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665 Two stubborn people don't know how many times they repeat the past


Hamelin's body was trembling.

Obviously being attacked by Craig is never a good experience.

Even as a "Hamelin", his strength is not something that Craig can defeat, but his rat pack has not yet been conceived.

Incurring such huge losses at the beginning of the battle was not a good experience at all.

Even at this time, he could only moan continuously in mid-air.

But it doesn’t matter!

Hamelin could feel that his body was regaining control little by little!

As one of the chief demons, these guys have extraordinary adaptability to abnormal conditions!

It won't be long before he's back on the ground and taking his revenge on Craig.

Beasts are also vengeful!

Hamelin closed his little eyes directly, and even tried hard to block his eyes with his two short front paws.

It's all worth it. It doesn't matter if you get hurt. As long as there is no functional damage, it will not affect the combat effectiveness of this big mouse!

"Are you waiting? I know you will get used to this eventually.

But I will leave you with enough tragic injuries before you can regain control of your body!"

Craig said casually, his fists showing no intention of stopping for a moment!

The four basic boxing techniques that the monk possesses, when combined, can cause quite a lot of damage!

Especially the phantom body that was smashed by the hammer around Craig reappeared!

The moment the phantom appeared, it charged in the direction of Hamelin, stepping on the shadow rat's nest with its feet, and waves of ripples spread out.

It was like he was walking on a waterlogged road, steadily and resolutely!


At this stage, this is a unilateral beating of the Hamelin by Craig!

It's a pity that Craig doesn't seem to have any decisive means!

The battle turned into a stalemate!

On the Holy Mountain of Harrogas, Bulcaisuo is standing in front of Rorschach in the Temple of the Elders.

It was obvious that Bulqueso was trying to stop Rorschach, but Rorschach remained silent, making it difficult to understand why.

"Rorschach, you can't leave the Holy Mountain now."

Bulcaisel spoke very forcefully, and the muscles on his body were trembling.

Clearly he was not calm.


Rorschach still said nothing, but took out the Hammer of Judgment and dragged it beside him.

The Judgment Hammer exuding the light of justice is very solemn, and this light is also extremely stubborn!

It just represents Rorschach’s thoughts at this time!

“That Hamelin was spawned!

That Hammer was actually the real leader demon, even though it was just a guy who was born later.

Craig and the others are capable of defeating that Hamelin, and they may not even suffer much loss."

Bulcasso said without giving in, he just wanted to stop Rorschach from leaving at this time.

"You won't compromise, I know that.

But your strength is obviously not needed over there, and you have to stay here until the battle over there is over.

Believe me, their victory will not be too far away!"

Bulkiso seemed to be trying to persuade Rorschach, but the body standing in front of Rorschach kept tense!

"Step aside!"

Rorschach finally spoke!

Said without politeness!

"I can't break through your blockade, but I still have to do it! Because I am Rorschach!"

Rorschach said this, raising the hammer of judgment above his head with both hands!

Anger boils! The Hammer of the Ancestors begins to be shaped around the Hammer of Judgment!

The legendary Hammer of Judgment, even if it is a replica, is still a very powerful weapon.

The reason is very simple, because only by obtaining the Hammer of Judgment can we continue to use the Hammer of Ancestors without any scruples, just like reclaiming wasteland!

Rage will be born in the heavy blow containing the legend of judgment!

This is the simplest way to fight to keep your rage forever!

But the target of this hammer is Bulkesso!

"But I won't do anything to you."

Bulcasso looked at the heavy hammer falling from the pocket and said without changing his expression!

Rorschach is already powerful enough, although not as powerful as Sonya and Johanna.

But their combat effectiveness is not much different from those of the ancestor spirits.

Even though the ancestor spirits only have about half of the power they had when they were alive.

Not even half.

But such strength is sufficient on this planet, and can even be considered outstanding!


The Hammer of the Ancestors hit Bulkatho on the head!

Then he tilted, rubbed his shoulder and fell to the ground!

Bulcaisel's body did not move at all, as if he had not been attacked.

This is not the request of the Immortal King to his subjects, it is just two barbarians arguing over ideas.

Combat itself is a means of making decisions, and Bulcaisel has no idea about it.

I don't even feel offended.

This is the tradition of barbarians!

The strong bear everything, but it's a pity that Rorschach is not strong enough!

"Of course you know the dangers of Hamelin!

But you didn't even ask any of the ancestors to help them!

Even Jessica, a powerful fighter, was left behind on the Holy Mountain by you!

But you won't tell us why!

Could it be that being misunderstood is the result you want!?"

Rorschach took a step forward!

There is only a fist distance between him and Bulkesso!

Rorschach, who is more than 1.9 meters tall, faces Bulkesso, who is more than 2.1 meters tall. At this distance, he can only raise his head!

But Rorschach has no intention of backing down!

He saw the calm look on that face that was not young!

"You're not even angry!"

Rorschach muttered, reaching out and pinching Bulcasso's shoulder!

"You don't even get angry at the devil!

After you took away the power of those demon kings of hell, did you become one of the demons yourself!?"

Rorschach is still angry!

Since he opened his mouth, his words have become more and more angry!

"Angry doesn't require manic yelling, I'm angry.

But I am just angry at my own powerlessness!

At this time, I have great power, but there is no way to use my power to help my comrades return!

So, what do I do?

A constant roar like you, or a silent resistance?

Rorschach, the justice in your body is not the same thing as the justice I value!

Justice comes from the heart, not just because you have the authority to be righteous!

Tyrael knew this, so he tried to change it.

It's a pity that he didn't succeed."

Bulcaisel said without moving.

Facing Rorschach, Bulcaisel had more patience and the limit of endurance.

This guy is going to sit on the throne eventually.

Although there is no telling when it will arrive.

"You have been talking about time these days, the greatness and power of time!

But you haven't told anyone what you're planning to do!

I trust you, but I will never trust you blindly like those ancestor spirits!

You have to tell me what you're going to do!

At least, I need to know what I'm waiting for!"

Rorschach let go of his hand on Bulcasso's shoulder, then walked around Bulcasso and was about to leave!

Such arguments have occurred more than once.

Every time the conversation comes to this point, Bulcaisel remains silent!

What will happen next will be the same as what has happened countless times before. Bulcaisel stretched out his hand and grabbed Rorschach's neck!

That movement was like carrying a goose at the entrance of the village.

Then with just a throw, the "goose" was thrown back into the "goose pen"!

"Damn it, why don't you do what you think you should do when you have this time!

You are obviously doing important things, but you would rather spend your time staring at me!

What on earth do you want to do!"

Rorschach was a little broken.

This wasn't the first time he said this, but he didn't get an answer every time.

If his memory was not disordered, then Bulcasso would have taken out a bottle of wine and thrown it over.

Even Rorschach was ready to catch the wine and put one hand into his backpack to take out some food.


Bulqueso did not follow the actions he had repeated before, but said the words "It's almost over"!

Rorschach became even more angry.

The way he reached out to catch the drink made him look like a fool!

Who would repeat the same actions and processes over and over again, just to complete the fooling at the last moment when he thinks it is appropriate?

Although Bulcaisel had no intention of fooling others, Rorschach still felt that he had been fooled.


"I said you'll figure it out right away.

There is a difference between justice and righteousness. I hope you can be more frank and accept the result I arranged."

Only then did Bulquesso take out a bottle of wine without a label.

The wine I bought earlier has been drunk. This bottle was brewed after Bulcasso came to this world.

There is enough food in the world to brew wine, so there is no need to worry about anyone starving because of a brew.

"Rorschach, your justice is your stubbornness.

But Tyrael's justice still affects you.

It's almost time, I'll be able to bring my comrades back soon!

Someone among them can help you get out of your current situation.

So just wait patiently.

I guarantee that the people you care about will not suffer any loss.

They are not strong enough."

Bulcaisel said something different from before, and that arrogant body seemed to be a little reduced at this time?

"Are you going to dabble in time?"

Rorschach's voice was trembling.

Most Nephalem are in awe of the power of time.

If the past and future can be changed at will, then what is the life they have lived?

A joke that isn’t funny?

None of the Nephalem who are closest to knowledge and wisdom have ever had the idea of ​​changing time in the past.

But all the clues left by Bulcaisel are telling Rorschach that "he is going to get involved in time"!

From the beginning to the so-called "secret realm" brought from the "past" to the present, it was more like an attempt across time!

The return of the vanished demon is more like an experiment carried out by Bulqueso to bring back the undead from the past!

This is dangerous!

It’s not the kind of danger that will bring life crisis, but the danger of belief!

"Do you regret what you did before? Want to change?"

Rorschach's voice was trembling!

He had never thought of this possibility before!

Because no barbarian has ever cherished the past so much that he dared not move forward!

Even Joe Ritz, the guy who loved Leiko to the point of becoming a devil, he never stopped moving forward!

Even though the path was destined to be wrong, he still walked on it.

But now, Bulcasso regrets it? Wants to change the past?

"The past is destined, what I want to change is not the past.

But now, and there is a future!

Rorschach, please be a little more patient! The results will be available soon."

Bulcaisel's tone became gentler, which was very strange in Rorschach's eyes.

Bulcaisel was not cruel, but he had never been so gentle.

Bulcaisel respects life, but has never been as merciful as Corik and Mocott, no matter what he faces.

This kind of tenderness made Rorschach a little frightened.

"Why do you think the Archangel of Wisdom didn't interfere?"

Rorschach probed carefully.

This was the first time he asked such a question among countless attempts to leave the Holy Mountain.

After obtaining the power of justice, he obtained a small fragment of memory belonging to Tyrael.

Even if they are fragments, the number is too huge.

Rorschach hadn't even finished watching the scenes of the first eternal battle.

The memory of the Archangels is simply too large.

It was so big that Rorschach wondered whether he might become another Tyrell even if he just browsed the unconnected pictures.

Although this kind of doubt and fear is not much, it is real.

"Because they know that if they do this, others will stop them."

Bulcasso glanced at Rorschach, his eyes a little complicated.

"Your lies have no hidden meaning at all. I remember you said that you never lie?"

Rorschach smiled a little, and then waved to Bulkesso.

He wanted to drink now, and Bulcasso happened to have a bottle in his hand.

"I think so, and I also believe that when I know that the Archangels are going to take action against time, I will definitely stop them. This is not a lie."

Bulcasso threw the wine in his hand and took out a loaf of black bread.

It's still the kind that's so hard that it can directly break the skull of the Sinking Demon.

"But you know, they've actually tried it a long time ago, right?

You know that they tried and failed, and you even know that they saw the future and knew their own ending.

But you didn’t exist at that time?

Indeed, in this case you have not lied, you are still the same Bulcasso who never lies."

Rorschach snapped his fingers and knocked the cap off the bottle, then took a swig of it into his mouth.

"Why do you think you can do things that even the Archangels can't do?

Or is there any reason why you have to do this?"

Rorschach relaxed.

Although he definitely the conversation that follows is probably going to be scary.

"I'm looking for traces of Diavolo."

Bulkesso said so!

The soul of Diavolo who was eliminated before is essentially Mephisto who has turned into a fool!

After Mephisto split Lilith, he took on the identity of Diavolo.

So where did the original Diavolo go?

Even more, is there something in the statement that Diavolo is the strongest demon god that others don't know?

Also, where is the body that really belongs to Diavolo?

Bulcaisel needs to get involved in time and bring his comrades back from it.

But the more important thing is that he wants to determine whether Diavolo is hidden in time!

The Archangels' involvement in time may exist, but their failure is also very clear.

What about the demon kings of hell?

Did they do anything with time?

Or even saying that they are almost close to success?

Bulcaisel is suspicious, so he must do this!

Perhaps this is the most realistic way to save yourself and the world. At least, this is a path that can be seen and set foot on!

This chapter has been completed!
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