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664 The Cruelty Named Pity!

 "Destined to be strong?

Hahahaha! It’s beyond my expectations!

You actually have such an idea, then of course I have to grant you the opportunity to prove yourself!

Before my body is shattered into pieces, you can fight Hamelin with peace of mind!

Maybe I will end this fight earlier than you!"

Mocott roared heroically, and the arrogance on his body was like a real fire!

Mocott has begun to consume his soul!

The anger Rumlow provided to Mocott was not enough to complete a fight of this intensity, but so what!

A barbarian is someone who will fight at all costs if he wants to fight!

Besides, Mocott has been waiting for this opportunity for too long!

The meaning of fighting?

The meaning of survival?

They will naturally have enough time to think about those things after the battle is over!

"Hammer, come on!

Our battlefield is here!

Win or lose, you will be left here!

You can never leave my sight!"

Mocott's voice was no longer manic, but rather calmer.

The killing intent in his words was like the coldest wind on the Holy Mountain of Arreat back then!

The aura on his body made his figure look like the towering holy mountain that towered into the clouds before it collapsed!

Mokot does not belong to the sacred mountain of Harrogath!

He is the soul belonging to the Holy Mountain of Arreat!

Everything about him disappeared with the collapse of the Holy Mountain of Arreat!

"I have no regrets!

I will let my soul lead that guy to the right path!

And you, Hammer!

As the tool that happened to appear in front of me in the last step of my plan, you die with pride!"

Mocott's voice lost even a little bit of excitement!

His body began to swell!

Those things that made his body inflate were the pity that Mocott had suppressed deep in his heart for countless years!

Mokot the Merciless?

What a great name!

What a cruel title!

A legend who is feared and awed by countless people!

This man, before he embarked on the path of a warrior.

The tenderness deep in his heart is not even matched by Vasily!

The biting cold wind on the holy mountain is gentle, and that wind makes Mokete's cheeks turn red!

The cold made Mocott feel the power contained in the blood flowing in his body!

The whistling wind and snow were gentle! The sound that occupied all of Mocott's hearing made him hear his own powerful heartbeat!

That is the sound of life!

People cannot hear many sounds, that is determined by the structure of the human body.

But when this kind of voice that never leaves no longer sounds, people will feel empty!

Mocott is dead, but he still exists after death!

But I can no longer hear the heartbeat that should not be heard!

The pulse disappears and the body becomes hollow!

As the blood stopped flowing, he felt that his body was gradually becoming colder!

Are you angry about this?

What is there to be angry about?

Wasn't he already aware when he chose to take his life?

Mokot the Merciless is the only being on the holy mountain of Harrogath who chose his own death!

Even as a soul, he can no longer enjoy the sun, wind and snow, or even the feeling of breathing!

But so what!?

All Mocott's cruelty is for those who deserve the gentle treatment of the world!

He restrained his compassion that could escape at any time and made himself cold and ruthless!

But all that never disappears!

Now! It’s time!

Craig said savages never give bad guys a chance to come back again?

That might make some sense.

But that’s definitely not all!

Savages are willing to give others a chance to atone for their sins!

But atonement is more than just words!

If they don't even dare to face death, the simplest form of atonement, why do such guys need to give them a chance?

Want to live as a sinner?

Then at least face real death first!

On the day Rumlow survived Bulkatho's hands, even Tarik, as the third ancestor, did not have any collision with Bulkatho!

Even the communication was done by Mokot, who was a bit awkward at that time.

He was the only one! Mocott, who was nicknamed "No Mercy", held the legendary hammer in his hand and blocked Bulqueso's execution blow!

Mocott saw an opportunity, a possibility that could bring the villain back again.

For the sake of strength, Rumlow did not flinch even though he knew that he was likely to die.

That kind of calmness that Mocott is willing to pay for what may only be a slim chance!

A possibility that even if it fails, it will not get worse!

Mocott paid the real price!

If Rumlow changes, regardless of whether he has completed his atonement or not, Mocott will give everything he has to that boy!

If not, then Mocott will take over Rumlow's body to complete the resurrection!

As a living person in pain, the endless battle with the devil begins again!

Carrying another fresh life!

Living people are unwilling to die because they are afraid of the unknown of death!

The dead do not want to be resurrected because they cannot find peace while alive!

This is the price Mocott paid for replacing Rumlow!

"bring it on!

Look at everything about me, look at my life!

Look at the hearts of those who are looked down upon by demons and angels, those who never give up!


You are not my opponent! You are just a tool!

But I know that the guy who brought you into this world must be able to see all this through your eyes!

Whether it's Diavolo! Or Malthael!

Anyone can do it!

Look! Look at the gentleness and courage that people have!"

Mocott spoke passionate words in the calmest and coldest tone!

Then the soul exploded suddenly!

It turned into a light as gentle as lake water!


Nephalem involved in legend will have a place like this.

It’s just that some people like to turn it into a battlefield, while others turn their field into the only harbor in their hearts!

Mocott is the latter!

And this is also the first time he has shown his field!

"The cruelty called pity!"

The huge figure of the hammer disappeared together with Mocott!

This battle will eventually end.

But the grinding hammer can't appear again!

This realm is the prison of Mocott's compassion for himself!

It is a dark room seeking redemption!

There is no exit inside!

All that is left is Mocott’s scarred compassion!

The only one who can come out of this is the merciless Mocott!

If Mokot does not win, then this is an unknown space that has lost its key!

Mocott made all preparations before embarking on this battle!

Although his current condition is not good at all, he is even a little weak.

But Mocott believes that he will come out of this battlefield!

No reason!

If there must be a reason, there is only one: Mokot the Merciless!

"Hamelin, you are speechless, are you?"

Craig didn't watch the fighting at Morcott at all.

After he heard Mocott's words, he already understood the situation!

He won't stop it or anything.

Monks who seek wisdom rarely stop others from doing so.

They think they are not qualified.

Yes, who should be criticized?

That approach won't solve the problem, nor will it convince stubborn people.

And this doesn’t seem to be that wrong, so there is no need to correct it.

Anyone is free to make any decision, as long as they can bear the consequences of such a choice.

Craig can't help Mocott, and no one can help Mocott!

The only thing Craig needs to focus on now is the big rat in front of him!

After enduring a round of heavy blows from Craig, this Hamelin finally showed his power as the leader demon!


Hamelin finally recovered his body's ability to move from the cold wind caused by the tendon-breaking technique!

There was anger in the cry!

Waves of dirty smell spread from the center of his body to all directions.

It looked like a plague, but also seemed like just some floating ash that could be seen everywhere!

This big mouse may not have understood what the name "Hamelin" means yet, but he is already Hamelin!

Everything he did may just be because of the instinct brought by the name "Hamelin", but this instinct will undoubtedly make him more powerful.

He did it anyway, because that instinct told the big mouse that he could live a better life!

As a life, you can live "freely"!

He didn't understand why he was being attacked, he just wanted to continue living as a human being.

But that doesn't stop him from starting to fight back!

Even the kind of rat that can be seen everywhere will attack the enemy in desperate situations, and he will not be an exception!

A not too big circle began to appear on the ground!

This green circle locked those dusty auras within a certain range!

Make it dark here!

Although the outlines of each other's bodies can still be seen clearly, interference has begun to occur!

Shadow lair!

This is the name Orak gave this field!

In this field, no one can escape from this scope.

People from outside can't get in, and people from inside can't get out.

In a dark sewer-like environment, the only way to leave here is for the lives in it to compete for victory!

No matter how many people and lives there are, there are only two results for Hamelin in the end!

Life or death!

After Hamelin kills the enemy, the field will naturally be unlocked. Killing Hamelin can also disable this field.

Maybe someone strong enough can directly break this field, but if you have this kind of power, it will be easier to kill Hamelin directly!

The field is not something that is more fragile than the user!

But this is not the scariest thing here!

This place is called the Shadow Lair because the shadow rats here are elusive!

There will be no obstruction to their actions, but it will be difficult for anyone to catch the whereabouts of these rats!

Shadows are everywhere here!

Who knows which piece of ground will emit some teeth-grinding sounds that can only be heard in the dark?

Tough and disgusting!

“How many rats do you have?

The embryos in the pustule on your back died in my attack. Even if there is a fish that slips through the net, it cannot kill me.

There is only one thing you can do, and that is to be killed by me!

Maybe it will take a long enough time, maybe this process will be very painful for me.

But the outcome was already decided when you faced me!"

Craig regained his stance, and his fists were shrouded in a burst of white light!

Heart punch!

As one of the four basic boxing techniques of Monk Boxing, there are not many opportunities to use Chongxin Boxing.

But this is the one with the longest attack range among the boxing techniques that monks can use!

It's not the distance caused by things like wind pressure and shock waves, but the range of effective punches!

Facing Hamelin, a quick decision is absolutely the wrong approach.

This is the same as when facing all boss demons.

But when a quick victory cannot be achieved, you have to use other fighting methods!

Like keep your distance!

When Hamelin receives an attack, he will squeeze out the shadow rats from the Abscess of Sorrow, and those guys will automatically assemble in groups to attack.

If you keep your distance, you will have enough time to react and avoid.

There is nothing wrong with doing this.

Even if Craig is immortal, he doesn't want to be gnawed by rats for the rest of his endless life!

"Devil! No matter what, I can't convince myself to have a good impression of you!

So, my second round of attacks is coming!"

As soon as Craig's voice fell, his fists began to attack!

Chongxinquan·Fist paths intertwined!

Hamelin's body continued to have sunken scars, and his huge body began to tremble!

As Craig's attacks intensified, Hamelin's body began to float!

The punching technique of Chongxinquan is made up of three punches per round!

The second punch and the third punch both have unique effects!

The ultimate goal is to make the attacked enemy float into the air!

As long as the floating enemy can't fly, it can't use its strength to get rid of the current predicament!

Now Hamelin is like a water bottle in a top boxer's fist, constantly shaking and flipping but unable to land!

Craig's eyes were still deep, showing no signs of recognition of his emotional fluctuations.

But one thing is clearly visible, that is, Craig is very cautious!

He kept moving his steps while attacking, and there would be rats climbing on his body in the shadows!

Craig tried many ways to die.

He drowned as if he had just slept.

After falling to death, his body was twisted and his will was still there. At most, it only hurt a little.

He had tried electric current and lying on the rails, but the most he could do was lose consciousness.

When he regained consciousness, he had returned to his human form.

But he can only guarantee that his body will return to its original state, but he cannot guarantee other things that have nothing to do with his "life".

The knife that killed him will break away from his body, and the rope will break over time.

But those things still exist.

Craig thought that the rats would be like this too.

Being bitten a little bit? Forget it, that kind of pain is the worst result.

As long as it is consumed, Hamelin has the resilience of a demon, but he will always die.

At most it just takes a little more time.

This chapter has been completed!
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