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602 Diablo, the dark soul stone is your eternal home

  "Diavolo, you! Very good!"

Burkeso's tone of voice was particularly serious when he spoke.

He had to admit that he was still wavering on how to deal with Diavolo.

But this does not prevent him from making a decision.

 “Huh? You will praise me?”

Diavolo’s eyes were a little dangerous, but it didn’t seem to be anything important.

 He could not defeat Bulcaisel, who had no fear at all.

 “You’re still alive today! You’re very lucky!”

 When Bulcaisso spoke these words, the two knives in his hands were aimed at Diavolo's thick neck like a pair of big scissors.

 “Kill me? Joke! Fear is immortal!”

 “But not Diavolo!”

 There was a harsh sound between the two swords!

The sound that was more harsh than fingernails scratching on an old-fashioned glass blackboard came out, and the two knives flashed past!

 A huge head fell cleanly to the ground!

 “Bulkeso, this is Diavolo’s soul!

 Although his body is not quite right, it doesn’t matter!

 His soul will be consumed in the Dark Soul Stone!

Ha ha ha ha!"

Kanai's loud laughter rang out, and a huge black soul turned into a jet of black light and rushed into Bulcaisuo's forehead!

 A burst of red light flashed on the Dark Soul Stone!

 Magnificent red, brighter than blood!

 “Bulkesso, I will return when you have recovered everything!

 I hope you won’t beg me for mercy when the time comes!”

Diavolo’s soul made a sharp sound!

 The next moment he appeared in the Dark Soul Stone!

 “Long time no see, Kanai. And Jotun Kule!”

Diavolo is laughing, very wildly!

 He has nothing to fear in this environment that is about to be wiped out!

 He is afraid!

 Fear itself feels the power of fear!

 He is afraid of all the unknowns, but the unknowns will definitely not include the souls of two people who have died long ago!

“You shouldn’t have any doubts about what you’re going to face next, right?”

 Kanai said gently.

 The previous heroic spirit has completely disappeared at this time!

That seemingly quiet figure now showed a completely different attitude from the voice!

The bulging muscles are sharp and angular, and the wild and violent aura in the soul spreads in all directions without hesitation.

“This is not the first time I’ve been to this place. Isn’t that why you said I was put at the very back!?

 Aidan is the strongest-willed person I have ever met, although he is certainly not as strong-willed as Uldyssian.

 It's just that Uldyssian only has one, while Bulcaisor has two.

 Can you really defeat me here?" Diavolo glanced at the surrounding environment nonchalantly:

“This place is basically the same as the previous Dark Soul Stone.

Or is it that your Bulcasso, the best blacksmith in existence, is unable to make any achievements in this thing?

That’s right, the God of Thieves is the guy who knows gems best.

It’s just that that guy is far behind the gem craftsmen in the Immortal Fortress back then!

 You should have no chance of defeating me."

Diavolo spoke as if stating a fact.

It’s just that it would be fake if Kanai and Zoldun Kule appeared here without any preparation!

   The Demon Lords of Hell have been the imaginary enemies of countless Nephalem for countless years.

Nephalem were born one after another, and the strong fell one after another.

After all these years, there are still only a few existences that can threaten the Demon King of Hell!

 “Kanai, you are very good!”

Diavolo looked at Kanai, and the power of his soul began to stir up in his body.

 The Dread Demon will never think that he will be defeated at the hands of a guy who has already been defeated once!

 For the Nephalem, perseverance is not something that needs praise.

 Because these guys are very likely to lose their lives if they face a failure.

 Is there any guy who doesn't know whether he is unlucky or lucky, who will be defeated every time, but can survive every time?

 Failure is death has long been engraved in the bones of the Nephalem!

 Those who can survive to this day are all those who can claim to have "never seen an opponent who can defeat themselves."

 It means the same as "I have not died until now, so I am immortal"!

 Perhaps the Nephalem say that they are invincible, which can only be said to be a bit biased!

"I'm good?

I still haven't figured out how someone like you would judge a Nephalem.

But what no longer matters, now is the time for you to perish."

Kanai held up his magic box like a moving brick, and his firm steps made waves roar in the space of the dark soul stone!

Under normal circumstances, Bulcaisel would have started to ask him to be quieter.

It’s just that this time Bulcaisel didn’t have any extra attention to focus on what happened in the Dark Soul Stone!

The changes in Diablo's body in front of him made Bulcaisso feel an inexplicable and creepy feeling.

 That body is bleeding with blood!

 That is human blood!

Burkeso will not admit this!

 The blood of demons must have a strong smell, said to be the smell of sulfur.

But Bulcaisel felt that it was like a thickened stinky fart!

But the blood flowing in the corpse in front of you belongs to humans, to a certain Nephalem!

 There is strength in it, but also a little bit of barbarian fury!

Burkeso immediately thought of Leah!

This is what happens in Leah's body!

Did Diavolo repeat his old tricks? Leah was once again taken away from her body by Diavolo?

But Bulcaisel’s authority as the Immortal King can feel that Leah on the holy mountain is very healthy!

 This is unusual!

And it’s impossible to fake Diavolo’s soul!

“Technology? Cloning or what?

 But how is this thing done?”

Burkeso frowned, he didn't understand how people in this world could do this.

Both Wayne and Tony have confirmed that it is not that the nephalem's body cannot be cloned, but that the world simply cannot produce the energy needed to make cells into a person!

 It is not a matter of quantity, but a matter of kind.

And even if the cloning is completed, how does this body grow into the shape of Diavolo based on the blood of a Nephalem?

 A series of questions.

 But strength and soul cannot be faked!

“Rorschach, you will make your own way out of my bloodline.

 But you will still be the Nephalem!”

Burkeso lifted the headless corpse on the ground with one hand, and then stepped on the head of Diavolo with a sarcastic smile!

 The anger began to burn, and Peiran's power burned the body that Diavolo had used into pure power!

 And this power poured into Rorschach's body little by little!

 The glory of justice dimmed in an instant, like a crumbling sailboat in the rough sea!

The giant black screen began to spread with Rorschach as the center!

 There is only one color left in Gotham City at this time!

 That is darkness!

Rorschach's body began to tremble, and darkness was being injected into his body bit by bit.

Like a fountain mouth projecting black water droplets!

“Diavolo, Bulcasso said you were most terrifying when you were under the bed.

 But you never emerged from under my bed.

 Let me think about it, when was I most afraid?”

 Zortun Kule spread out his hands, and the powerful mana turned into a whirlwind and began to fly.

Zodun Kule’s soul turned into grains of sand, spinning together in the strong wind!

“I heard that you created a demon like the Sand Shaper based on my existence?

 But have you ever really fought with me?

Those are just grains of sand in my eyes,

Have you ever seen a sandstorm that covered the sky and the sun!?"

Zoltun Kule’s soul completely turned into a sea of ​​sand!

The black shadow continues to expand, as if a giant beast in the abyss has opened its bloody mouth and is about to swallow Diavolo completely!

The sand of the soul hit Diavolo's thick skin or carapace, making a sound like a tide!

Diavolo stood still!

“But have you ever heard that fear can be swallowed up by a sandstorm?

 Fear can only be associated with those horrific natural disasters.”

Diavolo said quietly.

“What if I said that my original purpose was you two Nephalem souls who should have disappeared long ago?

 It took me a lot of effort to bring my own power into the Dark Soul Stone to the greatest extent!

 Let me tell you a piece of news, including of course that Bulkeso who is staring at my corpse outside.

The Dark Soul Stone has long been found to have weaknesses in countless battles with the Demon King of Hell.

Although there are not many people who can take advantage of this weakness,

 But there are still a few in the higher heavens and burning hells!

This stone can only be regarded as a cage when the sheets are placed separately."

Diavolo’s body has been completely buried by the sand.

 Diablo’s voice, which only occasionally showed sharp corners in the dust, was still clear!

“Huh? Is this considered a weakness?

 I’m not surprised that you can make us disappear completely.

But you can't hurt Bulkesso like you hurt Aidan!

 He is fearless!”

Kanai was scornful, and his figure rushed into the sand at this moment!

Kanai’s Magic Box glowed like a sun in the dark sandstorm!

 And this sun set solidly on Diavolo’s face!

Dark Soul Stone does not have the function to dissipate these souls. The previous ones disappeared under the opposite force.

Even hitched up the few souls of our ancestors.

 But this time, Kanai wants an undisputed victory!

 No sacrifice required!

 There is no death of one’s own!

 Only the enemy becomes pure power!

 Burkeso outside did not pay attention to the battle in the Dark Soul Stone.

His eyes became dangerous and hollow, and the aura on his body became dreamlike!

 The authority over nightmares was one of the first authorities he received when he came to this world.

 The time he has spent is enough for him to initially master it!

 He is witnessing this battle “with his own eyes”!

Through the perspective of the dream god hiding in the corner in the dark soul stone!

Conspiracy has never been the exclusive domain of the devil of hell!

 It’s just that the Nephalem called it a “strategy”!

Want to kill a hell demon who has proven that he can corrupt the will of the strong through the dark soul stone,

 No amount of preparation is necessary!

“How could you be less arrogant than me?

Where does your inexplicable confidence and trust come from?

 One by one!

 Those who go forward one after another!

Like ants that can never be crushed to death!

 You annoying little bugs!"

Diavolo used his face to forcefully receive Kanai’s attack.

 The whole body was shaking violently.

Diavolo has never been short of arrogance.

 Although most of the time he shows off his conspiracy to others.

 But before the answer is revealed, he has to be arrogant. That is the prerogative of the winner.

 There are too many things that this guy doesn't care about.

But only the moment of great fear was born that could calm the fear in his heart.

 Inflict fear on others and turn those fears into strength to fight against the ever-expanding fear in your own heart.

 A mean guy looks powerful,

 But as long as he is not completely defeated, there is no doubt about his strength.

 “This is courage,

Who makes courage itself have less wisdom?

Who makes the Archangel of Courage never receive the blessing of the Archangel of Wisdom?

Hope that with courage, perhaps a brutal collision can completely crush this scary thing like yours!"

  Kanai swung his left fist, even though his body was covered with scars in the wild sand of Jotun Kule.

This punch is still resolute and unstoppable!

 Huge power?

  Never had great power!

 There is only anger against all dissatisfaction,

  Anger at all unfairness.

 Only anger at all the lazily looking for excuses!

 Fight against fate?

 Or just want to survive!

That doesn’t require much wisdom! All it requires is the courage not to look back!

 “When I come back, you will all become scum!

 You will be crushed little by little by me!

But don’t worry, I won’t forget you.

Even at the end of the world, I am still filled with memories of you.

 Because you gave me an extraordinary experience!

That kind of experience that in addition to fear, there is also anger!

 Canai the Barbarian!

 Your first ancestors could themselves be called angry demon kings!

 The gap between you and him is by no means as simple as you think.

That is not the strength of strength, nor the level of belief!

That is a hearty and crazy power!

 You have not seen his madness, so you think that the guy in your eyes is only like that.

 He will come before me!

   will appear before I crush you!"

 The outermost ring of Diavolo's body has disappeared.

 At the expense of Jotun Kule!

 It's just that this wear and tear is relative to each other! Jotun Kule's soul has weakened a lot!

 “Boring threats! And boring assumptions!

 Before everything settles, everyone can make their own choices!”

 Kanai’s fist was stuffed directly into Diavolo’s mouth!

Hands on the tongue that can take away someone else's life with just one lick!

Then he was firmly pulled towards his arms!

  Kanai’s Magic Box began to emit a fierce light! It’s just that this time the light was really dim, like a candle in the darkest corner!


Burkeso spoke of this glorious power from the bottom of his heart.

 Kanai is not as simple as others understand.

Who is the person in this world who can leave his name in the legend?

Even that guy Baner seems like a madman.

 But only this one madman can defeat a large group of guys who are stronger than him when he is not strong enough.

Who says the devil can’t be afraid?

This chapter has been completed!
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