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604 How bad can a midlife crisis be?

 Steve and the others are still in the Buster Building.

But the current situation is not that good either.

A bunch of people stayed in this place, all thinking hard.

All I think about is what I should do in the days to come.

It's quite sad to say that super criminals were originally their enemies.

But now, let alone super criminals, there are not even a few petty thieves.

"Is heaven really such a deterrent if it exists?"

Steve tilted his head and said.

It sounded like he was talking to himself.

This is not because his idea is simple, but because Steve can only think of such a reason.

There are actually quite a lot of believers in this country, and whether they are believers or not does not prevent these guys from committing crimes.

When people are in trouble, they always hope that gods exist and can help them, but when they do bad things, they hope that gods do not exist.

Such thoughts make it very difficult for the gods.

If there really is a Creator in this world, it must be a man.

And he has to have that sloppy personality.

Otherwise, it really makes no sense that the world would be in such a mess.

"I think those criminals are probably trying their best to find the location of hell.

Heaven is real and hell is real.

Who do you think the bad guys should turn to for help?"

Agent Carter picked up the teacup and drank slowly.

It's three o'clock, let's drink tea first!

No matter how much you do, your boss won’t care!

Especially in the secret service industry, what you need to do is not responsible to the boss and the company.

The most important thing they should do is probably take responsibility for their own lives, right?

It is best to complete the task. Even if it fails, only the living can accept the punishment.


What else can there be besides a stars and stripes banner?

"What is SHIELD busy with right now?"

Steve asked to John Wicker on the side.

At this time, the only person who can give him the answer is the agent who was reemployed by the killer.

"I'm probably studying those rings. I still don't understand why a ring can create a superpower.

And this superpower person actually lost his superpowers after losing his ring.

Can this thing be considered a superpower?

I do approve of superpower rings."

John Wigger rubbed the dog's head and said.

It's rare to be able to spend some time with your dog. This is a rare leisure time.

"I heard before that these rings are separated from the ring on my hand, but I didn't feel the power of the ring on my hand at all."

Steve complained casually.

The Lamp Ring of Justice is a first-class and useful legendary equipment, but its effect is a bit average in the "early stage".

The effect of this ring is quite simple. According to the blacksmiths, it is to "obtain damage reduction proportional to the chance of blocking."

What is the mere chance of blocking?

Does it mean that if you block the attack with a shield, you still have to see whether this probability is achieved?

"Can you lend me the ring on your hand?"

Mr. Fantastic Reed suddenly stuck out his head from the corner, but no one knew if there was his body behind the corner.

The rubber man, with his power to change his body at will, is quite scary to see at night.

"Of course, but Dr. Reed, is your matter over there?"

Steve agreed readily. This guy is quite confident in identifying his partners.

Based on the character Reed showed before, Steve is willing to trust him.

"It's quite troublesome, we just locked Johnny up now.

Damn it, what kind of thing is the Burning Angel? It can actually take over other people's bodies.

As for Victor, he is calm now."

Reed said this.

If Victor could hear what he said, he would most likely launch a direct attack.

Can you keep it cool by putting it in the refrigerator?

Physics is cool!?

Maybe some chemical methods?

Dr. Doom doesn't care about this at all. Now he just wants to find a warm place to stay.

"Whether we can trust Nick Fury is the biggest question now."

Frank sat in the corner, generally called the "I don't want to be busy and just want to go home" position.

"Nick Fury is an asshole!"

Wolverine on the side tilted his head and squatted on the ground while talking.

The steel claws on his hands were scratching back and forth on the ground, as if they were trying to bury the bones.

"Is this guy really a wolverine and not a husky?"

Luke said softly, he didn't mean anything malicious, he was just out of pure curiosity.

"Okay, now the question is, should we go back to SHIELD or leave them and regroup?"

Matthew tilted his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

He and Luke were originally going to find Barr, but they were brought back by Reed and the others first.

I probably have to thank Constantine for this?

"I can't trust SHIELD without reservation, especially Nick Fury."

Frank said this and made a loading movement with the shotgun in his hand.

There was a click, and it looked very similar to the T-800.

Fortunately, the world is not so chaotic that the T-800 appears.

Although something like "Skynet" is still possible.

Tony has already touched the edge of artificial intelligence.

"What the hell is Nick Fury thinking!

Is that guy just confused in his head?"

Wolverine said angrily.

It was hard for Logan to feel good about the guy who gave him a physical amnestic.

Although Nick Fury is still quite reliable at critical times, it's just that when he is reliable, most of the problems are caused because of him.

what is this?

Do I create trouble for myself and then create an image of myself as a great person?

I can avoid problems, but I can’t! Just play!?

"Maybe the brain has been shaken up."

Frank reluctantly agreed with Logan's statement.

These two guys are quite similar.

Likes to act alone and likes to touch and lick wounds.

While Frank licked eighty percent of physical wounds, Wolverine hurt his heart.

No way, if there is no need to worry about prions, wolverine can probably provide a country's meat needs.1

With such resilience, if you want him to lick a physical wound, the wound must persist until Logan sticks out his tongue without healing.

"If you agree to go back to SHIELD, please raise your hands."

After Steve said this, he suddenly felt very awkward.

When did this country become truly democratic?

Aren’t they all meant to deceive the poor?

Voting by show of hands always feels a bit wrong. It seems that this is not the way capitalism should be played.

So vote now?

What is the difference between this and raising your hand?

Of course there is a difference. Raising your hands will reveal your opinions, but voting will not...

"Forget it, to be honest, I don't have a good impression of SHIELD.

But if we break away from SHIELD, how will our lives be solved?

There are also a series of problems in terms of transportation and so on.”

Steve spoke in a self-defeating tone, as if he was a frustrated middle-aged man who had just been fired by his boss.

When I went out, I found that my car had been towed away by the traffic police. When I came home, I found that there was no water or electricity.

I called the power company and was told that the bill was owed. At this time, I really couldn’t even get a dollar out of my pocket.

At this time, the child came home, and the refrigerator not only lost power, but also had no food in it.

All in all...it's pretty miserable.

"Short of money? Can't we just get Tony and be done with it?"

Luke said matter-of-factly.

Although his and Tony's personalities are not very similar, the relationship between the two is actually quite good.

Maybe the relationship established between guys with different personalities will become stronger in the future?

"Don't talk like Tony owes us anything. Don't take other people's kindness for granted."

Matthew knocked on the table and said.

He said this very seriously.

Luke spread his hands and skipped the topic.

Then a portal appeared in front of them.

The kind exclusive to the Nephalem.

"Hey~Long time no see, brothers!

Did you miss me?

Or do you still want to miss me?"

Just by this way of greeting, everyone present will know who is opposite.

Who else could it be but Constantine?

This guy can't be serious even in serious or non-serious situations.

What's the bottom line for a guy who can think about inheriting the devil's legacy?

"You'd better get out of here, we don't want to beat you up now."

Steve let out a long breath, well, he was sighing.

This posture is like there is no food in the refrigerator, but after rummaging through the entire house, only a pack of expired dog food was found.

And the most terrible thing is that this pack of expired dog food only has enough food for one person.

So the food was given to the child. When the child struggled to eat the food,

The community child protection organization came to my door.


To put it simply, it is a bit worse than the previous situation.

"Steve, I'm sorry, but I need your help."

Nick Fury's voice!

Steve slapped himself directly in the face.

Well, at this time he was like,

Child protection organizations plan to take him to court for child abuse and deprive him of the right to raise his own children.

He wasn't even given the chance to visit.

The middle-aged man collected materials for a long time, found his only decent set of clothes, and washed them.

Then hung it on the balcony (including underwear),

On the morning of the day he went to court, he discovered that all his clothes had been stolen.

The only clothes left in the closet were his ex-wife's and the clothes he would wear at night.

Now he was faced with only two choices, one was to come naked or leave naked.

The other is wearing a tulle bikini that looks almost the same as it is without, and then goes to court...

Is life only as difficult as a child or has it always been this way?

The answer is always.

Life has always been difficult for people at the bottom.

It's like entering an assembly line factory...

There is simply no time left in the day to do anything that can change yourself.

Too bad.

"Why should I help you?"

Steve hadn't lost his mind yet, at least he knew enough to ask.

It's just that the questions asked are a bit poor.

"This is Mr. Norman Osborne, and he wants help with a hereditary disease in his family.

This genetic disease will kill them very early.

Mr. Norman does not expect that he can be rescued, but he hopes that his son can grow up healthily.

Then start a family and start a business.”

Nick Fury introduces Norman Osborn.

And Steve's expression became even weirder.

It's like,

When he went to court in his ex-wife’s pajamas, which she almost didn’t own,

I found out that the judge sitting above me was my ex-wife’s current wife.

He is still the biological father of the child.

Then among the guys listening, there was a row full of reporters, the kind from entertainment tabloids.

"How can I help you?

Do you want me to find out your genetic disease and beat you up?

Then tell your genetic disease, 'Mr. Norman Osborne is a great man, and I have been asked by the noble, trouble-loving Mr. Nick Fury to come and talk to you.

Now I've given you an offer you can't refuse. You'd better leave Mr. Norman Osborne, your loving father, obediently.

incidentally away from his son’.

What do you think of me saying this to the gentleman with the genetic disease?"

Steve curled up on the sofa, looking like "I'm tired, do whatever you want, just destroy it."


A laugh, from Constantine.

"I never thought Captain America could tell jokes of this quality.

To be honest, Nick Fury actually signed a contract, and the content of the contract is that as long as Mr. Norman's genetic disease is cured (through Steve Rogers), Mr. Norman will become the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Constantine said cheerfully.

This contract doesn't sound very serious.

Apparently Constantine forgot that Steve is no longer Captain America.

This thing is actually not a title, but a position?

"So, Nick Fury is planning to let Norman Osborn take the blame for him?"

Peggy Carter collapsed on the sofa, as if paralyzed.

These days are tiring enough, so it’s normal to relax a little.

"No, there is no blame."

Constantine became rarely serious and said.

"Okay, then his brain must have been shaken. He wouldn't have been able to do such a thing without thirty years of cerebral thrombosis.

To treat someone's illness as a favor to yourself, but also to hand over your most precious thing to the other person?

Nick Fury, why didn't I realize you were a saint before?

Come here and let me slap your right cheek." 2

Peggy Carter said with some anger.

Nick Fury's face turned darker.

He is one of the few atheists in this country, although he has truly seen God.

But he doesn't believe in God.

Who can believe that a wine god of thunder can bring a rich harvest to mankind?

Peggy Carter's ridicule was ugly enough, but Nick Fury had no way to refute it.

After all, he signed the contract.

Although it was calculated by Constantine.

"Tell me, how did Constantine do it.

How could a dirty-hearted guy like you be plotted against one day?"

Steve finally sat up straight.

It looks like he's coming out of a middle-aged, uh, old age crisis.

It may also be that the jar is broken after social death.

"The guy put a needle on the white paper and pricked my finger."

Nick Fury said casually, but I don't know if he was very casual in his heart.

"If Johnny Blaze were here, you and he would probably have a lot in common."

Rumlow took out a bottle of wine and poured it into his mouth.

This is how Johnny Blaze was tricked back then.

"The question now is, Steve, can you help Mr. Norman Osborne!"

Nick Fury's voice was a little urgent.

"Okay, it looks like the contract you signed is a bit harsher than the one Johnny Blaze signed.

Should I say that I am worthy of Constantine?"

Rumlow threw the bottle to Constantine.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Constantine saluted and looked a little handsome.

This chapter has been completed!
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