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624 Constantine likes Wolverine, not the kind

 "Logan, calm down a little!"

Frank slowly walked in from the front door of the room.

It's not that he doesn't care about what happens here, it's just that he can't climb the wall directly like Wolverine.

Being able to appear at this place the moment the confrontation occurs,

Frank has worked very hard.

"How do you want me to calm down?

If someone had changed your memory, would you still be able to say such things?"

Logan's questioning tone was hard to accept.

And there seems to be nothing wrong with what he said.

There are actually many people who can calm down Wolverine.

But there are really not many people who can make him calm down from his rage.

For example, Professor X, or Magneto.

One can calm Wolverine's manic heart, and the other can limit Wolverine's movements.

Although the methods are different, they are both quite effective.

It's a pity that neither of them exist in this world, unless Death finally thinks of this.

"What I mean is, the guy in front of you may not be his true form.

Although it might be true, I wouldn't risk killing him.

Nick Fury is a somewhat annoying guy, but he still deserves a little bit of trust."

Frank pointed the gun in his hand at Nick Fury, his action was quite impatient anyway.

It is the most normal thing for Nick Fury not to be liked by others.

Anyway, he was almost used to it.

"Your world may be under great threat,

But so is the world.

You are going to let me help you solve the problem over there, so who is going to solve everything that is happening here?"

Nick Fury was quite confident when he spoke, maybe he really thought so,

I also think there is nothing wrong with what I did.

Or maybe he just did it to protect his own world.

Nick Fury cannot guarantee whether the danger Wolverine encountered will come to this world.

But cutting off Logan's connection with that world was undoubtedly the most correct choice Nick Fury could make at that time.

Even if it's a little cruel.

"You could have chosen a better way, such as convincing me!"

The steel claw in Logan's hand was already aimed at Nick Fury's neck.

With just a little force, Nick Fury's body, which is unknown as to whether it is his real body, can say goodbye to this world.

But he still hasn’t poked it out!

There is nothing wrong with what Frank said, and Logan also understands what a living Nick Fury can do.

In addition to causing trouble, this guy has actually saved the world a lot.

It’s just that there are a lot of issues with the approach.

"Convince you? Who in this world can convince you?

I know you very well, even better than you know yourself!

Wolverine Logan, when will you learn not to focus on tearing your enemies apart?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Nick Fury's calm tone.

Nick Fury is one of the few people who retains all his memories.

He has ample knowledge of the superheroes and villains born in this world.

Whether it’s Logan as a child, or young Logan, or even the Logan who chased the Hulk gang from the future back to the past,

Nick Fury knows it all.

Logan has never been a guy who knows how to compromise.

Even after being thrown into the magma, all the hard bones in his body did not bend.

Want to bend Logan's bones?

That's probably only Magneto can do.

"Now, what else do you want to say?

If not, then you might as well listen to part of my plan.

Maybe after my plan is completed, we will have enough energy to help you return to the world that originally belonged to you.

And then let you set your sights on your target?"

Nick Fury directly changed into a comfortable position and sat on the chair,

It seemed like he was sure that Logan in front of him would do what he wanted.

"Nick Fury, I remember when we fought together,

You always look for opportunities to have sex with me. Now that I think about it, you seem to be testing me all the time, right?

So facing me now, what do you want to say?"

Frank understands some of Nick Fury's tricks, so it's only normal to jump in at this time.

Although he didn't spend much time with Wolverine, Frank knew that if Logan communicated with Nick Fury,

The most likely possibility is that Logan was deceived into lameness.

Nick Fury may have more intentions than briquettes.

"You seem to be very satisfied with the mentor I helped Jill find.

Are you planning to fight me on this issue?

Although you may be able to defeat me easily with superpowers,

But a battle of life and death can never be equated with combat."

Nick Fury was like a child, spinning around on the chair under him.

Frank didn't do anything special, he just looked at Nick Fury quietly in front of him.

Whether Nick Fury is hiding his expression or changing his mentality is not interesting to Frank at all.

He was just waiting for Nick Fury to come up with a reason, a reason to convince him.

He doesn't even care if the reason is true or false.

Just a suitable reason is enough.

"Death is never trustworthy. Is this reason enough?"

Nick Fury suddenly stopped his body in place, faced Frank and said these words coldly.

"That's enough, but for all your actions, I need to know the actions before and after!"

Frank said coldly, and even pointed the gun in his hand at Nick Fury's nose.

The movement seemed to be aiming, but it seemed to have some other meaning.

One action before and after, this is probably the bottom line that Nick Fury can accept.

Nick Fury seemed to have been prepared for this a long time ago and did not raise any objections to Frank's request.

The two guys are very familiar with each other, it's a real life-long friendship.

This level of understanding is enough.

"Okay, now it's time to move on to our issues!

I’m not as easy to convince as the Punisher guy!”

Logan Wanqian took a few steps, and his slightly shorter figure did not appear taller in front of the sitting Nick Fury.

On the contrary, it made his body look a little shorter.

But no one will underestimate Wolverine because of his height. This guy is the kind of badger who never stops fighting!

It's just that Logan is a little better than that kind of little animal. When he holds a grudge, he won't remember trivial things.

This is good enough.

"SHIELD needs power, and there are many powers here that you don't know or understand.

So I want to know are you ready?

If everything goes well, you may be able to return to your world with this power,

Then the enemies you encounter will have a chance to be defeated."

Nick Fury had a rare smile on his face.

It's a bit difficult to see a smile on this guy's face, unless he feels the need to smile.

It's just that Nick Fury's face can never reveal his true emotions.


Logan's words were concise and to the point.

Nick Fury casually took out a green ring and threw it directly to Logan.

Ordinarily, with Logan's nerve reaction speed, he could easily catch the ring.

But he watched the ring fall to the ground and bounced a few times.

"Are you planning to propose to me?"

Logan had disdain on his face!

Of course he was joking,

But when the joke came out, murderous intent rose in Logan's eyes!

This is a natural precaution!

Nick Fury deserves this kind of caution!

What if this thing is some kind of bomb?

"A medium of power through which you can wield the power of your will.

Although I don’t know who has the strongest willpower in this world, but you Logan, the Wolverine who has experienced life and death and never gave up,

Your will should be enough, I think you will like this kind of power."

The ring is green, obviously this is the green light ring that has appeared before.

Green Lantern Wolverine?

This joke is not funny at all.

In other words, "becoming" a Green Lantern can easily become black history.

For example, the one who would kill his own Deadpool who was about to perform Green Lantern...

"All external power has its price. Are you going to use this to deal with me?

As you said, you know me very well.

Even knows me better than myself.

But I never know anything about you!"

Logan didn't even look at the ring on the ground.

Perhaps at this time, he regarded Nick Fury as an imaginary enemy in his heart.

"Dong dong dong~"

There was a knock on the door, which sounded out of place.

"Excuse me, are you finished with your conversation?"


The muscles on Nick Fury's face trembled slightly.

Logan looked at Nick Fury, but he knew in his heart that this was probably not a true emotion.

But there is no doubt that this guy is very useful, otherwise Nick Fury would not have performed anything!

But whether this guy is a pit or a powerful helper can only be determined by Wolverine Logan himself.

"Logan, I suggest you don't get involved with him. The results of becoming teammates with him have never been good.

Most of them died in a very painful manner."

Nick Fury speaks the truth,

It's just that the effect of this truth on different people's ears is different.


Am I, Wolverine Logan, afraid of death?

There may be someone who can kill me in this world, but such an existence will never knock on your door politely, Nick Fury!

Logan thinks he is very smart, at least in a generally smart way.

It's just that his IQ level can only be said to be that of a normal person after suffering a brain attack...

Maybe he wasn’t that smart before then...

After all, knowledge and wisdom are different, and normal people can master countless knowledge if they have enough time.

Especially for Wolverine, a guy who is almost immortal.

"We haven't finished talking yet, but I don't mind having one more observer!"

Logan said with a sneer.

"Ah! Then I'm coming in.

It may be a bit big, please bear with it a little~"

Constantine's voice sounded outside the door,

Then a huge portal opened.

I saw an oversized humanoid thing being thrown over...

"Is this a giant?"

Nick Fury said as he looked at the room almost occupied by this body.

"Yes~ that's right~ it seems you know more than I thought.

After all, I brought this guy here after traveling to a far away place.

For this reason, I even got a big favor."

Constantine opened the door and walked in.

"Is this Wolverine Logan?

Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on you.

It's just that before you climbed up, I asked Nick Fury."

Constantine bowed slightly politely.

Although this action made Logan a little uncomfortable, it still won some favor from Logan.

Logan lived a rough life, and in his eyes, there was nothing in life that he needed to care about.

I don't know if he has become free and easy because he has lived for too long, or if he is used to it.

"I'm Logan, your name is Constantine?"

Logan looked at the guy in front of him, and even used his sense of smell to measure the guy in front of him.

If he were Constantine before he became a nephalem on his own initiative, Logan would probably be full of hostility.

At that time, the smell on Constantine's body was something Logan didn't like.

Although Logan doesn't look very particular, he is honest enough.

And I hate poisonous people.

But now Constantine has a completely new look, and there is no other smell on his body except the smell of smoke that is always present.

There is even something that should probably be named "human flavor".

"Yes! Constantine. John Constantine.

I used to be a private detective, but I mostly did some psychic work.

To be honest, Nick Fury is right, most of my friends have had misfortunes.

Even many of them are miserable, indescribably miserable.”

Constantine said this with his hands spread out.

He's quite honest, but I don't know if he did it on purpose.

Nick Fury only knew that Constantine had gained superpowers, and intelligence showed that he was probably already a Nephalem.

But Nick Fury still can't tell what kind of Nephalem this guy is.


If Constantine becomes a barbarian, Nick Fury is willing to pluck out his own eyeballs and play with Constantine.

Ordinarily, this guy is most likely to become a mage, but Nick Fury always felt that there was something wrong with it.

"Maybe we can work together if we have a chance. I don't have many advantages, and not dying easily is one of them."

Wolverine sent a kind invitation to Constantine, which caused some surprise to appear on Constantine's face.

"Man, you're not going to avoid death by being lucky,

If you are just lucky enough, then I don’t want to team up with you at all.”

Constantine said this.

This is of course a lie!

It's enough for him to have someone as his teammate, and he doesn't care what that teammate looks like at all.

In Constantine's opinion, people who come into contact with him have bad luck.

As for guilt?

Constantine doesn’t have this thing…

"It's not like that it's not easy to die."

Nick Fury casually shot Wolverine.

Although there are many weapons in this room, there are still no Adamman alloy bullets.

Although he prepared such a weapon, would he give Wolverine another physical memory wipe at this time?

Then Frank can determine whether this body is the real body.

Got shot by Frank?

It was fine before, it's not like I've never encountered that kind of situation before.

But now if Frank is willing, his bullets can carry the power of death, which can damage the soul.

The impact of the shotgun made Wolverine jump backwards, but he still landed on the ground. This is probably the benefit of the low chassis?

Constantine looked at the bullets being squeezed out of his body by the rapidly healing flesh and blood, with a look of surprise on his face!

"You are definitely the teammate God gave me!

So as the first thing to do when collaborating, do you have any worries?

I think I’ll do whatever I can to help you out!”

Constantine loves Wolverine!

It's not that kind of love, it's the love for tool people.

Although Constantine is not averse to men and women, he still prefers the taller one.

Although Wolverine is a man, even a man among men, a man among men.

But it happened to avoid Constantine's strike zone.

Maybe this is good luck?

This chapter has been completed!
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