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582 Diablo Appears Behind Burkesso!

   The entanglement between Joriz and Barr continues. This is a battle that cannot be decided in a short period of time.

Lea taking away the Shadow Fang only puts Baal and Jorizz on the same starting line. The outcome of the battle may take a long time to come out.

At this time, Bulcaisel was already on his way to Gotham City.

There is not much time to delay the matter with Rorschach!

“Justice will prevail!”

Rorschach said casually, and the hammer of judgment in his hand fell directly to the ground.

The surrounding minions who became even crazier due to the spread of lies and power fell to the ground in an instant.

 The light of justice is shining down, and the influence of the authority of lies is being removed from their bodies little by little.

 But this doesn’t change the nature of these guys!

 The shadows in Gotham City are so thick and disgusting!

Even though Batman has become much more powerful, it hasn't completely changed everything.

"who are you!"

The little guy said without politeness.

 It’s funny to say that no matter what group of people in this world, they behave in the same way when facing fear.

But only these guys in Gotham City have a modicum of autonomy in the face of fear.

This is probably due to their long-standing confrontation with Batman.

Who is it that Wayne wants to be the fear in the eyes of these villains?

 Facing Batman again and again, trying every means to defeat Batman again and again.

 Even though they never succeeded, they learned a lot about fighting fear from this confrontation.

The most effective method can only belong to the clown, that guy seems to have no fear from the bottom of his heart.

 How can a clown who sees the world as a comedy be easily frightened?

Perhaps he would laugh and joke even when facing death.

This ability is commendable, but this man definitely deserves to die!

 “I am...justice!”

 The part of Rorschach's mind about himself had begun to decline.

 After he has completely become righteous in his heart, nothing about Rorschach will exist in the heart of this newly born righteous archangel.

Rorschach may become a symbol in the minds of others, a stubborn fanatic pursuing justice.

 After all, his diary never stopped updating.

 “You are Rorschach, the person chosen by me, Bulcasso! You are qualified to become the next immortal king.”

 Burkeso has arrived!

 There was no anger in him at this time. Perhaps he thought of a solution to the problem the moment he saw Rorschach.

 Anger is power for barbarians when fighting, but when solving problems, anger is often of no use.

  It is possible for people to do anything if they are in a hurry, but they may not be able to solve problems like math problems.

 Anger does not improve wisdom.

 “I am...Rorschach?”

 Rorschach is in a trance!

 The radiance belonging to the Archangel of Justice on the surface of his body became unprecedentedly powerful.

“When I saw you, I realized what was going on here.

Someone in this world killed Tyrael?

 This is a bit surprising to me.”

Burkeso took out a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth.

The eyes are a little twinkling.

 He has never been arrogant enough to think that the strong men in his world will not be destroyed when they come here.

The world is huge, and there may be many things that have not yet been explored.

 But that doesn’t mean the problem will never be solved.

 “Who are you?”

 Minions have never understood the status quo. Their existence is more like allowing these heroes to find a trigger to intervene in certain events.

Maybe those powerful villains would be more difficult to deal with if they didn't have these little minions looking for trouble.

 At least that’s the case when you meet heroes who put personal power first.

 After an individual's strength reaches a certain level, it is meaningless how many unqualified minions there are.

 And among those guys who are obsessed with building power, how many of them can share the methods of becoming stronger with their subordinates?

 Apparently not many.


Burkeso glanced at the minions, and then stamped his foot seemingly casually.

 A burst of impact spread out immediately, knocking down these guys who smelled worse than demons.

Although killing these guys is the easiest thing to do, this place is Wayne's hometown.

According to Wayne's custom, these guys should go to court to face trial, and Bulcaisel did not intend to go beyond this tacit agreement.

 Every person is different. There may be differences in strength, but in terms of personality, barbarians are always equal.

Even if he is the immortal king, he has no reason or position to ask others to break his own bottom line.

 Maintaining this bottom line is mutual respect, and this is also the reason why barbarians can still come together despite their own ideas.

“Rorschach? I seem to remember a little bit.”

There was a little doubt in Rorschach's eyes when he looked at Bulkeso.

 Perhaps he is still searching for his own memories.

“How could my blood be forced out of your body by a righteous person?

 It seems that you still believe in justice in your heart.

But this is not beyond my expectation.”

Burkeso threw the empty wine bottle into the trash can on the corner of the street, and then spoke slowly.

 It's just that his body was not as slow as when he spoke. At this time, Bulcasso was already standing in front of Rorschach.

“Let me see...well, the person of the Archangel of Justice has chosen you, but it’s not too late yet.

 At least you don’t have to worry about this until your soul is registered in the higher heavens.”

Burkeso's eyes narrowed, and he thought of something.

The parchment in the hands of Israel, the Archangel of Balance, is just a medium for Israel to use his power. A parchment does not look like something that can be used as a weapon.

 The original function of parchment scrolls was to record some information.

Burkasso and Volusk discussed this issue, and they finally came to the conclusion that what was written on it was a list of angels.

This is probably the reason why Balance still enjoys such a transcendent status in the high-level heaven after Kanai took away almost all its power.

 Just how far that list can go, neither Volusk nor Bulkesso can be sure.

 “Is justice wrong?”

Rorschach raised his head and looked at Bulkesso, who was more than a head taller than him, and said with some confusion.

 He could understand that the purpose of Bulkesso appearing here was to stop him.

 So he wanted to know why.

 He is now the embodiment of justice, and why does Bulcaisel want to prevent justice?

The impression Bulkeso left on Rorschach still had an effect. At least now Rorschach's body subconsciously chose to listen instead of fight.

 This is probably a good sign.

“Justice is correct at all times, but justice will be a little different depending on the identity.

 Our justice as human beings is to protect ourselves from being treated unfairly,

 The justice of the Archangel of Justice is different from ours.”

Burkeso stretched out his hand and directly grabbed the Wing of Justice behind Rorschach.

 The radiance of justice looks very soft, but this radiance is no weaker than the radiance of courage.

 It is even said that the radiance of justice is the most intense and resolute among the five archangels!

Just such a touch caused smoke to rise from Bulcaisuo’s hands!

"what are you up to?"

Rorschach spoke in a daze, as if his brain stem had been damaged.

That slowness earned Bulcaisel a blank stare.

 The Archangel of Justice is generally a good guy. After all, among the ranks of archangels, only Tyrael has tried to survive as a human.

Although those days were a bit insignificant compared to the long existence of the greater angel, he still studied hard to become a human.

 Tyrael’s attitude of seeking coexistence between human justice and the justice of the archangels is respected by Bulcaisel, but some of Tyrael’s actions cannot be recognized.

Even if the nephalem don't pay much attention to such things as "those who are not of my kind must have different minds", they still need to be careful.

“I think highly of you, but I don’t think you can be a good Archangel of Justice.”

As soon as Bulcaisso finished speaking, bursts of anger surged into his palms.

 Evil is not the only thing that opposes justice. It is not appropriate to say that the two are opposites.

 The most likely existence that is opposed to justice should be stance!

“It would be more appropriate for you to be a barbarian from the Stag tribe.”

Burkeso finished the supplementary explanation, and the brilliance of his anger had already overwhelmed the person of the Archangel of Justice!

Perhaps taking away this authority from Rorschach is the best choice for Bulkesso, but this is not a good thing for Rorschach.

The integration of this thing and Rorschach has already been partially completed, and taking away the authority by force will only make Rorschach become an existence similar to Bulkeso.

 A part of the soul is missing!

 It is precisely because he knows the consequences of doing so that Bulkesso cannot do this!

 “Nephalem are the descendants of angels and demons,

 We ourselves are able to coexist with angelic or demonic forces.

 It’s just that you are too weak to let the authority of an archangel transform you into an angel.

If you can reach Sonya's level, this authority can become your strength instead of transforming you."

Burkeso was giving instructions that Rorschach didn't know whether he could understand, while instilling his own power into Rorschach's body.

 There is a better way.

 It’s just that such a condition is lacking now.

Nephalem are the balance of angels and demons. If we can find the authority of the three demon gods and instill it into Rorschach's body.

Then Rorsha can recreate the power of the first Nephalem!

 Even beyond that!

 It’s just that the conditions are insufficient now.

“Bulkess, have you ever thought about transforming this kid into a prototype of a creation god?”

An eerie voice suddenly sounded!

Huge fear has descended on Gotham City!


 He came to this place!

"You appeared in front of me because I couldn't take my hand now, right? Diavolo?"

Burkeso said without turning his head.

 He is busy solving Rorschach's problems.

“No, no, no! I know that my existence is the biggest limitation on you. I will not appear in front of you easily.”

The fear brought about by Diavolo's appearance drove the minions who were slumped on the ground into madness one by one.

Perhaps the clown will be happy to find that there are more interesting people in the world, who realize the falseness of the world and what is real.

 But these guys can only get the relief given by Bulcaisel.

 With the slight shaking of the ground, these guys who were completely swallowed by fear fell into a painless sleep.

 At this time, Bulcaisel no longer cared about Wayne's principles.

These guys have completely become slaves to fear and have even lost themselves.

 Their lives can come to an end the moment they are swallowed by fear, and what is left can only be said to be the body of a demon.

 “Are you provoking me?”

Burkeso's tone of voice was not very polite, and there was no need to be polite when facing Diavolo.

The Fear Demon will never change his mind just because others are polite to him. This guy is terrifyingly determined and persistent on this path.

“I don’t want you to leave an heir who can succeed you now.

 But I don’t want you to have the chance to be whole, so what would you do if you were in my position?


Diavolo’s eyes flashed with a scarlet light.

 “Me? I will break all your teeth!”

Burkeso said terrible things in the calmest tone.

 He was not interested in Diavolo's hypothesis at all.

Burkeso will not think from the standpoint of the Hell Demon King. This kind of inducement has been proven countless times in the past to be the beginning of corruption.

Just like the cultists in Sanctuary, their initial pursuit was just to find a way for humans and demons to live in harmony.

 But when they started to think from the devil's perspective, each one of them forgot their original compassionate and ridiculous wish.

 Corruption and depravity begin from this dangerous thinking.

Without the guidance of the Seven Demon Kings of Hell, those guys might still be able to maintain their original hearts.

 But this is just a hypothesis.

The Seven Demon Kings are there, and no one can know what would happen in the world without the Demon King of Hell.

“I just want to stop you from doing something, why are you so angry?”

Diavolo said with a low laugh, and the nauseating feeling had already climbed into Bulcasso's heart.

 This guy’s purpose has been made very clear.

 He does not want Bulkeso to rescue Rorschach, let alone let himself become a part of Bulkeso.

 If Bulcaisel had dealt with him, the barbarian would no longer have to divide and seal his soul.

 Fear is an extremely powerful threat to all life.

Whether it is death, destruction or even hatred, fear is the powerful medium that demonstrates these existences!

 When humans no longer feel fear, they lose awe.

So the incarnation of these rules will not choose to let Diavolo disappear completely if it is within its own power.

 Without fear, human beings will walk on the most dangerous path.

 Challenge those high-level rules!

This kind of battle is doomed to lose both sides!

This is the reason why Diavolo is so confident!

 This is also the reason why Diavolo only had the courage to stand in front of him when he stepped on the crystal dome with his claws as the Great Demon God!

This world cannot lose its fear!

 This is a tacit agreement that is never mentioned between the higher heavens and the burning hells!

Only fear can help them shape the authority that stands at the highest point!

This chapter has been completed!
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