huge changes!

This change was so sudden that even the three ancestors felt that the situation was a little out of control.

After all, everything was fine before, even Dr. Voodoo was reporting on the battle situation on the other side just now. The battle over there was at a critical moment, and all the ancestors were listening carefully.

They are all trying to know from this news who the final winner of the battle over there is, and everyone is waiting for the result.

They were also prepared for the worst, but the sudden change caused all their preparations to deteriorate.

"The souls of Karashim and Vandaloni were shattered into pieces!"

Tarik said this after checking Craig's body. His face was visibly ugly. Even his voice was trembling.

What this information represents is not simple, which is why this calm ancestor behaved like this.

It would be better to say that he did not yell in panic, which is a sign of his stability.

After Karasim and Vandaloni completed the "reincarnation" process, they had already made their choice.

With experience and strength sealed in the reincarnated body, Craig will definitely become a strong man. The worst he can do is to choose to follow the path that a certain legendary monk has already taken, without any extravagant hope of going further.

If we follow the normal trajectory, Craig will take their strength and experience to walk his own path, and the souls of these two legendary monks will become Craig's "gods".

Most of the "ten thousand gods" in the saying "All gods are with me" that monks often say are such existences, and there seems to be no problem in saying they are "ancestors".

This is also the reason why the "Ten Thousand Gods" of the monks are strong or weak. Whether the "Ten Thousand Gods" are strong or not depends on the degree of power the "Ten Thousand Gods" possessed during their lifetime.

Even if Karasim and Vandaloni are not as good as the always-mentioned God "Ina", they are not far behind the legendary monk "Ulena". ①

They are already the kind of beings who stand at the forefront of the path of monks, and there are only a few who can stand side by side with them.

A complete soul means that monks have the opportunity to draw on the power of "all gods".

And now the soul fragments of Karasim and Vandaloni? Then naturally they can only become another kind of existence.

The Glory of Eta!

The dedication of the monks rarely becomes "all gods", most of them become part of the term "The Glory of Eta".

After all, if you want to preserve your soul intact, you must at least not die in an ugly way, or simply die at the hands of humans.

The souls of people killed by demons will be taken away to some extent.

The fact that the souls of these two legendary monks became fragments is not only a bad thing for the barbarians, but also for Craig. Although he got a lot from the souls of these two monks, but now it seems

From now on, he can only rely on himself.

The nephalem also lost two powerful warriors who could join the fight when necessary.

"Whose soul is the extra soul in Craig's body?"

Korik asked while taking care of Dr. Voodoo on the side.

He didn't see it clearly at the time, so he hoped that other beings would see it clearly.

Kolik did not shy away from showing his anxiety, with his beard and hair standing on end, and his evil voice as if he was eyeing prey.

Even though he was the most tolerant of life among the three ancestors, that was only when he was in an ordinary state.

The current situation cannot be described as ordinary at all.

Before, Dr. Voodoo fell to the ground without even saying a word, but the three ancestors all saw the shadow of a soul flicker from Craig's body.

That was not Craig's soul, of which the ancestors were very sure.

There is a powerful breath of life in Craig's soul that no one can ignore!

The human beings created by this life rule can never get rid of the aura of life. Even death cannot take away his life, and the corresponding aura cannot be hidden in the soul.

The ancestors didn't find any traces of angels or demons on that soul, so it couldn't be Lilith and Malthael.

It could only be the Nephalem, but the question now is whose soul is that?

Li Min? Nazebo? Or Rasma?

Among the fighting forces that exist over there, perhaps these three are the only ones who can meet the conditions to transfer their souls to this end.

Although the witch doctor Nazeebo was most likely to be able to do this, the injuries Nazeebo suffered in that battle were too serious.

Even Dr. Voodoo was injured at this time. It is very likely because of his connection with Nazebo. Even Dr. Voodoo, who was the microphone, was injured like this. Could Nazebo on the other end be like this?

No problem at all?.

Obviously Natsubo has also suffered a heavy blow, and the probability that the soul belongs to Natsubo has also been greatly reduced.

As for Vera, the witcher is never weak.

Not only does this group have the best range-to-range strike capabilities, they are also at the top when it comes to instant single-target bursts.

But it is also well known that witchers are not good at things about souls. Even if that lack of expertise is relative, when only one soul comes here, the chance that this soul belongs to Vera is the smallest.

The barbarians have the state of ancestor spirits, the monks have the presence of gods, the mages have the posture of being a witch and the necromancers have the means to control the dead souls, and the witch doctors can communicate with the souls. These groups are all superior in the realm of souls.

The witcher who is good at physical attacks.

Even the Crusaders have postures like the Akarat Warriors.

And what about demon hunters? Their most powerful stance is called "revenge"!

Revenge is only linked to their hatred and will, and does not show any advantage over their souls.

Although we are still not sure about the outcome of our friends over there, it seems that it is definitely not optimistic now!

"Who did you arrange to stop Diavolo?"

Kahn has been holding the swords tightly with both hands, and his look of being ready to join the battle at any time is very consistent with his always serious nature.

But no one could answer this question, because the being he was asking about was Imperius, who was standing aside with his eyes motionless.

At this time, Kalqiu also came to the Elder's Temple, and he even gave up his responsibility to guard the gate of the Holy Mountain.

The moment the portal to the Burning Hell was opened, he roared and rushed towards it.

Although Kalju's responsibility is the last line of defense, the opening of the portal was a complete provocation to him! Especially after Kalju made the declaration that "the Holy Mountain is closed".

"This question should be for us to ask you. This decision is definitely not a whim! But why did you choose to declare war on Barr at this time?"

Auriel was the first to speak. In the past, this kind of thing was done because of the Prius.

But this difference didn't seem to be much of a surprise to the two original archangels, as it was just as it should be.

It would be false to say that they knew nothing about the changes that had taken place, but now no one could stand in front of them and question them.

The strongest barbarian on the Holy Mountain has now gone to the Burning Hell. Who will face the Archangel?

The three ancestors have the ability to fight one of them, but they are not arrogant enough to think that they can face hope and courage at the same time.

As for the rest of the ancestors joining forces?

Together, they might be able to win a battle with an archangel, but that kind of victory would be worthless.

Archangels will be reborn in higher heavens after death, but dead people who have died once will not get this opportunity again.

Even the three most special ancestors on the Holy Mountain do not have this ability.

"Archangel, you are a little presumptuous!"

Kahn raised his eyes and looked at the damaged throne in the Temple of the Elders, and twitched his lips as he spoke.

Now is not the time to engage in such a conflict. This behavior is undoubtedly the beginning of mutual distrust between the two parties.

But this place is the Holy Mountain of Harrogath, the Temple of the Elders!

"Okay, Auriel. You are not suitable for fighting, and now is not the time to fight."

Because Prius finally spoke, this archangel known for his "recklessness" never strayed from "fighting", but his performance showed no intention of fighting at all.

He finally opened his eyes and looked at the portal that opened not far away!

This matter is not that difficult to find out, it's just that the barbarians don't want to believe that it was the decision made by that guy.

It's not that the Archangel didn't think of it, he just couldn't talk about it.

Two immortal kings cannot exist on the Holy Mountain at the same time, but who else can even affect Leiko at this time?


What is this guy going to do? Why is he making this decision at this time?

What's more, could it be this guy's handiwork that Dr. Voodoo was harmed and even the souls of legendary monks were turned into pieces?

This is the Holy Mountain of Harrogath, and the second-generation Immortal King who is integrated with the Holy Mountain has the ability to do this.

There's just one problem, that's why?

This approach seems to be of no benefit to anyone!

Or is there a benefit, but it's just not shown?

I'm not sure about the Prius, but it's okay to just wait and see for now.

If necessary, Imprius doesn't mind stepping into the Burning Hell to help the barbarians deal with what Baal left behind.

But before doing so, he needs to find out what the guy who manipulated these things is planning to do!

Auriel also has a child in her belly, two children of archangels.

If you choose to fight rashly at this critical moment, then the Prius shouldn't be called "courage", it should be called "thug" or "silly".

Even though the Prius is "courage", he doesn't just know how to be reckless.

Things have become complicated and confusing, and courage needs to be put on protecting one's relatives and loved ones.

After gaining the identity of a human being, Courage seems to understand what selfishness is. And this kind of selfishness is the bud of deeper humanity.

Because the Prius is undergoing changes that he has not noticed, perhaps he will not express any opinions even if he notices them.

He already knew what happened in the high-level heaven from Anderson, and he didn't show any attitude.

Now he won't show his true thoughts easily.

[Has there been a change over at Bulkesso?]

Because such a thought suddenly flashed through Prius's mind.

If the second-generation Immortal King would make such a move that violated the rights of the contemporary Immortal King, then the most likely thing that would happen is that the current King had some changes that he didn't know about.

If you think about it carefully, this may be the most likely answer!

In Prius frowned, he looked at the three ancestors with the same serious face over there with a scrutinizing gaze.

[Are these three guys insiders? Or are their acting skills really good? 】

Because Prius couldn't get the answer it wanted from these three guys.

This chapter has been completed!
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