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644 The Legend of the SHIELD Elevator

 In SHIELD, Nick Fury is looking at a stack of documents in front of him.

Not much time has passed, but Leoric has already built the prototype of his country during this time.

The document is about the use of lamp rings as standing equipment in S.H.I.E.L.D.

A small number of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents have successfully mastered the power of the Green Lantern Ring, albeit in a weakened version.

But the improved combat effectiveness makes these agents capable of facing some weak demons.

This thing is really easy to use. Imagination determines the way of fighting, although there are not many people in the group of agents who have strong imagination.

But SHIELD always has a way.

For example, it doesn't take much imagination to ask everyone to come up with things like guns and nets.

At most, the fighting method is a bit solid, but it's harmless and useful.

"Director, Amanda Waller will be here soon. She said she sent you the message before."

John Wigger said while rubbing his dog's head...well, rubbing his dog's head.

"John, you chose a black ring before. Now how far do you think there is between you and Frank?"

Nick Fury did not ask about Amanda Waller, but instead became concerned about John Wicker's fighting ability.

Indeed, the world is in a mess now, and combat effectiveness has become more important.

"No hope."

John Wicker said casually, with an expression like "Are you thinking about peaches?"

Can this be the same?

Frank's ring was given to him by death, which is the pure power of death.

The one in his hand is an imitation. Although it has improved his combat effectiveness a lot, how does this thing compare with Frank's one?

"Oh. Wait until Amanda Waller comes over and test the guy next to her.

Peacemaker? If this guy wasn't too stubborn, he would have been a good agent."

Nick Fury said without raising his head.

At this time, he is still thinking about recruiting people to join him.

"I'm just working for you temporarily. Strictly speaking, I should be Dugan's subordinate."

John Wick said unceremoniously.

He doesn't have a good impression of Nick Fury.

Who let Nick Fury hit and kill his dog?

That is to say, John Witness raises dogs. If John Witness raised a rabbit, the world would be over.

That tough guy who raised rabbits went through hell and even killed the God of Creation.

You can also call doguy or doslayer...

The origin of everything has to start with the rabbit named Daisy...

"I know, but Dugan is part of SHIELD, so you are too.

Okay, go and follow my requirements."

Nick Fury still didn't look up.

He was really tired.

Leoric reached a cooperation with those damn politicians, but in the end he was the one who did the work.

This is fucked up.

What's even worse is that SHIELD has become weird now!

If the boss says anything, he will have to run away and break his leg.

It's quite normal in this country. Most people with tempers don't need to support their families.

Although he, Nick Fury, does not need to support his family, he still has to build his own safe house, so Nick Fury now has no temper.

After leaving SHIELD, where would he get so much money?

"Okay, but you should be prepared to pay me an extra salary.

This task is not within the scope of my job. My job content is to fight monsters, and those two guys are obviously humans.

So if you have to add money, just give it the price I paid once before.

Since it’s not murder, I’ll give you a discount, just two million.”

After John Wick finished speaking, he left the office directly without giving Nick Fury a chance to refute.

When he was a killer, he only made less than 10 million per shot. This was the reward after taking the cut from the high table table.

In fact, the price of paying him to take a shot is not much different from that of Deadshot.

"Peacemaker? If this guy really has such noble ideas, he shouldn't be in Amanda Waller's camp.

This birdman is not a good thing.

For peace? Whose peace?

If you saw that guy Bulqueso, for the sake of peace between barbarians and humans, wouldn't he kill all the people who opposed joining the barbarians?"

Nick Fury muttered something, not knowing who he was talking to.

He is definitely not talking to himself. Would a king of agents have the habit of talking to himself?

Everything he does will have a purpose, and this is the most normal situation.

"Hello, Ms. Amanda Waller, I'm John Wicker.

Of course you can call me by my old nickname, although Baba Yaga is also okay, but I prefer the title Night Devil.

Ever since I found out what the Baba Yaga that Hellboy saw looked like, I didn't like the nickname very much."

John Wick stood at the gate of S.H.I.E.L.D. and greeted Amanda Waller.

It seems that after working for SHIELD, this man has become a little more cheerful.

Perhaps the work pressure here is relatively high, leaving him no time to remember his lost love.

But this may also be a good thing. Being immersed in the past for too long can have a great impact on people.

Of course, it's also possible that he has been brainwashed unknowingly...

SHIELD is good at this, and Hydra, which once occupied SHIELD, is even better at this...

"Hello, Mr. John Wigger.

I don't think it's just that simple for Nick Fury to ask you to come and greet us.

If you are here for testing, I suggest you choose a good place.

Peacemaker is very strong, at least in the category of normal people."

Amanda Waller still has her usual expressionless face, this guy is more like a professional killer than John Wicker.

When there are no emotional fluctuations, it always seems more unfathomable.

Although this girl is also anxious.

"Now that you know everything, I'll send you to see Nick Fury first, and then have a little contest with this peacemaker."

John Wick said this.

And Amanda Waller couldn't help but frown.

This is not a problem for anyone in SHIELD, but the person who said this is a top killer.

"Hey, man! I'm going to take the liberty of asking, you didn't send that Nick Fury to heaven, did you?"

The peace messenger said cheerfully.

This man is quite cheerful when it doesn't involve his beliefs, and this kind of guy is generally not annoying.

"I don't……

Although I think if that bastard Nick Fury died, he would probably go to hell.

Of course, everyone in SHIELD will basically go to hell.

It's a shame that hell as we know it is a thing of the past."

John Wigger's words did not affect him and he turned around and left.

He is still a little talkative.

"Let's go, I've heard of your name a long time ago.

A legend among killers, I wonder if that guy from Blood Sports is very interested in you."

The Peacemaker followed directly behind John Witness and stood between John Witness and Amanda Waller.

Peacemaker chose to become Amanda Waller's subordinate, and he really wasn't threatened or anything.

This is his own choice.

The group of people walked onto the SHIELD elevator naturally. When the elevator door closed, John Wicker felt a little uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with this elevator?"

Amanda Waller said casually.

John Wick's movements are a bit strange. Normally, such a legendary killer wouldn't have any claustrophobia or anything like that.

Moreover, SHIELD's elevator is not the type of coffin box that cannot be seen outside.

"It's nothing, it's just some rumors within SHIELD. Don't pay too much attention to it."

John Wick said with a shrug.

"What rumor? This elevator is the passage to the Devil's Table?"

Peacemaker still stands between John Witness and Amanda Waller. In terms of fulfilling his duties, this man is really excellent.

"No, the rumor is that when the elevator is full of people, it's easy to get into a fight.

Especially after someone says 'Does anyone want to go out before the fight starts?' and 'This is not a personal grudge', the probability of a fight will be greatly increased."

John Wick said cold jokes with a deadpan expression.

If this is a joke.

"How did this rumor come about?"

the peacemaker asked.

"Ding dong~"

The elevator stopped and the door opened.

Standing outside the elevator were Natasha and Hawkeye.


Natasha walked in and directly stated her destination.

"Shunda said, when people come in from the outside and say they want to go to the archives, the possibility of that legend coming true will increase."

John Wick raised his eyebrows and said.

"John, I haven't seen you for a while.

I thought you had gone off to live with Leoric."

Natasha said cheerfully.

"Don't say it so strangely, Leoric is not a devil.

It’s just that I’m getting two salaries now.”

John Wick said this.

"So is there any problem between you two?"

Peacemaker always feels that something is wrong.

"Hey, this is nothing personal."

Hawkeye said coldly, and glanced at the Peace Messenger with his eyes that were not sharp at all.

how to say?

Hawkeye seems to be a little lazy now.

Although he and Natasha were still working at SHIELD, they were receiving their fair share of wages.

But in fact, they can only have limited cooperation with Nick Fury?

"So you are planning to have a fight?

I want to ask, before you do anything, can Amanda Waller and I go out first?

We're going to meet Nick Fury."

The peacemaker is joking.

Unfortunately, this joke is not very funny.

"John Wicker, I can understand your choice of Leoric.

But there's only one thing you shouldn't do, and that's choosing Skeletor instead of the normal Leoric."

Hawkeye didn't pay any attention to what the Peacemaker said.

Instead, he pointed the finger directly at John Wigger.

"Leoric can only give me wealth, but do you think I am someone who is short of money?"

John Witkey didn't do anything that could easily cause misunderstanding, and stood there calmly.

"What can Skeleton King give you?"

Natasha said with a smile, Natasha is a beauty, but she has no allure for John Witness.

In his eyes, Natasha was not as attractive as his dog.

"Skeleton King said that he could make death return my wife to me. How about that? Can you do it?"

There was a sneer on John Wigger's lips.

Well, his cheerfulness is not caused by too much work and no time to reminisce.

But he found an opportunity to get his wife back.

Although not all infatuated people are bad people, most of them are paranoid.

Given such an opportunity, it is not surprising that John Witness chose Skeleton King.

"Shunda mentioned, I don't understand why you treat Leoric and Skeleton King separately.

In my eyes, they are just one person, or is there something I don't know about?"

John Wick scratched his head, holding a pencil above his ear.

"I don't know either, but one thing I know very well.

That means we have to fight.

Perhaps the purpose of the barbarians and Leoric is just to get the warriors accustomed to the feeling of fighting?

Until now, apart from killing demons, we have never killed each other."

Natasha was still smiling.

"Sorry! I want to ask if we really can't get out before you start fighting?"

The peace messenger asked.

A little impatient.

But now he'll probably be impressed by the legend of the S.H.I.E.L.D. elevator.

"Ha, don't be nervous.

The matter between us is not a personal grudge, so there is no need to start a fight at this time."

John Wick smiled gently.

Seriously, this guy is really handsome.

"So can we go out now?"

Amanda Waller took a deep breath, like a sigh.

"Of course... no!"

John Wigger grabbed the pencil in his hand the moment he spoke!

The pencil is dyed with a dark color, which is the power brought by the imitation of the death ring!

The tip of the pencil was stabbed directly into Hawkeye's throat!


A gunshot!

The peacemaker fired the gun!

But he only had time to fire the shot when the gun in his hand and the bullet that had just been fired were chopped into pieces by a hand axe.

Thrown by Hawkeye.

In the past, Hawkeye preferred throwing knives because they were less conspicuous and he could carry more of them with him.

But now he prefers throwing axes because the axes are more powerful.

Fortunately, Peacemaker's ability was pretty good and he pulled his hand back before it was chopped into pieces.

Fortunately, I didn't suffer any serious injuries, just some scratches on my skin.

"Enough, what's the point of this temptation?"

Amanda Waller shouted, eyes wide.

A gloved hand was on her throat, holding her neck.

"I thought you would believe it. After all, what we said is true."

Natasha smiled charmingly.

The fight between John Witness and Hawkeye continues.

But the Peacemaker has been nailed to the wall with four axes...

Not injured.

Hawkeye's strength control is very good.

There are two axes under the Peacemaker's arms, one on the hip, and one on the side of the neck.

The gap between the physical fitness of ordinary people and Hawkeye is still a bit too big.

The legend of SHIELD's elevator is now more than just a legend.

It was a signal for the two factions of S.H.I.E.L.D. to compete.

As for how it became prosperous, it was probably the agents of the Leoric faction and the agents of the Barbarian faction joking around here.

Then it became a routine.

Nick Fury is no longer in the mood to care about this matter...

Anyway, just wait until the elevator opens and call the maintenance staff. In the past, these maintenance staff were almost like freebies.

Therefore, Nick Fury basically did not leave a few maintenance personnel, and this part of his salary became his safe house.

But now the maintenance staff are not only fully staffed, but also recruited more, with Nick Fury's money.

Because Agent Hill said that this was the result of his actions, and if he didn't want SHIELD agents to organize a guild strike, he had better solve this problem.

The elevators always have to be repaired, and there are not enough maintenance personnel to make it difficult for SHIELD to operate normally...

This chapter has been completed!
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